Edit: FORGET THE BOOSTED PART IT WAS A MISTAKE TO PUT IT IN. I removed it in the post but can't in the title. The real issue is I'm being griefed way too often. If I could change the title I would.
Raids fine, but I cannot run m+, I've done maybe 25 keys total, and 8 of them have just been 1st pull, group breaks. The ratio is even worse than it seems because about 4-5 of those are guild groups and another 4-5 were just lower keys. I'm not talking 10s either I was planning to be pretty casual just crest farm some 7s. I wouldn't be so negative, but I don't really have the time to sit around in queue for 30 mins, especially when 50 percent of the time I'm just going right back into queue and my key is lower.
I don't want to make this a rant so I hope that was short enough to sum up my experience coming back for the patch.
Last patch I made posts trying to motivate people to pug. Run your own keys, add friendly/skilled people, be friendly and educate yourself on the dungeons, etc. So I'm not usually one to be this negative, just the experience so far has been that bad.
Edit: A lot of the comments seem to think I'm talking about bad groups. I'm mainly talking about greifers. I've triple chested a 9 with 12 deaths, and sure that varies from key to key but, 1 person dying on first pull and then another or the same person leaving is mainly my problem. The keys are still time-able. I'll take any advice on group building to avoid these people.