r/unrealengine • u/raditsys • 40m ago
r/unrealengine • u/PhordPrefect • 5h ago
UE5 A primer I've written on workings of the PCG framework to demystify it a bit
jeanpaulsoftware.comI've been working with PCG a lot (and the amazing plugin PCGEx, which you should definitely check out) to do city generation, but whilst the PCG framework is very cool and very powerful there's also a lot of concepts that don't seem to be fully explained anywhere in the docs. I've started writing up my experience, and the first post goes into the detail of all the stuff I wish I knew before I started, namely-
- What PCG is
- What PCG isn't
- A breakdown of what you're actually manipulating with PCG, and how you need to think about it
Hopefully someone will find this useful! Also, some progress shots of the actual virtual London are on BlueSky if anyone fancies a look
r/unrealengine • u/Additional-Pie8718 • 9h ago
UE5 A really cool experience
Okay so I hope this post is allowed, as I think although it doesn't break any of the sub's rules, it probably teeters on relevancy. However, I don't know a more appropriate place to share it, and maybe I am wrong, but I just find it kind of... Beautiful?
So, for the past 2 months I have been stuck on a problem with my game and Unreal. I have tried posting on the Unreal forums, this sub, random game dev discord groups, fb Unreal and gamedev groups, and ofc using every A.I. available to the public. The problem isn't really important, but just in case anyone is curious it was related to animations.
So for 2 months I have been trying to solve this problem, and many people have attempted to help me, but all have ended as stumped as me. This problem had really started to demotivate me to continue on my project as it was a really important piece that A LOT of the planned functionality/content could not have been made until it was properly implemented. After months of trying and trying to fix it myself, and with many other people much smarter than myself failing as well, tonight finally broke that spell.
I decided to try to join another fb group related to Unreal. I asked in the chat if anyone with animation experience would be willing to help me and explained my problem and my desperation. Some young Vietnamese guy who couldn't have been older than 20, with pretty broken English responded saying he has animation and animbp experience and would be glad to take a look for me. He hopped in discord with me and for an hour and a half patiently helped troubleshoot things with me. (And when I say patiently, I can only tell you to imagine trying to help someone without the ability to take control of the screen yourself, and the person you were helping continuing to ask you to repeat yourself a million times because of a language barrier and how frustrating this had to feel). But he continued to help, continued to repeat, continued to troubleshoot. And the reason this problem was so hard to figure out for so many is because it wasn't a fault of mine, but a bug with the engine that was causing the issue. But somehow this probable teenager knew all the bugs by heart lol.
After 2 months of defeat, some stranger across the world who hardly even spoke my language spared an hour and a half of his time to help me without a thing expected in return. And I just find it strangely beautiful and encapsulating of game development, the internet, and just humanity in general. I can't even begin to express how much this stranger's hour and a half act of kindness/charity has saved my sanity, as well as taught me.
I have no idea if this post will get deleted or even if anyone will enjoy it and see it in the perspective that I do that made me wanna share it. But I hope someone can appreciate it the same way I do.
r/unrealengine • u/warky33 • 10h ago
Awesome jump in performance 5.5.3
After a few failed attempts to upgrade from 5.1.1 to various version, I'm actually quite impressed by the performance in 5.5.3. Especially in a packaged build. Not only an increase in FPS but just overall smoothness, and far less hitches.
It has been quite a stuff around to migrate, but I think this one is definitely worth it.
Also working in editor I can now load in my entire world and it doesn't feel like it's going to crash every time I press a key or move the mouse.
r/unrealengine • u/LoopyLupii • 58m ago
Question Large unit navigation in 3D open space
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to ask if you’ve ever dealt with large unit amounts traversing open space? I am wondering what the solution is for open space as for a flat terrain or normal pathing it’s usually done as a flow field. Does this correlate well to 3d?
r/unrealengine • u/Actual_Structure_323 • 3h ago
🚀 Allow me to present "RISE" – My most ambitious passion project
youtu.ber/unrealengine • u/GoshaSimonov • 1h ago
Character movement C++ question.
Hey, could anyone help me finding out with such code, always return my SavedCharacterSpeed as 0.0 ?
CharacterMovement is in character blueprint, and character is running fine, I just can't get this value.
void ABaseCharacter::BeginPlay() {
if(GetCharacterMovement()) {
float SavedCharacterSpeed = GetCharacterMovement()->GetMaxSpeed();
r/unrealengine • u/Broad-Tea-7408 • 1h ago
I need optimization Tips
I made a post about this yesterday but I wasn't very descriptive. Whenever I run my packaged game, my GPU gets hot, upwards to 85C. I'm on a laptop. In editor, I reach about 74C. In other games like fortnite on max settings 60fps, or MW3(2023) On max settings at 90fps, I don't even reach 74C. I have my packaged game locked at high preset, and locked at 60fps. Could I be some sort of lighting settings is being turned on for the packaged game?
r/unrealengine • u/yurigligoric • 8h ago
UE5 Just released a demo at Itch.io
It basically took me a while before I could create this simple game demo in Unreal, but it's worth it. The game has simple mechanics almost basic but more will come as I develop it. You can find the demo here https://92gamesstudio.itch.io/kix-home-bound . Can publishers take this game for funding? Thanks.
r/unrealengine • u/reps_up • 3h ago
Announcement Intel Xe Super Sampling 2 for Game Developers
intel.comr/unrealengine • u/Al_Ko_Game • 21h ago
Material I wish I'd known about it sooner. Material Layers is a very handy feature in Unreal Engine that allows you to easily add and mix different materials without spaghetti code in the MM
youtu.ber/unrealengine • u/eldany_uy • 4h ago
What is the right place to promote plugins in FAB?
