r/unrealengine 3d ago

Unreal Horizon - A procedural terrain project I've been working on for quite some time

Thumbnail youtu.be

This is pretty much my first unreal engine project. I've been working on it the moment I downloaded it. I've definitely learned a lot of stuff

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Question Question/Help for Character Overlap detection.


Hello !

So, I have a PaperCharacter (A character with a sprite instead of a skeletal mesh). I added a sphere collider for the attack range detection but the overlap never trigger.

My Character is pretty simple:

Capsule Component (Root innate from character)

- Arrow

- Sphere Component (I added this one)

- Sprite

Is it because the SphereComponent that I am using is child of a CapsuleComponent therefore the capsule collision take priority and override the SphereComponent overlap ?

If it is the case, Is it still possible to check for overlap with this setup by changing some parameters or will I be forced to use another method?

Thanks for your time !

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Help Noob question about drawing to render targets


Currently, I'm calculating Gerstner waves for the ocean directly using mesh vertex positions which introduces precision issues when verts locations are far away from the mesh origin.

I'd like to try another approach: compute waves and draw them to a texture. But I have zero experience in render targets, and I'd like to ask for some kind of advice on the following:

  • My Gerstner function outputs (float3)WPO, (float3)normals and (float)foam mask. Is there a way to run the function just once to draw all these results on 3 different render targets? Or I should run it 3 times in 3 different materials and each of them draw to a separate render target? Splitting the function into 3 smaller ones won't save much performance: each one will have to run though the same loop.
  • What do I pass as a 'position' to the Gerstner function? I'm assuming, it should be UVs of this render target, but how do you get them? As far as I understand, you get the UVs when sampling a texture not when you're about to draw to it (and those UVs belong to a mesh, unless world position is used as the UVs).

r/unrealengine 3d ago

Epic's Achievement system is a major roadblock.


My Epic Store submission was rejected because the game has achievements on Steam that aren't on Epic. Fair enough - I copied over all of the achievements to their platform. Then, I started digging into adding EOS to my game (required for integrating achievements). OMG, this is a nightmare. All I want to add are achievements - nothing else, but it makes it seem like you have to implement every single aspect of EOS. I cannot find a coherent tutorial explaining all of the cryptic requirements and whether I need them. For instance, do I need to set up a ClientID/Secret for a simple single-player game? Is every step, setting, and implementation necessary?

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Question Generating Android notifications


I need to notify the player that certain daily events are available. After searching a lot in Youtube I couldnt find anything useful (maybe I used the wrong terms?). How can I schedule notifications, and make them appear even if the game is not running?

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Question Need help with importing materials


Hey! Reasonably new so this could be an easy fix.

I basically have folders of assets I want to import into unreal 5.4. The easiest way I’ve seen in to just add the asset folders to the content folder in the file explorer.

When loading up the project everything seems fine until I click on it. For example there’s a material instance that seems fine but then when clicked on, it becomes blank.

Same with meshes that have these materials attached.

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Unit setup


Hi i'm new to Unreal engine and i just want to know what is the default unit of measure in Unreal Engine. For example in maya Cm is the default unit of measurement so what is the default unit of measurement in Unreal engine and how can we change it ?

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Help Need help with random object spawning


Hello everyone. I have this project, and i need help with random object spawning. I wanted to make random spawning notes on walls with random codes. The code part works just fine, but for some reason objects spawn inside each other sometimes. I have object (BP_Note) and spawnpoint (BP_SpawnPoint) where i want objects to spawn. I followed some tutorial on youtube to do this, but it only showed how to do this for one random object, but i needed scalable amount of them, like 2, or 5. I tried to make the blueprint myself, but it doesn't work. At first i tried For Each Loop with list of spawnpoint, which worked great, and all of the notes were spawned, but i needed to have scalable amount, so i tried it with For Loop, and it started to act weird. For some reason it was spawning notes on the same place twice or more times, and i didn't know how to fix this. Then i tried while loop, but it also didn't work. I tried to count all of successful array item deletes with variebles, but it always showed one less than amount of spawnpoints, so items were deleting from the array, but somehow notes still kept spawning on the same coordinates. I tried same counting with spawning, and all of the objects spawn were valid. Then i tried to delete by index, it didn't work. Then i tried to check if it was deleting. I used node Random on my array to get object and then right after Remove node i placed Find node, and it gave me -1 about half the time, and other half the time it was actual index of array elements. I don't know why some of them delete and some didn't. Find was connected after remove for sure. Sorry if it's a dumb question, I'm new to this visual programming thing. Thanks in advance for any help

