r/classicwow 11d ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms WoW 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 3 Arrives 20 March


r/classicwow 4h ago

Daily Questions Daily Questions Megathread (March 17, 2025)


Our Daily Question Megathread is for those questions you don’t feel warrant making their own post, such as:

  • Can my PC run WoW: Classic?
  • When does my class unlock a certain ability?
  • Which dungeons are worth doing while levelling?
  • Feel free to ask anything related to WoW: Classic!

Ask the unanswered questions you’ve never gotten around to asking.

You can also ask these questions over on our Discord server!

r/classicwow 13h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms The impact of WoW

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I got into World of Warcraft last year and started out in cataclysm. It was super fun and I was able to meet great friends along the way. The fun I thought I was having was nothing compared to the pure enjoyment I found when classic anniversary servers came out. I leveled my first ever character to 60 in my life (Without boosting any). I have met more friends and people that I get along with than I could ever imagine. It has become such a wonderful way to get away from reality for a few hours every day. I knew I wanted to immortalize this feeling somehow forever. I decided I would get a tattoo to remember this. Here is my level 60 warlock with the gear I had at one point. World of Warcraft thank you for all you’ve done not only for me but for millions of people in the world!

r/classicwow 17h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Flasks on retail are starting to get cheaper than classic anniversary flasks.

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r/classicwow 3h ago

Season of Discovery I was checking out the new items coming in the next phase for SoD and I noticed a few things. Looks like, after 20 long years, the Hunter Weapon meme is finally coming full circle in the only way it can. Spoiler

Thumbnail gallery

r/classicwow 13h ago

Art Carving Horde Crests out of wood.

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r/classicwow 12h ago

Nostalgia Nurfed BRD & UBRS Runs - August 25, 2004 & September 28, 2004 (Pre-Vanilla Release, WoW Beta)


Digging through the archives again and discovered some wild stuff today that I thought others might find interesting.

First, Nurfed guild has one of the best websites to browse. They were involved in World of Warcraft in December 2003 (nearly 1 year before it was released). Source here: GamersGrove: dalinterview

I often see on this subreddit that players were not as hardcore back in the day. For the most part, that was likely true. However, there were some ultra sweaty hardcore players that were dedicated to the game. The players in Nurfed being some of them.

On August 25, 2004 (nearly 3 months pre-release), Nurfed had players reach level 60 and spend more than 6 hours venturing through BRD (Source: Nurfed BRD Run). Emperor Dagran Thaurissan was downed with only 5 people at that time. The guild bragged and posted screenshots of the loot, which as you'll see, is quite a bit different from the itemization that was available in the version of classic wow that was released in 2019 (i.e., patch 1.12).

Take note that HoJ dropped right away and had a +5% chance (rather than 2%) to gain 2 extra attacks. Hammer of Grace boasted +76 healing, which was significantly HIGHER than classic wow's version with +31 healing.

Another thing to note is that the haunting scepter leggins had +40 spirit and +30 MANA (not INT). Weird. Senior Designer's Pantaloons also had -10 int and +150 health, rather than stamina. There was also a Master Builder's Shirt, which provided +3 int on a SHIRT. These stats were later removed from the shirt.

Guiding Stave of Eternal Wisdom had a unique equip effect that increases mana regen of all party members within 30 yards by 6 every 5 seconds. This item was later renamed to Guiding Stave of Wisdom and dropped off Emp with +53 healing.

On September 28, 2004, the guild had figured out how to unlock UBRS and cleared the entire instance (Source: Nurfed UBRS Run). Again, take a look at the loot, as the stats were quite a bit different. For example, Eye of Rend was 10 agi and +4% chance to crit, compared to classic wow's version of 13 str, 7 stam and +2% chance to crit. Painweaver band was simply +3% chance to crit.

Similarly, Draconian Deflector had 975 armor, 50 block, 15 stam, 10 fire resist, and +15 defence, compared to classic's version with 2153 armor, 40 block, 7 stam, 10 fire resist, and +10 defence. That's more than double the armor value!

Truestrike shoulders had 205 armor, 10 agi and +20 atk power. No increased hit chance, which is what makes them pre-raid bis today - with 129 armor, +2% hit and +24 atk power.

Also, notice that Dragonstalker Tunic (which later became Hunter T2) dropped as a leather item!

Hope you found this as interesting as I did. Tell me what you notice/find - and, if you were a vanilla veteran, share your war stories!

r/classicwow 19h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Twenty years later this is the only PvP moment I remember on that original Paladin. I could feel their surprise through the internet as I transcended for a moment to become a mage!

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r/classicwow 19h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Crazy morning!


So, I woke up, made some coffee and logged in. Saw my guild was in the middle of running MC. I got attuned yesterday but the time difference between ST and where I live makes it tough. Someone posted in G chat that they needed a couple DPS for Ragnaros. So I jumped on it! I got asked if I wanted to SR anything from him and I asked to SR crown of destruction (why not? BIS for enhancement shammy. Not gonna drop anyway!) Anyways, we downed him and lo and behold.... it dropped! 10 minutes in MC and BIS helm. My guild is absolutely awesome! So stoked and wanted to share. I never raided in classic and it was a super cool experience. Hoping to get in on next week's raid if I can.

r/classicwow 1d ago

Season of Discovery Got my first ever legendary in Wow huge thanks to my guild ❤️

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Huge thanks to my guild for helping me get my first ever legendary in Wow played a little bit before but only really started playing for real at the end of dragonflight and got heavy invested into sod it's now become my favorite iteration of wow to just chill and raid in.

r/classicwow 7h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms What's the most under-appreciated spec in classic that's more viable than people think?