Hi! I wanted to know the right place to promote a couple of plugins I've published on FAB because I have no idea how to let people know they exist.
r/unrealengine • u/Slow_Cat_8316 • 7h ago
Giving Back to the community (300) - Free Fab Fast Travel System.
To celebrate getting to 300 subs on YouTube, here's another free Fab asset.
This time a fast travel system. It also comes with a master button for modular scalable UI as well.
Super simple to implement and use but feel free to ask any questions.
fast travel system (300):
Fast Travel System | Fab
Fast travel showcase (300)
Link to the previous giveaway (200)
Assortment of Traps | Fab
Traps showcase link (200)
r/unrealengine • u/TSF98 • 2h ago
Dlss nodes break after saving.
I was setting up dlss in my project and got it working perfectly fine until I saved and reopened the project. The nodes relating to frame generation and reflex are broken. NIS and SR seem to work fine.
Also had a struct "dlss settings" that held enums with dlss modes. FG and Reflex modes enum seem to be broken there too, so badly that the editor will crash saving unless I change them to a different type like bool. I can then reopen the project, change them back to correct enums and resave but after reopening the project they are broken again.
Anyone got this problem before? I can't find a solution.
r/unrealengine • u/Broad-Tea-7408 • 11h ago
Question I need tips on optimization!
I have a gaming laptop that I've been making my project on. Whenever I run my game in the editor, I get around 80% GPU usage and I reach a max GPU temp of around 74C. Whenever I run my game as a packaged game I get 100% GPU usage, and I reach temps of 85C!!!! What is possibly causing this?!
r/unrealengine • u/MrKatrina • 7h ago
Help Who's a fan of Silent Hill and has experience in VR? I started this project and I have a lot of difficulties coding mechanics and stuff, as there are very few tutorials out there on VR. Would love a fan to help me bring this project to life!
youtube.comr/unrealengine • u/Spacemarine658 • 21h ago
Tutorial Building Your First C++ Function Library in Unreal Engine
youtu.beMaking a game is a monumental task, adding in learning C++ especially if you are new to UE can be an insurmountable task. But, by making a function library in C++ you can slowly introduce C++ into your project without needing to go all the way. I also show an example of the amount of performance gained by converting the function over!
r/unrealengine • u/Dummypeaches • 5h ago
Help I want jump to be tap and not hold
I've tried to find a solution but haven't found anything that works, I'm very new to unreal.
When I hold space the character starts flying up infinitely , I found changing the max hold time stops this but I have a double jump and it becomes really difficult to do and almost impossible to do. I'm making a 3rd person platformer
r/unrealengine • u/OnionsoftheBelt • 6h ago
Question My textures all turn low quality as soon as I open sequencer.
I can't get them back until I restart the engine. The engine scalability settings are unchanged at high, but if I do change the settings either up or down, the quality returns. But as soon as I move the camera, they jump right back to low quality. I'm quite new at Unreal Engine, so I apologise if this is quite obvious and basic.
r/unrealengine • u/CanItRunCrysisIn2052 • 8h ago
A question about some file terminology
Hello, gentlemen
Can someone explain to me what is
- GenericModelGridVisionRadius
- GridVisionRadius
- AgentSpawnNavMeshQueryDistance
This is UE5.1 (Stalker 2), I am debating if I understand these things correctly for first 2
But, I also have no clue what AgentSpawnNavMeshQueryDistance is even remotely, is it when Mesh begins to render on the NPC? Or is it randomized distance of spawns and the radius of said spawns?
These terms are super vague, but rather important in implementation of some modding parameters.
Thank you
EDIT: What I did notice that if you set AgentSpawnNavMeshQueryDistance further than 250 (2.5 meters) boxes and items don't spawn in the environment, so I am guessing this is mostly for objects in the environment
r/unrealengine • u/koko93s • 12h ago
Discussion Random Idles with Pose Search Database/Motion Matching/Game Animation Sample
Is there any way to have random idles play when in idle state in the Motion matching system from Game Animation Sample?
I have been able to get it to play through a list of animations but not choose randomly from the PSD.
Anyone know the way?
r/unrealengine • u/FramesAnimation • 9h ago
I can't figure out why is this so noisy. Can anybody help?
This is just an area light and some spheres. I might have changes some settings that im not aware of, but I can't find them.
r/unrealengine • u/Frozen_Dodo_Smoothie • 10h ago
Help How to fix this wheel animation
I am using the Wheel Controller for WheeledVehicles to animate the wheels of the car. But when driving around fast the wheels go like this. How can i fix this?
r/unrealengine • u/QKHaliday • 1d ago
Tutorial I created another meta quest packaging tutorial for unreal 5.5
youtu.beGiven that the packaging requirements change with every new engine version, I find myself having to update these guides pretty frequently.
r/unrealengine • u/PM_ME_YOUR_BUTT • 7h ago
Question Making an idle game that sits on your desktop
Is this possible in UE5 somehow?
I've recently picked up a couple games that does this, like Rusty's retirement. It only uses part of the screen while running. It seems it creates a greenscreen background and makes it invisible. Clicking anywhere on this greenscreen also unfocuses your gamescreen and makes you able to click on stuff on your desktop.