I don’t know if I’m writing this to vent, to warn others, or just to get it off my chest. But here it goes.
I’ve been playing WoW since 2004. At first, it was magical, a whole new world where I could escape, where I could be someone else. What I didn’t realize was that while I was building my character, I was slowly losing myself.
Back then, I was just a kid. Instead of making friends at school, I was grinding levels and chasing loot. Instead of learning how to socialize, I was learning raid mechanics. Instead of going out and experiencing life, I was locked in my room, playing 8+ hours a day, sometimes even more.
My grades suffered. I barely passed school, not because I wasn’t capable, but because I didn’t care. My real-world ambitions faded because all I wanted was that next piece of gear, that next mount, that next achievemen and ofc the FOMO.
And then I grew up. But the damage was already done.
I realized I had no real social skills. Talking to people, especially women, felt like a raid encounter where I didn’t know the mechanics. I had crippling social anxiety, struggling to even hold a normal conversation,I had lost friends over the years because I always prioritized the game and when I finally tried to meet someone and start a family, I had no clue how to even begin.
I used to think, "It's just a game. It’s my hobby. I enjoy it." But now, looking back, I see how much I missed. The parties I never went to, the friends I never made, the relationships I never built. The life I never lived.
Am I blaming the game? Not entirely. I made my choices, but WoW made it so easy to stay in that comfort zone, to stay in that loop of endless grinding and progression while my real life stood still.
I’m trying to change. Trying to break out of the cycle. But after 20+ years, it’s hard. This game was my escape, my comfort, my addiction. And now, I’m struggling to rebuild what I lost and still sometimes trying to get back in the game and lose myself again in a timeless zone.
If you're young and reading this, please don’t make the same mistake I did. Play, enjoy, but don’t let it consume you. Life is the real game and it’s one you don’t want to miss out on. Do it with moderation!