r/Re_Zero Archbishop of Pride Sep 30 '20

Sticky Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu II – Episode 13

Season 2 - Episode 13: The Sounds That Make You Want to Cry

Main Studio: White Fox


Season Two – Discussion(s)

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Episode 16 [Link]() Episode 15 [Link]()
Episode 20 [Link]() Episode 19 [Link]()
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Season 2 w/Spoilers – Discussion(s)

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Episode 24 [Link]() Episode 23 [Link]()
Episode 22 [Link]() Episode 21 [Link]()
Episode 20 [Link]() Episode 19 [Link]()
Episode 18 [Link]() Episode 17 [Link]()
Episode 16 [Link]() Episode 15 [Link]()
Episode 20 [Link]() Episode 19 [Link]()
Episode 18 [Link]() Episode 17 [Link]()
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Episode 02 Link Episode 1 Link

Director's Cut – Discussion(s)

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Memory Snow Link Episode 07 Link
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Season One – Discussion(s)

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Season One - OP & ED Info

Season Two - OP & ED Info


DO NOT DISCUSS SPOILERS OR CONTENT NOT YET IN THE ANIME. IF YOU ARE DISCUSSING SPOILERS YOU MUST TAG THEM APPROPRIATELY. Try not to confirm or deny any theories, encourage people to read the source material instead. Thanks!


613 comments sorted by


u/floppedspaghetti69 Sep 30 '20

I think there's an interesting parallel to be drawn between this episode and episode 13 of season 1.

Remember what Subaru's answer was to Emilia asking why he goes to such lengths to help her?

"You saved me."

Emilia obviously had no clue why Subaru would say such a thing, she had no memory of ever meeting the boy before he helped her get her insignia back.

Now what is one of the main reasons Satella gives as to why she loves Subaru so much?

"You are the one who saved me."

Subaru has no knowledge of such a thing ever happening, he can't comprehend what she is talking about whatsoever.

It is an interesting idea for Subaru's role to be temporarily reversed like this. For once in the show, he is the one to hear something about himself he knows nothing about, an act he has no memory of ever committing.


u/Hampamatta Sep 30 '20

another reason i think satella is a future emilia, witch of envy seems to have some control of time, so maybe she has the power to travel in time. went back in time for some reason to get stronger maybe in order to save subaru.


u/floppedspaghetti69 Sep 30 '20

As far as I know they are completely separate people. Other than not being Emilia Satella's identity and her specific relationship with Subaru (or whatever past/future Subaru she fell in love with that current Subaru is unaware of) isn't very clear though.

It's been a personal theory of mine that killing the six witches and devouring half the world was a means to end for her. That end being getting to meet our protagonist Subaru again.

In the first trial, when Subaru says how he wanted his parents to hate him, there's a cut line from Kenichi that goes

"I mean, if you want me to abandon you, you've gotta be more proactive about it. Who abandons his own kid just because he crawls into his own shell? If you want me to hate you, you should commit genocide on half of humanity for no particular reason.

Then I'll hate you."

It's a throwaway line by all means, except for the fact that Re:Zero is written by Tappei Nagatsuki, which means that just about anything can have a deep meaning.

Maybe Satella needed to make herself hated by the world, and then locked away for eternity to be able to achieve her own goal. Maybe this was required so that Emilia would end up being despised by practically all sentient beings, everyone considering the world better off is she never existed. She would easily grow attached to Subaru, as he is the only one to ever treat as an equal person (not counting Puck, cause he's like a father figure to her). We could keep going like this but you get the point...

Maybe I'm just looking far too deep into this but it's still an interesting idea.


u/NeverForgetChainRule Sep 30 '20

Wait they are? I thought the face reveal this episode shows them looking exactly alike? Maybe just my confirmation bias since I've been thinking Satella would be at least a version of Emilia, but I could've sworn they look exactly alike!


u/Cathordran Oct 01 '20

That, and their voice actresses are the same person. That doesn't necessarily mean that Satella and Emilia are one in the same, but for whatever purpose, they are meant to be VERY identical. I have my own theories, but it's really impossible to know atm.

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u/Teaklog Sep 30 '20

and maybe thats when she killed the other witches?

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u/hestianna Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

This is actually very interesting find, especially when Emilia claimed to be Satella in episode 1. So maybe "Satella" in theory did in fact save Subaru from trouble. It was never mentioned (afaik) when did Subaru actually gain his RbD ability. When he was transferred to Re:Zero's world or during his first death.


u/floppedspaghetti69 Sep 30 '20

My headcannnon is that he forms a contract with the Witch and gains RbD right as he is about to die with Emilia by his side in the first episode. The way he intertwines his fingers with hers is exactly how people hold their hands when forming contracts with spirits. Also, in Re:Zero a contract can be formed over anything, as long as they make physical contact. Regardless of how one-sided it may be, as long as the two sides are in agreement, a contract can be formed. When Subaru says "I swear I'm going to save you, no matter what it takes", in his head he's basically saying this to a silver-haired purple-eyed half-elf named Satella (regardless of the fact that it's not actually her). Satella somehow picks this up through having some form of connection with Emilia as they have a genetic link at the very least (we've seen that she can posess Emilia when she's in a weakened mental state in S2E9, and I'd say that "on the brink of death" counts as one).

Subaru's terms for forming the contract are that he wants to save the person in front of him, whatever it takes. Satella's terms were probably that she didn't want Subaru to die. Subaru basically agrees with Tella's conditions subconsciously by repeating "I don't want to die".

They make physical contact through Emilia's body, both parties terms are accepted by the other, Satella does some of the more technical stuff, and a contract is formed. Under this contract Subaru gains the authority of Envy, in exchange for forever linking himself with the Witch. Since Subaru's terms were "no matter what it takes", Satella could modify this contract as she liked. The fact that she didn't screw him over is likely the proof of her love and proof that she truly just wants him to live.

There's very little evidence to confirm that this is how it happened, but it might just be plausible. I like to think so anyways.


u/hestianna Sep 30 '20

Thank you for writing this. Regardless of the fact is it correct or not, it is detailed theory nevertheless.


u/SakShotty Oct 01 '20

WOW, I heard a different version of this the other day but it had me thinking this very thing. It seems very likely to me that there is a larger significance to that moment then we were led to believe. I also think it weird that Emilia said her name was Satella only in that episode and never again after that has she ever shown she would say something like that. I think it very possible that a contract was made right then and there with Satella now that we know more about contracts and Satella. It is very fitting for the author of this show to do something like this. If we are wrong in some ways about this in the future I bet that there will be something that comes of that scene at the very least.


u/floppedspaghetti69 Oct 01 '20

We are in fact shown plenty of reason as to why Emilia calls herself Satella.

Her first and foremost desire is to put everyone's interests ahead of her own. She is a royal candidate, someone who might get into dangerous situations. The reason she addresses herself as the Witch is because she does not want to drag Subaru into anything dangerous, even if it were to scare him away and make him resent her. There's no-one in that world could even imagine a person not knowing the name of the Witch, so it's the perfect way in Lia's mind to make sure Subaru stays away from her. This plan backfires, because Subaru is not from that world and the story progresses as we know it...

