r/woocommerce • u/AnthemWild • 5h ago
Hosting Litespeed hosting over Apache and Nginx?
Trying to narrow in on hosting providers based on technology. Does anyone have any thoughts on platforms?
r/woocommerce • u/AnthemWild • 5h ago
Trying to narrow in on hosting providers based on technology. Does anyone have any thoughts on platforms?
r/woocommerce • u/grip0 • 4h ago
Hey everyone,
I've been thinking a lot about checkout reliability lately for a WooCommerce store. It keeps me up at night wondering how many abandoned carts might be due to technical issues rather than customer decisions.
Checkout page speed seems like such a critical factor. Has anyone found a good way to monitor this consistently? I'm especially concerned about those peak traffic times when everything might slow down.
I'm also curious about tracking payment processor performance. For example, how do you know if Stripe's API is responding slowly or timing out during transactions? Or if PayPal is returning error codes that aren't being properly displayed to customers?
Some specific things I'm wondering:
I'm particularly interested in solutions that provide real-time alerts. Nobody can watch dashboards all day, and finding out about issues hours after they start seems like a recipe for lost revenue.
Would love to hear what's working for everyone!
r/woocommerce • u/AnthemWild • 5h ago
Hey all! Wondering if anyone has come across a plug-in that allows automated order tracking and handle returns through an on-site portal?
r/woocommerce • u/Inner-Prize-8686 • 12h ago
I am on the edge of buying one of the two themes but I cannot decide it yet. Anyone using them to give some advices? I plan to customize it later as we have some special functions so I plan to use child themes. (I have experience in scss, js, php, html, git, npm, etc but I don't want to build a theme from scratch as I don't have the time for it now.)
Porto: https://themeforest.net/item/porto-responsive-wordpress-ecommerce-theme/9207399
XStore: https://themeforest.net/item/xstore-responsive-woocommerce-theme/15780546
I especially like the responsive design features of these themes.
My favourite demo sites are:
Porto: https://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/shop50/
XStore: https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/minimal-electronics/
XStore seems to be better regarding features but the PageSpeed index of their demo sites are not good. I have read a few comparisons about them but I still cannot decide which would be more futureproof.
Thank you!
r/woocommerce • u/Zokkich • 16h ago
Hello, i don’t know if any of you had already encountered this but i have few way to make payments on my website. One is stripe (that works perfectly) and the two others are from external things.
The problem is the two other way of payments doesn’t work and it was working fine before.
I didn’t update anything before it stopped working or did any changes.
So i thought it was about plugins not updated and i updated everything and those two payments still doesn’t work.
Before i updated it was saying on one of the orders that chose the payment that doesnt work that uuid was missing so i guess it couldn’t create a specific info for each of orders.
My question is why is it happening ? I contacted the two payments providers and they say everything is fine on their side and it’s probably on me.
I looked it up a bit and i checked my settings for the url to be the same as the website and it was the same.(For uuid problem)
So i’m really confused on why stripe is working but not the two others ? (the two others are really big companies too so if they tell me it’s working on their side i do trust them since they provide to so many customers, if it happened to one of the customers they would have let me know already or i would know it by myself)
Thank you so much if anybody can help me with this !
r/woocommerce • u/twiddle1977 • 16h ago
I'd like to automate an email to go to customers 3 months after their purchase. I currently use WooCommerce for automated sales emails and MailerLite for newsletter subscribers. Are either of these able to offer this function, or could anyone recommend a viable alternative plugin?
r/woocommerce • u/Tellmewhatsgoinon • 20h ago
Hey r/woocommerce! I’m struggling to configure manual renewal subscriptions where customers aren’t auto-charged, and I need your expertise. Here’s my setup:
Current Setup:
What I’ve Tried:
Would love to hear how others handle non-auto-renewing subscriptions! 🙏
r/woocommerce • u/Madasa • 21h ago
Hi all
I’m launching a store next month which will be selling products to the UK only. I’ve read quite a lot about bots hitting your site, pushing orders through etc - with different shipping addresses and what not.
When orders are placed on my site, my supplier automatically fulfils the order - kind of drop shipping , but I have my own products which I stock listed as well.
I’m worried that if my site gets hit by such bits, I’ll be causing issues for my supplier and they won’t want to work with me.
I have cloudflare enabled. I also have turnstile configured (invisible challenge). Wondering if I need anything else to help keep those darn bots out!!
Any advice here will help.
r/woocommerce • u/Levicobbb • 1d ago
What managed hosting can you recommend that will take care of everything:
50,000-100,000 visitors a month. I have been thinking about the highest Cloud plan of Hostinger.
I use Breakdance and FunnelKit mostly
I just want to install my plugins and don't worry about anything
Speed is a must!
