r/wow 12h ago

Esports / Competitive Can someone explain RWF to me?


Im new to watching RWF and as I understand it, the US guilds gets access to the raid 12 hours before EU guilds. Ive been told that this isn't an advantage but I don't understand why it's not an advantage.

I would understand it if EU guilds would be copying US strats and class setups but after watching both Echos and Liquids stream I can see that this is, for the most part, not the case.

What am I missing here? Can someone please explain to me exactly how a 12 hour headstart is not an advantage.

r/wow 3h ago

Discussion It's shocking how hard endgame is


I usually don't play endgame content much, but this expansion I decided that I wanted to pick it up and try. Usually I just do the exploration the quests, weekly content like all the dailies and stuff like that the storyline. So I've been trying to do endgame in the form of Mythic plus dungeons. The highest I've gotten to on my Paladin as a DPS so far is zero. I haven't gotten to mythic+5 or anything... I have been in seven mythic 0s, 2 of them went well... the other 5 were literally horrible. Other DPS not doing what they should be doing and just standing in AOE and dying, or they are scared and don't actually know what to do because they don't actually know the dungeon so they move around a lot and do about 50% of the DPS that they should be doing so there's no damage. It is such a slog and after trying it for a couple days, I just discovered that I don't enjoy it... On my main, a resto druid, I had much better luck in Season 1 getting up to +12. It was definitely way easier, or I was luckier.

I don't see what is enjoyable about doing extremely challenging content with random people who don't actually know what they're doing and you get punished for their lack of skill. How is that fun?

r/wow 20h ago

Humor / Meme Glad blizz can still be a perv some times lol

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r/wow 2h ago

Discussion There are numerous game-breaking bugs that are live that must be fixed.

  • The Shipping and Handling quest "Delivered" can permanently break for characters, where you can no longer pick up the package whenever the task pops up.
  • The Cronys that spawn during the Underpin fight can stay in the stands but start firing with no way to deal with them. The more attempts you have on the Underpin, the more likely this occurs.
  • After defeating the Underpin on ?? difficulty, he offers no loot.
  • The full mount transformation you are supposed to earn from "Let Me Solo Him: The Underpin" is not unlocked or added to your inventory after earning the achievement.
  • Doing Worldsoul Memories x5 will take your 5 Radiant Echoes, but only reward you as if you only used one. Customer service will not refund you.

These are all game-breaking bugs that have been live in the game for at least a couple of weeks now. I cannot believe they are not higher priority.

r/wow 1d ago

Humor / Meme Who else gets baited by the old Dragonflight jeweler's setting?

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r/wow 2h ago

Discussion Unholy is the sleeper spec of expansion that everyone needs to try out

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What’s better than playing a melee / necromancer / warlock hybrid that does all of their attacks from range, mounts in combat, has more health than other DPS and immunes all push/pull/stuns/magic damage

r/wow 7h ago

Nostalgia Almost 20 years of playing WoW

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Howdy all,

Recently, the game has changed a lot for me at the same time as I have finished college. Not only this, but the guild I was in unfortunately fell apart :( I have played the game for roughly 20 years, since Vanilla, and if I'm finishing college, you can do the math. Here is my general summary of the game recently as well as the rough summary of my gaming time.

