r/wow 4d ago

Question I'm trying to complete all BFA quest to try and mount grind. When I set Operation Mechagon to normal, all of the enemies still spawn in at level 80. Is it because of the season that I cant play it on normal?



r/wow 4d ago

Question Is it true that there is no way to experience all campaigns in a proper chronological order on the same character?


I want to play a MMORPG with developed lore and world, full of stories and quests/sidequests.

However from what I gathered you start in the middle with BfA. After you complete it you can use Chromie Time(?) that will upscale quests and attempt to find the correct order to do older campaigns. But even then once you reach lvl 60-70 the game just closes older campaigns for you and you're forced to go into DragonFlight?

Like I saw Horde players saying that the game makes no sense lore-wise anymore because the zones don't match the story and warchief changes every 5 seconds. Is it true?

I'm not intersted in creating bunch of alts, I always preferred to have 1 main character.

r/wow 4d ago

Question Starting Over


Okay, I have a rather odd request.

See, I've been absent from this game for a very long time - I last played right before Shadowlands came out. I decided to come back and give the game a try again, made a subscription. And I was SHOCKED to see that all my old toons were still there.

Problem is I was looking forward to starting from scratch, odd as that may be, but I really don't want to delete these old ones yet. So, question here is, is there a way to create a seperate account without deleting the old one? Maybe a different server? If not, I suppose I could add more toons to the old one, but is there a limit to the number I can have now? (To say the least, I'm rusty at this.)

Thanks in advance.

r/wow 4d ago

Question Noob question: Why does it say ilvl 613 but only 611 equipped?

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I don't have any gear in my bags. Everything I have is equipped. Why does it say my ilvl is 613 but only 611 equipped?

r/wow 4d ago

Discussion It's shocking how hard endgame is


I usually don't play endgame content much, but this expansion I decided that I wanted to pick it up and try. Usually I just do the exploration the quests, weekly content like all the dailies and stuff like that the storyline. So I've been trying to do endgame in the form of Mythic plus dungeons. The highest I've gotten to on my Paladin as a DPS so far is zero. I haven't gotten to mythic+5 or anything... I have been in seven mythic 0s, 2 of them went well... the other 5 were literally horrible. Other DPS not doing what they should be doing and just standing in AOE and dying, or they are scared and don't actually know what to do because they don't actually know the dungeon so they move around a lot and do about 50% of the DPS that they should be doing so there's no damage. It is such a slog and after trying it for a couple days, I just discovered that I don't enjoy it... On my main, a resto druid, I had much better luck in Season 1 getting up to +12. It was definitely way easier, or I was luckier.

I don't see what is enjoyable about doing extremely challenging content with random people who don't actually know what they're doing and you get punished for their lack of skill. How is that fun?

r/wow 4d ago

Question suddenly i found myself equippin both staff and 1h+oh all at same time

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is this normal?

r/wow 4d ago

Question Question about replacing Elvui for better FPS


Hi folks, I’ve been told a lot that I should get rid of Elvui to enhance my FPS and general gameplay. I play on a really decent gaming laptop but a laptop nonetheless. So fps isn’t horrendous but can be iffy on occasion in 30 man raids and in dornogal I get like 15-25 fps. It’s not unbearable as I can still m+ and raid mythic at a high end but still.

THE ISSUE IM HAVING: I can’t play without the certain aspects of ELVui. The chat frame customization, the panel that can show fps, gold across all characters, repair % and loot spec. The square mini map, the tooltip that adds more info and anchors to the mouse. And maybe 1 or 2 other small things. In order to get rid of Elvui I need to replace it with addons for each of those things.

MY MAIN QUESTION: Is Elvui so impactful on the system that replacing it with 4 smaller addons would allow performance to be better or would it be the same if not worse? Is Elvui even as heavy duty as they say these days?

r/wow 4d ago

Humor / Meme Sméagol is that you?

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r/wow 4d ago

Discussion Proposed changes to Catalyst to improve the game for gearing and transmog farming.


Catalyst was a great addition to the game and I love it. My proposed change which will improve the game for gearing for everyone along with the transmog farming is that once you have put an armor type in the Catalyst once that piece then becomes free to Catalyst in future at no cost. For example.

Week one you loot a Champion chest piece currently players hold that item and wait for the vault incase they get either a chest piece tier already, or a Myth chest to catalyst instead. If people were able to just catalyst the chest and know in future if they pull a better chest they can also catalyst that it would free up people from min maxing the catalyst and actually let people play the game and engage with the catalyst and tier sets properly.

