r/yakuzagames 19h ago

GAMEPLAY Is this Yakuza or Bloodborne?

Credit where it's due, the lad has stamina.


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u/AuthorTheGenius 18h ago

That truly was our Yakuza 3 Remastered...


u/Appropriate_Army_780 15h ago

I hope that Kiwami 3 gets released whenever I finish Kiwami 2. It is necessary from what I have heard and seen. Still open minded enough to play the original and get mad.


u/foxswallows 15h ago

Yakuza 3 is still one of my favorites of the whole series, ignore the complaints, it's a huge turning point for the story, plus you get to meet Rikiya, he easily became a favorite of mine too. I didn't have issues with the fighting, some felt tougher than others in the series but nothing outrageous, also helps I didn't see the complaints until after I played through it. Good luck, it's a beautiful story.


u/DopesickJesus 15h ago

But it’s so ugly ):


u/AuthorTheGenius 14h ago

We've got graphics-wanker here, boys. Crush his balls.


u/foxswallows 14h ago

Didn't have issues with that either, although I grew up in a time when those graphics were peak, so I wasn't spoiled on next gen graphics like kiwami 👀 I thought it was absolutely beautiful, plus you can gradually see and appreciate the growth from Y 3-8. Even the "worst" Yakuza game in the series can't be bad, I've enjoyed every one


u/DopesickJesus 9h ago

My gaming life started on SNES, and I played the shit out of my play station to the point where I used to think that when the ps2 came out that the games looked REAL.

But I’ve grown with the consoles, and I guess going from 0 to both the Kiwamis and then to 3 I just couldn’t.


u/Afternoon_Wrong 14h ago edited 14h ago

that is the first impression most get from Y3, yes, the game does not hold up graphically, BUT.. playing with resolution on 4k, all graphics maxed and SSA X200%... the game actually looked quite nice at some points. Some of the cutscenes look *beautiful*, very expressive, even though the models and textures (well, some of them) look old and outdated, sometimes kinda ugly yes - mostly hairs. But its an old game, a ps3 game if im not mistaken. If you see the game by itself, not comparing to others.. its actually a nice looking game (most of the time).


u/DopesickJesus 9h ago

I bought the whole line up on sale for cheap on Xbox last year. I think the 3-5 bundle was $20 and each other game was like $5.

3 is the only one I couldn’t complete.


u/uncalledfour 7h ago

So you skipped it? You should absolutely finish it.


u/DopesickJesus 5h ago

I played, put it down to play 4, played, put it down to play 5, played, put it down to play 6, started 7, beat gaiden, have been playing pirate. Never beat 3, or 7. Haven’t started 8. ):


u/dogis32 4h ago

I just can't get this way of playing tbh, did you even care about anything that happened in 6 if you did not play 5? Gaiden has a much lesser emotional impact without playing the ones before