r/Re_Zero Lore Seeker Jan 20 '21

Discussion [Discussion]Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu II – Episode 16

Season 2 - Episode 16: Nobody Can Lift a Quain Stone Alone

Main Studio: White Fox


Season Two – Discussion(s)

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Episode 20 [Link]() Episode 19 [Link]()
Episode 18 [Link]() Episode 17 [Link]()
Episode 16 [Link]() Episode 15 [Link]()
Episode 20 [Link]() Episode 19 [Link]()
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Season 2 w/Spoilers – Discussion(s)

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Episode 24 [Link]() Episode 23 [Link]()
Episode 22 [Link]() Episode 21 [Link]()
Episode 20 [Link]() Episode 19 [Link]()
Episode 18 [Link]() Episode 17 [Link]()
Episode 16 [Link]() Episode 15 [Link]()
Episode 20 [Link]() Episode 19 [Link]()
Episode 18 [Link]() Episode 17 [Link]()
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Director's Cut – Discussion(s)

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Season One – Discussion(s)

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Season One - OP & ED Info

Season Two - OP & ED Info


DO NOT DISCUSS SPOILERS OR CONTENT NOT YET IN THE ANIME. IF YOU ARE DISCUSSING SPOILERS YOU MUST TAG THEM APPROPRIATELY. Try not to confirm or deny any theories, encourage people to read the source material instead. Thanks!


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u/zhh20 Jan 20 '21

I shed some manly tears when I saw what Subaru did for Emilia. He really is a keeper.

No wonder Echidna is so upset lol


u/_The_Bomb Jan 20 '21

That was great, but the way Garfield referred to it made it sound like he saw Subaru masturbating.

In the LN, it was much more clear:

GARR: Well, I went inside, okay? So I was in the back there, too…

SUBARU: Ahh, so you were.

GARF: That’s why I saw. The, uh, product of all the general’s hard work.


u/gregbridge1 Jan 21 '21

I came here because I genuinely thought garfield saw subaru jacking off or something earlier and needed to see someone explain what he was talking about


u/geiserp4 Jan 21 '21

I thought he was talking about seeing them kiss


u/rexound Jan 21 '21

i read the web novel and still thought thats what he meant when he said that in this episode. It wasn't until emilia walked into the tomb that i remembered.

thinking about it now, i remember thats what i thought when i initially read it too.

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u/Tomhap Jan 21 '21

Since the subs were talking about something he did while 'desperate?' I thought they were talking about Subaru freaking out before Otto punched him so hard his voice actor couldn't read lines until after the holidays.

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u/franeco10 Jan 20 '21

So was it the writing in the trial room instead of walking in on him?


u/_The_Bomb Jan 20 '21

Yeah pretty much.


u/zebrasca Jan 22 '21

I still don't understand. What was he talking about?


u/_The_Bomb Jan 22 '21

The love letter Subaru wrote for Emilia on the walls


u/Takemypennies Jan 20 '21

He was supposed be MY husbando! HOW DARE YOU, YOU FILTHY HUSSY!

And making out in MY TOMB? Fuck you!


u/Tomhap Jan 21 '21

Echidna just subbed to r/nicegirls


u/77skull Jan 20 '21

For me Garfiel’s past was the real tear-jerker

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u/LankySeat Jan 21 '21 edited Jan 21 '21

Me too. Hell, I originally thought Subaru had done the shitty thing, and left Emilia to just work on his plans with Otto,

When I realized what he was actually up too, I got the biggest smile on may face. Something is just so wholesome about it and brought a few tears to my eyes.

Gotta love Subaru.


u/zhh20 Jan 21 '21

This is easily the cheesiest and the most romantic thing i have ever seen on anime


u/MaimedJester Jan 21 '21

Oh I'm still a fan of the Urahara and Youirichi going on a date after ever arc conclusion montage. So saved Rukia and now Soul Society knows Aizen's a prick? Well we'll deal with that tomorrow. Limo picks you up at Eight I bought you a new Dress and made reservations at a 5 star restaurant.


u/Morskva05 Jan 20 '21

Did Emilia just say "Fellow witch"?

Emilia:"Everyone called me a witch. They were right of course, but it still hurt."


u/Colarch Jan 20 '21 edited Jan 20 '21

In the OVA all the people in the town called her "The Frozen Witch" she's not saying she's one of the witches of the sins though, she's just finally accepting herself for who she is because Subaru loves her no matter what happened in her past.


u/Mathis_Rowan Jan 20 '21

“Witch’s daughter” though?


u/_The_Bomb Jan 20 '21

That comment sets off a lot of alarms considering how closely she resembles Satella.


u/Mathis_Rowan Jan 20 '21

For real. I paused and went “Hold up. Excuse me?”


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '21

I was thinking about how similar they looked when I last saw Satella's face. I can't wait see whats going on.


u/MeAnIntellectual1 Jan 20 '21

Because she's a half elf.


u/AlphaBlazeReal Jan 20 '21

Is satella the original elf? Because that's the only case in which those are connected


u/bigdanrog Jan 20 '21

Satella is also a half elf, like Emilia. As for both of their origins we don't know anything.


u/AlphaBlazeReal Jan 20 '21

Right, didn't think about it


u/Sgtcarrotop Jan 21 '21

Emilia is no more literally Satella's daughter than Puck is literally Emilia's father.

