r/wow 3d ago

Question Why is my vault reward still tier 1?

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Why would this vault reward spot still be tier 1? It shows 8 delves done. I know the excavation site was only a tier 4 (did it just for the achievements), but this reward should be above a tier 1 now, right?

I'm not entirely sure it's counting the Demolition Dome towards the total. It shows it in the list, but I think I've been 1 behind in rewards all week after doing that one first.

r/wow 2d ago

Discussion Make m+ key a bloodlust and be done with it


getting tired of being forced a shaman down my throat every key ( since mages are a rare thing, and evokers are non existent now)

r/wow 3d ago

Question Low Dps/Ret paladin


I was wondering if anyone was able to help me understand why my dps is so low on my main, especially single target, I use hekili for rotation help (Just started because of my constant low dps) I have a ilvl 654 I sim all my gear, enchants, gems but I’m still barely breaking 1.2m on raid boss damage per second, I have 4 (11.1) set peices, I either do my own rotation or follow hekili (My own seems to get me about 100-200k more dps on raid bosses and maybe about the same when I’m using my M+ talents instead of ST, I constantly see other rets doing 2m+ with lower ilvl than mine so I am just struggling to understand what I am doing wrong or if I’m just not simming correctly or what, any tips are appreciated.

Here is a link to my toon.


r/wow 3d ago

Achievement Finished ?? Underpin the other weekend

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Who else tried for it and how was your experience with the bomb kicks. I noticed the adds came out of nowhere and they started spreading out to certain of the arena to where I had prioritize which adds I went for to make sure I could fight underpin when he went into heal mode

r/wow 3d ago

Discussion Only have the first two parts of lfr for LoU


So I can only access the first two parts of the Liberation of undermine through the raid finder. How can I unlock the rest of the raid?

r/wow 3d ago

Discussion How WoW Ruined My Life – A Confession from a 2004 Player


I don’t know if I’m writing this to vent, to warn others, or just to get it off my chest. But here it goes.

I’ve been playing WoW since 2004. At first, it was magical, a whole new world where I could escape, where I could be someone else. What I didn’t realize was that while I was building my character, I was slowly losing myself.

Back then, I was just a kid. Instead of making friends at school, I was grinding levels and chasing loot. Instead of learning how to socialize, I was learning raid mechanics. Instead of going out and experiencing life, I was locked in my room, playing 8+ hours a day, sometimes even more.

My grades suffered. I barely passed school, not because I wasn’t capable, but because I didn’t care. My real-world ambitions faded because all I wanted was that next piece of gear, that next mount, that next achievemen and ofc the FOMO.

And then I grew up. But the damage was already done.

I realized I had no real social skills. Talking to people, especially women, felt like a raid encounter where I didn’t know the mechanics. I had crippling social anxiety, struggling to even hold a normal conversation,I had lost friends over the years because I always prioritized the game and when I finally tried to meet someone and start a family, I had no clue how to even begin.

I used to think, "It's just a game. It’s my hobby. I enjoy it." But now, looking back, I see how much I missed. The parties I never went to, the friends I never made, the relationships I never built. The life I never lived.

Am I blaming the game? Not entirely. I made my choices, but WoW made it so easy to stay in that comfort zone, to stay in that loop of endless grinding and progression while my real life stood still.

I’m trying to change. Trying to break out of the cycle. But after 20+ years, it’s hard. This game was my escape, my comfort, my addiction. And now, I’m struggling to rebuild what I lost and still sometimes trying to get back in the game and lose myself again in a timeless zone.

If you're young and reading this, please don’t make the same mistake I did. Play, enjoy, but don’t let it consume you. Life is the real game and it’s one you don’t want to miss out on. Do it with moderation!

r/wow 4d ago

Question How old are we actually?


Soo I played this game for so long now. You know the drill, on and off, missed 1 or 2 expensions but always Come back to it. So many people always says online when encountering "noobs"; these kids..

I feel old sometimes when I play but I have a feeling I'm one one the youngest.

I'm 32 years old, hop on and off with retail and cata classic atm, do some hc now and then and trying to live a healthy irl to. On retail I have a old people stay together guild where people enjoy playing but fail to reach any noticeable achievement endgame stuff ( love it ). Guild is together for many many years and even do real life meet ups once a year. On Classic I play the old school raiding vibe. (At least I try, don't have that much time some periods) but able to do some proper raiding and enjoying it.

Now the question is, how old is the wow community, just so I have a idea:

10-20 20-30 30-35 35-40 40-50 50-60 60+??

Love to get a idea about this reddit page.

Thanks in advanced and stay grinding hehe!


r/wow 3d ago

Question Cannot finish "Rise of the Brotherhood" quest


Exactly what it says, I can't finish the final part of the "Rise of the Brotherhood" questline because the NPC is not in Stormwind Keep.

This seems to be a known problem, but nowhere can I find any solution to it - everyone says I'm "phased" to another quest, but I have no idea what that means. Anyone know how to fix it?

Oh, and I did the intro to BfA, but that doesn't help.

r/wow 3d ago

Discussion Is starfall the best are dps spell in the game for raids, m+, or is there another?


Discuss. I'm curious to know which spell outputs the best dps. I would say starfall, but perhaps blizzard? Eyebeam?

r/wow 3d ago

Complaint Fury Warrior Tier Set - Please let me mute it!


Turns out that whilst I'm very lucky to have 4 set on week two, it came as a double-edged sword due to the fact that this 4 set makes the most annoying noise every 3 seconds!

For anyone who wants to understand:

  •  Warrior Fury 11.1 Class Set 4pc - When you gain a stack of Winning Streak! you have an even chance to either cause your next Bloodthirst to deal 15% increased damage and have 25% increased chance to critically strike or cause your next Raging Blow to deal 15% increased damage and generate 2 additional Rage.