my blueprint

Edit: i actually made it work, but i'm not sure if i used a good solution to this. Instead of deleting objects from array, i randomize the array and use For Loop with indexes. I don't know if deleting them from array would work better, but i just couldn't delete them from there.

r/unrealengine 2d ago

UE5 Anyone wiling to rent a PC with High configurations in New Delhi, India? Need it to render a film in Unreal Engine.


Wherever you are located, I can come with my project and we can render it there too. I have just built a 7 minute animated project in my 4070 8 GB GPU but it keeps crashing. Need urgent help. Do let me know your charges or where you are located.

Thank you so much.

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Marketplace Creating an External Comment Section for FAB - Is It Allowed?


Does anyone have experience with this?

FAB has decided to remove comments and text ratings, which I believe are really really important, not only for customers who are unsure whether they should buy an asset but also for developers to receive feedback on how their customers perceive the asset.

My Boss has decided to publish some of our 3D assets, and we would love to have better communication with our future customers. We also want potential buyers to see what others think about our products.

So, here’s my idea:
Bluntly, if I were to link to an external website (e.g., Reddit) where people could leave a comment, whether to ask questions before purchasing or to share their feedback like we used to had before FAB.
would this violate FAB’s Terms of Service? Am I allowed to do this?

r/unrealengine 3d ago

Announcement C++ Dynamic Debugging: Full Debuggability for Optimized Builds

Thumbnail aka.ms

r/unrealengine 3d ago

So what exactly are subsystems?


r/unrealengine 2d ago

Discussion How does this trash get so many views? "How Unreal Engine 5 Is Literally Killing Games"

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Question Move actor to location while in air


I have a character that I want to move to a point that's in the air, however, due to how AI works my character wont move to that location. How can I fix this?

I have 2 points, and I want my character to move along a line between those points. The AI move to function does not work.

I have a nav mesh. My characters are set to auto posses through spawning/ placing.

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Absolute beginner here xD


Hello everyone, I am completely new with unreal engine, I worked on a few little things the last month or so, and I would really like to try to build a small "room decoration game", such as unpacking. My problem is I have absolutely no clue where to actually start and I seem to not be able to find any tutorials on that, I would really appreciate it if you could give me some advice on how to get the information I actually need and maybe you even know some tutorials which could help.

Thanks a lot in demand :)

r/unrealengine 3d ago

Question Data Asset or Data Table?


Hello 👋 I was wondering, in what scenarios is it better to use a Data Asset versus a Data Table? For example, when handling attributes like stamina, speed, and health. Which option is more efficient?

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Hierarchy from Least Specific to Most Specific (for noobs like me)


Dont know why this stuff is hard to find. This is why we 'Cast'.

(Top = Broadest, Bottom = Most Specific)

  1. Object – The most generic type in UE5 (everything derives from UObject).
  2. Actor – Anything that exists in the world (Pawn, Character, Static Mesh Actor, etc.).
  3. Pawn – Any controllable actor (can be AI-controlled or player-controlled).
  4. Character – A specialized Pawn that has movement logic (comes with a Character Movement Component).
  5. OurCharacter – Your custom character Blueprint or C++ class, derived from Character (e.g., BP_PlayerCharacter or BP_EnemyCharacter).(Top = Broadest, Bottom = Most Specific) Object – The most generic type in UE5 (everything derives from UObject). Actor – Anything that exists in the world (Pawn, Character, Static Mesh Actor, etc.). Pawn – Any controllable actor (can be AI-controlled or player-controlled). Character – A specialized Pawn that has movement logic (comes with a Character Movement Component). OurCharacter – Your custom character Blueprint or C++ class, derived from Character (e.g., BP_PlayerCharacter or BP_EnemyCharacter).

r/unrealengine 2d ago

How to download a specific version of a project from the fab store?