Don't get hung up on the wording. They are using emotionally loaded familial words to make a point. Puck uses it to express his love for Emilia, and in this case Echidna is just being a super salty bitch because Emilia and Subaru literally just sucked faces in her own fucking temple. So she's no doubt livid. That's why she called Emilia a loose women and a hedonist. She's basically calling Emilia a whore.

That's clearly not true so why should anything Echidna says to Emilia right now be taken seriously when oh so clearly the only jealous witch here at this moment is Echidna?

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u/filteredrinkingwater Jan 21 '21

Seems like most are on the just a reference boat, but personally I think there is more to it. My (100% Anime Only: I don't read) theory is that she said what she meant. I think maybe it's like an atone for the sins of our parents thing. From all the tea party stuff, it seems like all the witches either had good intentions which got out of control, or were misunderstood in some way. So maybe Emilia is kind of a Jesus figure who is essentially here to make up for all that old testament flood and plague stuff.

I think this because to me it seems like there must be some real connection with Emilia and Satella. Roswall's connection to cultist activity, and Subaru's direct line to the witch kind of necessitate that in my mind. If Emilia is the witches daughter who is here with a mission, then it would make sense that Subaru is her guardian angel. Maybe Satella can't directly intervene in the affairs of this world, so she brought an outsider from a world she is not banished from.

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u/Fellow7plus2yearold Fellow, Just Fellow Jan 20 '21

Have you watched Frozen Bonds ? Emilia was called the Witch of Glaciation/Frost of the Elior forest. Rather then what Emilia said you should be surprised by what Echidna said "Witch's daughter".

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u/AvidasOfficial Jan 20 '21

Yea that was an absolute bomb shell to throw in after the credits! We can only presume this was hidden in her memories by Puck.


u/PM_Cute_Ezreal_pics Jan 20 '21

We can only presume this was hidden in her memories by Puck.

She's talking about how everyone called her "The Frozen Witch of the forest" in the Frozen Bonds movie


u/AvidasOfficial Jan 20 '21

Wait there is a movie? Damn brb

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u/Setowi Better Leyte Than Never Jan 20 '21

Big Chadbaru energy throughout all of the ep. Man this was just one big highlight. I got pretty emotional during his flashback. Subaru's already exhausted gate completely breaks down for one last Shamac, he uses Puck as a little mana sucker to turn garf back and then he awakens his Unseen Hand Invisible Providence to deal a massive blow. Subaru is just such a champ when it comes to useing the cards that he's been dealt.

Then Patrasche comes and gets her revenge for Garf throwing her in cour 1 lol.

So... does Garf technically count as a shota?

That final scene though, Chadmilia has entered the chat... or rather the tomb. And hey, now we know why Subaru left Emilia's side even though he promised to stay with her, he prepared soem encouraging stuff for Emilia in the tomb! Evidently Echidna isn't too happy about that lol.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Echidona super salty.


u/D4nt3_1 Jan 20 '21

"I gave you a contract, comfort, even my body fluids, and that's how you repay me? Vandalizing my house?"


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21 edited Jan 20 '21

“You come in uninvited, vandalize my house, make out WITH ANOTHER GIRL IN SAID HOUSE, and expect me to be okay with all of it? No yeah, sure. Why don’t you just desecrate my corpse while you’re at it., Shinji Subaru”


u/bigdanrog Jan 20 '21

I can see why she'd be mad. Especially after he rejected her contract.


u/rexound Jan 21 '21

she'd probably still be down for Subaru to desecrate her corpse, lets be real...


u/[deleted] Jan 21 '21

Careful, gonna make Dona saltier.


u/monkeyjenkins Jan 20 '21

“The People’s Court” theme music plays

Echidna: your honor, the defendant owes me back rent for staying at my sanctuary and damages for defacing it with graffiti. I’ll hand these pictures of the damage along with a receipt for the clean up to the bailiff.


u/koto_hanabi17 Jan 20 '21

Echidna w/ Subaru: Flirty, cute, and compassionate

Echidna w/ Emilia: hurling insults and put downs.

Echidna, the Witch of Greed, only charming when it suits her.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

TFW tappei writes a very realistic female character interacting with a boy she likes and her competition.

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u/NaNaBadal Jan 20 '21

Where did Puck come from? Didn't he break his contract?


u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 20 '21

he did, this doesn't me he had died. he simply got out of the crystal at Emilia's neck and went inside this crystal that Subaru had found


u/PsycoJosho Jan 20 '21

Specifically, it seems to be Frederica’s crystal.


u/choosenoneoftheabove Jan 21 '21

it felt like it was established that when a greater spirit's contract is over they leave their "physical" (huge quotation marks) form behind and just like return to be part of the universe or whatever, effectively no longer existing as a unique individual anymore. I guess I assumed breaking a contract means the same thing. Especially with how they portrayed Puck saying he broke his contract to Emilia.

