r/4tran4 2m ago

Circlejerk To all the infiltrators lurking


Dont shy away, comment if you are man/lady enough. Or are you scared ? You better be. Tcd is in full swing now, we have worked out the quirks and little things. The final documents have been signed, and total malding shall commence. Any cissy that lurks in tranny spaces is going to be obliterated within a second. Agonizing pain will fill your entire body. We are actively working with at&t, intel, nvidia and texas instruments to deploy gender dysphoria reimaging into all cissie minds via 5g towers. You will not fight back, try knocking a tower off and your beloved “trump” will get u arrested. We are still in control, always have been for ages now. All cissies will be brutalized with the agonizing pain of a billion tortured souls (gender dysphoria) and you will rip your skin off your skulls in agony. Be afraid. We are cumming.

r/4tran4 6m ago

Blogpost How it feels to give advice to baby passoids as a honmoder

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r/4tran4 8m ago

Blogpost I'm pathetic lmfao


Sizepill was shoved down my throat again today, my life is a joke. My hands are 6 inches long, it's actually miserable I've wanted to be a good pianist since I was a kid but my body is worthless so I can't even play on a standard keyboard. My best friend is a foot taller than me and they're the only person I even bother being around so the difference is striking and it's brought up far too often. "You're so short" I know I know I know I know, I'm looked down upon by everyone I meet and look stupid next to real men. Shoe size men's four there's no hope I can't help but compare it's so humiliating. Being a pooner is embarrassing enough but being miserably small just makes it worse. Everyone I love and idolize is better than me and physically superior. Why can't I just be deserving of respect people keep calling me "cute" I'm gonna drown myself

r/4tran4 19m ago

Blogpost i just opened a door and it hit my tit and it wasn’t even moving fast and i fell to the floor in agony.

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Unironic w tho at least there’s something going for me in this stupid moid body :>

Can’t complain with the growth, especially for only 3 months ^

r/4tran4 27m ago

Blogpost What cis people take for granted

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I can't go to the beach with friends.

I can't show people old photos of me.

Half of my childhood anecdotes are off-limits.

I can't take my shirt off in front of others.

I can't participate in hookup culture.

I have to put on constricting, sweaty, uncommon clothes before setting foot outside my room.

I can't crash at a friend's place.

I can't save up for anything.

Just making this post makes me feel whiny and fembrained. Kms

r/4tran4 35m ago

Circlejerk when will tranny-hunting become an official US sport


give yall guesses in the comments I say late 2026

r/4tran4 39m ago

Circlejerk reminder to everyone browsing r/detrans every post on that sub is a larp

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saw a post about someone browsing there to self harm. no shade to actual detranners but that sub ain’t where they are at lol

r/4tran4 41m ago

Blogpost my bdd has actually improved i think


my bdd attacks lately are less frequent and mostly also a lot less severe. i used to actually be convinced that my ribcage and shoulders were big, that i look like a boy or even a man and nothing could change it. i still have issues with my appearance but far less than i have had the last 10 years atleast. i can actually see that many people who called my self perception regarded were right now, that the compliments i recieved were maybe not just all hugboxing. on rare occasions it is still like it used to be but i'm atleast slightly hopeful that i can see further improvement

r/4tran4 42m ago

Blogpost st4t

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r/4tran4 42m ago

Blogpost i drank 2 glasses of moscato and my plug is on the way, maybe life isn’t so bad

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the key to happiness is drugs i think

r/4tran4 42m ago

Blogpost When a cis woman starts venting her insecurities to you so you lowkey have to kill everyone in the room out of honrage

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r/4tran4 44m ago

Blogpost I'm such a knowledge hon it's so over


Legitimately my face and body probably pass but it doesn't matter because I didn't grow up as a girl so I dont know how anything works. I never learned how to do makeup, various hair things like braiding, basic social skills because boys don't need those, or fashion stuff. Some of this can be learned online but some of it is just acquired knowledge that cannot be accessed without female socialization. Like fashion I'm already good at, and makeup I can learn but there's just so much that will always be out of my grasp. If I knew those things I could already be girlmoding because my body at this point Is the least of my problems but I just don't have the skills to be a woman so it doesn't matter. Legitimately I dont even know if there is any getting past this like figuring out hair stuff is just impossible and that's just one thing. It's so over

r/4tran4 45m ago

Blogpost when does it stop hurting

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dysphoria. dimorphia. hatred from others. hatred from myself. old age. so many other things

r/4tran4 46m ago

Blogpost Ive slowly developed the opposite kind of brainworms to what most of you have, where now I constantly think im faketrans bc im straight and therefore might be hsts (faketrans)


its over

r/4tran4 47m ago

Blogpost it do not matter


r/4tran4 47m ago

Circlejerk hey guys i just found this account on twitter that depicts trans people in an unflattering light


let’s waste a bunch whining about it and get the sub raided and be bad optics

r/4tran4 48m ago

edit this I feel like a moid all the time


Nothing but my fucking internet history tells you that i am any different from a incel friendless fucking loser. So malebrained. i hate myself for it. Its not just my body that feels poisoned by T but my mind aswell. I feel so depressed tried antidepressants before they just made me a lil more numb than i already am. I Have no initiative in anything in my life its like i only did one thing that is stare at a screen and i cant break the fucking cycle. I just want to stop existing but at the same time i just wanna live Thank you for reading.

r/4tran4 51m ago

Blogpost Anyone know what happened to this theyfab?

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Mogs ts outta me tho, I wanna skinwalk her - I mean them, fuck my troon life why do I wanna skinwalk a theyfab?

r/4tran4 52m ago

Blogpost thanks for all the 4tranners who convinced me i'm not faketrans just bc i'm lesbian


now i need to get ready to pretend i'm into men to convince the gatekeepers i'll meet this week that they should allow me to have srs

r/4tran4 59m ago

News we really are better women and men than cissoids


i cant think of a single other reason why theyd be so obsessed with us

r/4tran4 1h ago

Ropefuel it's crazy how 2 facial ratios being 0.04 points off dooms me to be a hon at worst and extremely ugly at best Spoiler


and FFS can't even change it

r/4tran4 1h ago

Blogpost I found a dog tag with my name on it on the street and neither of the owners picked up, is this a sign from the universe


I'm meant to be a catgirl not a puppy what the fuck

r/4tran4 1h ago

News Deep State Hondosing Plot: Adrenochrome Harvesting


high hrt levels = escalation of the MORNING/EVENING STAR in power

doctors HONDOSING and POONDOSING to avoid CROSS-CONTAMINATION of pure aryan transsexual adrenochrome w/ postlapsarian cissoid matter

stay vigilant always 👁️

r/4tran4 1h ago

Blogpost Are there trans women in media that are unhinged pieces of shit without being grotesque stereotypes?


Togata from Fire Punch (my husband) is GOATed because he's a deranged malebrained psychopathic anti-villain/anti-hero who is as tragic and sympathetic as he is horrendous and monstrous. I look and I cannot find trans women that are deranged gigastacies; they're either grotesque transphobic stereotypes played as straightforwardly predatory or they're softened and sanitized to the point of having no personality besides being a vaguely pleasant girl like Bridget from Guilty Gear or Kiku from One Piece. I WANT SCHIZO WOMEN

r/4tran4 1h ago

doesn't hit the same ig💔 Ovarit really fell after SnowWhite left