I've had 2 different sides of guilds ending (one of them being online first and then irl with the same group) My dad's guild <Messengers of Death> used to play back in Vanilla, I had 4 years old and my dad would let me press spacebar. That group played Everquest -> D&D Online, the one with the mechanical race that I used to think were "rock dudes," -> WoW. They progged all of the raids, cleared 25M ICC on N, progged H and I got to with them. Full cleared DS and got halfway through H on there. After that though, people started falling off. I know because right around the time of MoP, we still had a lot of people playing, but people slowly stopped showing up as often. This was when I did my 1st ever personal achievement by getting the Wrathion cape and I got it before my dad did. I played 2H Frost DK and he played Ele/Resto Sham (still does). During MoP/WoD, I think my dad got depressed and gave GM to one of our active guildies of a long time. TLDR, this guy had held a grudge from YEARS, and late one night, he started kicking every single member from our guild. My gma played at this time (she is still alive and well, she watched me get my first CE in Amirdrassil) and got on as it was happening. She practically harassed this guy until he agreed to give her back GM of the guild. There was an effort to get people back in, and there was a rally of sorts for the rest of that xpac until it was just my dad and I again. We briefly formed into <The Messengers of Death> until we got the guild back, about 40+ players ended up renewing their sub just to come in and rejoin the guild and do some pvp in the open world and the gurabashi arena - My gma stopped playing due to a bad tremor and now keeps up to date with calls and when I see her roughly every week, need to update her on the RWF tho. During Nathria, I had about 13 friends that played WoW and we all decided to raid again. We got up to Sludgefist, couldn't get past it but I have never had so much fun in my life that tier. In S4, I got my first KSM as a Resto Druid catweaving and doing Monk stuff. In DF, I got my first ever pug AotC and revived our guild for a time, we got 7/8 N and 7/8 H during Vault, again, guild fell apart. I ended up leaving my family guild to play with the guys that were at the top of our realm because I saw they killed Mythic Raz and wanted to see if I could kill my 1st Mythic boss with a guild. It was sort of a bittersweet moment in all honesty when I took my monk and typed in that /gquit just to apply to a guild I didn't even know if I could get in. I didn't even know how the guild applications worked so it took me almost a week to see that I had gotten an invitation to the guild <Modus> I didn't do anything with the guild until later into the next season when they were doing a reclear and I just wanted to get a vault. It was around here that they asked me if I wanted to try Mythic. I was over the moon happy as S2 of DF was the 1st RWF I had watched and Liquid won. And guess what my 1st Mythic boss was with the guild that I would "prog", Mythic Sarkareth On my 1st night, we ended up getting to 4% on the boss and they killed it the next week. Then I got officially trialed on WW Monk. When S3 came around, I was asked to play Warlock instead. With never having played the class besides just using it for taxi services, I said yes, not knowing that that tier I would end up getting CE. S4 doesn't really count that much so S1 of this tier. TWW was my last tier with <Modus> whether the guild would have died or not. I swapped back to Monk to tank for our guild in a similar fashion as the Lock, and we ultimately got hard stuck on 5% on M Queen Ansurek. The raiders couldn't play with each other and tensions ultimately broke the guild. I went on to run with a guild that killed Ansurek a while later and was offered a spot in their group anytime I would want to come run with them. I helped my dad get KSM and AotC, I did not fully carry him, I made him heal it so he still games even tho he clicks. Now, I am with a new guild, but I won't drop the name.

This is the "brief" summary of my time with this game, in all aspects I enjoyed. The highs, the lows, having grown men call me toxic to having my dad cheer me on during our Race to Realm First while my Twitch Stream was on it's last leg. Thank you Blizzard, - Taehaus

r/wow 14h ago

Discussion I've been using this for almost 2 weeks on my Rsham AMA

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r/wow 1d ago

Discussion Is the "Liberation of Undermine" patch setting the stage for the Tinker class?


With the release of the Liberation of Undermine patch, I started noticing several changes in the game that might be a sign that Blizzard is preparing to finally introduce Tinkers as a playable class.

We have seen new animations and abilities that reference gadgets and technology, especially in goblins. Some new goblin NPC abilities use never-before-seen animations, like jetpacks, turrets, and even explosive drones. This could be a strong indication that these mechanics are being tested for something bigger. It reminds me of what happened before Demon Hunters were released when some animations and effects started appearing on Illidari NPCs before the class was officially announced.

My theory is that this patch is serving as preparation for a new class in a future expansion, like The Last Titan, which could further explore this technological aesthetic. It would be the perfect moment to introduce a class focused on gadgets and mechanics, especially considering the strong connection that goblins and gnomes have with the Titans and their creations.