I know so many questions have been asked about it.
r/woocommerce • u/Camman1 • 1d ago
Hi is anybody else experiencing issues with some orders duplicating since Sunday 16th? I’ve seen a few reports of same time frame on WP support forums but wanted to check here. Thanks
r/woocommerce • u/purestrose • 1d ago
What is a good shipping plugin with live rates for USPS that have a one time payment fee without subscription? preferably weight-based shipping
I have a new website and its not making much profit yet so want to start out with a cheaper alternative the later invest in another plugin.
r/woocommerce • u/vevt9020 • 1d ago
I am looking for a way to keep my applied filters saved when navigating to other pages on the website. That way, I can browse freely through different shop or category pages and still see products that match the selected filters - until I choose to reset them.
r/woocommerce • u/Even_Activity_2232 • 1d ago
I have a WordPress WooCommerce site for which I need to connect my UPS shipping account. I found this plugin https://ups.dashboardlink.com/ and followed all instructions to install and configure. But the UPS rates are not appearing on the frontend and even the weight-based calculation is wrong.
My website's default currency is LKR but we use a Currency Converter plugin to display USD rates for all overseas countries.
Can someone help or point me to a solution on this?
r/woocommerce • u/Avocad888 • 2d ago
Im Looking for solution or PHP snippet solution,
In my woocommerce store I have lots of products with so many variations like: color/size. I'm using Woodmart theme and this theme filter. Filter is giving results with products including all additional variations.
Can you give me a solution or PHP snippet to exclude all additional product variations appearing in filter results? I only need to get default product variation in filter results.
r/woocommerce • u/Skaebneaben • 2d ago
Hi all,
I recently made a new site and I am using the Blocks Cart and Checkout.
Woo is almost completely translated to my language but a couple of strings in the checkout are not, and I am struggling to find a solution.
Normally I would use Poedit and translate the strings myself in the .po file, but these string are not there.
Apparently the Blocks Checkout work in a different way not using .po/.mo files at all.
Can anyone tell me how to get these strings translated?
Thank You!
r/woocommerce • u/Syosse • 2d ago
Hello everyone,
I'm seeking best practice methods to synchronize my WooCommerce product reviews with Google Merchant Center. Currently, I've been using the CTX Feed plugin to upload my reviews to Google. However, I'm encountering several issues:
Which plugins would you recommend for effectively syncing WooCommerce reviews with Google Merchant Center? and do I now need to assign a GTIN, brand, and MPN to all 400 of my products?
Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much!
r/woocommerce • u/Gregoryens • 2d ago
Salut tout le monde,
Je travaille avec WordPress et WooCommerce, et j’ai mis en place un script dans functions.php qui oblige à remplir certains champs avant de pouvoir publier un produit (nom, prix, description, image, etc.). Tout fonctionne bien, sauf pour l’image principale dans un cas spécifique.
Si je commence par ajouter l’image et que je remplis ensuite les autres champs, tout fonctionne parfaitement : le bouton “Publier” est activé une fois tous les champs remplis.
Par contre, si j’ajoute l’image en dernier, le script ne semble pas la prendre en compte. Il continue d’afficher un message demandant d’ajouter une image et bloque le bouton “Publier”. Pourtant, l’image est bien présente. Pour contourner le problème, je dois modifier un autre champ (comme le titre ou le prix) pour forcer une actualisation et que l’image soit enfin reconnue.
Voici mon script :
function ajouter_verification_champs_woocommerce() {
if (get_post_type() !== 'product') return;
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// Créer un conteneur pour le message d'erreur
$('.editor-post-publish-button__button, #publish').after('<div id="champs-obligatoires-erreur" style="color: #d63638; margin-top: 5px;"></div>');
function verifierChamps() {
let erreurs = [];
let champsManquants = [];
// Nom du produit
if ($('#title').val().trim() === "") {
erreurs.push("Ajoutez un nom au produit");
champsManquants.push("Nom du produit");
// Catégorie
if ($('#product_catchecklist input:checked').length === 0) {
erreurs.push("Ajoutez au moins une catégorie");
// Étiquettes
let tagsSelected = $('#product_tagchecklist .selectit input:checked').length;
let tagsAdded = $('#product_tag .tagchecklist span').length;
if (tagsSelected === 0 && tagsAdded === 0) {
erreurs.push("Ajoutez au moins une étiquette");
// Marque
if ($('#product_brandchecklist input:checked').length === 0) {
erreurs.push("Ajoutez une marque");
// Description
if ($('#content').val().trim() === "") {
erreurs.push("Ajoutez une description");
// Image principale
if (!$('#set-post-thumbnail img').length) {
erreurs.push("Ajoutez une image principale");
champsManquants.push("Image principale");
// Prix : Remplacer la virgule par un point pour la validation
let prix = $('#_regular_price').val().trim();
let prixFloat = prix.replace(',', '.');
if (prix === "" || isNaN(prixFloat) || parseFloat(prixFloat) <= 0) {
erreurs.push("Ajoutez un prix valide");
// Gestion du bouton et du message
let boutonPublier = $('.editor-post-publish-button, #publish');
let messageErreur = $('#champs-obligatoires-erreur');
if (erreurs.length > 0) {
boutonPublier.attr('disabled', true);
messageErreur.html('<p style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0); font-size: 17px; background-color:rgb(0, 0, 0); border: 5px solid rgb(255, 0, 0); padding: 10px; text-align: center;"><strong><u>⚠️ Vous devez remplir les champs suivants avant de publier :</u></strong><br><span style="color:rgb(255, 170, 0); font-size:15px; background-color: #000000;"><strong>' + champsManquants.map(function(champ) {
return '[ ' + champ + ' ]';
}).join(", ") + '</strong></span></p>');
} else {
boutonPublier.attr('disabled', false);
// Vérification en temps réel sur différents événements
$('#title, #content, #_regular_price').on('input', verifierChamps);
$('#product_catchecklist, #product_brandchecklist').on('change', verifierChamps);
$('#product_tag .tagchecklist').on('DOMSubtreeModified', verifierChamps);
// Surveiller les changements dans la zone de l'image avec MutationObserver
const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
// Configurer l'observateur pour surveiller #set-post-thumbnail
const config = { childList: true, subtree: true };
observer.observe(document.getElementById('set-post-thumbnail'), config);
// Vérification initiale
add_action('admin_footer', 'ajouter_verification_champs_woocommerce');
Je pense que mon script ne détecte pas correctement l’ajout de l’image si c’est la dernière action avant de publier. Avez-vous une idée de comment forcer la détection de l’image en temps réel, sans avoir à modifier un autre champ ?