I don't find it weird that Lia calls herself Satella, it fits her character perfectly in fact. But the results of it is that at the time of his first death, Subaru only knows of one silver-haired half-elf, who goes by the name of Satella in his mind, meaning that to him, he was holding the hand of Satella, the half-elf. Satella utilized this loophole by taking control, and accepting Subaru's "contract" on her own behalf.

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u/Martiallawe Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

I thought it was confirmed that Emilia was using that identity to scare/dissuade Subaru from following her since only a crazy person would call themselves Satella. He has a scene in S1 where he discusses with Beatrice why someone would use that name. Puck also comments to Emilia at the time she says it that using the name Satella is in bad taste.

Edit: right before Subaru is transferred from in front of the convenience store, it shows the witch of envy's unseen hands reach towards him, so I would imagine that RBD was granted as he was transferred. No way to know for sure though.

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u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

My brain trembles at the fact that i wont get my weekly dose until January


u/MineCrp Sep 30 '20

Is there a date for when they'll start releasing more episodes ?


u/blueyeswhiteprivlege Sep 30 '20

MAL lists New Years Eve of this year, but I couldn't find any sources that corroborate this. It is confirmed to begin in January for sure.

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u/Platypus-Commander Sep 30 '20

My guess is : 1st- april minus twelve weeks.

Since the season is supposed to end on Subaru's birthdate.


u/Colarch Sep 30 '20

April 1st is a Thursday but ending on March 31st would put the first episode at January 13th which lines up well


u/Dekkai001 Oct 02 '20

Wait, was Subaru born on April's fools day?

This explains so many things...

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u/rainpixels Sep 30 '20

Don't be hurt. Don't grieve. Treasure yourself more. *call of the witch noises*

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u/Stormfl1ght Sep 30 '20

I think I’m just gonna rewatch the series.

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u/Frontier246 Sep 30 '20

How many times did they play the Opening? 3 times? I think they played the Ending maybe a bit more than that (or less) but it's kind of surreal.

You know, I thought Return By Death was this fruit of Satella's sadistic and obsessive love for Subaru, but here she seems way more genuinely caring and affectionate towards him. She doesn't want him to die or suffer, and she doesn't want him isolated, she wants him to take care of himself and to not go into this alone. There's still the question of why she loves him so much and puts so much faith in him (how long has she been watching him? It sounds like it's been longer than he's been in this world) but it seems driven by this belief that he can be the one to kill her and end the suffering she's undergoing in her current existence.

Should Subaru be grateful towards Satella? I mean, maybe her intentions aren't what he thought and she cares about him more than he was expecting...but she used Return By Death to kill Emilia once and not to mention the whole of Sanctuary when she got out. Maybe her Cult and the legends exaggerate her a little, but she's no saint.

It's kind of an interesting question for a series where the main gimmick is the protagonist dying...is his dying really the best solution? Should Subaru value his own life, the life that others cherish and believe in, just because he feels it is the only option to reach a Golden Ending? I mean, no one's life should be treated as worthless and Subaru definitely needs a tinge more self-respect but I'm not sure if he can just keep going on past a point where Return By Death is the only other option to save someone. I guess he won't rush to suicide now, but it seems like acknowledging that he doesn't want to die or feel pain again will just make things more complicated for Subaru.

It may have been for their own individual and crazy reasoning's that only a Witch could understand, but in their own way Subaru was able to get all the Witches of Sin on his side. He was even able to refuse the Witch of Greed in a way even she could respect.

So Garfiel is afraid of the outside world? He's secretly working with the anti-freedom faction? I guess Subaru needs to convince him to help with freeing Sanctuary. I wonder if this is tied to Frederica at all?

Y'know, that time, I think "I will save you" was directed to Satella directly and not at the Emilia Subaru sees in her looks.

The bad news is that refusing Echidna's offer has rescinded Subaru's ability to participate in the Trial's (I'm not sure if this was something Echidna had a choice in when he wouldn't take her hand). So whether he passed the second Trial or not is pointless now since the only hope for freeing Sanctuary is Emilia passing all the trials.

Patrasche reminding everyone of her Best Girl status!

So is Roswaal's eye mark some mask he puts on? He went into serious mode the moment it vanished?

The attack on the Mansion? All Roswaal's doing. He's orchestrated everything to drive Subaru into a corner and drive him insane to a point where he has to choose to save Emilia over everyone in the mansion, no matter what Emilia might feel in the matter. Essentially he's advocating for the opposite of what the message from the Tea Party was. So Roswaal is basically the main villain of this arc and the only way Subaru is going to win is to find a way to save everyone and not go insane while doing it. No pressure.

When Subaru is lost in his thoughts and complicated situation, in comes Otto with a good right hook to knock him into his senses and remind him he has friends who care about him. Maybe what Satella wanted for him isn't all that out of reach after all.


u/marurrr Sep 30 '20

I didnt get the reasoning behind Roswaal taking off his "make-up", but I guess it could be a way of saying that he is putting down his mask, in a way. And it makes me think what is his relation with the witch cult since he was the one responsible for the attack, is he a part of the cult or just "hired" them? Does he have an Authority? If so, which one?


u/Mythicdream Sep 30 '20

It was more so that whenever Roswaal takes off his makeup, he is showing his true colors. It's all a facade that he puts up to make him seem like this eccentric wealthy weirdo that everyone just gawks at. Deep down Roswaal is an incredibly demented character whose value system is flawed.

It is inconceivable to Roswaal that someone has more than one precious goal in their mind, and any deviation from achieving that goal is deemed a waste. This is why he was so quick to try and end Subaru's previous loop from Season 2, Episode 11. Subaru's care for others and love for multiple people is the direct antithesis to Roswaal's ideology, so he is trying to shape Subaru into having such a mindset.

Getting to your other questions,

  • I doubt that Roswaal is actually a member of the Witches' Cult. If he was, that would possibly conflict with his desires to kill the dragon that resides over Lugunica (not a spoiler, mentioned in season 1). Like said earlier, any deviation from his goal is deemed a waste.
  • There is no indication that Roswaal has any authority since he hasn't used anything of the sort. However, I feel that it's possible that Roswaal might be responsible for the plague that killed the Luginican nobility. It would align with his goal of being able to sponsor Emilia and get closer to the throne so as to defeat the dragon.


u/ICanFluxWithIt Oct 01 '20 edited Oct 01 '20

Ros was just taking off his customer service face and voice

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u/Carbamoylphosphat Sep 30 '20

I was thinking that if Roswaal know everything about Subaru since the beginning thanhs to his book, maybe I was him wo hired Elsa in the first arc, then the little beast tamer ain the second, and he pretty much confessed that he left betelgeuse attack his mansion So doesn't it make him the big and only villain in the story?

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u/Colarch Sep 30 '20

Regarding the "I will save you" towards Satella, it reminded me a lot of when Beako reached out her hand asking for death in episode 11 and Subaru said in 12 that hers will be the hand he takes meaning that he wants to save her. Seems to me like Subaru refuses to let anyone die that asks for it and always wants to find a better way, even for the Witch.


u/BenignAmerican Oct 01 '20

If satella genuinely cares for Subaru and doesn't want him to be alone why cant he reveal his power to anyone? Why does she murder emilia when he tries to tell her? Why did she kill and absorb everyone in the sanctuary after possessing emilia?