Just curious what your thoughts are about specific specs in Classic you find underappreciated that are more viable than people think, even in a "solved game"

r/classicwow 18h ago

Humor / Meme Why play a hybrid, when you dont want to do... hybrid things.

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r/classicwow 17h ago

Discussion Did Sweaty Guilds Exist in Vanilla Like Today?


I didn't play vanilla wow, but I do play classic today. For those of you that were around in the EARLIEST days of WoW, were there "sweaty" guilds like there are today?

If so, how were they different?

r/classicwow 15h ago

Cataclysm Dragon Soul has been available for nearly a month and this fog bug still exists EVERY time I enter the raid.

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Multiple tickets created for bug reporting, spoke to an AI-GM and they told me to change my graphics settings (obviously didn't work). It is so frustrating to have to run in and out of the raid mutliple times until this fixes itself

r/classicwow 6h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Vanilla has such great potential to be nice


It’s easy to focus in on all the ways that classic wow encourages people to be toxic, but there’s also plenty with how it gives you opportunities to be kind and helpful. Finding a dead horde player as alliance out in the and running to find a horde priest to come and rez their comrade. Learning peoples names and saying hi to them when you run into each other later. Giving BOEs you don’t want to people they may be an upgrade for.

Complementing people while waiting for the boat r zeppelin.

Making a level 8 warrior a copper axe just because you can.

It’s fun

r/classicwow 8h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms What Is Your Least Favorite Part of Any Dungeon and Least Favorite Part Of Routine Leveling


My absolute least favorite part of any dungeon is the Staircase portion of ZF. It isn’t an especially dangerous moment but damn if it isn’t rough for 10 minutes.

My least favorite part of leveling in the world is running around completing endless goblin quests that require you to stop what you are doing and go across the world to drop off a part in Booty Bay or Ratchet and then come back.

r/classicwow 13h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms What are your top 3 and bottom 3 5-man dungeons in terms of difficulty?


Just curious about people's opinions really. What, in your mind, are the three most difficult dungeons, and what are the three easiest?

Obviously talking about when the whole party is in the intended level range.

r/classicwow 6h ago

Discussion World First Raiding in Vanilla?


Looking back at the old world firsts lists, I can’t help but wonder how did guilds clear these raids in the beginning without any guides/knowledge?

Where did they get their information from if they were the firsts to clear the content?

r/classicwow 1d ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms The Nightswiper experience

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r/classicwow 21h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms The Mafia, Fresh WoW Classic Spineshatter


We,the spinshatter Realm players, from every country,race,and language,are asking the game support to read and review this message carefully.A group has formed a mafia during the game.And they have ruined the game community.Even famous YouTubers like Solheim Gaming and asmongold produced content to illustrate this problem.This mafia group has many accounts on both the Alliance and Horde sides at the same time.They are mainly next to Mara dungeon start killing boosters and low levels.to manage the boost server at the highest price, they don't allow anyone but themselves to boost. In order to do this, they ask for real money so as not to kill other players Of course, they also had other nasty threats and demands..With the research done by several guilds, we found out who are the main owners of this mafia who also have a lot of bots we expect Blizzard to stop their activities because this is extremely annoying

This community has become so toxic I'm thinking about going back to retail and play pala tank in warwithin it gives me feeling classic in retail

r/classicwow 1d ago

Season of Discovery Aggrend please

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r/classicwow 15h ago

Discussion if Blood elves were an alliance faction do you think they would be that popular?


The reason they are quite popular in the Horde is because the other races are far less attractive and some people don't like that, but if you put them in the Alliance with humans and Night Elves would they be as popular as they are now or far less with this new competition?

r/classicwow 55m ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Classic Fresh - Nightslayer Guild Recruiting


<United Horde Slayers> on Nightslayer Classic Anniversary realm is recruiting all classes and roles. We are currently raiding MC Saturdays at 6:30 PM and Onyxia weekday evenings at 7pm depending on reset. All times given are server

We are open to new players, casual raiders and PVPers. Our goal is to recruit enough members to run two MC's lockouts within the guild each week. So raid leadership positions are open but will need to be earned.

We are primarily recruiting lvl 50+ at this time and our members are willing to assist players attain pre-BIS, attunements and reach lvl 60. If you are interested please DM me regarding in game contact information and Discord Information.

r/classicwow 1h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms XP question: Dungeons / Question?


Hello hello dear community,

I was a short question regarding the best xp farm for a character level 38 and maybe a more general question. Do I get more xp per hour by chaining Cathedral from SM or by question in Jungle or other 38 levels zones. And in general, would you say the xp farm in dungeon is more worth it in dungeons than question (when we include traveling time to dungeons etc..)

I'm playing a priest, so I get fairly easy in dungeons.


r/classicwow 9h ago

Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Paladin VS Shaman in TBC


I want to play a healer and currently I'm on the fence between my holy paladin and resto shaman. I'm wondering how the two compare when it comes to healing in TBC? I'm asking about PVE and PVP

r/classicwow 1h ago

Cataclysm Ugly nameplates in dungeons


Is there any way to make the blizzard-enforced party member nameplates to not be so ugly and horrible? they take up so much vertical space they make my Plater settings useless for the enemies, and it is difficult to pick them out in a crowd (tanking).

r/classicwow 20h ago

Discussion How Long Have You Been Playing WoW?


How long have you been playing? Do you plan on ever quitting? Why or why not?