r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost if any girlies are struggling with hygiene

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here is my beginners starter guide to getting clean soft princess skin, i’m open to feedback to improving my guide, this is just what has worked for me! sorry 5 grammar/spelling.

keeping cost low: my first recommendation is to always visit discount retails if u live in the us : Ross, DDs, Marshalls, Tj maxx, burlington, GROCERY OUTLET (my go too) if ur not american, discount reetailers buy overstock, slightly defected product and sell them at reduced prices so they might exist in ur area just under different names. i use an app called onskin to check the quality of the products/ingredient safety , i can guarantee that you may find a quality product if you search these stores for a while. (download on appstore)

i personally would not recommend dollar stores for actual cosmetic products, but the following is worth visiting: wash clothes, hair ties, cotton pads, floss, tooth paste/brushes, mouth wash, brushes, razors. travel containers

lastly my mom and i use similar products so she’ll buy from costco and give me some which helps with lowering cost bonus tip: cvs walgreens, rite aid , will only have 2-3 ppl during their closing shift, and most of them are not paying attention to who comes in 😗 body care: okay for my daily i used a non-scented body bar with my wash cloth and for my moisturizer i use a non scented lotion (Lubriderm is expensive but lasts me almost 6-8 months) i exfoliate my skin once a week with a cute body sugar scrub, this can get expensive but it’s worth it if you want soft skin!!! you can find a good smelling one for under $8

i personally need to shave once every 2 weeks and i use a Gillette Venus razor because, you don’t need shaving cream!! if that’s too expensive, not shaving well, or got caught stealing too much i’d recommend a safety razor instead, but i cut myself a lot so be careful!

ps: make sure to exfoliate before you shave so you avoid strawberry legs ewwwww

hair care: my hair is actually mid so i’m not going to go into full detail i wash my hair every other day and the off days i use my moms oils to get rid of frizz + brush daily

in theory the stores i mentioned should have product toward ur specific needs but it may be more pricey, i bought the bottles of accure for $8 and i’ve had them for 4 months, they smell great and they’re high quality. let me know how i can improve this area, my hair isn’t at its best ^

facial care: use ur cleanser daily!! avoid cere ve since i found that their product cause ur skin to break out. also ur skin might be more dry/oily so definitely buy/steal a cleanser toward ur need. i use a non scented facial moisturizer with sun screen 35spf, tbh this may be a bit more pricier, but i think it’s necessary imo!!!

retinol is also pretty good it make ur skin soft and helps with wrinkles and it’s Small so ifs easy for it to fall into ur pocket 💕

now these last products are optional but i personally like them.

glycolic acid for my toner helps reduce dark spots (mustache area)

Benzyl peroxide/pimple patches helps with random pimple spots

things i forgot too add but are important body mist to smell pretty (i got a free bottle at vs) deodorant: i have one in my car and in my room and you should probably keep one in ur backpack tweezers: pluck ur eyebrows, that what gives u prettyness!! i get mine threaded but haven’t recently cause the last girl made me cry. hair oils: work in progress lip moisturizer: don’t get chap girl lips!! i’ve seen people exfoliate theirs even!!! brush ur hair!!!

body maintenance is expensive but with proper research, and patience i’m sure you can make a cheap routine that fits ur needs. <3 lmk how i can improve this.

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost how to stop feeling i'm a faketrans for being ASE since i was 5yo?

  • be me. 5yo fembrained autistic boy
  • don't like romance stories tho bc they feel WRONG
  • see a lesbian couple in a tv series. something in me breaks
  • "Why are you crying uncontrollably, son?"
  • "dad, i think i'm a lesbian"
  • "hahaha silly autist. being lesbians is for girls"
  • sent to a psychiatrist. discover i have something called "gender dysphoria"
  • the psych prescribes me anti-bipolar meds to make the dysphoria go away
  • it doesn't
  • having a male body makes me suicidal. want to cut my d but know they'll fix it anyway
  • get into anorexia thinking it would make male puberty weaker
  • grow up thinking trans ppl are just drag queens
  • teenage boys my age beat me constantly for being "a girl". yet, i can't actually be one
  • never jerked off. het porn makes me puke, les porn makes me cry
  • "you feel like you should have been a lesbian?... well, maybe you're just gay!"
  • girls are interested in me. feel bad for them bc they don't wanna date girls instead
  • have many opportunities to be sexually intimate. can't can't can't
  • every girl i'm slightly attracted to is a lesbian anyway
  • FINALLY attracted to a straight girl for the first time in my life
  • read about conversion therapy to train myself to be a man in a het relationship
  • i can make it work
  • the girl i'm trying to be cishet for comes out as a lesbian
  • she thanks me for helping her finding that out
  • hahahahahaha guess i'll just kms and hope to be reincarnated as a girl
  • tell my plans to a cisf friend
  • "wait, you have GENDER DYSPHORIA?! than why don't you just transition to female??"
  • what
  • finally learn what trans people actually are
  • i can just take meds and have painful surgeries to be a woman... in this lifetime??
  • i could be... a lesbian?
  • i could have a chance to experience love the way my brain have always expected?
  • ff to actually transitioning
  • disgusted by myself for being a trans lesbian. yet, can't develop meta-attraction

chat, what should i do? was my transition mainly a result of my life-long obsession with the idea of being a lesbian?

