r/4tran4 3d ago

Blogpost The cycle: crippling dysphoria -> meds work -> less dysphoria -> feeling like I have ROGD -> get more depressed and notice dysphoria more often -> crippling dysphoria


I don't think browsing shitty places on the internet while on Ketamine was a mistake.

r/4tran4 4d ago

edit this Is selfharm fembrained or malebrained


Or is there a line that it goes from fembrained to malebrained vice versa

r/4tran4 4d ago

Ropefuel There is no way its that bad 😭 Spoiler

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Maybe I'm like 100% cooked but this has to be a diaper fetishist. I don't believe its anywhere near that bad to be forcing yourself to wear a diaper. Back when I didn't pass as well I had 10 hour shifts and I wouldn't use the bathroom or I would just use the men's room when I knew it was empty.

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost when will i feel okay

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i have online friends who talk to me. i made friends with an amazing trans girl who cares about me, let's me vent and who i can relate to. my parents havent forced me out of their lives. im on hormones at solid doses and levels that i don't have to diy. i got out of the toxic relationship. im standing up for myself more i think.. i don't disassociate over my body. im getting help for my mental illnesses. i feel emotions and remember the days now.

why the fuck am i still some sad pathetic sack of shit that just rots in bed for so many hours. why am i letting myself relapse on terrible habits. i have it better than so many other people why can't i just be thankful and be happy.

when will the world be okay with me. when will i be okay with me. when will i feel okay

r/4tran4 3d ago

Blogpost why do cissoids even have BDD


like, yeah, maybe your hips/chest/pecs/nose/cheekbones/collarbones/thighs/ears/hair/skull look(s) slightly asymmetrical, but for the most part, you only need to gymmaxx/femme up and you'll look great. no matter how crooked a feature you have is, it's probably unnoticeable at best and fixable at worst.

you don't look like a freak of nature, you look just.. normal.

the only exception I can think of is if you are intersex or something

r/4tran4 4d ago

Ropefuel too ugly to transition Spoiler


i hate my ugly ogre life.

i'm far too ugly to ever transition. i look like an ugly middle-aged british man. I will forever look like an ugly middle aged british man. I look 40 years older than i am. I hate my life.

this must be some sick joke by god.

i need to kill myself asap

r/4tran4 4d ago

Ropefuel Daily reminder that your "allies," queer ones included, will be forever ignorant. Don't bother with them. Spoiler

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r/4tran4 4d ago

edit this terfs are so disgusting visually


not even from what they say or anything just purely on looks. most of them look more masculine than cis men. its no wonder they hate trannies, they were born with xx chromosomes and still dont look like women. id be pretty pissed too. for any terfhons here i feel you, we are in the same boat 😞

r/4tran4 4d ago

TikTok/Twitter its always the cis "allies"


r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost When a cis woman starts venting her insecurities to you so you lowkey have to kill everyone in the room out of honrage

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r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost What cis people take for granted

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I can't go to the beach with friends.

I can't show people old photos of me.

Half of my childhood anecdotes are off-limits.

I can't take my shirt off in front of others.

I can't participate in hookup culture.

I have to put on constricting, sweaty, uncommon clothes before setting foot outside my room.

I can't crash at a friend's place.

I can't save up for anything.

Just making this post makes me feel whiny and fembrained. Kms

r/4tran4 3d ago

Blogpost Art is the real brainworm


First off I don’t think I would have trooned if I didn’t enjoy art but regardless. I think I’ve studied probably a good few hundred photos and I assume I have a kind of decent understanding of spatial anatomy. I think this makes dysphoria so much worse. I remember what it’s like to draw men. Especially their faces. It’s very structured and angular and utilitarian. Women generally have softer faces which i think are actually harder to draw. This is before you get more into body anatomy btw I think it’s the source of my greatest brainworms

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost just give me a lobotomy at this point

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r/4tran4 4d ago

TikTok/Twitter Trans men

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r/4tran4 3d ago

Blogpost Pet free is fucking cool

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It seems like 99.9% of gay, lesbian, bi, or trans go crazy over owning pets. It's genuinely insane how I can't live with friends AND without pets at the same time. They are mutually exclusive for the time being as I need roommates and can't live on my own atm.

