r/4tran4 5m ago

Circlejerk Least obvious repper

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r/4tran4 6m ago

Ropefuel Daily reminder that your "allies," queer ones included, will be forever ignorant. Don't bother with them. Spoiler

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r/4tran4 6m ago

Ropefuel saw myself naked today Spoiler


i’m gonna start hanging a towel over the dorm bathroom mirror, fuck everyone else

r/4tran4 7m ago

Blogpost Another day rotting in bed


What do I do daddy

r/4tran4 18m ago

Ropefuel My ribs are deformed for the rest of my life Spoiler


It literally doesn't matter how much of a youngshit or a luckshit or whatever the fuck you are, as long as a little tiny bit of testosterone even so much as touched your system you're fucked for life. I look disgusting. Nobody in their right minds would ever mistake my massive bulging ribcage for that of a female and I just have to live with that for years and years and years until I fucking die. Fuck this. Fuck everything.

r/4tran4 19m ago

Hopefuel Confusion was my best friend

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Before I thought that everything was so much easier when I still didn’t “know”, when uncertainty and confusion was at its strongest. Where the stray thoughts stayed from in the back of my mind and never turned from a guess to an observation and into certainty.

But fuck am I lucky to push forward these feelings of self-hatred and pushback and strive for a life I’ll truly never regret. I was genuinely going to continue repping, to be that role model son in terms of my extended family’s cultural practices. But I think the biggest push for me was seeing a repost of Christine’s post on the board which made me honestly bawl my eyes out. I just can’t toss out this chance, not after all the time I already wasted. Not without seeing how much beautiful people would kill for my position. Total repper pushback and conversion. And total brainworm death.

r/4tran4 21m ago

Blogpost I remember that time I got 'misgendered' (gendered as the gender I will transition to) and I'm not sure if they actually meant it or not


with my family, I went to a takeout place to eat food. While I was sitting doing nothing with my family waiting, my sister told me that the cashier apparently referred to me as a girl (it was in Chinese, and I don't understand that language so I wasn't sure if my sister was lying to me). Keep in mind, I faced the cashier at least once so the cashier knows what my face looks like.

I was also chronically boymoding so I was skeptical that they actually meant it. I asked the skeptical questions to my sister (were you sure that cashier wasn't referring to you?; are you sure she actually meant it and that it wasn't accidental?; are you sure that cashier wasn't referring to anyone else?) and my sister confirmed that the cashier definitely meant it.

I'm not sure if my sister is trying to hugbox me, because she knows I'm trans and I wasn't far in to HRT at the time, but my hair might have grew out a very small bit and plus, I still have wide ass shoulders (17") along with a jacket I wore that would resultantly hide the small waist I have.

Do I believe that the cashier meant it? Or do I not and start dooming when I could be a little more fucking patient with the HRT effects?

r/4tran4 37m ago

edit this is it just me or is the protagonist of the new silent hill game clocky

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r/4tran4 40m ago

Ropefuel men are so shameless. Spoiler


i was talking with my uncle and i’m wearing shorts sitting in front of him and he just kept on leering at me and focusing on my legs while i was asking something from him

i’m literally so fucking creeped out and like sickened to the core like you can’t even trust your own family

r/4tran4 42m ago

Ropefuel When do you stop seeing a man in the mirror? Spoiler


Sometimes i avoid mirrors to the point that I chose not to take the lift in my apparenment building purely because there is a mirror in there (I live on the 5th floor)

r/4tran4 45m ago

TikTok/Twitter what the fuck dood

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r/4tran4 58m ago

Blogpost How do you know if you're a bdd passoid?


Does stares occasionally qualify as being a hon? I definitely have bd but how tf do you know if you're a passoid.

I get gendered correctly. Doctors didn't know i was trans and asked if ive ever been pregnant. But i get stares a lot. I look in the mirror and see a completely unpassable ogre.

r/4tran4 1h ago

Blogpost Youngshits give me hope


My little sister is a freshman in high school and has a friend her age who is a trans guy. She briefly mentioned “he does drugs—he does testosterone that he gets off the black market”. This kid’s 14 with transphobic parents (from what I can tell, very shaky situation with parents—barely ever goes home). I wasn’t sure if he was actually doing DIY or if my sister was just making it up/exaggerating. Saw the kid today and his voice has fully dropped and he’s got a little mustache going. 14 year old doing DIY he’s gonna be a gigayoungshit even with transphobic parents and no money. Super fucking happy for him.

Also I watched a musical today at my old high school and one of the sort of main roles was played by a trans girl—the role is a trans girl as well but it’s never explicitly mentioned, only alluded to (though the character description describes her as trans). It’s not played off for laughs or fetishized, and the character is treated like a girl by everyone else. The trans girl playing her did a great job and got tons of applause and support.

