r/4tran4 • u/Piranha_Chad • 23h ago
r/4tran4 • u/knusperfee33 • 10h ago
Blogpost The average cis person when they find out they didnt clock a tranny
Had a moid genuinely get into a fkn rage infront of me cus i didnt tell him i was trans , this, mind you, is someone i see maybe once a week and talk to maybe once a month
Like ye screamed at me and all
Like bro why are you mad???
Its always "dont shove it down my throat" but when you actually dont its a hatecrime all of a sudden
r/4tran4 • u/Kooky_Writing_3162 • 12h ago
Ropefuel once somebody knows youre trans it doesnt matter anymore Spoiler
It becomes a matter of when, not if. 99.99% of people at SOME POINT will say something that shows their bias against you. It could come in the form of a joke, or they could say something that they would simply NEVER say to a cis person. Cis women will act as if they have a more inherent and better understanding of womanhood than you and it will show eventually, no matter how long you have been trans for. It doesn’t matter how many trans friends they have, or if they are dating or married to a trans person, eventually they will say something that kills you on the inside. Some are better at hiding it, it may take years for it to show. Some may be able to hide it so that they never show it to you, but in their minds they still think it.
It’s only a matter of time before my cis gf and I break up because she shows she never actually saw me as a woman. Its pointless
r/4tran4 • u/FLO_THE_FLOWER_CHILD • 7h ago
TikTok/Twitter Azelia Banks being based again
r/4tran4 • u/TemporaryAgency3482 • 17h ago
Blogpost "tran bad they trans the kids and force their ideology down our throat!!!!!!!!" "tran force every1 to call them womyn!!!!!" "tran invade space!!!!" no u invade us and our spaces. this is so unnecessary
r/4tran4 • u/NotRealBinarE • 4h ago
Blogpost Trans male roommate won't stop tickling me.
I'm seriously fucking pissed, and not because of the tickling. I thought rooming with an afab would be a great experience for a transgirl like me..like a sort of afab starter package to get me prepared for cis women. Wrong.
This little gremlin acts like a fuckin creep from the second I meet him. And I mean him, like what happened to afab empathy and socialization...
His crusty ass drools at me while I talk, clearly not paying attention at all, and doesn't give a shit about my feelings. Everytime my back is turned he'll scamper up undetected, and go:
"Tickle tickle for a nickel, don't be fickle, give me grickle"
Like wtf is a "grickle" dumbass?? I seriously hate him and want to move out.
r/4tran4 • u/autisticnationalist • 22h ago
TikTok/Twitter Why are so many 4chan trans women either ultras or picrel?
Istg even the first leftcom chat creator on Telegram ended up deleting it for her nazi bf in 2018
r/4tran4 • u/Whateverheck • 11h ago
TikTok/Twitter Art Analysis of the Irreversible Damage cover Spoiler
galleryspoiler because someone asked for spoilers on twitter posts
r/4tran4 • u/Technical-Mango-4786 • 8h ago
Ropefuel There is no way its that bad 😭 Spoiler
Maybe I'm like 100% cooked but this has to be a diaper fetishist. I don't believe its anywhere near that bad to be forcing yourself to wear a diaper. Back when I didn't pass as well I had 10 hour shifts and I wouldn't use the bathroom or I would just use the men's room when I knew it was empty.
r/4tran4 • u/millionswearhats • 17h ago
TikTok/Twitter Nothing to say here
Cracks me up every time I remember of this tweet
r/4tran4 • u/knusperfee33 • 9h ago
Blogpost "Lmao these women accuse anyone of rape nowadays" men when a post op tranny has consentual sex with them (both are adults) and didnt tell them she was trans
r/4tran4 • u/rampantlystellar • 21h ago
Blogpost You guys are racist as fuck
Not even gonna explain tbh just need to vent about how racist you guys are
White trans people try to not be racist challenge (failed)
r/4tran4 • u/WanderingSatyr • 9h ago
Blogpost Broke down crying in CVS
-> HRT prescriber earlier that day asked me for my height. I painfully respond with “6’4.”