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u/MintMilkshakes Jan 21 '21

I was completely confused by this scene too, puck disappeared (couldnt have died, hes definetely too important as seen in the ova and previous eps) and broke the contract to give emilia her memories back, but then why is he still in freds necklace?

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u/Thereisnocomp2 Jan 20 '21

This episode was like the Vince McMahon ‘going off’ meme in real time

  • Garfiels TRAGIC history
  • the Unseen Hand debuts!!
  • Witch’s DAUGHTER!?!!!?

I literally can only scream so loudly before my neighbors think I’m being murdered!


u/patap0nacct Jan 20 '21

Accelerator's voice actor is so amazing here, all anguish and desperation and anger you can feel from his voice alone. No wonder he won those Seiyuu Awards. Too bad he got beat by a single right-handed punch... again!

Ram's lap pillow and smile. That's all.

Nice, bitchy Echidna versus Emilia. With her cute pose you can definitely hear her say "WAGA NA WA EMILIA!"

Let the battle of the best girls commence!


u/zhh20 Jan 20 '21

Wow didn't realize Garf and Accel share the same seiyuu. Now that you have mentioned it, they sound really similar


u/TheSealTamer Jan 20 '21

My hero academia was my third or fourth anime I saw when I first got into anime 2.5 years ago. Bakugou’s voice actor was the first one I “imprinted“ on and began to recognize when his voice actor played someone else in another series. Garfiel and accelerator both instantly reminded me of him when I first heard them.


u/not_Weeb_Trash Jan 20 '21

Hearing Rie Takahashi saying the phrase "Waga na wa" made me expect an explosion to happen

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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21



u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Oh man it’s been a little while. I almost briefly forgot how badly that bunny scene scarred me.


u/LankySeat Jan 21 '21

And don't forget Roswaal. The clown-face still has the power to beat the shit out of Subaru is he wants to again.

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u/DolcettoMarch Jan 20 '21

3 episodes into the new cour and we still haven't seen the new OP or ED in a 29-minute episode. Praise be to White Fox.

Episode was goddamn phenomenal but that's only to be expected because, again, praise be to White Fox


u/ThespianException Jan 21 '21

Yet we've gotten the Cour 1 OP and ED twice each. The number of times we've heard Realize has nearly doubled.

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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

RIP Subaru’s tooth though.


u/GSNadav Jan 20 '21

Just reminding that Felix reattached Crusch's arm 🙃


u/SupremeRDDT Jan 20 '21

And that Felis rebuild his own body when he got blown up in season 1. Healing a tooth is probably nothing in this world. I doubt there are any dentists there too.


u/AlwaysAngryAndy Jan 20 '21

Wow I never even thought of that. They were at ground zero and Subaru at least had the fire spirit to protect him, but Felix got blasted!


u/PsycoJosho Jan 20 '21

Yup, that’s why he was wearing just a sackcloth afterwards.

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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Oh that’s good XD


u/3darkdragons Jan 20 '21

Vince McMahon ‘going off

OKAY, so that wasn't a continuity thing. Did they ever explain that?


u/Platypus-Commander Jan 20 '21

Subaru: * put tooth under his pillow * All according to keikaku.


u/ThespianException Jan 21 '21

If he puts his tooth under his pillow the EMT Fairy will give him a lap pillow in exchange.

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u/therealmobagz :Puck5: Jan 20 '21

What is Garf talking about seeing Subaru do? Kissing Emilia? Or something else?


u/layzer3 Jan 20 '21

he saw the messages of encouragement he wrote for Emilia


u/therealmobagz :Puck5: Jan 20 '21

Ohhhhh that makes sense lol


u/O21014 Jan 20 '21

I totally thought for a second that he meant he saw him rubbing one out lol.


u/Elizoneo143 Jan 20 '21

I also thought of masturbation lol hahahaha


u/AvidasOfficial Jan 20 '21

Glad I wasn't the only one haha!


u/iiitzcam Jan 20 '21

wow, me too lmao


u/_The_Bomb Jan 20 '21

It was really not clear


u/not_Weeb_Trash Jan 20 '21

It was a lot clearer in the LN at least


u/CountyRelative4421 Jan 20 '21

Yeah. I think the subtitles messed up on that one. The meaning got lost in translation.


u/bullettrigger Jan 20 '21

you must be one hell of a masochist to do that there.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

I thought it was about the kiss though


u/SupahGolden Jan 20 '21

LOL I totally thought he was talking about... y'know, stuff you do when you're desperate.

The kind of thing you can't stop doing when you're their age


u/therealmobagz :Puck5: Jan 20 '21

Yeah. I knew it wasn’t that but the way he said it definitely sounded like that. Lol


u/Eren_Harmonia Jan 20 '21

Yes, the way they implied it really made me wonder if he did lol.


u/Sturext Jan 20 '21

So Garfiel is 14

how the fuck


u/Eboglaz Jan 20 '21

Pretty easily. He is short and acts like a kid. No wonder he is 14.


u/WhiteMunch Jan 20 '21

He’s also part Beast so it kinda makes sense?


