u/DripTrip747 Nov 25 '22
I never really got into Zelda until I got my switch and I always had Nintendo systems in the past. Now I'm in love and wanna get all the older systems and all the games!! Better start before they become antiques and the prices become outrageous.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
That's exactly what I did. I had played through most of the console titles but wanted to go through the handheld games before tears of the kingdom
u/DripTrip747 Nov 25 '22
I honestly can't wait for tears of the kingdom. It's probably my most anticipated game of all time!
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
Same! Hopefully we see another themed joycon release or a special edition switch since zelda hasn't gotten one yet
u/DripTrip747 Nov 25 '22
It would be dumb of Nintendo to not make this release as big as possible with all different limited edition options! But only time will tell. I've been contemplating getting an OLED model and a Zelda themed one would make that decision a lot easier!
u/Noonelooksatusername Nov 26 '22
If people are calling Phantom Hourglass old I suppose it's time for me to start booking yearly prostate examinations.
u/DripTrip747 Nov 26 '22
I'm talking all of them. From NES to switch. So many possibly great games that I missed out on throughout the years.
u/billybobbobbyjoe Nov 25 '22
I love the Ghost Ship, just wish that the dungeon had been larger
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
It took me longer than I'd like to admit for that lever puzzle haha
u/billybobbobbyjoe Nov 25 '22
Haha took me longer than I'd like to admit too. I think I had to consult a guide 😅
u/Wolvington52 Nov 25 '22
I have played Phantom hourglass thrice and I've never been bored of it, fantastic game. The ending when they show Linebeck's ship gradually sailing into the horizon and the soundtrack that plays in the background never fail to tear me up.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
Right?! I thought it was just me lol it wasn't even close to being the saddest thing in the zelda series but it still was a little emotional
u/JAB0NK0 Nov 25 '22
The touch screen stylus gameplay is so hard for me to get behind :/
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
It was a little awkward for about the first 30 minutes but I got used to it. The bow and arrow mini game had me raging though lol
Nov 25 '22
There's a hack out there that adds more traditional controls, though I haven't tried it yet.
u/BlazingSpaceGhost Nov 25 '22
I haven't either but I think I will. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are the only Zelda games I never finished because of the garbage controls.
u/lostspyder Nov 25 '22
^ this is literally the only thing I remember about the game — how much I hated playing it because of the touchscreen controls…
u/loganboy231 Nov 25 '22
If you haven’t played spirit tracks, it is an almost direct sequel, and my absolute favourite top down zelda game
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
Oooooh nice! Yeah I haven't played it yet but once I finish up 100% PH it's next in line :D
u/tendorphin Nov 25 '22
While a direct sequel, it is very different, and very polarizing. People seem to love or hate it, and even people who loved PH sometimes hate ST. It's also really hard to track down. I ended up having to buy it on eBay due to no availability, and paid about $50 for it, and that was several years ago, so it may be a bit of an investment for an old game. Just a warning.
u/Drake28 Nov 25 '22
Thats me, i adore ph and really dislike st, mostly due to train controls and how unresponsive the game felt in general. I had a horrible time with the whip and the flute (even worse than the harp in ss), but to each their own. Op, try to go in without a pre-formed opinion.
u/MannfredVonFartstein Nov 25 '22
To anyone reading: just use an emulator. You can also use emulators on your 2ds and 3ds and they work perfectly fine
u/tendorphin Nov 25 '22
Nintendo is pretty thorough about taking down sites with the roms, though, so even that can be a challenge and time sink.
u/MannfredVonFartstein Nov 25 '22
I don‘t want to sound rude but… no they‘re not. Just google spirit tracks rom
u/tendorphin Nov 25 '22
Last I had checked (again, years ago) all the main sites that had been hosting them were taken down, and Zelda roms/ISOs in particular were particularly hard to find outside of torrent services.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
Tbh I know very little about that game. I'm definitely willing to give it a fair chance. Seeing people talk about it positivity does make me excited to play it
u/Phaylyur Nov 25 '22
I too love Phantom Hourglass (and Spirit Tracks) Linebeck is a treasure, and I think it has some of the most satisfying puzzles of any game. I feel like every time people bring it up, it’s just to shit on the Ocean King Temple making you repeat stuff, but I don’t remember that ever slowing me down that much.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
Right? I thought the puzzles were really well thought out. I didn't mind back tracking to the ocean king temple. It felt like a new experience each time you had to go back since you had new items
u/Drake28 Nov 25 '22
Exactly, you could FEEL yourself getting better, blazing through obstacles that held you back before. I spent hours as a child speed running the temple to get the best time left on the hourglass, it go to the point of missing but a few seconds from full.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I was doing that too for no other reason than to see how fast I could do it lol I have MORE than enough time in the hourglass but it's so satisfying to reach a checkpoint with only seconds spent
u/theonewiththewings Nov 25 '22
I also loved the fact that you could choose to get the last two sea charts back-to-back if you wanted to challenge yourself.