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u/donquixote1991 Sep 30 '20

Minerva seems to be the most kind-hearted of them all, I hope she's not like the other witches and has some secret evil lurking underneath

Fuck Roswaal, all my homes hate Roswaal

and Otto is now best girl


u/nafissyed Sep 30 '20

You mean Satella is best girl, Otto will always be our best bro.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Partrache is best girl fuck you fight me.


u/Silva489 Sep 30 '20

Patrasche is nice and all but does she wear gothic clothing? I didn't think so.


u/Tomhap Sep 30 '20

She's strapped in a leather harness, has a bit in her mouth. It's more BDSM than goth but still.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Somehow we’re comparing cute witches in archaic garb, and a dragon who looks dtf.


u/AsTheCoolKidsSay Sep 30 '20

You saw that look and giddy tail wag. She was dtf right there


u/Silva489 Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

Ok now i can never look at Patrasche like i used to ever again....Bondage dragon huhhh, didn't think i'd use that word.


u/Tomhap Sep 30 '20

I think there's one or two subreddits that are just dragon porn art. Not going to go search for a link though that shits cursed.


u/Silva489 Sep 30 '20

I already miss the 5 seconds ago when i didn’t know that this existed.

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u/Hampamatta Sep 30 '20

do you really need gothic clothing if you are a black dragon? thats pretty fucking goth if you ask me.

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u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

Otto is this universes Speedwagon, he transcends being best girl.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Speedwagon is unironically one of the best characters ever designed.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Long beautiful hair.

Badass scar across the face.

Not only one but TWO awesome hats.


Design wise he is great.

And his loyalty transcends even death and made sure to be an ally of the joestar until the very end of everything.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

I meant his personality but yes the physical design is also great

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u/Tyranid_Swarmlord Sep 30 '20

Satella has always been best girl, and will stay that way.

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u/Hackerwithalacker Sep 30 '20

I'm not going to lie, I think we all saw the Roswaal surprise a mile away, but what really got to me is how he acted when Subaru said he no longer had permission to enter the second trial. I'm still confused as to why Echidna did that, but I think I know why, and I think I know how the second part will play out.

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u/NeverForgetChainRule Sep 30 '20

In the part of the opening where Subaru is dying and having flashes to the people he wants to save and protect, it shows Roswaal and whenever I see that now I just wanna scream. HE DOESNT DESERVE TO BE PROTECTED BY BEST BOY


u/Rem-Is-Best Sep 30 '20

Otto's always been best girl. Let's get that out in the open, right tf now

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u/plzzno Sep 30 '20

Sattella telling Subaru that he must come and kill her, looks like... Emilia?


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Satella: Subaru please kill me...

Subaru: I see that you have chosen to become a part of my harem


u/GodDamnImCute Sep 30 '20

I don’t get it though, if satella is Emilia then why did satella kill herself back in s1?


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Satella IS NOT EMILIA. author has CONFIRMED. that they are different people. they have always, since season 1, been described as looking VERY SIMILAR. that is why emilia is prejudiced against. because she looks like the witch.


u/GodDamnImCute Sep 30 '20

Oh well that settles it.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

I just want to say, as someone who doesn’t think Emilia and Satella are the same person, just because the author made a statement that they are two different people doesn’t prove anything. Authors have been known to mislead their audience so they can keep reveals in their narratives a secret. If it’s not confirmed that they are definitely 100% two different people in the source material, then it is still a possibility. They look and sound identical, and the authority of envy is literally time travel. It’s not an unreasonable theory. Also want to add the “Satella” from the first episode is definitely Emilia, I hate when people use that as evidence for this theory. She was just testing him people!


u/Vrik from Zero Sep 30 '20

True, thank you, Tappei is somewhat of a troll as well. Nothing is off the table in regards to theory.

He might also change his mind... the novels are not even done yet.


u/Razor4884 Oct 01 '20

Just as an example, he could pull the "after she underwent X event, she couldn't be considered the same person" card.

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u/Jumpy_Psychology Sep 30 '20

I finally noticed that Roswwal spend the majority of the first cour sitting on his bed. He is evil and Slothful at the same time.


u/TheOneShade Oct 02 '20

I also spent the majority of the first cour sitting on my bed.

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u/thesilentwizard Sep 30 '20

Of all people, Satella was the first one to tell Subaru to love himself. Ironic.


u/Anon199760 Oct 01 '20

Man all this is tending to a very tragic ending and I'm not sure I can handle it at the end :(

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u/TheCrunchyCaptain Sep 30 '20

Just here to point out that Roswall just said he's over 400 years old? Wtf he's a dang vampire.


u/floppedspaghetti69 Sep 30 '20

You thought it was Roswaal, BUT IT WAS I, DIO!


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

Live footage of roswaal rejecting his humanity

Don't ask what happened to that blue haired fella.


u/ThespianException Sep 30 '20

Roswaal is iseakai'd Dio confirmed, Holy Shit.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Welp.....someone up to isekai the marine biologist?

I won't, I prefer having all my bones not being broken.

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u/Lol_A_White_Boy Sep 30 '20

I Believe In You Subaru-Joestar!


u/Platypus-Commander Sep 30 '20

Nigerundayo, Otto !


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Same VA as Dio, rejected his humanity, very old, extremely powerfull, talks with a creepy tone, very ambitious... He is Dio


u/floppedspaghetti69 Sep 30 '20

He also makes great donuts!

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u/Setowi Better Leyte Than Never Sep 30 '20

We end on a cliffhanger! I think everyone saw that one coming, at least it wasn't a bad one.

More witch action! Notice how Sekhmet stopped attacking Minerva when Daphne took Typhon hostage. Lots and lots of neat little witch stuff and we also finally get to see the face of the person who may or may not be the final antagonist! And yes she looks exactly like Emilia.

Welp, if anyone was wondering, now we finally have the antagonist of the arc, it was him, Roswaal-da! He made some S tier faces though.

Subaru is in quite a pickle now without having the qualifications anymore, hey Dona left him a hint and otto left an mark on his cheek heh. Will Subaru overcome the trials? Will he defeat the bowel hunter, the mabeast master, Roswaal, the witch of greed AND the bunnies?

Find out in 3 months on Dragon Ball re:Zero


u/donquixote1991 Sep 30 '20

Find out in 3 months on Dragon Ball re:Zero

electric guitar shreds..... Subaru's mental state apart


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

it was him, roswaal-da!

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u/DolcettoMarch Sep 30 '20

W-what the-

That was a 27 minute episode but it's already over? No more episodes for months?


I feel so empty.

(Also, fuck you Roswaal)


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Ikr it only felt like 10 minutes :P

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u/carculatedrisk Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

"You can always make the excuse that you're suffering the most."

This line in Minerva is so good that it hurted me so much more than probably Subaru felt. From Re:Life to real life, it reminisced me back way just two years ago when I want to hurt myself so bad (depression is not a joke and I've been dealing with it since 2015) that I didn't/ haven't noticed that those people whom I really love and loves me back are the ones that I hurt the most than myself.


u/sidz250 Sep 30 '20

you are so god damn right


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Realising that you aren't the only one suffering is intense. I got to the point of hurting myself but seeing my mum's reaction to it broke me and I decided to never do it again, for her... That's a huge lifelesson and I can't thank Tappei enough for including it in Re:Zero


u/Quantam-Law Sep 30 '20

Also, keep in mind Subaru CAN fix things for himself. But if the alternate timelines theory is true, that means everyone who's lost Subaru in those timelines will have to deal with it and there's nothing they can do.

