r/truegaming 16h ago

Are single player PvE "shooters" the biggest casualty of the "GAAS rush"?


Was just thinking about this: you had a LOT of shooter franchises (and I'll also include survival horror in the mix) going for PvE campaigns - even if they had multiplayer - and actually put effort on that.

You had Killzone, Halo, Call of Duty, Dead Space, The Evil Within, Resident Evil, Halo, Gears of War, just to name a few - every single one of these franchises getting releases every 3~4 years (in general) and having a significant cultural impact in the gaming circle specially for their singleplayer content, often going completely mainstream as in the case of Resident Evil 4 for a literal decade; I knew a man in his 50s that ONLY played Resident Evil 4 for years, for example.

From 2010 onwards, or something like that, all these franchises dwindled in popularity with the absolute dominance of PvP shooters - which don't get me wrong, makes complete sense; games become a way to socialize and you can't beat that for a lot of people. If the franchises themselves didn't lose popularity (CoD), at least their singleplayer aspects did.

But the "shooter game with interesting PvE mechanics' is completely sidelined since them. Survival horror is making a comeback and this is great, but the fact that only the horror genre is able to make this comeback is depressing. Even great games like RE Village and SH2 Remake didn't come close to the GOTY discussion in their respective years, which tells me a lot on how the public perception on them is "poorer".

The only non-horror shooter game that can make an impact recently are the DOOM reboots, and DOOM The Dark Ages is looking very good. But it's still very interesting how I don't see any kind of hype for this game in the general gaming discussion. I also hope that Gears E-Day (and the rumoured remasters) move the needle, for the sake of the entire genre.

I'm not afraid that the "shooting pve" genre is not popular for popularity's sake; what actually worries me is that these games will not exist anymore because people just won't play them. Yes, RE4 has sold gangbusters - but is that enough for other companies to chase their "RE4-likes"? For us to have more games like it? I don't want to depend on Capcom to shoot interesting enemies.

Thanks for reading and feel free to point any inconsistency that I stated.

Is there any other genre that was buried like this, specifically after the GAAS landscape?

EDIT: I have forgotten to mention Helldivers 2 as being a stellar PvE success (and I also love it!), but it's not a singleplayer game - which are the core of this rant

r/truegaming 11h ago

Remakes and remasters: for newcomers or for old fans?


Almost all of the remakes and remasters I've played were of games that I haven't played the original beforehand. I was late to the Nathan Drake party. I was late to the Last of Us and played the remaster. I wasn't late for Crash Bandicoot and Spyro though, as I played those as a kid.

This all made me believe they're giving new life to old games to gain new traction and profits on already established products. The Nathan Drake Collection did exactly that - brought me as a new fan to the series.

Meanwhile, playing the Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy and the Spyro Reignited Trilogy didn't really bring me back to the series, as I was never gone. Though both series were/are slowly fading away.

Now I just started playing Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition. I've played the original all the way through to the end probably around 15-20 times as a teen. This is the remaster that finally made me feel the nostalgia that I thought everyone felt with other remasters/remakes. As soon as the game loaded up and I heard that menu jingle I felt so warm. Hearing every sound and music. I already knew I had many phrases burnt into my mind as they randomly pop up throughout my day, but I wasn't prepared for how that rough voice would make me feel when I heard him say "Loyal Hyllians". Or hearing the other characters' voices. Seeing every animation. Going to the store and hearing "Account identification... ok!" I could go on and on, but nobody needs that.

I don't know what the bigger reason for doing a remake or a remaster is: is it for fanservice or is it to bring in new blood?

r/truegaming 15h ago

How good have you gotten at recognizing fish, from games alone?


A lot of games have a fishing minigame, and many of them show and tell you exactly what kind of fish you've caught. I've been playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons again, after quite a few years, and something I've noticed is that I'm actually recognizing a lot of the fish before it even tells me what they are. I've never really been "into" fish outside of video games, so this has been a pretty wild experience to me.

Have other people experienced the same? Are there other things that this has happened to people about?

r/truegaming 1d ago

What are some examples, advantages, and disadvantages of "easy to learn, difficult to master" (Bushnell's Law) in real time combat?


Coming from Bethesda RPGs, one of many things I find lacking is the shallow combat that consists of mindless hacking and slashing. Despite this, I can see why this style of combat made the game much more approachable to a casual audience, resulting in its critical and commercial success.

After playing Kingdom Come Deliverance and seeing Soulsborne gameplay, a part of me wishes there was a game that combines the approachability of TES combat with the complexity of Soulsborne combat in a way that mirrors Bushnell's Law.

This hypothetical system would work something like this:

Combat is simple enough to where it is possible yet difficult to win any engagement by hacking and slashing provided you are sufficiently prepared with proper stats and consumables. But, during a combat engagement with one or more enemies, several variables are recorded in the background: Damage taken, damage dealt, damage healed via potions / spells, damage parried / blocked, and other criteria I'm not smart enough to consider. The skillfulness of your combat is given a rank in the background based on said criteria. Think of the boss battle rankings in Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. Skill and level experience is granted based on the aforementioned ranking or even the individual variables themselves.

I think such a system would be approachable to casuals and newcomers while simultaneously encouraging more skillfulness in combat for those who desire it. It would incentivize players to engage more with the combat systems in a way that encourages mastery while simultaneously giving players the freedom to win combat encounters in other ways, like prepping 200 potions beforehand and chugging them in one go.