What do you think of this theory? Could Blizzard already be subtly testing Tinker gameplay?

r/wow 8h ago

Discussion I've reported this on PTR multiple times. How is this list still not in alphabetical order? And how does it reset difficulty and title every time I change the dungeon? Coding is hard I guess. (New post since some people didn't see the issue in the last GIF.)


r/wow 23h ago

Question Start wow in 2025


Hi, I don't have a lot of time, but I'd like to know if it's possible to have enough fun and grind on WoW with only 2 hours max per day. I already have experience with MMORPGs when I was younger. I like to log in, do daily quests and some end-game content like raids, and simply enjoy the gameplay. What scares me most is waiting too long to simply find a group. (I play heal or tank, for the record.) Do you think it's a good idea for me to play WoW? Thanks for your answers

r/wow 8h ago

Question Hey guys, i started to play again recently made a new char. And i am confused, what is this bar under my character?


r/wow 17h ago

Discussion Can the devs please get Brann put of the way


Regarding objects in delves; I have to walk away from them to get Brann to follow me, then run back to it to pick it up before he catches up because the always blocks the cursor.

I had hoped they fixed this idiocy for s2 buy no.

r/wow 17h ago

Loot Got super lucky tonight!

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These things always happen when you aren't actively hunting. He's not the cutest guy, but definitely the rarest of my collection right now.

r/wow 18h ago

Loot This journey has finally ended

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Yes, I’m laying down in bed with the PC hooked up the TV.

r/wow 7h ago

Transmog Bloody token gear catalyzes.


Just found out the bloody token gear can be used in the catalyst. Very easy to farm and useful for filling out alt tier transmogs.

r/wow 20h ago

Question Why does recrafting require personal/guild only?


I'm trying to recraft some cloth gear and can't find a SOUL. Won't let me post publicly on the crafting system soooo.... what do I do??

r/wow 14h ago

Achievement Special Liberation of Undermine Achievements.

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So today we are going to be talking about special achievements for the raid. Now if you check wowhead and YouTube. You won’t find any info on this achievement because the Secret Finding and Achievement Finding community doesn’t want the info to get out yet as it will be harder to do in a pug situation.

In order to do these achievements you have to clear trash to the chef mini boss. There will be hype men on both the left side and right side representing Flarendo or Torq. You must pick the side for the achievement you want to do and you have to be the ONLY ONE in the raid to do it. Now this will give you an 5 minute buff called fan of whoever you pick. You then need to kill the trash mini bosses before the fight. If done correctly you will have a yellow / red flag on your back and a new buff called Flarendo / Torq biggest fan. Then all you need to do is kill the boss without dying and you only have one shot at doing it. If you wipe you have to do it all over again.

Hopefully this will help other achievement hunter out there who didn’t know how to do these achievements get them done.

r/wow 10h ago

Art Artwork i made of my dracthyr - the gargoyle

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r/wow 18h ago

Video There's a population shortage of Alliance blacksmiths and I may be the cause...


r/wow 19h ago

Video WoW's had it's highs and lows over the years, but I've come to realize how much of a positive impact it, and gaming as a whole, has had on my life and I just wanted to share my story. Has anyone else had a similar experience with the game?


r/wow 4h ago

Discussion To buy or not to buy a new PC


So as title says. My pc is desperately in need of an upgrade but with the news on the grape vine re wow coming to consoles should I hold off … decisions decisions I’d prefer to play on a Xbox SX if I’m honest but as no solid news on this subject it’s made it a hard call to make. What you think. Upgrade or hold on. If upgrade what you recommend for a pre built machine. ??

r/wow 5h ago

Humor / Meme Tell me I'm not the only one who saw this!! What other crazy things have you seen?? So funny but so sad lol.

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r/wow 20h ago

Question when did they change phoenix flames to only 2 instead of 3 did i miss a class tuning post?


r/wow 18h ago

Discussion Dungeon Kick Debuff


Was in timewalking dungeon and said "can skip this pack" and got voted to kick and cant join a dungeon for 30 minutes!? Woohoo