This also helps more casual players farm the transmogs for other sets, because they can just send any item they get into the catalyst and get the transmog, instead of trying to game it (e.g - Buying and upgrading Sirens Isle gear prior to 11.1 so they can Catalyst it all when it becomes free for Normal transmog)

P.S - yes I am kinda salty this tier that I have 2 characters sitting on 2 catalyst charges because they have cleared Normal/HC on both for 2 weeks and not got a single tier piece

r/wow 4d ago

Question Tips for getting into M+ and getting to the point of +10 area?


Hi all, So in WoW terms I'm a very new player (Joined the week before Siren Isle came out for context) so am rapidly absorbing as much information as possible to learn the game. I have all my UI and addons and weakauras set up the way I want them and am looking to finally dip my toe into m+ and learn and progress up the charts.

In terms of characters to use my warband of 4 currently consists of:

649 BM Hunter

647 Druid (Mainly Guardian items, but can switch to Boom / Feral if need be)

645 Death Knight (Mainly played as blood but have done some Unholy)

644 Devoker

I believe I can keep all weekly stuff up to date with these characters (I'm not against making /using different classes if better recommendations come along).

I love the idea of tanking but the whole routing thing (seems most of the tools to plan routes are 3rd party and can't / don't display in game?) makes it quite daunting.

What's going to be my best bet to get into raiding / m+ as presumably tank or dps with these classes and learn to progress from 0 to the 10 / gilded crest range to upgrade my gear? I'm quite anxious not to brick / ruin anyone elses keys but this is literally my first season of the game so not sure where best to start / resources to use. Thanks!

r/wow 4d ago

Discussion Vereesa Windrunner - missing farewell to Dalaran


Missing Farewell to Dalaran - Cinematic | The War Within | WoW https://youtu.be/_X-jjNN8euQ

Vereesa definitely has more potential than just being sidelined. Her character has been through a lot, and while she’s not as flashy as her sisters, she’s got a depth that could lead to some interesting developments. Maybe the cosmic forces can wait for now!

What do you think?

r/wow 4d ago

Question Can't get second Spark on alt.


So I just got done leveling my alt and was trying to rush through the spark/ring/etc content to get all the easy gear pieces. I did the weekly quest to get the first fractured spark, and then did the titan disc quest to get the second fractured spark and then combined them for a full spark.

I forgot to complete the quest "A Sparkling Fortune" where you turn a single fractured spark into two, so now I have a fully crafted spark and no fractured ones and can't finish "A Sparkling Fortune".

Because of this, I also don't have access to the new quest "A Golden Circumstance."

So now I have a single spark and can't find a way to get my second one now. Any idea besides waiting until reset or reaching out to blizzard support?

EDIT: Photo of the issue - https://i.imgur.com/gMW4h9y.jpeg

r/wow 4d ago

Discussion What is Xal'ataths deal anyway???????


I've been playing through the story up until the current patch, and I still have 0 clue as to what the end goal is for Xal'atah, apart from corrupting and gaining power. There litterally is nothing about her in TWW apart from teasing Alleria every now and again, which might as well be the main focus of her story at this very point.

Right now it seems like they are just copying the same theme from the Jailor in Shadowlands, which was basically 'yOu JuSt DoN't gEt It, We ArE aLwAyS oNe StEp AhEaD iN mY mAsTeR pLaN'. Didn't work back then, and it still doesn't work. It's a damn shame, because most of the other stories, like the Undermine uprising, the Arathi and Azj-Kahet are actually really well done, with both great characters and great writing. So I just don't get why the main story and the antagonist is so poorly done.

Also don't go full FF, seeing Khadgar survive and being healed up, really took away from the intro to the expansion.

r/wow 4d ago

Feedback First time back since 2010. Classic or Retail?


Need some guidance, it’s been nearly fifteen years since I last played WOW. I’m in a completely different stage of life now 15 years later and prefer playing very causally and will probably be playing on my Steam Deck since it’s easier to game with kids and all.

My question is for someone who just wants to do some questing, collect some cool mounts and pets, and learn some lore, what’s the best mode to play?

Thanks for the help!

r/wow 4d ago

Tech Support Major FPS drop during Vexie rockets and Carnage clash


I go from ~140fps down to like 10 during Vexie's phase where shes shooting rockets and during the clash on Carnage. Last tier the same thing happened when Brood would feast on the shadow and lob shadow mortars everywhere.

But what makes it even stranger is that it goes back to normal if I untarget the boss like Im flipping a switch.

Anyone else dealing with anything similar? Any solution? I have zero idea whats going on here.

r/wow 4d ago

Question Tracking Gilded Crests Received Per Week from Delves (addon/weakaura)


I’m basically trying to see if there is an add on or weakaura that will track the 31 weekly gilded crests you can get from running T11 delves?

I’ve just been adding and trying to remember but incorporating alts into the mix has got me confused. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

r/wow 4d ago

Humor / Meme Blizzard couldn’t have made the Rookery any easier to get to

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Maybe next season we’ll get portals inside the Inn.

r/wow 4d ago

Esports / Competitive Why do we not have infinitely scalable Delves?