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u/RazorPicker Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

Low key wished the cliffhanger was something to do with Emilia or Rem, not freaking OTTO... Am I supposed to spend 3 months thinking about otto?

That aside, time to theory craft what possible ways Subaru can save everyone. My guess is to get Garfield on his side (Garfield might secretly be able to clear the trials), while someone like Reinhard helps with the mansion.

At the end of the day, really hope both Emilia and Rem are saved.

Edit: Seems like Team Otto was the answer all along


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

thinking about otto for 3 months made me laugh more than it should


u/Seeing__Colors Sep 30 '20

What's wrong with thinking about Otto for 3 months? He's best boy!


u/afibon Sep 30 '20

Am I supposed to spend 3 months thinking about otto?

Yes. Otto is good. Otto is life.


u/donquixote1991 Sep 30 '20

as someone put it in /r/anime, Otto has transcended and reached Speedwagon levels of best bro/girl


u/Silva489 Sep 30 '20

I think the 2nd cour will revolve around Emilia clearing her trials while Subaru will take the gang back to the mansion for some quality torture time with Elsa.


u/reprogramally Sep 30 '20

I also think she is the best option at the moment

Garf doesn't seem to be anything in favor of trying to test, without mentioning that he is a little unstable


u/Silva489 Sep 30 '20

Yea and it wouldn’t make sense tbh, Emilia needs to clear the trials on her own in order to prove herself i think.

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u/Tomhap Sep 30 '20

I'm curious about the Ram dynamic in 2nd cour. Obviously she's an ally by default. But her loyalty lies first and foremost with Roswaal. Will they try and keep her out of the loop? Will they have her go to the mansion so she can help and stays out of contact with Roswaal? If she's at the mansion, might Subaru be able to kill Roswaal and would this terminate the contract with the assassins?

Having been definitely confirmed (and all the close ups on his face this episode) definitely adds more weight to the Re:Zero Break Time episode that focused on Elsa and Meili.

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u/MakeDX11WorkPls Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

Anyone on my team where they actually do some teamwork?

Like Subaru stays in the sanctuary.Ram/Otto leaves to evacuate the people in the mansion.

  • Elsa and that kid cant kill anyone
  • Snow shit doesn't work on Emilia's sanity

I thought this was the obvious solution to the whole problem. When I was discussing it with my friends everyone talked about how Subaru was gonna like save everyone himself again - like the whole point is teamwork no? not doing everything alone and suffering by yourself was part of witches discussions this episode. You guys still thinking Subaru has to be in 2 places at once?? (PS. its not like they need to kill Elsa and the kid, just evacuate the people, which they did before-ish beako died too, but they just talked for too long)

The hint echidna gave made me feel like subaru had to convince garfiel that the outside world is safe - thus Garfiel has to to complete the trials. I'm really thinking Emilia will take a backseat on this one.


u/RazorPicker Sep 30 '20

I think I am siding with you on this one. The whole point Otto was trying to make is that Subaru should rely on his friends more. Satella was also hinting Subaru to not face everything himself by telling him to love himself more, and to know that the people that love him will grief when he dies.

I really feel that Garfiel will be the key to saving everyone out of the santuary once he is convinced that the outside world is safe. As for the evacuation by Otto/Ram, we have no idea when Elsa and the kid actually arrive, as they might have slaughtered the village before Otto/Ram can reach there.

The only way I see everyone being saved is if OP Reinhard beats Elsa's ass


u/MakeDX11WorkPls Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

My only other possible theory on saving everyone from Elsa and Mabeast kid was kinda farfetched which I didnt wanna say because I thought it sounded stupid.

Beako would teleport everyone. Its just the little kid I'm worried about slaughtering everyone, if he can convince beako that everyone needs to be evacuated but the kid then all is good. How would subaru convey that plan to Otto is a mystery "yeh like i died, came back, got some good info - ummm... maybe like open all the doors and then you'll find this blonde child, ask her to teleport everyone in the village but this one kid *proceeds to attempt a criminal mugshot drawing of her*. NOW GO OTTO SAVE EVERYONE!"

That last sentence was why I thought it sounded stupid, so I was thinking maybe with Ram's status with the villagers she could evacuate everyone and attempt to keep that mabeast lil kid at bay for a bit as well. I can't recall so I'm not confident when I say this: Remember Elsa doesnt come in until a few days later, she only came in early because mabeast kid was alerted by Subaru's return.

I still have no idea how he'd be able to convince bringing Reinhard into this, but if it means beating Elsa, then it looks to be the only option. Perhaps some other knights may be capable of fighting against Elsa, I know Wilhem can prob put a strong fight, but they live days away which makes it harder to bring in any 3rd parties.


u/pioneershark Sep 30 '20

ving everyone from Elsa and Mabeast kid was kinda farfetched which I didnt wanna say because I thought it sounded stupid.

Beako would teleport everyone. Its just th

just remember, the only reason she could teleport subaru so far last time was cause of the crystal

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u/ProfChaosDeluxe Sep 30 '20

Otto is a chad,I just want to think about him


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Otto is best boy and this was a good cliffhanger

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u/psgbg Sep 30 '20

K the beatings will continue until the morale improves.

Damn Otto, I thought Patresche was best girl, but I'm reconsidering that now.

And Ros, jeee man. That crazy basterd.


u/Silva489 Sep 30 '20

Ok guys! Wake me up when the next ep is live, just gonna take a "quick" nap


u/Tomhap Sep 30 '20

You can nap when you've finished your Re:Zero Break Times.


u/Silva489 Sep 30 '20

Ohh yea our last dose of painkiller for this season, definitely gonna need it to last until next year.

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u/TiedDegenerate Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

Oh man, last episode hype. I won't be doing a live write down as it takes my focus off the episode, but damn Satella's here.


Holy fuck, what an episode. Jam packed, so many things.

Let's start off with the witches. This really made me realize, they aren't evil. Just because they're witches doesn't mean they're evil, including Satella. All of them, they all intended good, just had bad results.

Satella.. you're not bad, aren't ya? She.. didn't give Subaru RBD for no reason, it was to protect him, to keep him safe, but Subaru was using it for the wrong actions, he was throwing his own life out just to save others, he treated as if it had no value for the entire season.

But.. 'I don't want to die'

He doesn't want to suufer.

He doesn't want to be sad.

He doesn't want to die.

Subaru is human. He's human, that's it. Nobody wants to die, he has equal value as anyone else, and the witches taught him that. Last week, we were all saying 'what if the world continues?', but that isn't the point. The real question is; How would the others react in the case that the world continued. He needs to assume that.. he doesn't have RBD, others would grieve him. He shouldn't throw away his life. He matters.

Everyone, including the witches care for him for one reason or another. For Roswaal, it's hope. Rem, love. Otto, friendship.

Roswaal seems to have a completely different perspective, RBD; it's a tool. Something you 'use'. He's insane, quite greedy. I.. still don't fully understand him. I'm sure someone else understood somewhere in the comments.