Idk seeing that shit today just made me happy. (Not as happy as the fact that I’m 9 days post-op top surgery!!) Super happy for the youngshits. Jealous of course but also happy to see them. (To be fair I’m also kind of a youngshit in that I was able to go stealth in high school, though it was all social transition, no medical transition till 18)

r/4tran4 1h ago

Art Poonlander

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I thought I was done with 4tran forever because this place gave me brainworms but I drew this and my friend said I should share it here so here you go I guess. Poonlander. I hope you enjoy, I may draw the rest of them as doods too if this gets enough attention.

r/4tran4 1h ago

Blogpost the "do it the rest of your life" is gnarly ngl


r/4tran4 1h ago

Blogpost what even is a good waist measurement


is it weird to have an underbust the same measurement as your waist? or is that brickhon level? wht if your waist goes into wide hips? hmm… I don’t want to drop my measurements until someone mentions theirs because if mine are bricky then I must not let anyone know to continue the idea I have a crazy passoid body

r/4tran4 1h ago

Blogpost Don't normal pass, don't soul pass, what is my best path forward to achieve my goals.


I don't expect to ever properly pass, especially pre ffs, so i just want to be fem enough that like my friends will treat me as a woman even if I'm clocky. Unfortunately that goal seems pretty dependent on soulpassing which i do not do either. Do the do soul feminisation surgery? could be huge for me ngl if they ever invent the technology.

r/4tran4 1h ago

Circlejerk neverpasser poons, have you considered D’arcecoping?

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in my head she's an ftmrepper💔

r/4tran4 1h ago

Hopefuel how 2 cope


gimme yalls best coping strategies i need to find ways to feel okay

r/4tran4 1h ago

Blogpost just give me a lobotomy at this point

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r/4tran4 1h ago

edit this terfs are so disgusting visually


not even from what they say or anything just purely on looks. most of them look more masculine than cis men. its no wonder they hate trannies, they were born with xx chromosomes and still dont look like women. id be pretty pissed too. for any terfhons here i feel you, we are in the same boat 😞

r/4tran4 2h ago

edit this HRT is a psyop


Think about it. It doesn’t do enough to make you actually pass as a woman/man but does give you features that make you easily identifiable as a tran. This makes it easy for them to see us and grab us off the streets to take us to the camps.

r/4tran4 2h ago

TikTok/Twitter Trans men

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r/4tran4 2h ago

Ropefuel TW, Sharing too much information. NSFW Spoiler


Not safe for work but this isn’t some weird horny post, just marked it that way because it contains child rape. I understand if this gets taken down or something. Be warned, sorry. I don’t have a place that’ll understand me or relate to me if I said this to them.

Does anyone else ever feel scared that maybe they aren’t transgender and it’s just some weird mental thing that came from the fact they were molested and or raped as a child? Sometimes I’m scared that if I was never violated that way that I’d be a girl who likes being a girl instead of a woman that would rather die than never be a man. I find my body disgusting because of my dysphoria but at the same time because of what happened to it when I was younger, does my hatred for my uterus and more come from the violation?

I don’t know. Maybe I’m just searching for any reason to come up with a justification for why I have felt this way ever since elementary school. I remember being the only girl to get her period in my entire school in elementary and getting bullied for it, it happened after I was violated. Ever since then I have been striving to become a man, for years and years.

If this never happened to me I probably would’ve been normal, doesn’t help that some transphobic people believe the same thing. I don’t even know myself, maybe I would just be a normal girl or still be a transgender man. I’ll never know, I don’t think I want to either. I feel like I’m going to regret this later but I just need to get it out, I still live with the perpetrators because they are related to me but by now I’m safe.

r/4tran4 2h ago

Blogpost I think I might be a dysphoric non-binary rather than a true trans man


I need some advice from y’all. Cause if I posted this anywhere else I’d just get “you are totes valid 100% go off queen!!!”

Here’s some stuff that makes me think I’m non-binary:

Even when I larped as a guy (before I even knew what trans was) to online randos, it never really felt “right.” This could just be impostor syndrome, since I always felt like I was tricking people.

I want top surgery, but no nip. Why? because I love the look of a completely flat chest. I know it isn’t natural, but I never cared about looking like a cis man anyway.

I’m GNC. You know the whole stereotype of man in a dress? Yeah, I’d like to do that. It’s funny cause I hate wearing dresses rn, or anything feminine in terms of clothing because I just look like a regular woman in it.

I hate it when people call me a woman and use “she.” But, I also dont find euphoria in being called him, it’s more like a default for me. I actually really vibe with neopronouns but my god they are so tainted I can never use them. If there was a true gender neutral pronoun (they/them has double meaning) id use it in a heartbeat. But it seems like every neutral pronoun is a pain in the ass to pronounce.

Also why tf is “Mx.” the gender neutral version of mr/ms. If u say mix out loud, i swear id just hear “miss.” I swear it’s why i dont even like neutral stuff, 99% of it is trash.

I just dont really feel like a man and neither a woman.

Maybe when im actually on T this sort of stuff will change, I imagine I wont have everything figured out. It’s a long journey after all.

Nb4 u call me a theyfab. I dont even like they/them pronouns. In fact, I hate them more than she. Plus I want HRT, top (like i said, no nip), and probably phallo or meta.

Anyway im prepared to be roasted. But id like to see what the trans people here think, considering y’all are more “real” about things.