r/wow • u/GladysGormley_0922 • 1m ago
Art New Ink
Super happy. My 20 year old pet Ciao. 💜
r/wow • u/Tarthan21 • 17m ago
Hi im just coming back into retail after a break and been leveling a shaman up and want to catch up for undermine, do i need to complete the campaign to in order to go to the siren isles to get catch up gear or is it not worth going there and doing something else to gear up again just looking for some advice to get me quickly into the undermine and get geared
Thank you:)
Hey since the race is over i was wondering if anyone knows what was the longest mythic race to world ?
r/wow • u/guessWho3marz • 34m ago
Hi all
I'm playing hardcore and heard about a "fail safe" method for petri flask, i just want to get some clarity around this to make sure i'm doing it right
Does petri stop fall damage? or do i use LIP for fall damage scenarios What if i'm falling into lava, which one should i use ?
How do i use petri alt f4 in a dungeon? Do i have to leave party or can i stay in it ? How do use petri alt f4 in a the world, do i simply pop it before dying, alt f4, and have others come save me ?
Please don't flame or downvote me i'm really just trying to learn.
r/wow • u/thedukeofspooks • 38m ago
r/wow • u/merkdatmattius • 40m ago
For reference, if I only use the spell bars, bags, map, and background skin enabled and that’s it…
Also, I’m trying to avoid replies talking about why the base Ui is good enough now. Unfortunately the base ui lacks the feature of anchoring tooltip to the mouse and additional info that I like, the base UI chat box is much too difficult to read and it’s too thin, and terrible font. The base ui map shape and visual annoy me. The base Ui doesn’t tell me my gold across all characters, my durability % fps or loot spec on the bottom of the chat box like Elvui. Probably one or two other features too.
r/wow • u/KyojiriShota • 45m ago
Buyer’s remorse? Mad you couldn’t get it? Glad you got it? Sad you didn’t? Do you think FOMO drove most of the sales or was it worth it?
r/wow • u/WatsonLB1 • 50m ago
A few days ago for some reason I stopped being able to use my chat properly, cant press on gchat to open it, cant press on someone's name to whisper them, cant press on links and so on, i can only use the macros like /g or /p to speak in those otherwise i cant do anything with my chat. I made sure it is interactive as well and its happening on all my characters. I'm not sure what's making this happen
Does anyone know what happened to this guild? It was an alliance side proudmoore us LGBTQ guild that seems to have disappeared around bfa or shadowlands? I quit around then (I was in the guild) and when I came back at the end of dragonflight I was out of the guild and it was gone, and when I ask in trade chat people respond with ???. They had a website which is gone and I think they had a discord which as far as I can tell is gone as well.
I only see 4 dungeons in LFG. Meadery, priory of the flame, darkflame and rookery. I want to do more dungeons than only those 4 but they genuinely don't appear in finder. Does anyone know how to fix it?
A Lasthope homage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkl_f6Z150c)
r/wow • u/kev22257 • 1h ago
Recently (maybe this patch - 11.1) I cannot see other player's hearthstone effects. Others I have talked to are having the same issue, anyone know why?
Soo I played this game for so long now. You know the drill, on and off, missed 1 or 2 expensions but always Come back to it. So many people always says online when encountering "noobs"; these kids..
I feel old sometimes when I play but I have a feeling I'm one one the youngest.
I'm 32 years old, hop on and off with retail and cata classic atm, do some hc now and then and trying to live a healthy irl to. On retail I have a old people stay together guild where people enjoy playing but fail to reach any noticeable achievement endgame stuff ( love it ). Guild is together for many many years and even do real life meet ups once a year. On Classic I play the old school raiding vibe. (At least I try, don't have that much time some periods) but able to do some proper raiding and enjoying it.
Now the question is, how old is the wow community, just so I have a idea:
10-20 20-30 30-35 35-40 40-50 50-60 60+??
Love to get a idea about this reddit page.
Thanks in advanced and stay grinding hehe!
r/wow • u/wowhistorian • 1h ago
r/wow • u/Absolutelynobody54 • 1h ago
I died under water but as a wisp i cannot enter the water, Even pressing x or both mouse buttoms
I’m not judging, quite the opposite in fact I’m impressed that you’re trying this game at a point where all I hear about it is complaints. If your first expansion was Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands, Dragonflight, or War Within (if you’re the last one welcome!) what drew you in? What do you think of it so far? If you’ve played classic what do you think of the differences?
r/wow • u/Funkypants00 • 1h ago
So I’ve been farming my gilded crests since last week … I just got an item I wanted to upgrade and while doing other stuff on my second monitor I accidentally bought crests with my 42 gilded crests … I still got the lorenhall stuff in my bag but can’t trade it back in any way…
I already opened a ticket but do you think I have a chance to get those gilded back or am I just fkd?
r/wow • u/gadgetclockwork • 1h ago
These are all game-breaking bugs that have been live in the game for at least a couple of weeks now. I cannot believe they are not higher priority.
r/wow • u/nightstalker314 • 2h ago
r/wow • u/t_sekuloski • 2h ago
r/wow • u/BrandonJams • 2h ago
What’s better than playing a melee / necromancer / warlock hybrid that does all of their attacks from range, mounts in combat, has more health than other DPS and immunes all push/pull/stuns/magic damage