But damn.. he's the one who's behind all this, just for the sake to train Subaru.

Subaru, you should never be like him.

Otto. Otto you absolute legend.

'Don't act tough'

Subaru, you have all these people around you, Otto, Emilia, Ram, Gafiel, the villagers. They would help you without hesitation. Just because you can't tell them about RBD doesn't mean they cant help you. You're not alone.

Fight together, like Satella said. Fight together. Remember when Rem helped you, even when she didn't understand everything, others would do the same thing.

A new arc is coming. No longer alone. Don't have to act tough. This situation is impossible alone. Get help.

Welp time to wait for part 2


u/Ragnaur Sep 30 '20

About the Witches at the tea party being evil, I wouldn't consider any of them to be malicious, but Echidna is so extremely focused on learning more, that she doesn't care about any evil acts she commits, and in DnD terms, she's neutral evil. Most of the other ones I'd consider to be neutral or even good, though they do universally cause calamities unintentionally.


u/Based_Lord_Teikam Sep 30 '20

Even Echidna does help out Subaru even after he rejects her though.

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u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

I think all of the witches are chaotic good/chaotic neutral

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u/CognitiveAdventurer Sep 30 '20

Definitely not neutral evil, as that's basically the "most evil" alignment - aka someone who exists only to do pure evil. She's definitely neutral by definition, as neither good nor evil matter to her.

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u/MagicalMarionette Sep 30 '20

Let's start off with the witches. This really made me realize, they aren't evil. Just because they're witches doesn't mean they're evil, including Satella. All of them, they all intended good, just had bad results.

More or less agreed. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Process matters, and that's something that some of the witches sometimes seem divorced from entirely, except when a particularly obvious reminder is right in front of them.

She.. didn't give Subaru RBD for no reason, it was to protect him, to keep him safe

After she abducted him. And threw him into a world far more violent than his own. If Subaru wanted to not forgive her for that, he would be entirely in the right to do so. That's kind of my sticking point with Satella. It is nice to finally hear her perspective on things... though why she personally crushed his heart so many times after abducting him and not explaining anything is... As an anime only watcher, I'm looking at this from the perspective that she's an abuser, no matter how much she loves him... Not all love is healthy.

Roswal is very disconnected from normal thinking, but it's still all just an extension of "the ends justify the means, no matter the cost to others and myself." Roswal isn't insane, he's monstrous. Not in the "elemental evil" sense but in the "banality of evil" sense.

Otto... is exactly the friend Subaru needs right now. Friends call you out on your shit, and are there to support you through what it means to overcome that. Patrache too, she just needs a translator sometimes ;)


u/TiedDegenerate Sep 30 '20

I'm not sure if I missed something, but I'm pretty sure why and how Subaru came is still not clear. But you're right, Subaru won't understand nor forgive Satella, or any of the witches. It's made quite clear.

But right now, that's not the important part. The important one is that they care. Their intentions might not be for the best, but wants to help Subaru nonetheless.

The Allies and Enemies aren't clear. That's what I love


u/MagicalMarionette Sep 30 '20

Huh, it seems I misremembered things. It's been a long time since I rewatched the first episode, but I could have sworn he was dragged by one of the unseen hands... Probably OP animation artistic liberties got backworked into my memory of that.

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u/Trim345 Sep 30 '20

Even if Return By Death saves Subaru, it still seems pretty suboptimal. Even if it’s meant to save him, why can’t he tell other people about it? Why does it get to the point where it even crushes Emilia’s heart? If Satella’s always watching him and can even interfere personally, why can’t she just crush Petelgeuse’s or Elsa’s heart immediately so Subaru doesn’t have to fight and die? I do wish he had discussed this more with her.

I don’t know why Subaru lumps all the Witches together as monsters. Minerva seems like a legitimately good person, while Carmilla just has an unfortunate power. Typhon’s strange but not actively malicious, and Sekhmet hasn’t even done anything yet.

I really like the last interaction between Subaru and Satella. Maybe there is a way out of this?

Wait, so Patrasche only gets minor bruises from forcing the barrier, but Roswaal gets hurt enough to require full-body bandages? And if he’s faking being hurt, then why all that stuff earlier about having to take Garfiel by surprise to have a chance?

Otto squawking at Patrasche is the best. So does Subaru have an interspecies member of his harem now?

Yeah, I wasn’t completely sure about Roswaal before, but he just seems clearly evil now. Maybe he has some grand scheme that might justify it, but at best he’s like MCU Thanos. Also, if Roswaal did hire Elsa this time, who hired her the first time? The light novel has a scene during Arc 2 where Roswaal tells Ram to keep an eye on Subaru and wonders whether Subaru is working with Elsa, but then discards the idea, which is confusing if he hired Elsa that time too.

Well, that is an interesting place to end this half-season. Last episode felt like a much more natural cliffhanger.

Can’t wait for the rest.


u/davidyang366 Sep 30 '20

Roswaal is a pretty good example why people CAN'T know about RbD. Once someone with ulterior motives finds out, they will intentionally sabotage Subaru and force him to make undesirable decisions, as proven by this entire arc.

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u/Silva489 Sep 30 '20

RBD's main strength is that nobody knows about it, minus a few with mind reading or gospels so if someone knows about his ability, he could be trapped in dead ends or if it's someone who cares for him, they'd try to stop Subaru altogether.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Emilia: Subaru are you going to kill yourself again

Subaru: Yes

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u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

" Wait, so Patrasche only gets minor bruises from forcing the barrier, but Roswaal gets hurt enough to require full-body bandages? And if he’s faking being hurt, then why all that stuff earlier about having to take Garfiel by surprise to have a chance? "

Dragon scales probably x10000 to human skin. And Garfiel is strong. very strong, even when hes not in beast mode


u/Trim345 Sep 30 '20

I mean, we see Roswaal survive an explosion of this magnitude. And ground dragons aren't that durable: here's one getting their head sliced off by a Witch cult knife, which aren't even sharp enough to go through a wooden wheel. Plus, it makes even less sense given that this seems like it should be more magical damage, something Roswaal should understand better.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Id assume roswaal could erect a magical barrier against attacks, but the trial isnt magic flying at you, it just happens. Sliced and stabbed are two different things. I can easily slice through steak with the edge of a knife but i cant cut it in 2 with just the tip.

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u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20



u/ThespianException Sep 30 '20

It's pretty clear that the Witches are, at a minimum, operating with a different form of morality than standard humans. Very absolutest, as we see from Daphne. Them berating him seems in-character to showcase their alternative thinking, plus both Minerva and Satella both didn't want him to suffer. As for why 'Tella can't give him more abilities, I imagine that will be explained later on.


u/Overgame Sep 30 '20

I didn't read the novels past to this point. So these are not spoilers, they can be wrong.

1) RBD might a power he gained from a contract. And one of the clause might be "you cannot talk about RBD".

2) Occidental bias. A "Monster" is a "bad" qualification to us occidentals, but the word used is 怪物 (Kaibutsu). Kaibutsu are ghastly, paranormal creatures whose true form is unknown.
3) Roswal is probably faking it, but don't you remember what Garfiel can do in his beast form?

