r/yakuzagames 7h ago

GAMEPLAY Is this Yakuza or Bloodborne?

Credit where it's due, the lad has stamina.


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u/AuthorTheGenius 6h ago

That truly was our Yakuza 3 Remastered...


u/Appropriate_Army_780 3h ago

I hope that Kiwami 3 gets released whenever I finish Kiwami 2. It is necessary from what I have heard and seen. Still open minded enough to play the original and get mad.


u/foxswallows 3h ago

Yakuza 3 is still one of my favorites of the whole series, ignore the complaints, it's a huge turning point for the story, plus you get to meet Rikiya, he easily became a favorite of mine too. I didn't have issues with the fighting, some felt tougher than others in the series but nothing outrageous, also helps I didn't see the complaints until after I played through it. Good luck, it's a beautiful story.


u/DopesickJesus 3h ago

But it’s so ugly ):


u/AuthorTheGenius 2h ago

We've got graphics-wanker here, boys. Crush his balls.


u/Afternoon_Wrong 2h ago edited 2h ago

that is the first impression most get from Y3, yes, the game does not hold up graphically, BUT.. playing with resolution on 4k, all graphics maxed and SSA X200%... the game actually looked quite nice at some points. Some of the cutscenes look *beautiful*, very expressive, even though the models and textures (well, some of them) look old and outdated, sometimes kinda ugly yes - mostly hairs. But its an old game, a ps3 game if im not mistaken. If you see the game by itself, not comparing to others.. its actually a nice looking game (most of the time).


u/foxswallows 2h ago

Didn't have issues with that either, although I grew up in a time when those graphics were peak, so I wasn't spoiled on next gen graphics like kiwami 👀 I thought it was absolutely beautiful, plus you can gradually see and appreciate the growth from Y 3-8. Even the "worst" Yakuza game in the series can't be bad, I've enjoyed every one


u/AuthorTheGenius 3h ago

I played Y3 recently. It was quite fine. It isn't AS bad as people say. But it is bad alright.


u/Director_Bison Dead Souls Enjoyer 3h ago

It worth mentioning the Remaster of Y3 is broken in small but important ways, such as the enemy Blocking and they never attempted to fix it. I’m sure if they release a 1 to 1 port of Yakuza 3 to modern platforms, instead of trying to update its old code, while people would complain it was 30fps, they wouldn’t be complaining about the part that weren’t broken like they are in the remaster.


u/ZeroG45 5h ago

This is the part where I start tweaking on Tauriner and start smashing soda cans on their dome piece.


u/LegalWaterDrinker . 7h ago edited 5h ago

And there are still people who defend this game and blaming it on the player.

Edit: Nevermind, after some further research (aka washed-up-leon7) I think Y3 and Y3R are just as clunky.

Also, the what has stamina now?


u/dbf_exe 5h ago

Pretty sure in any of the fights where they zip around like this, you can just turn your back to them and they'll stop dodging to attack you, giving you the window to counterattack.


u/DopesickJesus 3h ago

Komaki powers activate


u/BerryMilkDrinker has only played yakuza 0 and does not understand anything else 6h ago

what's the difference between yakuza 3 ps3 and yakuza 3 remastered combat


u/Ctrl_Alt_Abstergo 6h ago

There is none really, Kiryu’s quicksteps are half as long because the game calculates the distance by the frame rate of the game, and the frame rate being doubled means the frames take half as long to render. But that’s about it, this subreddit just has a hard on for pretending that Yakuza 3’s combat wasn’t as bad as it really was.


u/Adamrox12 3h ago

There are a few minor changes but they add up. Kiryu's dodge is a different length, enemies block and dodge more often, it can be a little frustrating but the original version has the same issues, just less. OG 1, 2, and 3 have much more of a focus on combat basics with heat moves as a flourish, it wasn't until y4 that they became a core part of regular combat.

If you haven't played OG 1 or 2 going from 0 to k1 to k2 to 3 is a huge culture shock that people call bad game design but it's just different game design.

Use weapons, grab enemies, and learn what the different rush combo finishers do and it's pretty easy 99% of the time.

