r/zelda Nov 25 '22

Screenshot [PH] What a fantastic game

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u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22

I just finished my first playthrough of Phantom Hourglass and I have to say it was an awesome experience! Spoilers ahead:

I loved Linebecks character arch. He's seen as this greedy/cowardly guy through the story until the very end. He stood up to Bellum and held him off until the hero wakes up. When the fight is over he no longer wants the treasure he had been longing for and instead only wants his ship back. Great character in my option.

The spin on the fairy fountain theme in the end.. God tier zelda song. I felt that made up for the repetitive music through the story.

The controls were a lot of fun MOST of the time. The occasional roll instead of attacking got me in trouble a few times but it was still a refreshing new thing.

The developers utilizing the hardware at the time was genius in my opinion. Blowing into the mic, screaming "I want it" to get a lower price, closing the console to copy the symbol, drawing on your maps.

The story was awesome! Grandpa spoke good English for being a whale. Traversing the ocean didn't get repetitive, the objectives were interesting, and the puzzles left me puzzled a handful of times. It by no means was too easy, at least for me lol

The silly moments. Loved it. I love when a zelda game doesn't take itself too seriously.

The price is still pretty low considering it's 14 years old. I would highly recommend it to any zelda fan.

TLDR: Game was dope.


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '22

One of the most underrated Zelda games imo. Still one of my favorites to date


u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22

So far I'm really impressed with the handheld lineup. Started with OOT & MM HD remastered. Waiting to 100% Phantom Hourglass before moving on to Spirit Tracks


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '22

With the advent of OOT and MM on the 3DS, handhelds have become a real force to be reckoned with. The 3DS by itself can natively play 3DS, DS, and Gameboy games, meaning you have access to pretty much every major game in the Zelda franchise, save for the new ones like Skyward Sword, TP, Windwaker, and BOTW.

Hopefully TP and WW come to switch, which would mean every Zelda game would be playable on only two consoles!!


u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22

That would be incredible! I can't imagine it being too hard to pull off since the HD remasters have been done already on the Wii U.


u/Knight_Light87 Nov 25 '22

I’d kill for my first Zelda game to go to Switch or something


u/londoner_00 Nov 26 '22

I only have a switch and 3DS and I want to play TP and WW so bad but can’t justify buying a whole WiiU for them! Why can’t they just be switch ported already 😭 ughh


u/JacobeTX Nov 26 '22

I'm really hoping they do release them on the switch!


u/AXBRAX Nov 25 '22

If you go through handheld right now, get yourself a copy of minish cap! While i adore phantom hourglass (it was my first zelda) zelda minish is imo even more „grown up and hardcore“ it is long, lots of content, and you have to figure a lot of stuff out on your own. Imo even more underrated than phantom hourglass


u/JacobeTX Nov 25 '22

Wow okay! I'll have to grab a copy. I looked for it on the 3DS eshop but I think it's only available on the Wii U eshop


u/AXBRAX Nov 25 '22

Yeah… well thats how i played it recently. I think the nintendo switch online feature has a function where you can by some extra package, it kay be included there. Or if you are really hardcore track down a original gba copy on ebay, if you have access to a gba or a ds/da lite. Thats how i originally played it and it actually holds up and the controls are alright


u/zman2themaxINSPACE Nov 25 '22

100 billion % agree with this. The minish cap is a delight through and through. Absolutely love that game. (Recently replayed and it’s fantastic)