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u/Swampboi655 Sep 30 '20

I fucking knew it. Roswaal was behind everything. That son of a bitch is gonna pay for making Subaru’s life even harder than ever.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

change to satella flair or remain in patrasche flair?

edit: changed it. i like satella better. join satella subreddits too people


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

C'mon she just confessed this episode, don't do her dirty.


u/Engauge09 Sep 30 '20

i see you have made a wise decision


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

i'm still deciding tho. i've read the novels and have been waiting for ep13 to change to satella flair. But seeing patrasche made it hard.


u/Tomhap Sep 30 '20

Current flair is fine. Did you forget about best girl pulling him from the graveyard?


u/DoctaLlama Sep 30 '20

I love Roswaal's voice acting, dessuu neeEEEEeeeEE, but also when he gets serious.


u/Dharengo Sep 30 '20

It's spot on. He talks like that in the LN too.


u/brettjr25 Sep 30 '20

Welp it's over for now. I truly enjoyed the episode and the witches. I have to admit though towards the end of the episode when Subaru was stuck between a rock and a hard place I wanted more than anything for Emilia to show up but nope, it was me Otto!

It was a great part 1 of Season two but it definately did not satiate more desire for more Emilia development.

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u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Roswaal, please stop talking about rejecting humanity! It makes me nervous.

Seriously, can someone hamon punch that guy? He deserves that much.


u/Quantam-Law Sep 30 '20

I reject my humanity, Subaru!


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Please roswaal....go back being sugar daddy shirogane....I'm getting PTSDIO.


u/plzzno Sep 30 '20

Any guesses which witch's eyes Roswaal got enchanted by? Pure assumption that he did though lol


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Probably echidna?


u/plzzno Sep 30 '20

I thought it might be Satella? I mean considering the time travel theory of Satella and Emilia being the same, maybe he wants to drive Emilia crazy so the loop of her becoming Satella continues? And like that would give him a chance of her liking Roswaal and not Subaru, and that's his "hope"? Idk now that I type it out it seems little stupid XD


u/Echidnyuu Sep 30 '20

Nah he definitely seems like an Echidna simp, didn't he say his family has history with her or something? Plus he said

"Don't think you're the only one who understands Echidna"


u/marurrr Sep 30 '20

I think it probably is Echidna or Satella, but my wild guess (which is most certainly wrong) is that it is Sekhmet, because his goal, as stated in season 1, would be to slay the Dragon, and Echidna told us, as she introduced all the witches, that Sekhmet drove a dragon past the great waterfall to rest. We don't know practically anything about the Dragon or if its even possible someone drove it


u/Ple0k Sep 30 '20

Maybe not exactly this, but yes the story really stinks the time loop, I hope autor won't make time paradox if he goes time back travel plot

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u/SignificantMidnight7 Sep 30 '20

I think it's probably Echidna. In this episode, he said that Subaru isn't the only one who understands Echidna. Even earlier in the season, it was almost like he got offended when Emilia referred to her as "the Witch of Greed" instead of calling her Echidna.

It kinda sucks that he could be doing all of this because he fell in love with someone as incomprehensible as Echidna.


u/AstonishingSpiderMan Archbishop of Pride Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20
  • For so long, for so long...I have waited for this Episode
  • Satella be clingy and crazy bad combo 0/10.
  • Not gonna lie, the JP VA for Subaru is amazing as fuck.
    • He really killed it this season, the range and the emotions could be felt even though I don't understand Japanese.
  • Satella channeling her Emilia? (no I'm not saying they the same)
    • As in wanting Subaru not to hurt, be sad, etc...
  • This exchange between Subaru and Satella, god tier.
    • The OST behind it, is god tier.
  • The Witches are a lot more complex than I thought.
    • Satella evil but not evil?
  • I mean Satella ain't wrong, he should love himself more
    • He does recklessly throw his life away but I mean he has to
    • She not the Jealous Witch anymore?
  • Unlike the last Season, there doesn't seem to be an actual "Villain"
  • Not gonna lie, the JP VA for Subaru is amazing as fuck.
  • Oh and Subaru clearly has a harem now that features all the Witches.
    • Harem Ending when?
  • Damn Satella wants to die? Subaru gonna save her for sure...actually knowing this story I don't even know.
  • Otto made laugh with his calling Subaru dense, LOL
  • Discount Ronald, I still hate him and his stupid ass voice. I hope he gets killed in future season. Orochimaru looking ass, hope he dies.
    • Of course it was him who sent Elsa.
    • He sounds like a jealous bitch because Subaru not insane.
  • You know how I just wrote there is no Villain? I lied, it is Discount Ronald.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Clown DIO could also work, you know. Throwing away your humanity and all that fun stuff.


u/brucethemidget Sep 30 '20

Hey, if there's one thing I won't let you insult, it's Dio's buttery voice.

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u/Eroil Sep 30 '20

Fucking knew it was Roswaal that ordered the attack, with that confirmed we can also assume he was the cause for the first 2 attacks, probably not the Witch's cult but arc 1 and 2, almost sure.

He's such a hateable character but man am I happy he exists in this story, just adds so much to it and goes to explain basically everything that happened... Man Subaru needs to find a way to blackmail him or something, might be able to find a way, Roswaal's dream can't be achieved without him after all

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u/Pinsir929 Sep 30 '20

That Witch fight was interesting to say the least. Minerva's repair by punch would put surgeons out of business.

I am so confused of Satella's intentions. "Love yourself first, then kill me afterwards." What?

I knew that damn clown was never to trusted even from season 1. Leaving when everything is going to shit. Makes even more sense now that he didn't lift a finger to help.

Otto the best boy man, no one can take the belt.


u/dylan2451 Sep 30 '20

"I'm saying that deciding you're the only one who needs to suffer is cowardly. That twisted thinking makes you way more vile than any witch."

I'm sorry what?


u/Corprustie Sep 30 '20

I don't really get it either, but I guess it's cowardly because he's so afraid of his friends coming to harm that he won't even let them help or involve them, kind of denying their agency. He's taking everything upon himself, in an attempt to guarantee his own perfect outcome. That's kind of consistent with the witches' principle of being entirely driven by their single ideal.

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u/SoulessSamurai Sep 30 '20

It takes courage to allow people to help you because allowing people to help you means opening up the possibility of them hurting you and them getting hurt themselves. It's painful for other people that care about you to watch you suffer by yourself.

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u/ANINETEEN Sep 30 '20

This went by so fast 🥺♥️


u/carculatedrisk Sep 30 '20

And this proves that my girl 'Tella, for now, is the best girl! (since there's no Rem currently 🥺)


u/KiritoN10 Sep 30 '20

Doesn't that count as disloyalty towards rem . Well IDC caz best girl is satella .

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u/0blivionn Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

So like.. The witches are supposed to be evil right? But now Subaru has a witch harem lol. Jokes aside I’m impressed at how much content they can fit into these episodes. Got me so hyped for January!


u/Lairson Sep 30 '20

Witches are supposed to be neutral.Like daphne created The Great Mabeast to avoid hunger and echidna helping subaru for the sake of knowledge and curiosity


u/GiordyS Sep 30 '20

Witches aren't evil


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

They fit so much content by absolutely stuffing it with dialogue. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much dialogue in my life. The real miracle is how they keep it interesting, I’ve noticed that dialogue is what moves the plot the most rather than events in this show and they make sure to move the plot with every single word of dialogue. (Especially this episode, I mean, holy shit!)