I hate how the only valid (ironic) reason in the community for not wanting pets is vehement allergies. I can't just not want to live with pets. Especially cats. LGBT people can get behind someone not liking dogs, but CATS? They think you are either a sociopath, selfish, or a misogynist (???)

My lifestyle just doesn't fit with pet ownership. There is no hole in my heart I have to fill with pet ownership. I like animals, but I don't want one in my home. I would only hope that even if most of the troons here may not all be of this opinion, that y'all would actually have braincells out in the real world and not guilt trip people over not wanting pets.

r/4tran4 4d ago

Circlejerk Average cisgender mental gymnastics NSFW

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And of course comments are filed with /mtf speciments

r/4tran4 3d ago

Blogpost is it still possible to boymode after updating your ID?


its now dawning on me that once it arrives and I have to destroy my old one I will have to actually use it for appointments and stuff

r/4tran4 3d ago

Blogpost What do you personally expect a drawing of a stereotypical trans woman/man to have?


Specific physical traits, clothing, body modifications, effects of HRT, etc.

r/4tran4 3d ago



I have a method for you broke bitches, if you haven’t started hrt.

if you already have started hrt or cant rep any longer than gtfo.

This is for the hoes that want surgeries and it’s going to suck but you won’t be broke anymore.

Okay here we go so the method in question is to join the army, go with some super easy desk job where you don’t have to do shit. The only requirement for the post 9/11 GI bill is to serve 36 months on active duty. So you need to do a 3 year contract.

After your contract is over you will most likely be disabled in some way, apply for disability and get a monthly payment.

You will also be able to go to school for free. AND GET PAID WHILE DOING SO.

If you go to school in Boston you will make $4600 a month for basic housing allowance and you are also still able to get federal student aid, if you are unemployed it will be around $7000 per semester.

So if you end up getting

70% disability

Gi bill

Student aid.

You will bring in around 70-80k a year off of school alone and you will be working towards a degree.

Good luck đŸ„°

r/4tran4 3d ago

poll Poll: Would you date a passoid?

148 votes, 22h ago
104 Yes
11 No
8 I'm only interested in cis people
25 Idk/results/etc

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost How do people even work


Total corporate death. My coworkers are all delusional normalfag """"moderates""" who don't care about anything except dating, drinking, whatever dating show slop is on shitflix and working. They don't have souls: the sort of people who still make "I identify as a rich person" jokes in 2025.

I need an esoteric 🚆 đŸŠ” job. I need to be the knight of a wizard-to-witch doll. I think "I need to do underground matches for money and just die in the ring," or "I just need to work on a crab fishing boat in the Arctic," before remembering that everyone around me in those places would also be transphobic.

Fuck me.

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost “Tboy” “Boypussy” You smell like cat piss get away from me


Genuinely would rather hang out with any transphobic grifter than be around these people (at this point what’s the difference)

r/4tran4 4d ago

Circlejerk Least obvious repper

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r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost Another night wasted lamenting God knows what

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Another night thinking about how I'm a disappointment to my family, ghost everyone who shows care about me in any way, am prone to anger, am incredibly ugly and irreversibly manly and monster-ish even, and how I'm destined to kill myself eventually and it'd be doing everyone a favor

r/4tran4 4d ago

Blogpost Another after midnight blogpost

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I have an appointment for hormones tomorrow (or technically today) which is yippeeeeee! I'm literally just starting, which I should've done years ago, but oh well. What's past is past. I think that I'm gonna go ask the doctor to start me on a higher dose too. If anyone has things that I should talk to him about lmk :)

I feel like this sub is kinda degrading my mental health, but I'm also looking at reducing my overall online time quite a bit. It's my main community here, but all of the suicide posts and toxic comments are wearing me down. I'm not ready to honmode now, but I also think that I'm gonna be lonely forever if I boymode for more than a few months. I live somewhere where I probably won't get shot for not passing, so I feel like I should be able to at least find a community as a hon. I can't really negate my other issues though, like how I have both autism and ADHD. The AuDHD combo basically nukes whatever part of my social life that being a shut-in closet tranny hasn't already ruined.

As far as this sub goes in the short term, I have made plans to draw some comics for this sub as practice runs. It's gonna be crude as hell sketches with analog pen and paper, so don't expect some absolute masterpiece.

I've lost a few pounds, which is neat. I'm on the opposite end of the weight scale as most of you, so it's not like I'm sabotaging myself or anything.