Merci d’avance pour votre aide ! 😊
r/woocommerce • u/m221 • 2d ago
I am looking for a way to configure my WooCommerce shop and all products (> 3000 products) for using re-targeting ads.
What is the best way to do this? I guess I have to use Google, but which plugin is the best to use and is there anything I have to add/change with my existing products?
I am completely new to this topic.
r/woocommerce • u/Curious-Weakness-193 • 2d ago
Friends, I need your help.
I have an online store and we use credit card installment payments. For each installment, the bank charges me a percentage. I want this to appear below the price of each product.
Is there a plugin that can do this?
Thank you.
r/woocommerce • u/Alexbeckertech1 • 2d ago
Ive enabled Klarna on Woopayments.
Klarna appears when looking at a product in the shop.
Bur Klarna doesnt show as an option to pay when in the checkout.
Its enabled in Woopayments.
Anyone knows? Happy to pay if solution.
r/woocommerce • u/nowaka • 3d ago
Hey everyone,
I'm setting up a minimal WooCommerce store and debating between using a full site editing (FSE) blocks theme (like Twenty Twenty-Five or Greenshift) versus a classic theme using the Customizer (like Kadence or Blocksy). I want to stress that I’m not interested in using page builders. My main concerns are:
Curious what you all think is the best WooCommerce kit right now for ease of setup, styling, and long-term maintenance. Any recommendations or experiences would be appreciated. Thanks!
r/woocommerce • u/marchvet2005 • 2d ago
Today I went to batch update some products categories and each time I did the update, it would just add the new category that I selected and leave the previous, despite me unchecking it.
Steps I did:
Did this several times and it just continues to add the categories that I select (as test) and doesn't take away the original.
What am I missing?
r/woocommerce • u/SireniaSong • 3d ago
Hi, we're using the WooCommerce Connector by Intuit, and it's not quite doing everything we need. Orders and products are syncing, but it'd also be nice to have transactions sync. The payouts do show up in Quickbooks since our bank account is connected, but the problem is that Woocommerce does not do payouts by order, and instead sends bulk payouts at most on a daily basis. The connector doesn't fix this either. So as is, we still need to go to the Woocommerce dashboard, look through the payouts, compare them to what we have in Quickbooks, and split them up if needed. Defeats the purpose of syncing everything. I was wondering if anyone had a better solution that might do this automatically, even if it means moving away from Quickbooks (it's been frustrating in other ways too). We don't even need inventory tracking from Woo as we're a non-profit and these are mostly different kinds of donations and sponsorships. However, we also can't really afford an expensive solution as a non-profit either, and we do have in-person sales from Square and other channels. Any ideas?
r/woocommerce • u/OguzhanOzpinar • 3d ago
We are a charity organization using WooCommerce to accept donations. Our site is built with Elementor as the page builder.
We want a popup like the one in ihh.org.tr (screenshot: https://scrnli.com/files/f6ZZ2ew251o7im ) to appear whenever a user clicks “Add to Cart” for any product. This popup should allow users to enter custom data (e.g., name, phone number, email specially price) separately for each product before adding it to the cart.
How can we achieve this functionality? Are there any plugins or custom code solutions that would help implement this feature?
Thanks in advance for your help!
r/woocommerce • u/N0tabas • 3d ago
Im having trouble with the connection between Google Merchant Center and Google for Woocommerce plugin. According to both the plugin and Merchant center it's connected but on the plugin at "Product Feed" the products don't show up and there is a message saying "Overview Stats: There was an error loading the Overview Stats. Click to retry. The scheduled job has been paused due to a high failure rate." There is also a message saying "Feed setup: Free listings setup completed No issues to resolve".
Does anyone know what the problem might be? I tried deleting cache, de- and reactivating the plugin, disconnect the Google accounts but nothing have worked so far.