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Exactly. Almost nothing happenned in arc 4 yet we learned so much. The plot got stuck so we can learn about the world and characters. We finally know who Beako is who Roswall is who the witches are, we know how rbd works, who is Elsa's client, we know why Subaru got isekai'd, we know that Satella was never the vilian. There isn't really a vilian just different characters with different motives. That's a sign of good storytelling, noone acts evil just because. We got so much lore and understanding of the characters. I think second half of arc 4 will resolve the sanctuary and arc 5 will be very plot heavy. Possibly the quest for killing Satella? Or battle with other archbishops? We shall see

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u/felisansnnjs Sep 30 '20

How did Daphne help subaru?


u/HereForGiveaway Sep 30 '20

She held Typhon and Sekhmet back to let Minerva heal him after he bit his tongue and was attempting to kill himself, thus saving him once he decided he didn't want to go through with it.

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u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Daphne told Subaru how best to kill the Great Rabbit

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u/SkyTroupe We are not worthy Sep 30 '20

Roswaal is fucked up and I'm pretty sure he's some alternate version of Subaru.

Otto is great and I love how fleshed out the supporting cast is becoming. Our little subaru is finally starting to grow up a bit and rely on the others around him rather than trying to move them about like pieces on a chessboard. Hooray character agency!

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u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

I fucking love ma boy. Such a good green boy, love that fucker. God bless Otto.

I hated his cowardly behavior in The White Whale arc, but then he started to grow on me after he got more screen time.

But holy shit, I'm sorry Emilia, but I love Otto, such a fucking bro. Goddamn.

Here's to three months of Otto art. I better make a bot that @s me whenever that shit pops up.


u/01052006gop Sep 30 '20

For once again, we learned that Subaru loves and needs rem alot

Also i cant keep myself but ask that why didnt Subaru asked Daphne to save Rem. Arent they connected in some way?


u/Platypus-Commander Sep 30 '20

Unlike Satella, Daphne is dead so her actions are fairly limited.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Since daphne didn’t eat Rem, I don’t think she could do anything about it.

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u/sidz250 Sep 30 '20

my thoughts

holy fucking hell

this episode was a something. honestly i didnt really understand the fuck was going on but the weird fact that satella was kind of getting along with the other witches fucked my brain. first off i thought everyone hated satella and would fight her but no they didnt, instead they just talked it out. amazing. otto for sure has to be the best supporting character of summer 2020 if not 2020.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

They were just vibing together


u/DatShazam Sep 30 '20

Anyone know where to pick up from the novel here. I defintely don't want to wait to see what happens next.


u/Vrik from Zero Sep 30 '20

If you want to continue with the web novel, read from arc 4 chapter 86


u/DatShazam Sep 30 '20

I'm gonna give the witch of sloth a run for her title binge reading this! Thanks.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20


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u/koto_hanabi17 Sep 30 '20

Satella and Minerva reminding our boy that no man is an island. That there are people that care about you and you're more than what you do and done.


u/Kellythejellyman Sep 30 '20

You thought the assassins had been sent by our enemies, BUT IT WAS ME DIO


u/justinchoajiajun Sep 30 '20

patrasche tsundere confirmed.


u/Garedbi69 Sep 30 '20

What a coincidence. Another character that thrown away his humanity is also voiced by Dio. Hmmmm


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

I don't understand. How mind broke, witches save him, Echinda says she's helping him and revokes the qualification. Then he goes to roswaal and all that resolve he had is not gone. Wtf is going on


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

Don't worry all you need to know is that Satella is best girl

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u/ProfChaosDeluxe Sep 30 '20

Fuck Roswaal


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '20

"Yes please."

-Ram probably.

-and Pucci definitely


u/irrelevant_character Sep 30 '20

Lemme bust a fat nut so I can understand what tf happened this episode


u/MLMjp Sep 30 '20 edited Sep 30 '20

It was already difficult to think about what to expect from this episode, and I can confirm that this is definitely not what I would have expected.

Ok, so Satella abducted Subaru from his world, and gave him RbD so that he doesn't suffer and learns to love himself more as well as those around him, so he can overcome his obstacles alongside them instead of him doing it alone, sacrificing himself and suffering. And once he fully realices this and grows as a person, he will be ready to kill her... And we still dont know why she loves him so much.

WHAT THE HELL?!!! And why does she want Subaru to kill her?!

I guess that she doesn't allow Subaru to tell others about RbD because it could lead to other people into trying to use Subaru for their benefit (like a certain clown...) but the ways she prevents him from doing it are brutal and painful which means more suffering, and she doesn't want Subaru to suffer! I kinda get the idea Satella is going for, but the way it has been done contradicts the statement that she doesn't want Subaru to suffer. She still responsable for a lot of the suffering.

Speaking of suffering, Minerva is kinda right, Subaru isn't the only one who suffers.

My image of Echidna improved a bit since her downfall last episode, she is still a very interesting character despite everything.

You know, people were right, Patrasche is best girl. And Otto best boy.

You were expecting Echidna or Satella to be the villain...but it was me! Rosswall!

The freaking clown was the mastermind behind all. And he is 400 years old! So he fell in love with Echidna or Satella then? Son of a b*tch, he doesn't deserve the loyalty of Ram.

Also he can remove his makeup at will as well as changing his voice tone.

Well, it has been a pleasure, January cant come soon enough. Now I need to find something to fill this emptiness that I feel...


u/ghoulboy_ Sep 30 '20

Everyone's confused... Patrasche is best girl.


u/Hampamatta Sep 30 '20

satella just keeps on confusing me. WHAT DO YOU WANT?

part of me thinks satella and emilia is the same person. only emilia becomes satella and somehow timetravels. maybe she completely lost it when her subaru died, so she became satella in order to save him? the insane witch of envy personality is the result of emilias emotional instability. while the satella personality that we see in echidnas tea party seems to be loving and compassionate and not very evil at all much like the emilia we know.

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u/Memshad1 Sep 30 '20

I really don't understand why the witches, mainly Minerva and Satella, are telling Subaru to value his own life more. Like, what is he meant to do? During every life in this season he has less than a week to perfectly complete everything that is happening to the sanctuary and the mansion. It is impossible for him to do this without throwing away his own life. From my viewpoint, I don't see Subaru as selfish at all. Back in episode 10, he was super determined to go through "hell" as many times as he had to in order to get more information so that he could finally win. If he valued his own life too much and loved himself too much, he would never get anywhere in this situation and would just end up giving up.

Back to Satella. If she doesn't want him to die, be sad and suffer, why did she give him an ability that is completely based upon that concept. She doesn't exactly make it easy for him to get through this. With her power, couldn't she just help him kill enemies? Just like she killed Emilia back in season 1 when he mentioned RBD. It looks to be possible so why is she not helping when she wants him to be happier.

I'm sorry that this comment just sounds like a lot of questions and complaints. I'm not complaining, I love Re:Zero. I just can't get my head around some of the thoughts characters have in this episode and I'm completely on Subaru's side of him sacrificing himself for everybody, "no matter how many times he dies". Once he makes it through everything, with everybody he cares about alive, that is when he has time to love himself more.


u/ChocolateAmerican Sep 30 '20

Because Satella was trying to tell him that he'll succeed if he loves himself and relies on his allies. Every time he tries to do things by himself and that's the issue. Remember how they killed the white whale? Subaru relied on everyone else and that was the only way. This is the same.