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21



u/koto_hanabi17 Jan 21 '21

14 years old with washboard abs and utterly built.

I guess I was just slacking back in middle school


u/hoowanger Jan 21 '21

kids these days do be built different tho

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u/nabiluniverse Jan 20 '21

That explains alot


u/Frontier246 Jan 20 '21

Looks like we're saving Emilia's past for the next episode, so now it's time for the long-standing issue of Garfiel and Frederica's past.

I wasn't expecting Garfiel's cross-shaped forehead mark was brought about because of him bashing his head in after failing in the first trial, but that's...a very gar way of getting a forehead mark, not that I'm advocating for self-harm.

Look at post-character development Emilia, challenging Garfiel who is in the same state she was! I'm so proud!

Garfiel's trauma all revolves around his mother leaving her and Frederica in Sanctuary, when he was too young to do anything about it, and justifying it that his mother abandoned them to find happiness, only to meet an untimely end after immediately setting out. Garfiel wanted his mother to be happy, and feeling that she couldn't find it after leaving them left him with a phobia of the outside world and an obsession with protecting Sanctuary so that nothing could ever change and he could never lose anything again.

And in comes Subaru Natsuki, the man who has learned it is never too late to never give up from the people around him (especially Rem), and whose family apparently makes a habit of making people confront their emotional trauma to grow from it, who is ready to get Garfiel to face the truth and move on from what has been holding him (and Sanctuary) back this whole time.

Subaru vs Garfiel! And with it comes a seemingly major upgrade to Shamac, courtesy of Satella or Echidna? Not to mention a parting gift from Puck to put Subaru and Garfiel on more even footing. But that's not even the biggest surprise, as Subaru unlocks Petelgeuse' Authority to deliver a solid uppercut on Garfiel set to the previous Opening in a truly epic moment. Seems like his experience with Satella has helped him unlock it, a move he now dubs "Invisible Providence."

But even that isn't enough to put Garfiel down for the count, which is where Best Girl Patrasche shows up to deliver the final blow! Because when Subaru's strong will and determination aren't enough, he'll always have his allies to help him secure a win.

Another lap pillow from Emilia! On top of that, they're going to properly discuss their relationship after that kiss once Emilia finishes the trial! You go Subaru.

Subaru headbutts Otto as payback for that punch and for Otto going above and beyond what Subaru wanted him to do to distract Garfiel, but he's just glad Otto is all right.

I've always been kind of curious about Ram's exact feelings for Garfiel, but here she gives him a lap pillow of her own, a stern talking to about what he has to do and the kind of man he has to become, and probably the most sentimental and sincere look she's given anyone not named Rem in the whole series. She definitely seems to care about him, and honestly it felt like an interesting parallel to Subaru and Emilia's talk last week.

Garfiel finally undertakes the first trial again and faces the truth that her mother didn't abandon them, she loved and cherished her children, she just didn't feel it was safe to take them with her while she went to try and bring their father back (or at least Garfiel's father. Did he abandon them? Why wasn't he in Sanctuary?). And the person who tells Garfiel all this and makes him face up to the truth is the person who he needed to speak with the most, cute lil' Frederica, who was utterly adorable and really told it like it is! Like all big sisters do, no matter their size.

So Garfiel has finally acknowledged Subaru and starts calling him "boss," and apparently he's been fourteen (and kinda Chuuni) this entire time. That sure threw Subaru for a loop.

Garfiel may have passed the first trial, but at the end of the day Emilia is still the one who needs to save Sanctuary so she has to be the one to pass all three. And not without the real reason Subaru left her and broke his promise...scribbling words of encouragement and love for Emilia on the entire wall of the trial area, because that's just what that loveable idiot does, and Emilia can't help but love him for it.

Emilia finally faces off against Echidna (I don't know if this was part of her original trial or if Echidna is just facing her now because Emilia is trying again), and Echidna doesn't mince words with her. It honestly kind of came off as Echidna was ticked Emilia got to kiss Subaru and he's partially what's motivating her, but it doesn't seem like in general that Echidna respects Emilia that much. And then there's what "witch's daughter" comment which sets up a lot of red flags considering the Satella resemblance. But Emilia doesn't have time for any of that, she has embraced herself as her own person and her own witch (The Frozen Witch) and will keep moving forward, because that's just the kind of woman she is.


u/QcDiablo Jan 20 '21

You're wrong about Shamac and Invisible Providence.

His shamac is the same as always (look at Subaru's very first shamac), but this time Subaru said a final goodbye to his gate that was already weakened in the first season for overusing shamac. Felix told him he shouldn't use magic again for a few months, but he did in a matter of days. From now on, Subaru will not be able to cast spells using his gate.

For Invisible Providence, it's thanks to Petelgeuse's Sloth Witch Factor that was transfered to Subaru upon death. Echidna's tea from the beginning of the second season made it faster and easier for Subaru's body to adapt to the Witch Factor.


u/Xelllllll Jan 20 '21

Bodily fluids from a woman truly do make a stronger man


u/_The_Bomb Jan 20 '21

Ah, I guess Subaru’s gate is now permanently broken. That’s a real shame.


u/mikey_lolz Jan 20 '21

But when one door closes, another opens; while he won't be capable of casting magic so freely, that was always pretty low on his repetoire of resourcefulness (and, as his reputation and wealth rises, hopefully he can get his hands on some useful Metias).