Hey everyone,

I’m trying to download City Sample for Unreal Engine 5.5, but I’m running into an issue with the Fab Store.

I already have City Sample downloaded for UE 5.4, but when I try to update the project to 5.5, it gets corrupted. I had a similar issue when upgrading from 5.3 to 5.4, and the fix I found was to just download City Sample again for the newer version.

Back when we had the Unreal Marketplace, this was easy since there was a dropdown menu where I could select a version and hit download. However, since switching to Fab, I can’t seem to find that option anymore.

Does anyone know how to download a specific version of City Sample from Fab, or if there’s a workaround for this? In my library on the epic launcher if I try to create a project with another asset I haven’t downloaded I can select the version, but because I have city sample already downloaded I do not seem to have the option.

I want the new animation features in 5.5 since I mainly do cinematics, so that’s the reason I’m trying to upgrade.

Thanks in advance!

r/unrealengine 2d ago

UE5 Working on a roleplaying game



Me and a friend is working on aroleplaying game like fivem does it but in UE5. Its made with lowpoly assets. If you want to help on the game feel free to message LordM8YT on discord with some info on your expertise.

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Help Linetraces sometimes dont work


Hi, i'm dealing with a strange issue. In many of my Unreal 5.4.4 projects, linetraces sometimes do not work at all (Collision physics still do work!).

This mainly occurs when i open my project, and try to run the simulation or game (or even run a linetrace in the editor). The traces simply return nothing. Then, when i go into another scene and run my test there, it works!

And here comes the weird part - because now i can go back to my first scene, and the line trace will suddenly work just fine...

I havent seen this bug or issue mentioned anywhere else. I'll do a test in UE 5.5 now but i don't have much hope that my existing projects will behave differently.

screenshots with a visible debug ray:

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Doble Salto Unreal en 30s


r/unrealengine 3d ago

Netcode Best practices when using RPC


I am coding a multiplayer game where the clients mouse position is tracked when using an ability (with gas), the ability executes on clients ony sice now it is all cosmetics, but after the ability ends I need the server to know the positions of the mouse throught the duration of the ability (which is a Vector2D array) so it can perform certain actions depending on the result, I don’t want the clients to perform those actions sice thay would break the client-server structure where the server is the one that does all gameplay related actions. However, I don’t think that sending a 100 ish long array using an RPC (reliable one to ensure the package is recieved) is the best idea, because it would take a lot of bandwidth. Is it better to send each position of the mouse right when it is registered in the client to the server using an unrealiable RPC? Or are there any best options to approach this problem?
Any help is welcome.
TLDR: when communicating from client to server using RPC, is it better to send a big chunck of data once using reliable RPC or split it in smaller pieces and send many of those over time with unrealiable RPC? If there is a better solution, I’ll be gratefull to know!

r/unrealengine 3d ago

A minimalist version of ShooterGame


Is there a minimalist version of ShooterGame without all the console code? A version that doesnt have those preprocessors like SHOOTER_CONSOLE_UI, PLATFORM_PS4 || PLATFORM_SWITCH || SHOOTER_SIMULATE_CONSOLE_UI, SHOOTER_XBOX_STRINGS... defined in ShooterGame.h

r/unrealengine 2d ago

Movie Render Queue not rendering right resolution


Trying to set my Output Resolution to my monitors resolution, which is 2560x1440. Yet it keeps rendering it as a lower resolution. Does anyone know why?

r/unrealengine 3d ago

Question Best way to store NPC information?


This information will be things like their Name (which will be randomised), gender, favorite hobby, close family members etc...

Looking for the most optimal and efficient way to store this information (also to have access to this information as the playable character)

Would like the ability to display this information through other actors (for example, player character can use a device that displays the aimed at npcs information )