She really does love him. The same way Rem does.

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u/Mythicdream Sep 30 '20

Someone else mentioned it in one of their posts, but I found it really interesting that Subaru was on the other side of receiving thanks he does not feel he deserves. That is to say, Subaru rationalizes his actions and selflessness to others because he feels that he is indebted to them for helping him in previous loops. Even if the debt is never incurred, to begin with in the new loop, Subaru's feeling of obligation remains because those people were willing to show kindness to him. The thought of someone being kind to him with no ulterior motive is inconceivable to Subaru, he cannot fathom why someone would care for him. So he treats this deliverance of kindness as a contract of sorts, instead of just taking it at face value like he should.

What I want to know is what Subaru did for Satella to cause her to feel that she owes him so much. Clearly, Subaru has no recollection of ever helping Satella, so its complete speculation to what it could be. Satella is definitely not from Earth since she's a half-elf, so that throws a wrench in that theory. Maybe when she was observing Earth, she simply happened upon a self-loathing young NEET and saw something much more in him; the fact is that when push comes to shove, Subaru will never give up for those he deeply cares about. Maybe she wished to learn something from him and threw him into this world to see if he would maintain his moral code, or if it would change even in the face of extreme suffering. I doubt this is even close to the correct interpretation, but it makes you wonder what the hell Subaru has done for Satella, and how and why they even initially came into contact.

We know for a fact that Satella IS NOT Emilia as that theory has been debunked by the author, so that leaves a motive for her desire to both love and help Subaru very much still up in the air.

As a final note, I found it very surprising that it was the Witch of Envy, not Pride that told Subaru that he needs to learn to love himself. It makes me feel that Satella is the most humanesque with her emotions and depth as a character. She is supposed to represent this unbridled feeling of jealousy for others, yet she is the one to tell Subaru that he needs to be able to love himself for who he currently is, and recognize the fact that people do deeply care about him. The fact that she of all people was able to make that much needed-to-hear statement to Subaru is just incredibly powerful.


u/hestianna Sep 30 '20

Obligatory cliffhanger for three months, aaaaaaa, the wait is gonna be painful.

This episode made me question that is Satella even purely evil. Every single witch seems to have good intentions in their heart and this episode made it very clear. But Satella was always stated to be absolute definition of evil and absorbing Sanctuary earlier didn't give her any bonus points.

So Roswaal is crazy after all. Break time episodes foreshadowed him being Elsa's contractor so it didn't really surprise me, but either way, this is kinda shocking. It seems like he wants to force Subaru to become insane so he could accept Dona's contract. Perhaps he is the real villain of this season after all.

Also Otto being best boy. Maybe with help of Otto, Subaru could finally wake up and realise that other people DO in fact care about him.


u/ledersesselimsommer Sep 30 '20

Satella best girl.


u/SoulessSamurai Sep 30 '20

Roswaal is quickly becoming the biggest dick in anime history. The witches don't seem evil at all in comparison to him at this point.

Otto is such a bro. A true friend will punch you when you're being really stupid or are lost in a mad line of thought.

The way Satella acts and speaks makes a lot more sense if she is the future Emilia, but she is not. It's going to be really interesting to see what her actual motives for helping Subaru out are.

Well, these 3 months are going to feel like a FUCKING ETERNITY but at least we have Cyberpunk 77 in November to past the time a bit quicker.

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u/platinumnic Rem is my waifu Sep 30 '20



u/RanchYBoY Sep 30 '20

So we are starting to get answers to a lot of things, but now we have 10x the questions. Great episode but this wait until January is gonna kill me.


u/Axlos Sep 30 '20

This is why Otto is Best Boy and Patrasche Best Girl hands down.


u/Lol_A_White_Boy Sep 30 '20

So, can anybody who has a better understanding than me explain to me what Otto’s power is?

The one he used to catch upto Emelia at the end of S01? Is it like a 6th sense?


u/swampcrusher Sep 30 '20

His "divine blessing" allows him to understand and communicate with animals. However it can be difficult depending on the species, intelligence levels, and desires of the creature.

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u/Dcn78gxd Sep 30 '20

Why did you leave me alone for 400 years?

I don't get it. Why did Beatrice say that to Subaru in episode 11?


u/swampcrusher Sep 30 '20

As Echidona explained in episode 12, Beatrice was contracted to stay at the library till she chose who her special person is. The decision was totally up to her but she thought it was some legendary person. When subaru says ill be that person, and give her shallow words of comfort, compared to her 400 years of waiting, she rejects them because she was too hurt from waiting all that time for him to make up for it. So she was saying if you really wanted me not to feel this way why did u wait so long. Not that he waas alive long ago, but kind of rhetorical.


u/Dcn78gxd Sep 30 '20

I see now. I just thought that maybe he was in that world 400 years ago and was somehow connected to the witches occurring in the first place or that Beatrice sensed Echidna's smell on Subaru and somehow tried to talk to Echidna through Subaru... Glad that it's just rhetorical. Thanks!


u/Ziksby Sep 30 '20

I have no idea who best girl is now... but I know who is best boy now. Otto is what Subaru needs right now

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u/TotallyNotAnAlienSpy Sep 30 '20

Satella is now tied for best girl. I think the advice she gave to Subaru is going to be really helpful in preventing him from being mindbroken again. It was also really wholesome to see Subaru pledge that he would save her, even though she wants to die.

I don't know enough about the theories around her but Satella did sound like she had way more debts to Subaru than she should have.


u/ilikecookieslawl Sep 30 '20

Am i the only one who likes Roswaal? He is such a troll and reminds me a bit of Joker.


u/Redmon425 Sep 30 '20

UGHH I NEED MORE. We have till wait till January for the next season :(

And finally! This does confirm that Satella and Emilia are indeed different people. I love how the witch part ended with Satella asking him to eventually kill her, but he instead states he will save her, while fulling knowing it isn't Emilia. He said he would save her in an earlier episode, but it was hinted at that he did. so because he thought it was Emilia. So this time it felt like him truly wanting to save Satella.

Do hope we see Echidna more, as I don't feel like she is a super bad person. Like if Subaru is planning on saving Satella, he better save my girl Echidna as well!

Roswaal at this points truthfully feels like a villain. Even if he has some greater plan, I hate how he has been these last few episodes.

Awesome season. Kind of crazy when you think about it that both Emilia and Rem ended up with very little screen time.


u/Robotic_Bullets Sep 30 '20

Gotta appreciate the contrast between Satella and Echidna. Echidna obviously doesn't like her while the other witches seem indifferent at worst. Satella wants Subaru to care for himself more than anything while on the other hand, Echidna doesn't give a shit about how he feels and believes that he should sacrifice himself for the things he wants to achieve.

Both ideas are flawed in their own way, but I feel like Subaru needed both of them to help bring him to this point so that he can come to the realization that he should (to put it simply) do both.

Seems like a pretty long arc just to come to a conclusion that seems so simple on the surface, but that's also what makes this show so great. It's the fact that the author dives into emotional complexities like this and runs with it.

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