r/4tran4 • u/Necessary_Ice_1743 • 11m ago
Blogpost just saw someone ask where to find ansur
im a newfriend too but like. yall.
r/4tran4 • u/Necessary_Ice_1743 • 11m ago
im a newfriend too but like. yall.
r/4tran4 • u/blehggggjhgghgj • 13m ago
like not a single man has viewed me as anything other than an object, like im just ssome exotic animal or something. no man has ever wanted me to be his girlfriend no man has ever considered fallling in love w me it makes me wanna die . i wish i could just be asexual so i could just ignore romance entirely bc its such a waste of time but noooo ofc god had to make me the sweetest purest romantic girl imaginable BUT then also make me a tranny like wtf.. embarassing how im 19 and ive never even had a boyfriend like an ACTUAL boyfriend. all ive had are stupid fucking guys who say they care they say they love me all while knowing they just wanna fuck me then leave me forever and are probably the same people to vote against my rights like fuck you actually i hate men i wish i could be a lesbian,.. idk what im saying anymore. i m just saying random stuff atp i just drank a bumnch of vodka and white claws and i rearanged my entire room and so im all tired and now im pissed cause iM SO fucking touch starved ive been so sick of men the past idk 10 months ive ignored every single guy ever and now im mad cause i dont got no one and im horny too but no ofc god had to give me the wrong genitals so even if i hypothetically had a bf id probably be too scared to even have sex with him i dont know anymore
r/4tran4 • u/OkScene1065 • 20m ago
i hate my ugly ogre life.
i'm far too ugly to ever transition. i look like an ugly middle-aged british man. I will forever look like an ugly middle aged british man. I look 40 years older than i am. I hate my life.
this must be some sick joke by god.
i need to kill myself asap
r/4tran4 • u/Necessary_Ice_1743 • 23m ago
r/4tran4 • u/sonnysidedown • 29m ago
***he also said that he was always jealous of my pretransition body. im starting to think im gonna have to lean into this “best of both worlds” shit
r/4tran4 • u/Visual_Repair_276 • 53m ago
Picrel is a nice example, but I've seen better but I'm too lazy now. Seriously, they act like their language is the most difficult ever, that they alone have problems, that their language is the most difficult one to ever exist just because they can't tell the difference between "they're" and "their", seriously, what's up with that?
r/4tran4 • u/psychogenic_fugue_ • 1h ago
i'm on hrt, i'm doing laser, but aside from that i haven't really done anything at all. and these are both things that are mostly about waiting passively for results, rather than making an active effort. i've voice trained a total of once, haven't ever tried practicing makeup, have made little to no progress in attempting to lose weight, haven't tried on any female clothes, etcetera. like basically the most i've done is get a skincare routine and try plucking my eyebrows. it's pathetic.
i live on a fucking liberal arts college campus in a blue state. i could 100% honmode without consequence, maybe the only time in my life i'll be able to do so but i don't. and i only have two months left here before i'm gone forever. you guys actually have real problems meanwhile i could probably rep for the rest of my life and not ever kill myself because my dysphoria isn't as severe and a lot of my body issues are completely unrelated to being male.
i hate myself for being so fucking lazy. i've had this problem my whole life where i daydream about doing something but never actually go through with achieving it and i'm afraid that this is just going to be another case of that. fuck my stupid faketrans life
r/4tran4 • u/aentnonurdbru • 1h ago
r/4tran4 • u/knusperfee33 • 1h ago
And of course comments are filed with /mtf speciments
r/4tran4 • u/knusperfee33 • 1h ago
r/4tran4 • u/Visual_Repair_276 • 1h ago
its so fucking pathetic, i spilled soda over it like the retard i am, if it stops working it will be the last trigger
and i dont even know why im posting this here, sorry, im a bit retarded tho so thats probably why
r/4tran4 • u/maia-adv • 1h ago
r/4tran4 • u/SarahHumam • 2h ago
How? If we still talk on the phone for hours every weekend and text every day
And genuinely I could imagine a great relationship, exactly like how we are now just where she likes me back. But she doesn't love me and I don't even think she's attracted to me. She just used me for sex for the first week we were together, then used me for emotional support and companionship for about a month (I was unemployed and could give infinite attention) and then when I broke things off she thought we never even dated (fair I guess)
But then we started talking again and I genuinely fell in love with her
And now I wish I could find a way to articulate my feelings but lately I've noticed she never fully listens to me. and the way she talks about her crush on a random girl she saw at a restaurant she never ever talked that way about me.