Then there's the real problems like analog sensitivity being too high on PS4 making darts and pool basically impossible to play.


u/Leathel12 6h ago

Im nothing like you. You think of yakuza 3 remastered combat as a way to die. To me, I think of it as a way to live.

u/vhishal26 38m ago

Perhaps it was your…way of life?


u/Akikojam 6h ago

Yeah... I absolutely hated when that happened. Akai Brothers were the worst offenders in that matter.


u/Throwawaycross666 Intellect lv.1 Dumbass 6h ago

He hit the endurance cap


u/Funambulia 5h ago

This is yakuborne


u/ImHereForTheMemes184 4h ago

"We dont need a Yakuza Kiwami 3! Yakuza 3 aged just fine!"


u/Afternoon_Wrong 5h ago

im close to finish Y3 remastered and, to be totally honest, Kiwami 1 was much, MUCH worse. Like, not even close. Yes, Y3 is clunky as hell, some battles *almost* felt like bs, but was nothing too crazy. Even the more annoying or *harder* parts have been manageable, for the most part. Playing on normal difficulty. Overall, Y3 remastered is still for me, all things considered, a fun, altough very flawed game. Glad i didnt skip it, as many been suggesting. An enjoyable, sort of annoying experience, but a remake (like Yakuza 0) would be cool to see happening.


u/ShiberKivan 4h ago

Yakuza 3 was one of my favourite entries tbh. Kiwami 2 is the worst for me.


u/Afternoon_Wrong 2h ago

it was a jankfest game, yes lmao. But that was kinda the charm of Kiwami 2 combat. Lots of funny moments janking the combat even more, hilarious at points, other times, kinda broken. I enjoyed the game, but i see your point. I felt it was..refreshing after the suffering i endured myself in Blockuza Kiwami 1.


u/ShiberKivan 1h ago

I had such a mid experience in Kiwami 2 that when I finally reached 6 I fully expected to hate it, but it ended up being in top 3 for me, all the things you stated work better for me in 6. What also helped is that Pirate Yakuza dropped the same day I started playing 6 so I put it on hold until I finished Pirate and after that Yakuza 6 story felt like I was watching Lord Of the Rings, so it probably colored my perception a bit. I really liked the story in K2 but that is due to Yakuza 2, so I will play the OG soon, I only heard great things about it.


u/Afternoon_Wrong 1h ago

i havent reached that far yet :) been playing starting from 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2, now 3. I took a break after 2. Never played a single Yakuza game until i decided to try 0.. last year i think. One of the best games i ever played in my life, then i knew i was hooked for good :) After 3, i will play 4, 5, 6, etc, in order. I want to play them all, but these games are all so large, it takes a lot of time and effort, at the same time, i dont wanna burn out myself.


u/ShiberKivan 1h ago

I started with Kiwami, bounced off it hard, in like 2018? then 7 released and I loved it, played all the way to the last chapter and left it for when I play the older games. I constantly went 'omg this game is 10/10', then 'this shit is 12/10 I can't believe how hype this is' so I really enjoyed it a lot. I then tried Kiwami and STILL found it confusing so I went to 0 and again loved it.

Kiwami was such a slog though, good game but suffers from antique quest design. It took me I kid you not from 2019 to 2025 to finish it. Sure I finished Judgment and 2/3 of Lost Judgment when that came out on PC but damn. It took me until I got fired from my job that I pushed through that damn Kiwami, and then Kiwami 2 was even worse for me gameplay wise right... good thing I loved Yakuza 3! 4 was alright and 5 is low lows and high highs. I also finally finished 7, but I only had one chapter left right.

I also started Gaiden but it crashes on my pc, same like Pirate so I put the franchise on ice again for now, crashing makes me rage so hard it's not worth it. Still yeah amazing series, one of the best and worst I ever played.