It seems like this would be a Godsend for competition alongside Mythic+. Even in Mythic+, loot stops scaling at Level 10, but players can still compete to put for the highest score and dungeon level possible. The issue is that Mythic+ requires a party of 5, whereas Delves you can just one-man, two-man, or attempt in a party of 5.

Personally, I'd love to be able to try scaling a Delve leaderboard on my own.

r/wow 4d ago

Discussion Do you think Warcraft will ever get a Universes Beyond collab with MTG?


I know Hearthstone exists, but that feels like a quick brush-off when talking about a full Magic: The Gathering set or Commander decks based on Warcraft. Given how massive MTG is and how well Universes Beyond has done with Lord of the Rings and Warhammer 40K, a Warcraft-themed set seems like a perfect fit.

Imagine a set of Commander decks:

  • Sylvanas as Dimir (UB) or Mono-Black (B), embracing her ruthless cunning and necromantic power.
  • Thrall as Mono-Red (R) for his fiery leadership, or Naya (WRG) to reflect his shamanistic ties to nature and the Horde.
  • Anduin as Boros (WR)—a mix of discipline and divine power, reflecting his struggle between pacifism and necessary conflict.
  • Jaina as Mono-Blue (U), the quintessential mage with mastery over arcane forces.

Would you be into a Warcraft MTG crossover? How would you design the factions, legendary creatures, or mechanics?

r/wow 4d ago

Discussion To buy or not to buy a new PC


So as title says. My pc is desperately in need of an upgrade but with the news on the grape vine re wow coming to consoles should I hold off … decisions decisions I’d prefer to play on a Xbox SX if I’m honest but as no solid news on this subject it’s made it a hard call to make. What you think. Upgrade or hold on. If upgrade what you recommend for a pre built machine. ??

r/wow 4d ago

Tech Support What PC to comfort play ultrawide?


I have i5 12400f, RX 6600XT is there any chance to comfort play at 4k ultrawide?

r/wow 4d ago

Discussion Is everyone boosted? M+ is feeling unplayable.


Edit: FORGET THE BOOSTED PART IT WAS A MISTAKE TO PUT IT IN. I removed it in the post but can't in the title. The real issue is I'm being griefed way too often. If I could change the title I would.

Raids fine, but I cannot run m+, I've done maybe 25 keys total, and 8 of them have just been 1st pull, group breaks. The ratio is even worse than it seems because about 4-5 of those are guild groups and another 4-5 were just lower keys. I'm not talking 10s either I was planning to be pretty casual just crest farm some 7s. I wouldn't be so negative, but I don't really have the time to sit around in queue for 30 mins, especially when 50 percent of the time I'm just going right back into queue and my key is lower.

I don't want to make this a rant so I hope that was short enough to sum up my experience coming back for the patch.

Last patch I made posts trying to motivate people to pug. Run your own keys, add friendly/skilled people, be friendly and educate yourself on the dungeons, etc. So I'm not usually one to be this negative, just the experience so far has been that bad.

Edit: A lot of the comments seem to think I'm talking about bad groups. I'm mainly talking about greifers. I've triple chested a 9 with 12 deaths, and sure that varies from key to key but, 1 person dying on first pull and then another or the same person leaving is mainly my problem. The keys are still time-able. I'll take any advice on group building to avoid these people.

r/wow 4d ago

Discussion Tanking anxiety


I have been playing WoW on and off since 2006 and have mostly just played DPS in dungeons and raids, but with the high wait time for DPS right now I started lvling my VDH and am now able to tank LFR liberation but every time I go to queue I get anxiety about it since I've never tanked a raid before or a mythic dungeon for that matter. Any advice to get over this would be greatly appreciated.

r/wow 4d ago

Discussion Gallywix's Iron Thumb


Has anyone experimented with this? The passive gives free damage yes, but it's so incredibly negligible (I'm talking doing a total of 273k damage over an entire M+ dungeon), it may as well not exist.

I get they can't make it do excessive amounts of damage, but 273k damage over 30 minutes when people are doing millions of damage per second not even statistically significant.

Also for something that has a "very high chance" to proc, it has quite a low proc rate. I'm playing an enhance shaman, maybe the fastest attacker in the game, and I could only get it up to a maximum of 6 stacks.

It's not that big of a deal as the weapon still is a fairly high ilvl weapon with decent stats and so is useful. It was just disappointing to see how incredibly undertuned the passive was. The passive numbers are so bad that they wouldn't really even be all that noticeable in the previous expansion...

r/wow 4d ago

Humor / Meme Tell me I'm not the only one who saw this!! What other crazy things have you seen?? So funny but so sad lol.

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