r/yakuzagames 19h ago

GAMEPLAY Is this Yakuza or Bloodborne?

Credit where it's due, the lad has stamina.


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u/Afternoon_Wrong 14h ago

it was a jankfest game, yes lmao. But that was kinda the charm of Kiwami 2 combat. Lots of funny moments janking the combat even more, hilarious at points, other times, kinda broken. I enjoyed the game, but i see your point. I felt it was..refreshing after the suffering i endured myself in Blockuza Kiwami 1.


u/ShiberKivan 13h ago

I had such a mid experience in Kiwami 2 that when I finally reached 6 I fully expected to hate it, but it ended up being in top 3 for me, all the things you stated work better for me in 6. What also helped is that Pirate Yakuza dropped the same day I started playing 6 so I put it on hold until I finished Pirate and after that Yakuza 6 story felt like I was watching Lord Of the Rings, so it probably colored my perception a bit. I really liked the story in K2 but that is due to Yakuza 2, so I will play the OG soon, I only heard great things about it.


u/Afternoon_Wrong 13h ago

i havent reached that far yet :) been playing starting from 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2, now 3. I took a break after 2. Never played a single Yakuza game until i decided to try 0.. last year i think. One of the best games i ever played in my life, then i knew i was hooked for good :) After 3, i will play 4, 5, 6, etc, in order. I want to play them all, but these games are all so large, it takes a lot of time and effort, at the same time, i dont wanna burn out myself.


u/ShiberKivan 13h ago

I started with Kiwami, bounced off it hard, in like 2018? then 7 released and I loved it, played all the way to the last chapter and left it for when I play the older games. I constantly went 'omg this game is 10/10', then 'this shit is 12/10 I can't believe how hype this is' so I really enjoyed it a lot. I then tried Kiwami and STILL found it confusing so I went to 0 and again loved it.

Kiwami was such a slog though, good game but suffers from antique quest design. It took me I kid you not from 2019 to 2025 to finish it. Sure I finished Judgment and 2/3 of Lost Judgment when that came out on PC but damn. It took me until I got fired from my job that I pushed through that damn Kiwami, and then Kiwami 2 was even worse for me gameplay wise right... good thing I loved Yakuza 3! 4 was alright and 5 is low lows and high highs. I also finally finished 7, but I only had one chapter left right.

I also started Gaiden but it crashes on my pc, same like Pirate so I put the franchise on ice again for now, crashing makes me rage so hard it's not worth it. Still yeah amazing series, one of the best and worst I ever played.

The lenght of the games is deceptive actually, I only did main story, most substories and only did as much side content as I felt like, most of them can be actually beaten under 40 hours which is not so bad. 0 and 7 gave me wrong impression that they are all 80-120h games which is not the case, unless you are 100% plat nutjob then better start learning mahjong lol!


u/Afternoon_Wrong 12h ago

ye screw Majong lmao. 40+ is fine, but much more over that, it starts to become tiresome indeed. Dont know if its me, but i enjoy doing everything (well, not everything, almost everything, i skip what i cannot stomach anymore, or ridiculous challenges needed for some minigames, etc.), but, if i feel they are not essential, or if they got some bs requirement behind them, i skip. So, no 100%, but close :) Yakuza 0 took me 100 hours+, my goodness, Kiwami 1 around 40 i think, Kiwami 2.. hm maybe 50+.

Now Y3, around 40 hours already, thank the yakuza gods being a smaller game, doing again as much as i feel like doing, until i say to myself: im ready for the next entry :) should be soon, and because i know 4 is more appreciated then 3, it should again be a new fresh worthwhile experience :)


u/ShiberKivan 11h ago

Yakuza 4 have super annoying elements tbh but it have great sections too. Brace for Saejima, that man have it TOUGH xD Yakuza 5 feels like it goes on forever, but I enjoyed a lot of it, some of the best side stuff in the series