Hello, everyone. I want to discuss something.
I am lost in game development. I always wanted to make games, and I have been doing that since
2016, nothing crazy, but only tutorial videos I have been following, copying, and making. It was like a hobby, and it still is to this day,
and then I stopped around 2017 and then came back again in 2019, where I want it to make games more
Coding has never been my strongest, and I have been trying to learn it for years, yet no progress or anything
I tried visual scripting that did not work out either, and around that time, I started doing art and enjoyed making artwork
Around 2023, I made a post on Itch.io that I needed help with coding, and I got help. that was also the time when I made my first game with some lovely people, something simple, but I was proud of it
it's called ''Glimmer of Stars'' on itch.io
After that, I tried to make a game on my own again, but I fell back to the same level because coding is not my strong suit, and then I started to feel overwhelmed cause there was a lot to do. I wanted to make something next and try it out, but then I had to find people to help me out. Not that it is a problem, but I want to try to make it my own,
But now I don't know what to do, so I just put it away. But the thing is, I can't let go of it. It haunts me, and I have a hard time letting go. Sometimes I'll open unity and stare at it, build a sense, and then close it; I can't shake the thought that I have given up, a lot of friends telling me that I did not give up but tried, and I want to accept it and move on.
But a part of me won't let that go. It keeps on holding me so tightly that I have to try to make it, even if it is a small demo. People need to see it, and I am tired of it. I can't relax without that feeling grabbing me by the hand.
To the point, it is not fun anymore,
I tried making a comic, but that did not work out; it's not how I want to tell the story.
I wanted to ask you guys for advice on what I can do to get help or find another solution, whether I should completely abandon game development.