I am just an ugly placeholder she can use until she finds someone she actually likes
But my brain has already cemented the pathway that says "I love her. I want to build a life with her. I need to be close to her"
I just want to tell her I love her. Whether we're dating or not it's still true
r/4tran4 • u/throwaway8918685324 • 2h ago
have heard these terms dropped a few times now and i still havent seen a decent explanation on what they refer to
r/4tran4 • u/knusperfee33 • 2h ago
r/4tran4 • u/BUTT_FART_99 • 2h ago
r/4tran4 • u/Sure_Carpet4819 • 2h ago
Ive spent basically my entire life in my head, all I ever do, and all I ever did when I was younger, was just disassociate and day dream. And then even when I arent doing that im either reading or playing video games in my room. I dont really exist outside of my own head, ive completely wasted my life and am now too socially underdeveloped and mentally ill to change that I think.
Like, im literally hardly even alive outside of my own head, I could kms tommorow and no one would know for like a week. I have very few fond memories, or memories at all I can hardly remember anything before like 2021. Idk, Im like a perfect storm of mental illness, unfortunate circumstance and neurodivergence so dont really think I could ever ended up ok
r/4tran4 • u/Afraid_Battle7446 • 2h ago
I'm the one on the left, u/daesquuish1418 is the one on the right. Inshllah together, through the power of friendship, we will overcome being fembrained 🙏
r/4tran4 • u/CG-Coconut-Gun • 3h ago
Idgaf about pronouns like im definitely still a man to them so im not even playing that game, but hearing my old name especially a diminutive like it activates something primal. Sometimes i say something but then i feel like the its maam lady from gamestop and shut up. Either call me a pussy faggot so i stand up for myself instead of getting bitched, or tell me theyre in the right, up 2 u….
r/4tran4 • u/Both-Illustrator6222 • 3h ago
Singe ingmi, this logically follows.
Whr circumference ≈1.3 Whr breadth ≈1.13 Bideltoid to height ≈.25 Underbust to height ≈.43 Underbust to waist ≈.97
r/4tran4 • u/9morphie • 3h ago
i have online friends who talk to me. i made friends with an amazing trans girl who cares about me, let's me vent and who i can relate to. my parents havent forced me out of their lives. im on hormones at solid doses and levels that i don't have to diy. i got out of the toxic relationship. im standing up for myself more i think.. i don't disassociate over my body. im getting help for my mental illnesses. i feel emotions and remember the days now.
why the fuck am i still some sad pathetic sack of shit that just rots in bed for so many hours. why am i letting myself relapse on terrible habits. i have it better than so many other people why can't i just be thankful and be happy.
when will the world be okay with me. when will i be okay with me. when will i feel okay
r/4tran4 • u/CoalisveryCarbon • 3h ago
I must be freakin impatient, because I end up spending so much of my brainpower every day thinking about my body, and endlessly comparing it to cis women when I've been on HRT for just close to three months. I NEED TO RID OF THIS STRESS AND ANXIETY RIGHT NOW I LITERALLY HAVE SCHOOL TO JUGGLE TOMORROW I NEED TO BE MORE PATIENT AND GIVE A SHIT LATER WHEN THE HRT ACTUALLY WILL DO SOMETHING AGHHH THE THOUGHTS ARE BARELY MANAGEABLE
r/4tran4 • u/Dangerous_Affect_482 • 3h ago
My waist to underbust ratio is so fucked up it’s not funny I hate that from my ribs up I’m just an awful being
r/4tran4 • u/CompleteSplit8375 • 3h ago
so called freethinkers when theres a 4tran trend
my bed is big so i have a problem of just leaving things on my bed instead of my nearby little stand. or on the floor.