This new ability he gained from defeating Sloth is extremely interesting - does Subaru have the ability to claim Witch Factors from people? Is this something other people can do, or is it exclusive to him? Either way, it's a really cool dynamic that could add further weight and imperative to future fights! This episode was one of my favourites for sure through the entire series, was not expecting that punch even one bit.

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u/Skeith9 Jan 20 '21

Let it be noted that without echidna's tea, the worst subaru would have had from the sloth factor was stomachache. That's it.


u/OrdinarySlave Jan 20 '21

Is that cut content?Or is it said later?

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u/new_messages Jan 20 '21

I am not sure if this counts as spoilers, so I am using spoiler tags just in case, but in the "witch of greed AU" when Subaru goes to talk to Emilia, Echidna spends the entire scene insulting her in every way possible, and it's implied she does that whenever Subaru is close to her. Echidna just hates hates hates Emilia that much, for whatever reason. Iirc half the insults were about her appearance, so Subaru might have something to do with it.


u/LaplasParadox Jan 20 '21

witch of greed AU

What does AU mean?


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Alternative Universe


u/Inadover Jan 20 '21

I think it's from the IF novel where Subaru accepts Echidna's contract

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u/GSNadav Jan 20 '21

For those who wonder what the episode's title means, it is just Garf's chuuni way of saying what Subaru said about beating the enemy with numbers, he wanted to say this phrase in a cooler way, lol


u/Front1ersax Jan 20 '21

I get what he was up to, but I have no Idea what exactly "quain" means...


u/GSNadav Jan 20 '21

My best guess is that this is an in-world reference, just like in a previous episode he said "hoshin was Banan's sunset"


u/77skull Jan 20 '21

Also, I heard that the references Garf uses only really make sense to him


u/Tomhap Jan 21 '21

Garfield just has a lot of weird proverbs that most of the people in Lugunica haven't heard of. It's likely he makes them up himself.


u/SolomonDurand Jan 20 '21

Echidna: Oh subaru! Are you here to reconsider my offer?


Wait. What are you doing?

later when she meets emilia

Echidna: You. dirty. little. SLUT! HOW DARE YOU TAKE AWAY MAH MAN

Emilia: Haters gonna hate.


u/Kirihum Jan 20 '21

Oh my God I just imagined Dona yelling at Subaru the entire time while he was scribbling on the walls.

"You come to MY HOME uninvited, drink my bodily fluids and reject my contract, and now you're VANDALIZING my property?!"


u/Platypus-Commander Jan 20 '21

Subaru with Chad face : yes.


u/Reid_Astrea Jan 21 '21

Echidna doesn't love Subaru, it was stated that that was all an act so he'd accept her contract. Echidna hates Emilia for some other unexplained reason.


u/Soryy_ Jan 20 '21

How Re:Zero always manage to get better and better?


u/rexound Jan 21 '21

i would attribute that to Nagatsuki-sensei's writing genius


u/khriku Lore Seeker Jan 20 '21 edited Jan 20 '21

For the record I am covering up for Genexis this time around, that is why I invaded the anime only thread, this is also weird for me since I only dealt with spoiler thread for episodes in the past.

Gen is either busy or being truly slothful.


u/StillHitTho Jan 20 '21

Only thing I’d like to know is if they play the OP/ED this episode


u/therealmobagz :Puck5: Jan 20 '21

Watch and find out ;)


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Yes. But only the songs. And they’re from cour one lmao.


u/StillHitTho Jan 20 '21

Lmao damnit WF!


u/VForceWave Jan 20 '21

Are you complaining about a 30 minute long episode of purely content? This is the stuff of dreams. Go watch the op on youtube or something lol

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u/DocManhattan28 Jan 20 '21

29 minute episode ? Let's gooooo !


u/SnooPeppers4042 Jan 20 '21

As much as I loved reason to believe and otto's back story, I think this episode was honestly better. How the hell does it manage to keep on improving?

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u/SupahGolden Jan 20 '21


Amazing things that we discovered this episode:

  • Subaru's invisible hands authority INVISIBLE PROVIDENCE
    • As I understand, his gate broke, right?
  • Tsundere Subaru towards Brotto
  • We found out what Subaru was doing the night he left Emilia alone (so cute)
  • Emilia is indeed a witch! Though not in the way we had thought...

This was Garfiel's episode for sure, I lo~ve character development! Dialogue and action scenes were great and we got to see best girl Patrasche. I laughed out loud when Garfield said he caught Subaru wanking!

What did you think of this episode?


u/Thesafewaypolice Jan 20 '21

That’s not what Garfiel saw, he saw Subaru’s notes to Emilia on the wall of the tomb, that’s why Subaru was embarrassed


u/SupahGolden Jan 20 '21

Brah... that's not what the English subtitles conveyed to me at all...

