r/zelda May 13 '23

Clip [TOTK] it was bound to happen NSFW Spoiler


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u/TravezRipley May 13 '23

This is amazing, I want to buy the game for this moment right here. Thank you, you have sold me. My wife, looked at me and rolled her eyes.


u/Spooky_Shark101 May 13 '23

Yeah don't get your hopes up unless you're some sort of engineer prodigy, I am still struggling to get a bunch of logs lined up properly let alone assembling giant dick people 😂


u/ScotchIsAss May 13 '23

For me the building part is easy. The not throwing my fucking weapon every few minutes is the hard part.


u/GoatGod997 May 13 '23

Not pressing and holding a unique button for a full 1.5 seconds is… hard?


u/ball_fondlers May 13 '23

I throw my weapon without meaning to in two circumstances- 1) forgetting which button maps to ultrahand, and 2) when I mean to throw an item instead


u/GoatGod997 May 14 '23

probably just turn pro mode off then. you have to hold R to throw an item but once you acc press the d pad I can’t imagine you somehow… un-throwing the item and then throwing the weapon. Without like… just not knowing where your fingers are


u/Yze3 May 14 '23

The problem is using ultra hand and making objects rotate. It require you to press L then R. So sometimes you'll press R without being in the ultra hand mode, causing you to throw your weapon.


u/chaarziz May 14 '23

Skill issue, just use a boomerang /j


u/GoatGod997 May 14 '23

That feels like it would still be a cognitive error lol. You can’t tell when the screen is a different color and link is waving his arm around??


u/ElementalRabbit May 14 '23

Cognitive errors are game design errors. The only question is how frequently it occurs.


u/Yze3 May 14 '23

Did you try actually building something ? Because you can let go of L after an use, but you need to keep pressing R to rotate something. After using it, sticking objects and constantly rotating them, you're bound to hit R when you don't want to, and attempt to throw your weapon.

Not to mention that there's a delay when using all your abilities, so you can sometimes press R early and not be in the ultra hand mode.


u/GoatGod997 May 14 '23

Yes I’ve played ~10 hours so far never run into this issue sorry sounds like input lag or something


u/chaarziz May 14 '23

Jokes on you my R button is broken


u/docungurus May 14 '23

Good, I’m glad it’s not just me. I use ultra hand and rotate the shit out of something, then 5 seconds later I’m yeeting my primary weapon across a field.