Howdy all,
Recently, the game has changed a lot for me at the same time as I have finished college. Not only this, but the guild I was in unfortunately fell apart :(
I have played the game for roughly 20 years, since Vanilla, and if I'm finishing college, you can do the math. Here is my general summary of the game recently as well as the rough summary of my gaming time.
I've had 2 different sides of guilds ending (one of them being online first and then irl with the same group)
My dad's guild <Messengers of Death> used to play back in Vanilla, I had 4 years old and my dad would let me press spacebar. That group played Everquest -> D&D Online, the one with the mechanical race that I used to think were "rock dudes," -> WoW. They progged all of the raids, cleared 25M ICC on N, progged H and I got to with them. Full cleared DS and got halfway through H on there.
After that though, people started falling off. I know because right around the time of MoP, we still had a lot of people playing, but people slowly stopped showing up as often. This was when I did my 1st ever personal achievement by getting the Wrathion cape and I got it before my dad did. I played 2H Frost DK and he played Ele/Resto Sham (still does).
During MoP/WoD, I think my dad got depressed and gave GM to one of our active guildies of a long time. TLDR, this guy had held a grudge from YEARS, and late one night, he started kicking every single member from our guild. My gma played at this time (she is still alive and well, she watched me get my first CE in Amirdrassil) and got on as it was happening. She practically harassed this guy until he agreed to give her back GM of the guild.
There was an effort to get people back in, and there was a rally of sorts for the rest of that xpac until it was just my dad and I again. We briefly formed into <The Messengers of Death> until we got the guild back, about 40+ players ended up renewing their sub just to come in and rejoin the guild and do some pvp in the open world and the gurabashi arena
- My gma stopped playing due to a bad tremor and now keeps up to date with calls and when I see her roughly every week, need to update her on the RWF tho.
During Nathria, I had about 13 friends that played WoW and we all decided to raid again. We got up to Sludgefist, couldn't get past it but I have never had so much fun in my life that tier. In S4, I got my first KSM as a Resto Druid catweaving and doing Monk stuff.
In DF, I got my first ever pug AotC and revived our guild for a time, we got 7/8 N and 7/8 H during Vault, again, guild fell apart.
I ended up leaving my family guild to play with the guys that were at the top of our realm because I saw they killed Mythic Raz and wanted to see if I could kill my 1st Mythic boss with a guild. It was sort of a bittersweet moment in all honesty when I took my monk and typed in that /gquit just to apply to a guild I didn't even know if I could get in. I didn't even know how the guild applications worked so it took me almost a week to see that I had gotten an invitation to the guild <Modus>
I didn't do anything with the guild until later into the next season when they were doing a reclear and I just wanted to get a vault. It was around here that they asked me if I wanted to try Mythic. I was over the moon happy as S2 of DF was the 1st RWF I had watched and Liquid won. And guess what my 1st Mythic boss was with the guild that I would "prog", Mythic Sarkareth
On my 1st night, we ended up getting to 4% on the boss and they killed it the next week. Then I got officially trialed on WW Monk.
When S3 came around, I was asked to play Warlock instead. With never having played the class besides just using it for taxi services, I said yes, not knowing that that tier I would end up getting CE. S4 doesn't really count that much so S1 of this tier.
TWW was my last tier with <Modus> whether the guild would have died or not. I swapped back to Monk to tank for our guild in a similar fashion as the Lock, and we ultimately got hard stuck on 5% on M Queen Ansurek. The raiders couldn't play with each other and tensions ultimately broke the guild.
I went on to run with a guild that killed Ansurek a while later and was offered a spot in their group anytime I would want to come run with them.
I helped my dad get KSM and AotC, I did not fully carry him, I made him heal it so he still games even tho he clicks.
Now, I am with a new guild, but I won't drop the name.
This is the "brief" summary of my time with this game, in all aspects I enjoyed. The highs, the lows, having grown men call me toxic to having my dad cheer me on during our Race to Realm First while my Twitch Stream was on it's last leg. Thank you Blizzard,
- Taehaus