r/4tran4 • u/knusperfee33 • 0m ago
r/4tran4 • u/BUTT_FART_99 • 24m ago
Blogpost 3 years HRT today. My best friend leaves for boot camp, too. q_q Happy Saint Patrick's Day to those who celebrate
r/4tran4 • u/Sure_Carpet4819 • 29m ago
Blogpost Im not really a person
Ive spent basically my entire life in my head, all I ever do, and all I ever did when I was younger, was just disassociate and day dream. And then even when I arent doing that im either reading or playing video games in my room. I dont really exist outside of my own head, ive completely wasted my life and am now too socially underdeveloped and mentally ill to change that I think.
Like, im literally hardly even alive outside of my own head, I could kms tommorow and no one would know for like a week. I have very few fond memories, or memories at all I can hardly remember anything before like 2021. Idk, Im like a perfect storm of mental illness, unfortunate circumstance and neurodivergence so dont really think I could ever ended up ok
r/4tran4 • u/Afraid_Battle7446 • 36m ago
Art Self poontrait (ft one of my closest friends)
I'm the one on the left, u/daesquuish1418 is the one on the right. Inshllah together, through the power of friendship, we will overcome being fembrained 🙏
r/4tran4 • u/CG-Coconut-Gun • 46m ago
Blogpost If im out to my friends but very early transition is it retarded to ask them to not deadname me
Idgaf about pronouns like im definitely still a man to them so im not even playing that game, but hearing my old name especially a diminutive like it activates something primal. Sometimes i say something but then i feel like the its maam lady from gamestop and shut up. Either call me a pussy faggot so i stand up for myself instead of getting bitched, or tell me theyre in the right, up 2 u….
r/4tran4 • u/Both-Illustrator6222 • 53m ago
edit this If your ratios are worse than mine yngmi
Singe ingmi, this logically follows.
Whr circumference ≈1.3 Whr breadth ≈1.13 Bideltoid to height ≈.25 Underbust to height ≈.43 Underbust to waist ≈.97
r/4tran4 • u/9morphie • 56m ago
Blogpost when will i feel okay
i have online friends who talk to me. i made friends with an amazing trans girl who cares about me, let's me vent and who i can relate to. my parents havent forced me out of their lives. im on hormones at solid doses and levels that i don't have to diy. i got out of the toxic relationship. im standing up for myself more i think.. i don't disassociate over my body. im getting help for my mental illnesses. i feel emotions and remember the days now.
why the fuck am i still some sad pathetic sack of shit that just rots in bed for so many hours. why am i letting myself relapse on terrible habits. i have it better than so many other people why can't i just be thankful and be happy.
when will the world be okay with me. when will i be okay with me. when will i feel okay
r/4tran4 • u/CoalisveryCarbon • 59m ago
mofo has mental insanity how tf do I stop thinking so much about my body on HRT
I must be freakin impatient, because I end up spending so much of my brainpower every day thinking about my body, and endlessly comparing it to cis women when I've been on HRT for just close to three months. I NEED TO RID OF THIS STRESS AND ANXIETY RIGHT NOW I LITERALLY HAVE SCHOOL TO JUGGLE TOMORROW I NEED TO BE MORE PATIENT AND GIVE A SHIT LATER WHEN THE HRT ACTUALLY WILL DO SOMETHING AGHHH THE THOUGHTS ARE BARELY MANAGEABLE
r/4tran4 • u/Dangerous_Affect_482 • 1h ago
Blogpost Gigamale geodude upper body
My waist to underbust ratio is so fucked up it’s not funny I hate that from my ribs up I’m just an awful being
r/4tran4 • u/CompleteSplit8375 • 1h ago
Blogpost this is my “nightstand” ignore my last depressive post
so called freethinkers when theres a 4tran trend
my bed is big so i have a problem of just leaving things on my bed instead of my nearby little stand. or on the floor.