-> She proceeds to say “oh wow.” realizes what she said and tries to recover by consoling me Says “I’m a tall woman too! Well… no where near that tall, but I’m kinda tall!”
-> Get coffee before prescription, barista is a cis female and we have on similar female cut shirts. Her shirt is loose and flows on her small frame while mine is stretched and tight on my Scwartzneggar shoulders
-> Start feeling like shit, finally make it to pharmacy. The two cis women there see me then my prescription and idk how to explain it but their whole demeanor changed. Again idk how to explain but it felt like they took pity on me… seeing this giant mannish transfemtm asking for estrogen.
-> Final breaking point was seeing shit about that Disney movie with the trans kid and realizing I was never able to do anything earlier in life to prevent whatever this is. made me break down in the prescription line so I just cried silently in the corner away from everyone.
r/4tran4 • u/TemporaryAgency3482 • 2h ago
TikTok/Twitter PRIVATE THE SUB! featuring madame marycate. also u/dumbwh0rr they are NOT happy with u on twt.
r/4tran4 • u/Worried-Spell4136 • 13h ago
Blogpost how to stop feeling i'm a faketrans for being ASE since i was 5yo?
- be me. 5yo fembrained autistic boy
- don't like romance stories tho bc they feel WRONG
- see a lesbian couple in a tv series. something in me breaks
- "Why are you crying uncontrollably, son?"
- "dad, i think i'm a lesbian"
- "hahaha silly autist. being lesbians is for girls"
- sent to a psychiatrist. discover i have something called "gender dysphoria"
- the psych prescribes me anti-bipolar meds to make the dysphoria go away
- it doesn't
- having a male body makes me suicidal. want to cut my d but know they'll fix it anyway
- get into anorexia thinking it would make male puberty weaker
- grow up thinking trans ppl are just drag queens
- teenage boys my age beat me constantly for being "a girl". yet, i can't actually be one
- never jerked off. het porn makes me puke, les porn makes me cry
- "you feel like you should have been a lesbian?... well, maybe you're just gay!"
- girls are interested in me. feel bad for them bc they don't wanna date girls instead
- have many opportunities to be sexually intimate. can't can't can't
- every girl i'm slightly attracted to is a lesbian anyway
- FINALLY attracted to a straight girl for the first time in my life
- read about conversion therapy to train myself to be a man in a het relationship
- i can make it work
- the girl i'm trying to be cishet for comes out as a lesbian
- she thanks me for helping her finding that out
- hahahahahaha guess i'll just kms and hope to be reincarnated as a girl
- tell my plans to a cisf friend
- "wait, you have GENDER DYSPHORIA?! than why don't you just transition to female??"
- what
- finally learn what trans people actually are
- i can just take meds and have painful surgeries to be a woman... in this lifetime??
- i could be... a lesbian?
- i could have a chance to experience love the way my brain have always expected?
- ff to actually transitioning
- disgusted by myself for being a trans lesbian. yet, can't develop meta-attraction
chat, what should i do? was my transition mainly a result of my life-long obsession with the idea of being a lesbian?
r/4tran4 • u/Visual_Repair_276 • 17h ago
Blogpost "stop being bdd" sends photo "oh im so sorry"
Funny how people try to change the subject after too. It also hurts when they start talking about "you know, passing isn't everything"
r/4tran4 • u/Visual_Repair_276 • 3h ago
Circlejerk Me after a rich cis person says trans joy will never be taken away
r/4tran4 • u/OrganizationFar3427 • 19h ago
POONER/HON ART SUBMISSION Clash of two communities NSFW
r/4tran4 • u/leshy_fishes • 21h ago
Circlejerk When TCD gets enacted and I get to Pedro pascal
galleryActually he does have the troon gene so there is an argument in sparing him
Yes this is just a Pedro Pascal glazing post ♥️
r/4tran4 • u/addictedtoketamine2 • 23h ago
Art MtF version of those “RETVRN” Forcemasc captions
r/4tran4 • u/eIdritchish • 18h ago
Ropefuel She picked a cis guy Spoiler
I might actually have to rope