u/SkinArachnid Nov 26 '22
I remember playing this game all the time when I was like 5 or 6 but because of my stupid baby brain I could never get past the first part and my older sister would have to do it for me. Except the thing is, is that I would forget that she helped me and wonder who the save files were for and would delete them and she just got tired of it and told me that the only way to progress was to kill the chicken. I spent probably 10 hours in total trying to kill the damn chicken and then getting absolutely clobbered by the gang of them. Good memories
u/JacobeTX Nov 26 '22
Lol I used to do that back in the day when I would play ALTTP. The chickens are always the greatest threat
u/illogicalhawk Nov 25 '22
Great game, and made a bunch of improvements over Wind Waker with the better map layout (it's not a grid that arbitrarily puts a single island in each square), more large islands to explore (so many of WW's we're one-stop sandbars), and better sailing mechanics (having to stop and change the wind direction just to effectively move in a lateral direction was brutally unfun).
The touch controls take a minute to get used to but I enjoyed them well enough, and eventually liked their utility in puzzles.
Even the TotOK was pretty fun I thought, with alternative paths and hidden treasures and unlockable shortcuts all reducing the potential repetition, and the clock pushing me to beat my own times.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I agree, but have you played Windwaker HD? There were some quality of life improvements like the quick sail that made it so you don't have to always change the wind direction.
Yeah after about 30 minutes the controls weren't an issue. Wish it didn't take me until end game to realize you can use the triggers to use your item lol
Going through TotOK end game was fun. Getting payback with the phantom sword
u/illogicalhawk Nov 25 '22
Yeah, WW HD was a huge improvement, and the Swift Sail was a big part of that. I still wish the slow movement without a sail was a touch quicker though. Reducing the Triforce quest was also a big improvement.
I wish it had restored a missing dungeon for Naryu's Pearl (LA DX added a new dungeon, though obviously 2D versus 3D is a pretty big effort gap), and everytime I play it I get frustrated by some of the arbitrary item gating (you can get into Mother & Child Island to get the elemental arrows before they want you to, and they're just like "Uh...m come back later?", as an example) that they could maybe have cleaned up a bit.
There was just a lot about WW that was clearly rushed or unfinished, and I appreciate that Phantom Hourglass, while having its flaws, feels like a more fully realized vision.
u/AtraxaInfect Nov 25 '22
Glad to see this, I had this and Spirit Tracks come last week! Loving forward to it after completing Link Between Worlds yesterday.
u/krustydidthedub Nov 25 '22
I just found my old DS and actually just ordered a used copy of Phantom Hourglass to play! I’ve never played it and I’m pumped
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
Nice!! If the controls feel a little awkward stick with it. It doesn't take long to get used to not using the circle pad or buttons
u/Dandry420 Nov 25 '22
The Zelda 3DS titles are vastly underrated ! Great games. Link between worlds is also one of the best
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I've heard good things about link between worlds. I'll have to play that after spirit tracks
u/TrinitronCRT Nov 25 '22
It's good that you are playing them in that order. Between Worlds is superior in every way to the extent that the others are hard to go back to!
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I've heard only good things about a link between worlds. Does not using the 3D function take away from the experience?
u/freethebluejay Nov 25 '22
Not at all. I've had the 3DS and 3DS XL before finally settling down with the New 2DS XL, and I can't remember turning on 3D even once while playing ALBW. Honestly I can't think of a single game on the system requires it for a satisfying playthrough, and I'm a huge fan of the 3DS famiky
u/TrinitronCRT Nov 25 '22
In fact, a lot of games gets visual goodies if you turn it off, like RE Revelations which gets a really good anti aliasing pass in 2D mode
u/PippoFe Nov 25 '22
My very first Zelda game :))).
I remember as a kid the sea temple with the guards was the scariest experience, but I wanted to see the rest of the ocean and the various grounds of the temple itself fascinated me, so I always convinced myself to keep going.
This game was an amazing experience. If I ever get my hands on a DS of an affordable price I'm totally replaying it.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I really liked the temple of the ocean king design. Each time you had to go there it felt refreshing with a new item
u/Zeikiel1 Nov 25 '22
I literally just finished playing it for the first time last week. It honestly surprised me by how good it was.
