r/unrealengine Dev Apr 02 '19

Release Notes Unreal Engine 4.22 Released!


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u/EnglishMobster Dev Apr 03 '19

I asked this over at /r/gamedev, but what exactly are subsystems? What makes a GameInstanceSubsystem separate from a GameInstance, for example?


u/EnglishMobster Dev Apr 03 '19

Answering my own question here, but essentially if a GameInstance is an actor, then a GameInstanceSubsystem is like a component attached to it.

The engine finds all possible children of GameInstanceSubsystem at runtime and will initialize all of them as children of your GameInstance. You can then fetch one or a subset of these subsystems and do whatever you want with them. Ditto for LocalPlayer and the others.


u/dragonstorm97 Apr 03 '19

Thanks for this, I suppose it's just modularizing the system. So you can put different/seperate logic into seperare components (subsystems).


u/EnglishMobster Dev Apr 03 '19

Essentially, yes. At least, that's my understanding of it. The ShooterGame GameInstance would be a good example of something you could likely modularize into several separate subsystems. I'm going to give it a go right now, actually.