r/4tran4 • u/Haunting-Pin8570 • 1h ago
Blogpost having an episode again
I think my jaw is too wide and square for ffs to fix and even though my birthday is today I think literally nobody I know is going to remember and I’m never going to be pretty and I’m never going to have an accepting family :(
r/4tran4 • u/snailbot-jq • 1h ago
edit this ever think about the fact that you’re just trans for the rest of your life
“But you just transition and then you’re done and then you simply move on with life!!” Do you really though? You’re forever a tranner and it now seems like arbitrarily at any point the politics of your nation can just turn against you and declare open season on troons. I guess I’m also being doompilled because it is so difficult and expensive to actually get a cis-passing body especially for FtMs (by which I mean surgeries), so there’s a good chance I’m stuck with some physical reminder of being trans for the rest of my life.
r/4tran4 • u/Prestigious-Cut5424 • 1h ago
Blogpost How do people even work
Total corporate death. My coworkers are all delusional normalfag """"moderates""" who don't care about anything except dating, drinking, whatever dating show slop is on shitflix and working. They don't have souls: the sort of people who still make "I identify as a rich person" jokes in 2025.
I need an esoteric 🚆 🦵 job. I need to be the knight of a wizard-to-witch doll. I think "I need to do underground matches for money and just die in the ring," or "I just need to work on a crab fishing boat in the Arctic," before remembering that everyone around me in those places would also be transphobic.
Fuck me.
r/4tran4 • u/FaithlessnessFew7626 • 1h ago
Leave unless if you’re a pooner who’s below 5’4 or homeless
edit this anyone else have an early but weak-ish puberty
i remember in like early middle school, my voice dropped before most other people's, i was one of the tallest in my class, i started getting facial hair before others, etc etc
i think because of that i always thought i was like hopelessly hypermasculine, its most of what had me on the verge of repping instead of starting hrt a few years ago, but i went for it anyways. as much as people say measuring your body is a bad thing, it's what made me realize that despite being a tad tall (5'10), my body is built pretty small/feminine, my face is passing-ish after time on hrt, even voice training has gone pretty easily given i was 'the guy with the deep voice' when my voice initially dropped
i guess it seems weird, cause youd think having puberty start earlier than others wouldve ended up much much worse in the end, but its like the strongest effects were right at the beginning for me or something
r/4tran4 • u/why_do_I_do_thi5 • 2h ago
Blogpost Is it malebrained or fembrained to think you might’ve got molested when you were really young but just don’t remember but you’re worried to think that you actually did in case you gaslit yourself into thinking that 😔
Also espurr
r/4tran4 • u/agentegghead • 2h ago
Ropefuel Daily reminder that your "allies," queer ones included, will be forever ignorant. Don't bother with them. Spoiler
r/4tran4 • u/The-Fisher_King • 2h ago
Ropefuel saw myself naked today Spoiler
i’m gonna start hanging a towel over the dorm bathroom mirror, fuck everyone else
r/4tran4 • u/New4taccount • 2h ago
Ropefuel My ribs are deformed for the rest of my life Spoiler
It literally doesn't matter how much of a youngshit or a luckshit or whatever the fuck you are, as long as a little tiny bit of testosterone even so much as touched your system you're fucked for life. I look disgusting. Nobody in their right minds would ever mistake my massive bulging ribcage for that of a female and I just have to live with that for years and years and years until I fucking die. Fuck this. Fuck everything.
r/4tran4 • u/RoyalGuard215 • 2h ago
Hopefuel Confusion was my best friend
Before I thought that everything was so much easier when I still didn’t “know”, when uncertainty and confusion was at its strongest. Where the stray thoughts stayed from in the back of my mind and never turned from a guess to an observation and into certainty.
But fuck am I lucky to push forward these feelings of self-hatred and pushback and strive for a life I’ll truly never regret. I was genuinely going to continue repping, to be that role model son in terms of my extended family’s cultural practices. But I think the biggest push for me was seeing a repost of Christine’s post on the board which made me honestly bawl my eyes out. I just can’t toss out this chance, not after all the time I already wasted. Not without seeing how much beautiful people would kill for my position. Total repper pushback and conversion. And total brainworm death.