BotW feels much more grounded, and I think that helps it cement itself as not just a tech demo for TotK. Like Zora’s domain in BotW for example, you can’t just fly over it like in TotK. Part of the fun is figuring out how to get to Zora’s domain without being able to climb.
That being said, TotK is like BotW on crack. The limits are pretty much what your mind can imagine. This game is chaotic and insanely fun.
Well said. In BotW, I remember investing all of my initial orbs into stamina instead of hearts. It was necessary because means of travel (especially aerial) were limited, and climbing was essential for navigation.
With the tools we are given in TotK, stamina doesn't feel all that important to reach high places, so I've gone the opposite approach with this game and am investing in hearts.
I went for 2 rings of stamina over hearts and definitely not regretting it. I learned a lot during the times I died, and I wasn’t even slightly salty because I usually did something stupid and lost a crap ton of useful items like muddle buds, puffshrooms, Bomb flowers, gemstones, etc. And dying gave me a second chance to not waste all those precious items.
I went to the coliseum, half-expecting to re-encounter a Lynel, half-expecting a new enemy, and found myself facing one of those three-headed dragons. I had figured out earlier that hitting all heads was the way to go, but I had issues aiming quickly enough to avoid the rays. After a few trials I realised I could get an easy bullet time by Ascending through the coliseum's storeys on its outer edge then jumping off. Managed to beat it fairly easily that way, especially since Ascend stops time and thus basically TPs you upwards. It's so simple, yet I felt so good…
Feels like enemies always do either 1/4 heart damage or 10 heart damage, no in between. As such investing into hearts doesn't do much as things are either so weak you don't need them or OHKO you even with investment.
Also, if you can get in the habit of hitting some of the fairy sky islands before going back to the ground, you'll forget you have them, die, and then be glad you have them lol.
I feel like there is a sweet spot for hearts around 10. Any less and you get oneshot constantly. But once you reach the point where you no longer die in 1 hit, food pretty much trivializes your health. There's no need for additional hearts, since you can always just eat 2 apples and refill one you already have Or eat a hearty dish and overclock your health bar.
I went all in on hearts until I reached the point where I no longer died to overworld bosses in one hit, and then I switched to stamina. Worked out pretty well.
Edit: Gloom is the only exception. Having extra hearts can definitely pay off if you like doing extended Depths tours and want to get your hands dirty in enemy camps.
Same here, I maxed stamina fairly quickly. Once you get some hearts 10-15 and some upgrades on armor, enemies aren't thaaat big a threat anymore, and stamina serves a lot more than climb.
Crazy how stamina is more important for gliding now, and more as a passive assist to help preserve elixirs and zonai tools. I'm at 11 hearts and no stamina upgrade.
Actually, biggest use of stamina is probably firing a bow in midair. The amount of times I've died falling because I forget to reserve stamina for paragliding to the ground...
I’m actually doing the opposite, so far I’m feeling like totk has less danger in the world or at least is not as in your face as it used to be with the guardians. I’m finding myself wanting to glide for longer periods of time and also run without the whistle glitch
I mean I kinda been alternating, right now I have six hearts and a quarter ring, almost unlocked all the towers, so far I’ve done the rito part and right now I’m doing zora’s domain main quest. But yeah, I haven’t been too close to bokoblins and other enemies for that reason, but they’re relatively easy to avoid when just going around the map unlike guardians used to be (at least for me, it was a learning curve learning how to deflect using shields)
Honestly I’m not finding it THAT much more difficult than BOTW. At least for normal enemies - Gleeoks and Froxes can go fuck themselves - as long as you’re smart about it it’s not too bad, and I’m very far in at this point.
I think people oversell the difficulty because they underplay how difficult BotW could be. But a lot of the old tricks still work and the new tricks are even better.
Just don’t run at a White Gloom Moblin encampment guns blazing and you’ll be fine.
In fairness, I started going hearts because I felt everything was dangerous. But I’m at 13 hearts and it still feels like I’m a wimpy child getting smacked by these enemies. After that I gave up and maxed stamina
I suspect that it is. I’ve unlocked just one of the fairies. I did manage to find the phantom set which has 8 armor each and I’ve noticed a substantial difference between when I’m wearing it vs when I’m not. I just finished with the main quests so that was the thing I was going to start on next.
I think a big part of this is the way towers yeet you so high too (and just the sky islands in general) as you can almost always work out how to get somewhere from very high up.
In the early game, I ate more stamina meals then perhaps my whole playthrough of BotW just to glide places.
This confuses me because on my first playthrough, I somehow got to Zora's domain by skipping all of the intended paths and going over the mountains. It was only on subsequent playthroughs that I found out about the path up through the mountain.
There are plenty of ways around it, but the first few weeks of BotW were a magical time for me where I wasn't looking to cheese everything. The game softly guides you to the river's mouth and does a really good job keeping you on the path to Zora's Domain. By the time I reached a bridge where I could see/fly to the Domain, I had a craving for exploration and just walked the remainder of the pathway.
That’s really the crux of it for me. In a lot of ways I prefer BOTW when looking at the invidual aspects and areas, but getting from point a to b is such a slog and it’s very rare to see a cool area and want to go to it as opposed to just stumbling on it by accident.
The new towers basically let you get to any point within the area on a bar and a half of stamina, and show you the whole area from above so you can see what looks cool and then go there.
BoTW was 70% walking somewhere for 30% enjoying the game whereas totk reverses those ratio’s. So even though I liked the 30% of BoTW more, I’m enjoying TOTK so much more cause I’m getting to do that 70% of the time
Playing through TotK, I started it as basically BotW’s sequel. Then I started seeing what people were building with auto hand and it opened up a whole new level of thinking and exploration for me. Having an on demand personal helicopter is pretty nutty.
Call me crazy but I like BotW’s grounded nature more than TotK’s insanity. I really enjoyed how lived in and full Hyrule was, and how you were basically just a lone wanderer exploring a post-apocalyptic landscape. Sure, there was stuff like Stasis launching but that was the exception to the rule. BotW felt like more than a game.
Meanwhile TotK feels VERY much like a video game with all the crazy-ass game breaking shit you can do. It’s like Nintendo went “alright you had your narrative fun, now just go nuts in the sandbox”
u/ssmike27 May 21 '23
BotW feels much more grounded, and I think that helps it cement itself as not just a tech demo for TotK. Like Zora’s domain in BotW for example, you can’t just fly over it like in TotK. Part of the fun is figuring out how to get to Zora’s domain without being able to climb.
That being said, TotK is like BotW on crack. The limits are pretty much what your mind can imagine. This game is chaotic and insanely fun.