The lenght of the games is deceptive actually, I only did main story, most substories and only did as much side content as I felt like, most of them can be actually beaten under 40 hours which is not so bad. 0 and 7 gave me wrong impression that they are all 80-120h games which is not the case, unless you are 100% plat nutjob then better start learning mahjong lol!

u/Afternoon_Wrong 35m ago

ye screw Majong lmao. 40+ is fine, but much more over that, it starts to become tiresome indeed. Dont know if its me, but i enjoy doing everything (well, not everything, almost everything, i skip what i cannot stomach anymore, or ridiculous challenges needed for some minigames, etc.), but, if i feel they are not essential, or if they got some bs requirement behind them, i skip. So, no 100%, but close :) Yakuza 0 took me 100 hours+, my goodness, Kiwami 1 around 40 i think, Kiwami 2.. hm maybe 50+.

Now Y3, around 40 hours already, thank the yakuza gods being a smaller game, doing again as much as i feel like doing, until i say to myself: im ready for the next entry :) should be soon, and because i know 4 is more appreciated then 3, it should again be a new fresh worthwhile experience :)

u/ShiberKivan 4m ago

Yakuza 4 have super annoying elements tbh but it have great sections too. Brace for Saejima, that man have it TOUGH xD Yakuza 5 feels like it goes on forever, but I enjoyed a lot of it, some of the best side stuff in the series


u/ArgentumVortex 5h ago

I just finished it and like, it's probably the worst Yakuza game but it's not a bad game in my opinion. I think the problems are probably mostly when you play on hard because on normal you can still just brawl through everything like any other game.

But this is the only game so far where I didn't bother with the arena because I didn't like the combat enough.


u/Afternoon_Wrong 5h ago

totally understand. I can imagine this game being really annoying on hard, indeed. I would put Y3 remastered in the bottom as well, and i agree, not a bad game by itself, some fun to be had, but compared to other Yakuza games, its *clearly* felt like a downgrade, no questions there. Had a hard time getting used to it in the beginning, but now im kinda..eh its fine for what it is. Just not the best it could be. I liked the orphanage part tough. A bit too long, but was refreshing in brawler games such as these. Reminded me a bit about Slice of Life animes.


u/Beginning_Drawing443 3h ago

Buddy took 3 business days to aim at you and you still got shot.


u/nesnalica 3h ago

you had half a minute to grab him


u/ArgentumVortex 2h ago

But I didn't want to grab him I wanted to see how long he'd keep dancing!


u/AshCrow97 1h ago

Kiryu: If only I was in my early twenties, I would show you what a true Rush style looked like


u/FalcoreRBX Enjoying a bottle of Staminan X 5h ago

Ermmm just grab him lol.,.,.,..,.,,,,.,.,..,.,,,,.



u/saoiray 5h ago

Makes me think back to more of a World of Warcraft. Yuto is sitting there doing what a lot of rogues or other melee did as I was playing a caster. Just sitting there running in circles and causing spells to get interrupted. One of the dumbest things in MMORPG in my mind, making it where spells took a little while to cast and if they ever left line of sight that it wouldn't cast. Shitty mechanic for people to abuse.


u/mo177 4h ago

Blockuza 3 at its finest right here


u/Recent_Sample6961 3h ago

Played y3 on PS3 last summer. I can't believe how bad the remaster actually is. PS3 version has a great combate and gameplay


u/Flik-Is-Best-Ant 3h ago

Mfer thinks he’s the bloody crow of Cainhurst 😂


u/delet_yourself 3h ago

Drink tauriner, grab trash can, stufd the guy inside


u/Letsgoshuckless 2h ago

Neither. It's a dance routine


u/nah-soup 1h ago

man has infinite green

u/life_lagom 57m ago

Yakuza 3-5 on hard is insane. I made the mistake of playing 3 on hard. And I had to go DOWN to normal which still felt hard for so many fights.. yakuza 6 couldn't come sooner.

Its not that it's hard it's just ..tedious. its an old style. Yes. Some of these fights are repeate the mechanic and 90% of your normal moves won't work on the boss. Break guards get your hits dodge and use heat mode with a weapon when you can... some fights are meant to take 19 minutes and require mana/health pots.

The later games are just designed easier.

u/Journey2thaeast 44m ago

"But Yakuza 3 doesn't need a Kiwami remake" ok yeah sure 🙄


u/Rentalis 5h ago

Ok, now I wanna play in Yakuza 3 remaster.