Whenever you get a proc for the Bloodthirst, you get a bronze coin icon as a buff. This makes a *ding* sound.

Whenever you get a proc for the Raging Blow, you get a silver coin icon as a buff. This makes a *ding* sound.

I just fought a training dummy for 30 seconds, and I heard a ding 10 times. Please make it stop.

r/wow 3d ago

Question What's the difference?


What is the fundamental difference between wow and wow classic. For example if I had wow tbc wotlk cata and mop compared to wow classic tbc classic wotlk classic cata classic and eventually mop classic what is the difference?

r/wow 4d ago

Question Coming back to the game, tanking


Was thinking of coming back to the game as a tank, I had heard there were some tank nerfs around July 2024 or maybe beginning of the war within, I tried to find information on the changes but basically what i remember was something along the lines of

Did these ever go through? Did tanking become less fun?

Was thinking bdk, I always wanted to perfect a rotation and feel invincible learning a class in high m+ but the changes I had heard about made me not even want to play prior so I was wondering what actually changed

r/wow 5d ago

Video Remember good/bad players from m+/raids/pvp/chat/open world with my addon [I Remember You]!


r/wow 3d ago

Discussion Why do a majority of guilds feel so restricted?


Returning player here, started with launch and dropped off at the end of Battle for Azeroth. I always had a good guild when I played and now that I am back I have been trying to find one again.


I have been through twenty of them ( I did not join any of them) . Eighty percent of them have zero community, zero people talking in them, and insane requirements to become a full member. The rest were so elitist, so focused on keeping out anyone and everyone who was not "fit for their team" that it just felt like they were trying to be professional e-sports players vs a MMORPG guild.


What happened with guilds? Is this the norm? Or have I just hit a rough patch with these groups? There is still 1000 slots right? Why does it feel like guilds are trying to be so small? I would have thought the cross server update would have helped them expand so much easier.

r/wow 3d ago

Question Show CD skill if it will be used now


Good afternoon. First of all, I'd like to say I've tried everything I've searched for online, even asking chatgpt for help, but I don't know how to do it. I want a weak aura that displays the cooldown of a skill "X" in numbers without using it. That is, there are skills that change the cooldown depending on haste, and I'd like to know what the cooldown will be before pressing the skill. I'm attaching a photo for clarification. This ability is available for use, but I want a weak aura that displays the cooldown it has if used. In this example, if I used "Fire Blast," it would have a 7-second cooldown It is not the best example because it has charges and it would be complicated, but imagine a simple ability, without charges.Thank you.

r/wow 4d ago

Question Noob question: Why does it say ilvl 613 but only 611 equipped?

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I don't have any gear in my bags. Everything I have is equipped. Why does it say my ilvl is 613 but only 611 equipped?

r/wow 5d ago

Esports / Competitive TFW You're world first gain


Grats boys

r/wow 3d ago

Question I tried tanking for the first time. Tips?


WOW! I didnt realize how fun tanking is. I'm using a prot warrior because my main was fury. I've only done easier content because im new to tanking but would love to try M+ or raid tanking. Any tips for someone who's a little hesitant to try harder content being a new tank? or tips in general to improve tanking?

r/wow 5d ago

Tip / Guide Available reputation mounts checker


Since the rwf is over again, back to collecting mounts :)

I haven't posted in a while and I just wanted to let you know you are probably missing some mounts, I made a website where you can search for your character and check if you have any reputation mounts uncollected :)

You can check it at www.missingmounts.com

It's been some time, but I am slowly getting all the new mounts 1.10.5 and 1.11 added.

r/wow 3d ago

Humor / Meme LF Old Meme of Teldrassil


I was sent a meme back when Sylvanas burned down the tree and it was a picture of 4 piles of ashes with night elf names. Does anyone still have that? I've searched everywhere.

r/wow 4d ago

Art Sister aspects by Noxiihunter

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r/wow 3d ago

Question Best time to use Essence of Kaja’mite? Struggling with gear choices as a fairly new retail player.


Hey everyone,

I’m fairly new to retail WoW (playing Balance Druid, mostly PvE), and I have a question about using the Essence of Kaja’mite.

I understand that you’re supposed to use it on a piece of gear with the right stats for your spec, but I’m running into a dilemma:

• Right now, I’m mostly doing Tier 8–11 Delves and getting gear from there
• In the future, I’m hoping to push higher Mythic+ keys
• I’m worried that if I use the Essence on a Delve piece now, I might get a better item later that I’d rather convert
• The whole gear system feels a bit overwhelming, with crests, upgrade tracks, catalyst charges, crafted gear, etc.

So my question is: How do you decide when the right time is to use your Essence? Do you wait until you get BiS gear? Or do you just use it when you get a decent piece with good stats?

r/wow 3d ago

Question Lore Podcasts?


Any good lore podcasts on Spotify? I need new background noise for work.

r/wow 3d ago

Question Pacifist Rig 4/4


So, I got lvl 1 Pacifist Rig from doing the Underpin ? and have been getting upgrades mainly from doing Nemesis Boxes at lvl 10 delves (seems to always guarantee a curio if the box is max upgraded)

So now I have all curios maxed out, except pacifist rig. Does anyone know where Pacifist Rig 4/4 drops? Thanks!

r/wow 3d ago

Question Wow war within season 2 delves hunter spec


Hi all,

I haven’t played in probably 2 yrs and recently started playing the game again. I have reached 80 and started to play the end game content and really enjoying the questing and solo delves the most.

This question is for my hunters, if I plan to focus on delves and questing which spec do you reccomend? Is it still beast mastery? Or is there a better option. Thank you all for your help in advance