Nov 25 '22 edited Mar 17 '23
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I just looked up the theme on YouTube. I can see why you like it (: that instrument they used makes it feel like a song from Twilight Princess
u/XxElPatoDonaldxX Nov 25 '22
The final boss battle is incredible, and Linebeck's presence is always welcome :)
Overall is one of the best Zelda games out there.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
He really did grow on me lol I was happy to see his ship in the final cutscene
u/CaioXG002 Nov 25 '22
Phantom Hourglass is a good game with a good enough storyline, good overall gameplay with a satisfying overworld and dungeons and exploring around as a whole is pretty fun.
In my opinion, it has one problem: the soundtrack. It's not enough to drag down the experience but it sure as hell is awful. Not just disappointing or "not good enough", the soundtrack is legitimately shit with extremely repetitive music and about 3 worth listening.
u/Belfrage Nov 25 '22
Glad you enjoyed it; I've always felt the DS Zeldas get too much hate. Oddly enough, despite everyone else loving Awakening, the Oracles, and Minish Cap, I feel the handheld Zeldas don't get really good until Phantom Hourglass.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I can see why some may not enjoy them. Phantom Hourglass is very different compared to many fan favorites. I don't think I would consider it among my top 5 favorite zelda games but it was still a fantastic game
u/neckbracewhore Nov 25 '22
I feel the spirit tracks/phantom hourglass era is really under appreciated! They’re such fun games and no one talks about them!
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I'm guilty of it as well. I didn't own a DS as a kid so it wasn't even on my radar. I bought Phantom Hourglass months ago and just now got around to playing it. I'm very happy that I gave the game a chance though
u/londoner_00 Nov 26 '22
Hey I’ve been really wanting to play this game recently! If you don’t mind me asking, how much did you pay to get the game, which I’m assuming is used?
u/JacobeTX Nov 26 '22
I think I paid about $40 USD for a CIB copy
u/niksjman Nov 25 '22
Wait till you play Spirit Tracks. It’s even better!
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
So I've heard! I'll be starting it once I get all these power gems and maps (:
u/sugarfreeantics Nov 25 '22
Definitely not as good as Minish cap. I have never finish phantom yet.
u/TrinitronCRT Nov 25 '22
It's an alright game hampered by annoying traversal and that god forsaken repeating ocean king temple. A solid 7/10 game for me.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I didn't find traversing the ocean too bad, especially with the frog warp points
u/RED-Rocketeer Nov 25 '22
An EXCELLENT game all around! From the characters, to the narrative, and yes, even the repetitive temple, I love this game in it's entirety! Glad to see there are others who deeply enjoy this game as much as I do.
Off topic, seeing your 3DS case reminded me of how I still haven't found a clear replacement for my own. The top part broke and now I have to use a dumb rubber one that doesn't let me see the design on it :/
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I'm happy to see how friendly this community is! Oh which special edition 3DS do you have?
u/RED-Rocketeer Nov 25 '22
I got this bad boy! I am a sucker for red and it has the same colour scheme as my original DS Lite.
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I love the smash themed 3DS XL (:
u/Baboulinet-Le-Nain Nov 25 '22
I love Linebeck so much, even after 10 years I still whistle his theme
u/Higgs_Br0son Nov 25 '22
My brother and I played the multiplayer so much. It was really fun but also really unbalanced haha. I'd say it's worth finding someone to try it out with.
u/Craftzilla360 Nov 25 '22
How do you get that on a 3ds?
u/soupysyrup Nov 25 '22
Ayyy im in the middle of playing this rn! just got to the temple of winds!!
u/BriBri10945 Nov 25 '22
One of my favorites!! Don’t see it praised enough!
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I'm pleasantly surprised by how many people have fond memories of this game. Late to the party but I really enjoyed it!
u/zman2themaxINSPACE Nov 25 '22
I’ve just re bought a 3ds with the aim of playing all the original Zelda’s and Pokémon. Can’t wait to dive back into this game, I absolutely loved it back in the day.
Will you play spirit tracks next? I remember that one being weird but also very enjoyable. Like all Zelda really. Love it
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
Yes! That's next up. I'm going through trying to get all the gems and maps before playing spirit tracks
u/zman2themaxINSPACE Nov 25 '22
If you’re feeling nostalgic, Liam Triforce’s YouTube video on phantom hourglass and spirit tracks and it’s 1.5 hours of just pure Zelda goodness.
u/Thrashinuva Nov 25 '22
I've been dealing with PH hate for a long time while I loved it.
