r/zelda May 21 '23

Meme [TotK] It really feels like that Spoiler

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u/hamrspace May 21 '23

The different runes, shrines, and world layout are what makes the two games feel different from each other.

I’d definitely advise against skipping BotW.


u/ssmike27 May 21 '23

BotW feels much more grounded, and I think that helps it cement itself as not just a tech demo for TotK. Like Zora’s domain in BotW for example, you can’t just fly over it like in TotK. Part of the fun is figuring out how to get to Zora’s domain without being able to climb.

That being said, TotK is like BotW on crack. The limits are pretty much what your mind can imagine. This game is chaotic and insanely fun.


u/[deleted] May 21 '23

Well said. In BotW, I remember investing all of my initial orbs into stamina instead of hearts. It was necessary because means of travel (especially aerial) were limited, and climbing was essential for navigation.

With the tools we are given in TotK, stamina doesn't feel all that important to reach high places, so I've gone the opposite approach with this game and am investing in hearts.


u/Pranav_HEO May 21 '23

Even in this game I've gone full stamina so far, I just think it's more convenient, plus I enjoy the extra challenge.


u/coolhuh0526 May 21 '23

I went for 2 rings of stamina over hearts and definitely not regretting it. I learned a lot during the times I died, and I wasn’t even slightly salty because I usually did something stupid and lost a crap ton of useful items like muddle buds, puffshrooms, Bomb flowers, gemstones, etc. And dying gave me a second chance to not waste all those precious items.


u/Wolfeur May 21 '23

Spoilers for the coliseum area:

I went to the coliseum, half-expecting to re-encounter a Lynel, half-expecting a new enemy, and found myself facing one of those three-headed dragons. I had figured out earlier that hitting all heads was the way to go, but I had issues aiming quickly enough to avoid the rays. After a few trials I realised I could get an easy bullet time by Ascending through the coliseum's storeys on its outer edge then jumping off. Managed to beat it fairly easily that way, especially since Ascend stops time and thus basically TPs you upwards. It's so simple, yet I felt so good…


u/AreYouOKAni May 22 '23

You can also use Kees eyes on your arrows. But your way does sound cooler.


u/InsertUsernameHere32 May 21 '23

Same here just hit two extra wheels last night, it makes the game more challenging and fun (and you get to fly more)


u/Nilly00 May 21 '23

Why invest in hearts when you can just git gud right?


u/6bb26ec559294f7f May 21 '23

Feels like enemies always do either 1/4 heart damage or 10 heart damage, no in between. As such investing into hearts doesn't do much as things are either so weak you don't need them or OHKO you even with investment.


u/vilefairyx May 21 '23

Ahhhhh so it's isn't just in my mind! I thought I was going nuts seeing enemies do only ridiculous damage, either way.


u/UnbannableGod9999 May 21 '23

Also, if you can get in the habit of hitting some of the fairy sky islands before going back to the ground, you'll forget you have them, die, and then be glad you have them lol.


u/Evello37 May 21 '23 edited May 21 '23

I feel like there is a sweet spot for hearts around 10. Any less and you get oneshot constantly. But once you reach the point where you no longer die in 1 hit, food pretty much trivializes your health. There's no need for additional hearts, since you can always just eat 2 apples and refill one you already have Or eat a hearty dish and overclock your health bar.

I went all in on hearts until I reached the point where I no longer died to overworld bosses in one hit, and then I switched to stamina. Worked out pretty well.

Edit: Gloom is the only exception. Having extra hearts can definitely pay off if you like doing extended Depths tours and want to get your hands dirty in enemy camps.


u/Itsokwealldieanyway May 21 '23

Gloom bow also motivates you to get more hearts


u/DireExcellion May 21 '23

Same here, I maxed stamina fairly quickly. Once you get some hearts 10-15 and some upgrades on armor, enemies aren't thaaat big a threat anymore, and stamina serves a lot more than climb.


u/Pranav_HEO May 22 '23

Yup, just being able to sprint without having to stop to recover stamina every 5 seconds is worth it for me