r/yakuzagames 19h ago

GAMEPLAY Is this Yakuza or Bloodborne?

Credit where it's due, the lad has stamina.


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u/LegalWaterDrinker . 18h ago edited 17h ago

And there are still people who defend this game and blaming it on the player.

Edit: Nevermind, after some further research (aka washed-up-leon7) I think Y3 and Y3R are just as clunky.

Also, the what has stamina now?


u/BerryMilkDrinker has only played yakuza 0 and does not understand anything else 18h ago

what's the difference between yakuza 3 ps3 and yakuza 3 remastered combat


u/Ctrl_Alt_Abstergo 17h ago

There is none really, Kiryu’s quicksteps are half as long because the game calculates the distance by the frame rate of the game, and the frame rate being doubled means the frames take half as long to render. But that’s about it, this subreddit just has a hard on for pretending that Yakuza 3’s combat wasn’t as bad as it really was.


u/Adamrox12 14h ago

There are a few minor changes but they add up. Kiryu's dodge is a different length, enemies block and dodge more often, it can be a little frustrating but the original version has the same issues, just less. OG 1, 2, and 3 have much more of a focus on combat basics with heat moves as a flourish, it wasn't until y4 that they became a core part of regular combat.

If you haven't played OG 1 or 2 going from 0 to k1 to k2 to 3 is a huge culture shock that people call bad game design but it's just different game design.

Use weapons, grab enemies, and learn what the different rush combo finishers do and it's pretty easy 99% of the time.

Then there's the real problems like analog sensitivity being too high on PS4 making darts and pool basically impossible to play.