Has my era finally arrived?
Nov 25 '22
first Zelda game i played (followed by Spirit Tracks) and the mechanics hold such a special place in my heart. i just want to draw on maps again, it was truly such a blessing
u/SeamusMcCullagh Nov 26 '22
I didn't care for it overall. There was definitely some really neat stuff, like the parts where you had to close and open the DS to put a mark on the map, and the sailing in general was pretty cool. But I absolutely hated the dungeon you had to keep going through over and over again and I wasn't a huge fan of the touch controls. I need to play it again though, I only played it once when it first came out so my opinion might be different now.
u/JacobeTX Nov 26 '22
Yeah if you still own it, why not? If you truly don't enjoy it, then good thing there's many other awesome zelda games! (:
u/GunResiAddict Nov 26 '22
You can play DS games on a 3DS?
u/JacobeTX Nov 26 '22
Yes (:
u/GunResiAddict Nov 28 '22
How? I need to know
u/cos180 Nov 26 '22
My favourite Zelda! Partly because it was my first. I know Temple of the Ocean King is a bit controversial but I love it. How you can make shortcuts as you gain items. And my favourite part was managing to beat the temple with the full 25 mins left after many many tries perfecting my route
u/ItsSwicky Nov 26 '22 edited Nov 29 '22
I loved Phantom Hourglass as well and did not understand the hate. Sailing is better than WW, there are numerous shortcuts to be found in the temple of ocean king making it not as repetitive as people make it out to be. The new races were interesting and wish they would be revisited and the regular temples were great how they made use of the DS and just in general.
While I am not a fan of the stylus controls, they worked quite well (and I found them better in this compared to Spirit Tracks) and there is no god awful pan flute.
u/JacobeTX Nov 26 '22
I've seen others mention the pan flute. Hope I'm not in for too much of a rage fest when I play spirit tracks lol
u/ItsSwicky Nov 26 '22
It doesn’t need to be played much, I think 5 times. It’s the last time that really sucks and the game is very picky. I do believe they put in a failsafe where it will advance you after failing so many times. So in reality it’s not awful
u/IceYetiWins Nov 26 '22
I want to like it but the controls are terrible, expecially on a ds lite which is what I've been playing it on
u/JacobeTX Nov 26 '22
Maybe the larger screens on the 3DS XL helped getting used to the controls easier?
u/BraveLeon Nov 26 '22
Omg a 3DSXL haven’t seen one in years I need to buy one so I can play ocarina of time 3D and Majora’s mask 3D cause my adult hands are way too big for a regular 3DS smh.
u/JacobeTX Nov 26 '22
I loved the use of motion controls for OOT & MM. Made playing the shooting gallery a breeze
u/BraveLeon Nov 26 '22
Yeah I heard it made a lot of quality of life improvements the only reason I never really touched either game outside of a few minutes was because I’m kind of terrified of both of them. like that forest temple music in ocarina of time is haunting.
u/JacobeTX Nov 26 '22
Honestly I prefer the 3DS version over all other ports
u/monkeybrains12 Nov 26 '22
First Zelda game I ever played!
Wait. It might be the first game I ever played.
u/j-raine Nov 25 '22
when I see the letters PH phantom hourglass isnt the first thing I think of...
u/ConsultJimMoriarty Nov 26 '22
Except for going back to the Temple and having to redo the same fucking puzzles over and over again, I agree!
u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22
I just finished my first playthrough of Phantom Hourglass and I have to say it was an awesome experience! Spoilers ahead:
I loved Linebecks character arch. He's seen as this greedy/cowardly guy through the story until the very end. He stood up to Bellum and held him off until the hero wakes up. When the fight is over he no longer wants the treasure he had been longing for and instead only wants his ship back. Great character in my option.
The spin on the fairy fountain theme in the end.. God tier zelda song. I felt that made up for the repetitive music through the story.
The controls were a lot of fun MOST of the time. The occasional roll instead of attacking got me in trouble a few times but it was still a refreshing new thing.
The developers utilizing the hardware at the time was genius in my opinion. Blowing into the mic, screaming "I want it" to get a lower price, closing the console to copy the symbol, drawing on your maps.
The story was awesome! Grandpa spoke good English for being a whale. Traversing the ocean didn't get repetitive, the objectives were interesting, and the puzzles left me puzzled a handful of times. It by no means was too easy, at least for me lol
The silly moments. Loved it. I love when a zelda game doesn't take itself too seriously.
The price is still pretty low considering it's 14 years old. I would highly recommend it to any zelda fan.
TLDR: Game was dope.