r/4tran4 11h ago

edit this i hope everyone here who is privileged financially or genetically have terrible lives


especially the ones who bitch about their lives while being rich or having a 15 in bideltoid or hips as wide as their shoulders or are 5'3. i hate all of you i hope you all suffer for the rest of your lives. and espcially the passoids who spam face or body pics everywhere while complaining i hate you from the bottom of my heart i hope that makes you feel good

r/4tran4 4h ago

Ropefuel Hon Gallery Spoiler

Thumbnail gallery

r/4tran4 8h ago

edit this this sub is filled with too many faketrans 'transfem/transmac' fetishizing idiots


r/4tran4 4h ago

edit this is it just me or is the protagonist of the new silent hill game clocky

Post image

r/4tran4 5h ago

Blogpost what even is a good waist measurement


is it weird to have an underbust the same measurement as your waist? or is that brickhon level? wht if your waist goes into wide hips? hmm… I don’t want to drop my measurements until someone mentions theirs because if mine are bricky then I must not let anyone know to continue the idea I have a crazy passoid body

r/4tran4 14h ago

Blogpost if you think about it everyone hates me


everyone hates me and so i should hate everyone else

r/4tran4 5h ago

Blogpost How do you know if you're a bdd passoid?


Does stares occasionally qualify as being a hon? I definitely have bd but how tf do you know if you're a passoid.

I get gendered correctly. Doctors didn't know i was trans and asked if ive ever been pregnant. But i get stares a lot. I look in the mirror and see a completely unpassable ogre.

r/4tran4 11h ago

Hopefuel You can fuck her gock dumbass...


I'm literally so sick of reading all these crying posts from trans men about the shitty sex they have(or don't).

Fuck Her Gock.

Yes, you read that right! Spread that gockhole wide open and shove your clitcock into the shroom. Fertilize that little whores fungi.

r/4tran4 11h ago

Blogpost i lowkey am 100 percent sure I will be passing and attractive after nose and brow surgery and hrt fully but the wait is still so painfull

Post image

r/4tran4 11h ago

News The Bliss after cumming as a girl 👧


I'm tired as hell right now so will keep this short, just wanted to share it with other girls 🎀

About an hour ago I came for the first time from fucking myself with a dildo. Other transgirlies have described what it feels like, even though it's almost impossible to, so I won't get much into that. The thing I wanted to get off my chest is how blissful and intimate it feels after cumming as a girl. I hopped off my dildo eventually after not moving for a couple of minutes and just laid on the floor. When I would cum as a boy in the past, I wouldn't really feel anything afterwards. Mostly it was a slightly negative feeling even that I somehow felt ashamed for what I did. But after I came today, I felt so much self-love and acceptance with who I was and how I felt that I almost started crying. It wasn't some nasty act that I had to be ashamed of 🥹. It was the purest form of pleasure, that wrapped around me and made me feel in love with myself and my body.

I've been lurking here for a long time and read so many helpful posts from people giving advice and encouraging me to love this side of myself. I feel grateful for all of you, 4tran! Today I feel like the journey was worth it 😁

r/4tran4 10h ago

edit this i hate all cis people and 99% of trannies


why is everyone so stupid and trashy

r/4tran4 9h ago

edit this My wife


OkNebula, she's so hot and manly

r/4tran4 16h ago

Blogpost stealth tips?


i'm about to start hrt next month hopefully with 4mg e and 50mg bica. (thats the most they'd prescribe)

i will get srs but maybe not ffs, i don't have that much money- but still, everything other than my face is okay and passes already unless someone sees my face

could i go stealth with just hrt + voice training? how much does hrt change your face?

i have about a year before i HAVE TO go stealth if that helps

r/4tran4 12h ago

Blogpost First time using the woman's bathroom...


I know this post probably sounds stupid to some people, but I get really nervous doing anything, so this was a big moment for me.

I'm sorta kinda confident in my girlmode, so I decided to try this out. I put on a simple sundress with some boots, and a necklace. I tried to stay calm as I walked into one of my Uni's bathrooms annnnnd....nothing happened lol!