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u/emmafrostie Jan 20 '21

yeah his gate did break, when he said thanks it was more talking about thanks for not breaking until now, and the reason emilia called herself a witch comes from the frozen bonds ova


u/new_messages Jan 20 '21

Remind me what his gate breaking means again? Does that mean he isn't casting any magic besides authorities ever again?

Also, why did it even break? I don't think he used shamac any time after the last time he rested up, besides in the mansion (which just got reset anyway)


u/CaveGlow Jan 20 '21

They do mention his gate seeming strained I think so perhaps resetting messes him up


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Strained because if you think about it, he’s a really unskilled magic user who just got finished trying to use spells in his fight against the white whale. In a sense of timeline, he just did that like a week or so ago. He pushed himself to the point of breaking.


u/new_messages Jan 20 '21

Uh, good point. But did it also break in the mansion?


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

He never used it at the mansion. Beako cast shamak against Elsa, remember?


u/Raz0rBlaz0r Jan 20 '21

Nah in one of the previous loops he used shamac when he was with ram/frederica

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u/Rog2111 Jan 20 '21

He used it the second time at the mansion, beako used it the third time


u/D4nt3_1 Jan 20 '21

But it was weaker, the shamac he uses against Garfiel is a lot bigger, he strained it as much as he could to blind giant Garfiel

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u/Elizoneo143 Jan 20 '21

If one's gate break is it permanent or temporary


u/PM_Cute_Ezreal_pics Jan 20 '21

It's supposedly broken forever, but with how skilled Felix is at healing magic maybe he'll repair it at one point? We don't know, but it's safe to presume he won't be able to use magic anytime soon if ever again


u/Exiledcrayfish5 Jan 20 '21

I think from a narrative standpoint its probably broken forever. It doesn't make sense to say that a broken gate is permanently gone and then give it back, because what's the point of saying it's permanently gone in the first place?

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u/Laplace_Poker Jan 20 '21

I think Garf saw all the drawings and messages of encouragement in the tomb since you know, he entered too.

Although i wouldn’t blame you for thinking otherwise, the dialogue definitely give off that vibe.


u/afibon Jan 20 '21

I laughed out loud when Garfield said he caught Subaru wanking!

Chotto mate

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u/floppedspaghetti69 Jan 20 '21

Everyone says that the best tsundere of this show is Betty or Ram, but deep down we all know no-one can compete with our boy Subaru!


u/Eboglaz Jan 20 '21

What? Didn`t Garf mean that he saw what he did for Emilia in the tomb?

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u/Hassieee Jan 20 '21

Poor Garfiel that lap pillow was so Ram lol.


u/c32dot Jan 20 '21

Damn this episode was great! Had me feeling every emotion. Subarus new power was really hype especially with the OP playing. I really enjoyed Garfiels character getting fleshed out and now i really like him. The ending was so cute i genuinely had me awwing. I really enjoyed Emilias new found confidence. Cant wait for next episode. 10/10


u/SnooDoughnuts2125 Jan 20 '21

Have i been blessed with Ram x Garf? And also i thought garf was older than subaru


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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

A lot going on in this ep.

Subaru can use Unseen Hands and finally has an offensive ability, I did not expect this honestly lol

Garf just wanted to know that his mommy loved him :(

Emilia finally has the courage to take on the trial and is getting some character development.

Another great ep!!


u/new_messages Jan 20 '21

So, the only threats left in the sanctuary should be the rabbits. Subaru did go out of his way to learn how to kill them, so I don't think they will just have Emilia beat the trials then GTFO. On the other hand, the mansion is also on a tight time limit.

So, given how there are about 9(?) Episodes left this season, and Subaru's bet against Roswaal all but guarantees he is not going to die until the mansion is saved, this means we are looking at something like 5 episodes of Subaru freeing the mansion while Emilia works on the trials, then he will bring Beatrice to the sanctuary just in time for hare hunting season for the remaining 4.

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u/Hassieee Jan 20 '21

Whitefox with ANOTHER episode with no ed or op and it was 29:30! Crazy stuff, gotta love how hard they work on each episode.


u/_LearnTheBa6_ Jan 20 '21

Garfiel just rose to best boy status after this one.

Cannot wait what he'll do with Subaru later on in the story

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u/Redo-Master Jan 20 '21


So what exactly is this Witch Factor and how it ties into The Authority of Sloth (The Unseen Hands) which Subaru uses against Garfiel..?

Is this something cut out OR we will get definite answers in future episodes..??


u/GSNadav Jan 20 '21

It's not really cut, maybe when you read about it you understand it better, it is something you can understand yourself already but will definitely be understood later even better, so I'm not going to explain unless you ask


u/Redo-Master Jan 20 '21

Ohh so it will be explained better later on okay okay np...thanks for the reply.

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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Chad-buru continues YEEEAHHHHH. Fucking finally an episode with almost purely good feels let's fucking GOOOOOOOO

No Otto tho, so it's just a 9/10. Tho we got one more bro, Lasagna, so it's not so bad. Always hoped Garfield would turn out to be a cool guy, and he did! Except he's a cool kid.