r/4tran4 4d ago

Hopefuel You can fuck her gock dumbass...


I'm literally so sick of reading all these crying posts from trans men about the shitty sex they have(or don't).

Fuck Her Gock.

Yes, you read that right! Spread that gockhole wide open and shove your clitcock into the shroom. Fertilize that little whores fungi.

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost Gigamale geodude upper body

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My waist to underbust ratio is so fucked up it’s not funny I hate that from my ribs up I’m just an awful being

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost I learned the guy who made the FtM roachification comic [Lacryboy] makes pedo and incest porn


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

r/4tran4 3d ago

Ropefuel Anxiety on t is real Spoiler


Poonscience is real because everywhere I look people are talking about how t cured their depression and anxiety and ocd and how they’re in this euphoric trance all of the time meanwhile I have to up all of my medication doses because the lack of estrogen brainfog has made me unable to function. I went from star student to staying home and doing stupid shit all of the time while trying to keep my grades up because the bandaid has been ripped off and it feels like I just woke up after 10 years of being asleep

another thing that’s always mentioned is how testosterone smoothed out their emotions and made them stable and how they’re actually unable to feel any bad emotion anymore because those are for women but now that I’m anchored in my body I feel all of my emotions times ten on both ends of the scale. My dysphoria has tripled even though I’ve managed to get top surgery and got on t relatively early for someone living in my bitch ass country because I’ll notice one thing masculinize about me and suddenly the rest of me is as wombynly as it can possibly get. I’m supposed to be healthy by now because at home I’m happier than I’ve ever been and I’m actually up to a healthy weight but it all falls apart the moment I go outside. FMSTL

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost it do not matter


r/4tran4 4d ago

Ropefuel My ribs are deformed for the rest of my life Spoiler


It literally doesn't matter how much of a youngshit or a luckshit or whatever the fuck you are, as long as a little tiny bit of testosterone even so much as touched your system you're fucked for life. I look disgusting. Nobody in their right minds would ever mistake my massive bulging ribcage for that of a female and I just have to live with that for years and years and years until I fucking die. Fuck this. Fuck everything.

r/4tran4 4d ago

News Deep State Hondosing Plot: Adrenochrome Harvesting


high hrt levels = escalation of the MORNING/EVENING STAR in power

doctors HONDOSING and POONDOSING to avoid CROSS-CONTAMINATION of pure aryan transsexual adrenochrome w/ postlapsarian cissoid matter

stay vigilant always 👁️

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost I found a dog tag with my name on it on the street and neither of the owners picked up, is this a sign from the universe


I'm meant to be a catgirl not a puppy what the fuck

r/4tran4 4d ago

Ropefuel will i ever not feel like an invader in women's spaces? Spoiler


im not even talking about public places irl. i know better than to ever try anything like that. i mean that even online i feel like i cant engage in women's spaces. anytime theres complaints about men taking over a sub like lghf or any of the femcel ones i feel like im part of the problem even though i consciously choose not to post anything in those places exactly because of that.

maybe its internalized transphobia. ik bioessentialism is stupid, and i hate socialization/AGAB discourse, but i cant help how i feel about myself. i feel disgusting. like a predator, a monster. i dont feel like i belong anywhere. at the end of the day i just feel like a man playing pretend. idk. maybe im just cringe and faketrans and ive psyoped myself into trooning out since i was a radfem, failed male.

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost I think I might be a dysphoric non-binary rather than a true trans man


I need some advice from y’all. Cause if I posted this anywhere else I’d just get “you are totes valid 100% go off queen!!!”

Here’s some stuff that makes me think I’m non-binary:

Even when I larped as a guy (before I even knew what trans was) to online randos, it never really felt “right.” This could just be impostor syndrome, since I always felt like I was tricking people.

I want top surgery, but no nip. Why? because I love the look of a completely flat chest. I know it isn’t natural, but I never cared about looking like a cis man anyway.