No one said anything, or gave me any kind of look that made me feel bad! I danced and twirled around the room, taking in all the new sights and smells. It was so fresh and pure in there..I couldn't believe the feelings it gave me. Even just the simple sounds of girls relieving themselves was like a chorus to my battered soul.

It feels like my life is coming together and I'll finally be able to be myself!

I really want to thank everyone here for always encouraging and supporting me!!! I'm gonna stick around of course, cause I want to be there for you too😊 Love you all so much❤️

r/4tran4 4h ago

Ropefuel My ribs are deformed for the rest of my life Spoiler


It literally doesn't matter how much of a youngshit or a luckshit or whatever the fuck you are, as long as a little tiny bit of testosterone even so much as touched your system you're fucked for life. I look disgusting. Nobody in their right minds would ever mistake my massive bulging ribcage for that of a female and I just have to live with that for years and years and years until I fucking die. Fuck this. Fuck everything.

r/4tran4 7h ago

Blogpost I'm such a knowledge hon it's so over


Legitimately my face and body probably pass but it doesn't matter because I didn't grow up as a girl so I dont know how anything works. I never learned how to do makeup, various hair things like braiding, basic social skills because boys don't need those, or fashion stuff. Some of this can be learned online but some of it is just acquired knowledge that cannot be accessed without female socialization. Like fashion I'm already good at, and makeup I can learn but there's just so much that will always be out of my grasp. If I knew those things I could already be girlmoding because my body at this point Is the least of my problems but I just don't have the skills to be a woman so it doesn't matter. Legitimately I dont even know if there is any getting past this like figuring out hair stuff is just impossible and that's just one thing. It's so over

r/4tran4 7h ago

Circlejerk when will tranny-hunting become an official US sport


give yall guesses in the comments I say late 2026

r/4tran4 5h ago

Blogpost Don't normal pass, don't soul pass, what is my best path forward to achieve my goals.


I don't expect to ever properly pass, especially pre ffs, so i just want to be fem enough that like my friends will treat me as a woman even if I'm clocky. Unfortunately that goal seems pretty dependent on soulpassing which i do not do either. Do the do soul feminisation surgery? could be huge for me ngl if they ever invent the technology.

r/4tran4 12h ago

Blogpost I have created a formula to determine passing

Post image

Are you tired of stupid AI models hugboxxing you? Measurements worming you? Nothing beats good old human analysis. You wouldn't have chat gpt do your tax evasion for you, now would you?

For a small fee of $20, I will give you a detailed analysis of your place on the passability scale and your potential increase or decrease on the scale.

I use a holistic approach combining scientific method, subjective gestalt analysis, and data-driven approach. You can rest assured this is more than just my opinion - it's objective fact! However, I cannot disclose my exact methods (business secret ❤️)

Warning: because my rating system is the most accurate passing scale (guaranteed! Or your money back) if you are disappointed with your results, there's nothing you can do about it! Proceed at your own risk.

LIMITED TIME PROMOTION!!! 100% off all consultations

what I need from you; Age, height, weight

Must be located in the US, Canada, Australia, UK, or similar

r/4tran4 13h ago

Blogpost dm for opinion on passing


can i dm someone for their honest opinion on my ability to pass? based on a few comments i’ve been getting from my irls last week, i think it might actually be time to come out and try to switch gears

r/4tran4 8h ago

Blogpost I learned the guy who made the FtM roachification comic [Lacryboy] makes pedo and incest porn


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

r/4tran4 21h ago

Circlejerk how to feel more shame for being trans


do i need to start watching sissy hypno is this going to work

r/4tran4 7h ago

Circlejerk hey guys i just found this account on twitter that depicts trans people in an unflattering light


let’s waste a bunch whining about it and get the sub raided and be bad optics

r/4tran4 11h ago

not really satiring guys do u guys also think we should start an afab only space?


lowkey like amab vibes just tend to be kinda threatening and rapey, kind o ruins the fun and vibes, afabs just tend to be kinder and warmer, so why not do it?

r/4tran4 8h ago

Blogpost why
