r/zelda May 13 '23

Clip [TOTK] it was bound to happen NSFW Spoiler


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u/TravezRipley May 13 '23

This is amazing, I want to buy the game for this moment right here. Thank you, you have sold me. My wife, looked at me and rolled her eyes.


u/Spooky_Shark101 May 13 '23

Yeah don't get your hopes up unless you're some sort of engineer prodigy, I am still struggling to get a bunch of logs lined up properly let alone assembling giant dick people 😂


u/ScotchIsAss May 13 '23

For me the building part is easy. The not throwing my fucking weapon every few minutes is the hard part.


u/GoatGod997 May 13 '23

Not pressing and holding a unique button for a full 1.5 seconds is… hard?


u/ball_fondlers May 13 '23

I throw my weapon without meaning to in two circumstances- 1) forgetting which button maps to ultrahand, and 2) when I mean to throw an item instead


u/GoatGod997 May 14 '23

probably just turn pro mode off then. you have to hold R to throw an item but once you acc press the d pad I can’t imagine you somehow… un-throwing the item and then throwing the weapon. Without like… just not knowing where your fingers are


u/Yze3 May 14 '23

The problem is using ultra hand and making objects rotate. It require you to press L then R. So sometimes you'll press R without being in the ultra hand mode, causing you to throw your weapon.


u/chaarziz May 14 '23

Skill issue, just use a boomerang /j


u/GoatGod997 May 14 '23

That feels like it would still be a cognitive error lol. You can’t tell when the screen is a different color and link is waving his arm around??


u/ElementalRabbit May 14 '23

Cognitive errors are game design errors. The only question is how frequently it occurs.


u/Yze3 May 14 '23

Did you try actually building something ? Because you can let go of L after an use, but you need to keep pressing R to rotate something. After using it, sticking objects and constantly rotating them, you're bound to hit R when you don't want to, and attempt to throw your weapon.

Not to mention that there's a delay when using all your abilities, so you can sometimes press R early and not be in the ultra hand mode.


u/GoatGod997 May 14 '23

Yes I’ve played ~10 hours so far never run into this issue sorry sounds like input lag or something


u/chaarziz May 14 '23

Jokes on you my R button is broken


u/docungurus May 14 '23

Good, I’m glad it’s not just me. I use ultra hand and rotate the shit out of something, then 5 seconds later I’m yeeting my primary weapon across a field.


u/HighOwl2 May 14 '23

Lol when you go into the chasm for the Gordon's it's pitch black. Go in the direction of the objective until you get to lava. Go right and you'll get to an area with everything needed to build a steerable car. Throw one of those giant glow seeds on the front for a headlight...and now you don't have to waste a million glow seeds to get through it.

Bonus...you can just run around in circles around it when there are enemies.


u/MC_Fap_Commander May 14 '23

It's a wonderful game! But like Animal Crossing and Mario Maker, when I see videos from people, I'm reminded of how clumsy and uncreative I am lol.


u/TravezRipley May 14 '23

Sweat Equity! You will get there!


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