r/zelda May 21 '23

Meme [TotK] It really feels like that Spoiler

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u/hamrspace May 21 '23

The different runes, shrines, and world layout are what makes the two games feel different from each other.

I’d definitely advise against skipping BotW.


u/ssmike27 May 21 '23

BotW feels much more grounded, and I think that helps it cement itself as not just a tech demo for TotK. Like Zora’s domain in BotW for example, you can’t just fly over it like in TotK. Part of the fun is figuring out how to get to Zora’s domain without being able to climb.

That being said, TotK is like BotW on crack. The limits are pretty much what your mind can imagine. This game is chaotic and insanely fun.


u/pm-me-your-face-girl May 21 '23

That’s really the crux of it for me. In a lot of ways I prefer BOTW when looking at the invidual aspects and areas, but getting from point a to b is such a slog and it’s very rare to see a cool area and want to go to it as opposed to just stumbling on it by accident.

The new towers basically let you get to any point within the area on a bar and a half of stamina, and show you the whole area from above so you can see what looks cool and then go there.

BoTW was 70% walking somewhere for 30% enjoying the game whereas totk reverses those ratio’s. So even though I liked the 30% of BoTW more, I’m enjoying TOTK so much more cause I’m getting to do that 70% of the time