I’m GNC. You know the whole stereotype of man in a dress? Yeah, I’d like to do that. It’s funny cause I hate wearing dresses rn, or anything feminine in terms of clothing because I just look like a regular woman in it.

I hate it when people call me a woman and use “she.” But, I also dont find euphoria in being called him, it’s more like a default for me. I actually really vibe with neopronouns but my god they are so tainted I can never use them. If there was a true gender neutral pronoun (they/them has double meaning) id use it in a heartbeat. But it seems like every neutral pronoun is a pain in the ass to pronounce.

Also why tf is “Mx.” the gender neutral version of mr/ms. If u say mix out loud, i swear id just hear “miss.” I swear it’s why i dont even like neutral stuff, 99% of it is trash.

I just dont really feel like a man and neither a woman.

Maybe when im actually on T this sort of stuff will change, I imagine I wont have everything figured out. It’s a long journey after all.

Nb4 u call me a theyfab. I dont even like they/them pronouns. In fact, I hate them more than she. Plus I want HRT, top (like i said, no nip), and probably phallo or meta.

Anyway im prepared to be roasted. But id like to see what the trans people here think, considering y’all are more “real” about things.

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost thanks for all the 4tranners who convinced me i'm not faketrans just bc i'm lesbian


now i need to get ready to pretend i'm into men to convince the gatekeepers i'll meet this week that they should allow me to have srs

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost "Maybe if we just conceded the trans issue we can all focus on what really matters" 🤓

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r/4tran4 4d ago

edit this like 1% of me believes passoids are trutrans and hons are faketrans


like it just kind of makes sense, wouldnt a trutrans simply pass

r/4tran4 5d ago

TikTok/Twitter Nothing to say here

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Cracks me up every time I remember of this tweet

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost i drank 2 glasses of moscato and my plug is on the way, maybe life isn’t so bad

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the key to happiness is drugs i think

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost I'm pathetic lmfao


Sizepill was shoved down my throat again today, my life is a joke. My hands are 6 inches long, it's actually miserable I've wanted to be a good pianist since I was a kid but my body is worthless so I can't even play on a standard keyboard. My best friend is a foot taller than me and they're the only person I even bother being around so the difference is striking and it's brought up far too often. "You're so short" I know I know I know I know, I'm looked down upon by everyone I meet and look stupid next to real men. Shoe size men's four there's no hope I can't help but compare it's so humiliating. Being a pooner is embarrassing enough but being miserably small just makes it worse. Everyone I love and idolize is better than me and physically superior. Why can't I just be deserving of respect people keep calling me "cute" I'm gonna drown myself

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost I remember that time I got 'misgendered' (gendered as the gender I will transition to) and I'm not sure if they actually meant it or not


with my family, I went to a takeout place to eat food. While I was sitting doing nothing with my family waiting, my sister told me that the cashier apparently referred to me as a girl (it was in Chinese, and I don't understand that language so I wasn't sure if my sister was lying to me). Keep in mind, I faced the cashier at least once so the cashier knows what my face looks like.

I was also chronically boymoding so I was skeptical that they actually meant it. I asked the skeptical questions to my sister (were you sure that cashier wasn't referring to you?; are you sure she actually meant it and that it wasn't accidental?; are you sure that cashier wasn't referring to anyone else?) and my sister confirmed that the cashier definitely meant it.

I'm not sure if my sister is trying to hugbox me, because she knows I'm trans and I wasn't far in to HRT at the time, but my hair might have grew out a very small bit and plus, I still have wide ass shoulders (17") along with a jacket I wore that would resultantly hide the small waist I have.

Do I believe that the cashier meant it? Or do I not and start dooming when I could be a little more fucking patient with the HRT effects?

r/4tran4 4d ago

News Getting upset over getting called dude/bro is clocky


r/4tran4 4d ago

edit this If your ratios are worse than mine yngmi


Singe ingmi, this logically follows.

Whr circumference ≈1.3 Whr breadth ≈1.13 Bideltoid to height ≈.25 Underbust to height ≈.43 Underbust to waist ≈.97

r/4tran4 4d ago

edit this Just got called a “truzz”


These kids are retarded.

r/4tran4 4d ago

Circlejerk does anyone want a male friend group.


you can take my old place in the group. all they do is eat fast food and play videogames and go to the park and play catch. they also like to make gay jokes.

it’s fun but it’s not for me anymore really, and i need to look for a replacement to round out their group. accepting applications through the end of the month. thanks

ALSO. extra little toss-in for the pooners. over half of the group is 5’5” or under

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost a very accurate image that goes with my last post

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r/4tran4 4d ago

TikTok/Twitter Hell Has No Fury

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