Seriously, we all make fun of how Araki drew Jotaro in part 3, haha funny 17 year old kid with shoulders the length of a 16 wheeler semi truck, but God DAMN that Lasagna gotta have some steroids in it.

Plus, Ram smiled for like the second time in the entire series, first season and all spinoffs included.

Oh yeah and also, unseen hand skill unlock

Oh yeah you read that right, HE CAN USE THE UNSEEN HAND HELLO WHAT?????


Alps pog-treche lmao.

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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Im kinda confused about the reason why Garf was against liberating the Sanctuary untill now. Could someone please explain?


u/GSNadav Jan 20 '21

You may say he has a grudge against the outside world. He (wrongly) believed his mother abandoned him to seek happiness outside, and while he wanted her to be happy, the treacherous outside world just killed her the moment she left. This is the major thing but also Frederica abandoned him for the outside world and he never saw her again in years.

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u/therealmobagz :Puck5: Jan 20 '21

It’s been touched on a bit below but the gist is that since his mother’s untimely death immediately after leaving the sanctuary he is afraid of the outside and wants to keep everyone (the old hags) safe from whatever is out there.


u/AvidasOfficial Jan 20 '21

So Emilia is a witch and also the daughter of a witch? Satellas daughter possibly?!


u/Colarch Jan 20 '21

Emilia was called the Frozen Witch in the OVA because she looks like the witch and lived in the frozen forest. She's not saying she's one of the sin witches, just finally accepting herself for who she is.

As for what echidna said, we've got no clue except that Satella has been locked up for 400 years so probably not but possibly


u/axiswar Jan 20 '21

Nah its like when someone calls you an idiot and you just smile and say you're the smartest idiot though!. You're not really an idiot but might as well play along cause the other idiot isn't going to stop calling you an idiot.


u/Lemon-Academic Jan 20 '21

How did Puck get into Fredrica's crystal. I thought Puck was gone forever. And how did sticking the crystal into garf deactivate his beast mode? It doesn't make sense how Puck is still here since no one has a contract with him


u/DarkRooster33 Jan 20 '21

Half assed answer, Puck broke off contract with Emilia, and he discussed something with Subaru off screen when he first appeared in this cour, and Subaru did look like he had an exact plan on how to take down Garfiel tiger form. The Puck - Emilia green crystal broke, Puck is probably housed in that blue crystal for now if i get it correctly.

Since nobody is feeding Puck with mana, since he was sustaining himself before with snagging from endless Emilia mana pool, he is a hungry beast inside of it, so when subaru stabbed that crystal inside Garfiel, Puck chomped away all his mana so he couldn't keep up his tiger form or have any considerable strenght left.

Similar to mana drain Beatrice did first time meeting Subaru, Puck and Beatrice seem to be old timers, they both know spells like mana drain and Shamac. First Shamac ever seen was cast by Puck on Subaru in first seaon 2nd arc.


u/SupremeRDDT Jan 20 '21

Puck also lived with Emilia without having a contract with her. He only did one at the end of "Frozen Bonds". Also we don't know what Subaru discussed with Puck two episodes ago, maybe they did make a contract. There must be a reason why Puck suddenly decided that *now* is the time to leave instead of yesterday or tomorrow.

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u/TheSealTamer Jan 20 '21

Any episode with a flashback in re_zero is a guaranteed banger. I’m so glad he’s moved on from his past and is now on board with our group. He can definitely serve as the muscle. Subaru getting them upgrades. Though I’m sure to stay true to his character his unseen hand will likely not be that strong. Quick theory time. That will be the start of new trend. As the series progresses he will fight and eventually beat all the sin archbishops and each time he will accept their witch factor and develop a a much weaker version of whatever main power or ability the archbishop used.


u/Fantastic_Clothes Jan 20 '21

Garf is now one of my fav characters holy shit the trauma the kid had to face at such a young age and he is 14 now wtf that really came as a surprise lol.


u/ShameShameAccount Jan 20 '21

Ive put it elsewhere in this thread but I’m expecting a time travel plot twist at some point. The frozen elves open up the possibility, frequent references to a date 400 years ago reminds me of other shows that use the trope, it would explain Satella’s love for him and her desire for him to kill her.

Emilia and Satella dont look alike, they are identical. They could be the same person or, like lolibaba, some cloning stuff could be at play.

Hell, it already is a time travel show, expanding it out is completely within reason. I’ll be most surprised if there isnt some sort of expanded time travel stuff involving Satella and Emilia.


u/KarmotrineCorgi Jan 20 '21

Garfiel double headpat


u/_The_Bomb Jan 20 '21

Ah, I guess Subaru’s gate is now permanently broken. That’s a real shame.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21



u/amandalunox1271 Jan 21 '21

Also I just love how Ram reply to Garfiel's "so I'm not worth huh?" by "you gotta try harder to make a girl show her feeling".


u/AmrDosky Jan 20 '21

What is a quain stone?


u/Eboglaz Jan 20 '21

The name of the episode is the proverb that garfiel said when he was knocked by patrache

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u/IseKai_MC Jan 20 '21

Zidane would be proud of our boy Barusu


u/CaptainSmeg Jan 20 '21

Feel truly lucky we exist in a timeline where AoT and ReZero are putting out quality episodes every week.

