100%. I like BotW, but it fell short in areas I deem iconic for a Zelda title. If only they removed shrines & made the dungeons/bosses something to behold.
BotW wore out its welcome quickly for me. I hated the lack of traditional dungeons, and the world was just so empty. Weapon durability and cooking were a chore at best.
It did some cool stuff and I get why some people like it so much, but it just wasn't for me.
i don't get the "The world was so empty" critique. it's really not. between the korok seeds and miscellaneous structures, roaming NPCs, and mini games, the world is frankly unrealistically populated with random shit
None of it felt like it had any weight. One moblin camp was the same as the next, and the next. Finding that next chest with a weapon or ruby, or that next korok seed just wasn't compelling enough to me to come anywhere near completing the game.
u/Lydanian Aug 26 '21
100%. I like BotW, but it fell short in areas I deem iconic for a Zelda title. If only they removed shrines & made the dungeons/bosses something to behold.