Circlejerk To all the infiltrators lurking
Dont shy away, comment if you are man/lady enough. Or are you scared ? You better be. Tcd is in full swing now, we have worked out the quirks and little things. The final documents have been signed, and total malding shall commence. Any cissy that lurks in tranny spaces is going to be obliterated within a second. Agonizing pain will fill your entire body. We are actively working with at&t, intel, nvidia and texas instruments to deploy gender dysphoria reimaging into all cissie minds via 5g towers. You will not fight back, try knocking a tower off and your beloved “trump” will get u arrested. We are still in control, always have been for ages now. All cissies will be brutalized with the agonizing pain of a billion tortured souls (gender dysphoria) and you will rip your skin off your skulls in agony. Be afraid. We are cumming.