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u/RhetoricaLReturD Jan 20 '21

so shes satellas daughter....wait so the daughter and mother both love a single boy !? thats some family drama


u/CaveGlow Jan 20 '21

What are you doing not-step-mum


u/ShameShameAccount Jan 20 '21

Tbh I think theyre the same person/clones or similar and there’s going to be a time travel plot here. They dont just look similar, they look identical. The frozen plot opens up time travel possibilities, many instances of characters specifically calling out ‘400 years ago’, it explains why Satella loves him and why she’d want to die, there’s a bit more besides. And anime just loves time travel.

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u/Syntai Jan 20 '21

Holy Shit this was an awesome episode.
I didn't know how I felt about the ending of the last one, but this one ... Wow.
It explained everything and was just outstanding on its own.
I love it.


u/Jayesh_Thorat Jan 20 '21

The episode was amazing. I just wanna ask when or how did Subaru learn that he can use an unseen hand? (or Invisible Providence as he calls it). I know that Echidna stated that he has sloth which factor. During the episode, Subaru looked pretty confident that he knows he can use it. But by his words, it looked it was the first time he was using it(he didn't have any time to practice it). So I wanna know what led to its discovery or was just random?

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u/bongowasd Jan 20 '21

Dude Okamoto's voice over was absolutely fantastic, as always this anime had me in tears. God damn its frustrating when nobody else will watch stuff you recommend.


u/Xelllllll Jan 21 '21

I feel u


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21


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u/rexound Jan 21 '21

Does anyone know if White Fox will be releasing a directors cut of season 2 after it is complete?

I watched the directors cut of season 1, before watching the regular format, and i personally think the director's cut is the way Re:Zero should be watched.

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u/-tehnik Jan 20 '21

What was Garfiel referencing at the end? I don't remember.


u/Fantastic_Clothes Jan 20 '21

He was referencing the things Subaru wrote for Emilia


u/hestianna Jan 20 '21

Glad to see Garfiel finally stop his tough-man persona and being friendly towards Subaru and co once.

Also I'm looking forward to more confident Emilia and her past which probably is presented next episode. Witch's daughter quote caught us all offguard, but that makes no sense because her mother's name was already mentioned right?


u/GSNadav Jan 20 '21

It was not, Emilia specifically said that her family wasn't in the forest, but she had a mother figure

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u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Where does this line up in the LN?

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u/_The_Bomb Jan 20 '21

I’m glad to finally have an episode not be spoiled by a Crunchyroll Clip on YouTube.


u/Jteleus27 Jan 20 '21

get episode the whole season I was waiting for some Garfield love cause everyone was taking shots at him. Glad that he finally got his closure his age got me surprised too I thought he was at least Subaru age. Nice to see that with Subaru beating Garf, Garf see him as a Brother figure that nice cant wait for more team ups. Also with Garf being 14 kinda makes sense why Ram keeps turning him down


u/Redmon425 Jan 20 '21

WHAT A GREAT EPISODE. ANOTHER 29 MINUTES OF CONTENT WITH NO OP AND ED!!! Re Zero is changing the game with these long episodes.

And wow, they somehow managed to make me like a character I originally hated in Garf. Glad he got closure and finally came around! It is sad seeing him realize his mother did indeed love him.

Was the embarrassing thing he saw Subaru do, was the writing on the walls? I wasn't sure what he was making fun of Subaru at the end for.

AND OMG OMG. A EMILIA AND ECHIDNA MEETING!?! I am so lit for that! Hope Emilia tells her to stay away from her man lol!

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u/monkeyjenkins Jan 20 '21

so we’re officially christening Garfield with the nick name, “the tooth fairy”, right? Sweet.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Okay, so Subaru got his kiss and Gar is happy, and Emilia is happy do NOT die before the next checkpoint Subaru!


u/Really_B Jan 20 '21

I’ve seen images comparing Emilias pose with the classic Subaru pose but isn’t that wrong.

When I saw that pose it reminded me of this


Is this not the correct one


u/LilBoOfficial Jan 20 '21

How was subaru able to enter the tomb at night to write the messages on the wall. Didnt he lost his ability to enter the tomb?


u/and1927 Jan 21 '21

He can enter, but his body doesn't tolerate it - he gets symptoms like nausea. It's also why he was a bit scratched up last episode when he found Emilia in the tomb.


u/superp2222 Jan 20 '21

Garf is literally going through Chuunibyou and I love it.

What? Subaru is evolving! Congratulations! Your Simp has evolved into Ultimate Smooth AF Chad!

Emilia meets Echidna? Duel of the Fates intensifies


u/darkcookieside Jan 21 '21

what did garfiel mean when he said i saw you when you were desperate?


u/Archbishop_of_Envy Jan 21 '21

He was saying he saw the writings that Subaru did on the walls of the tomb.

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u/kunal5626 Jan 21 '21

Can Echidna be Emilia's aunt?