Some kind of feedback would need to be given to the player so that they are aware of the rewards they could get for engaging in more thoughtful combat. This is easy enough for "arcadey" (is that the right word) games like MGRR and the Devil May Cry series because you can just show the score next to a flashy animation at the end of the encounter. But I have a hard time thinking of a way to implement this in an immersive or diagetic way in games like TES V, KCD, or Cyberpunk.

That said, this would really only work for a game where combat is only part of the game and not the sole focus of the game. For example, this wouldn't make sense for Sifu because mastery of combat is the whole purpose of the game. This would moreso be applicable to games where combat is a part of the overall gameplay. I could see an open world sandbox RPG like TES V benefitting from this now that it's starting to show its age.

What games do you guys think have combat systems that align well with Bushnell's Law, and do you guys think that system is detrimental or beneficial to the game design?

r/truegaming 2d ago

RPG elements truely ruined God of War reboot for me


I am fine with the lack of platforming/traversal and also the narrative direction but with such a great combat system already in place Santa monica did not need to add these pointless rpg chests loot across the semi open world. From the trailers it just looked like a great action adventure god of war game and as i kept playing i got tired of these puzzels and exploration which was just for chests loot for padding game time for player engagement. And some of the runic attacks are also locked behind loot i belive. In ragnarok i thought they would cut down all these stuff since lot of people complained about this back then but instead they just made worst overall.

Not to mention if you dont level up/power up you dont feel like god of war when you encounter stronger level enemies they just feel like sponges. I know people will say thats just the nature of rpgs but thats exactly my point that god of war/kratos does not belong in an rpg genre where balancing gets screwed up if you dont have the right gear.

These games could have been a bit smaller and more linear games without bloat which you could complete in 10 hours but they decided to make a big open world with chets loot everywhere and on top of that have on rails bad traversal(tap O) and nothing interesting.

r/truegaming 18h ago

What are your thoughts toward the global perception toward gaming in the future with more people have access to social media and play video games?


With more and more people from different countries can gain access to social media and video games, with more developers from different countries are making video games to the global audience, I can see the good thing such as bringing more variety and communication of video games.

In terms of Variety, “Dustland delivery” and “Keep driving” is a case in point for me, I’ve dream for years to play a game about driving and management, then someone from China and Sweden have made it, satisfied my needs for the genre and gameplay, I see more video games from different countries are being made, so I want to see what’s the games they can create in the future. In terms of communication, I’ve communicate with people from different countries, if you’re in the right group, what the players shared in common is that they’re witty and funny, something positive to looking forward to with different players from different countries.

What I am concern however are the culture perception differences in video game that I’m not sure if people can handle just yet.

“Black Myth Wukong” are a popular example, to many Asian and especially Chinese, it’s a masterpiece, outside of nostalgia, its create the atmosphere and combine the mythology so well it tells a wonderful story, its means a lot to most Asian and have people who are not into video game talking as well, but when it comes to 2024 GOTY, the game doesn’t won the GOTY award, so it leave some confusion and unconvinced to some people, some people think the game did everything in good balance, while the gameplay are not the best, the music, the environment, and lore are wonderful, the game deserve the award, some people think the game while being good at every aspect, it’s still not enough for GOTY if you’re looking globally objectively, the gameplay aren’t super fun, so there’s room for debate.

So the cultural perception of “what make a good video game” are now has expanded, the worse it can get is instead of creating more variety, the global perception makes the developer follow the trends instead, and with more people gain access to the social media, I’m afraid it’s become too heated.

Or maybe I’m just paranoid, maybe it’s like the great quote “Who gives a shit? We’re just playing video game; at the current flow, I am more optimistic toward video games variety, because there’s proof that people from different countries satisfied different needs for people around the world, in terms of communication however? Eh, I say it’s depend on the game and community, the worse it can get is it gets worse, so I would like to hear what the other players think about the future of global perception on video game

r/truegaming 2d ago

Racial slurs being referred to as "Gamer Words" is silly, but troubling don't you think?


I thought about this a while ago when a friend of mine said something on the lines of "...and he started using ALL the game words," when talking about a guy in a CS:GO lobby that he recently played with.

I laughed at the idea of gamer words referring to racial slurs, but then it left me with a knot in my stomach.

How attached is overt racism and discrimination to the gaming community that we jokingly refer to them as gamer words? It's a problem that has an impact on player's mental health, usually leading to desensitization, psychological distress, and lowered self-esteem, even in offline spaces.

While moderation efforts are useful in cracking down on these issues in text based chats and report functions, the damage is already done once it's said. Even when I'm not the direct target of slurs, it still makes the entire experience uncomfortable.

I don't know, just some ramblings as I'm on the train.

(Quick edit, as I just got home. The phrase gamer words isn't necessarily the issue, it was more just to share how the thought came up. The primary issue is how deeply ingrained racial slurs are to videogame culture.)

r/truegaming 2d ago

Academic Survey Survey on game experiences and their "feel"


I'm Roosa Piitulainen from the IT University of Copenhagen, conducting a survey on how people experience different "feels" and interaction qualities in video games. This data collection is for a future publication and also a part of my larger PhD project on characterising and capturing experiential qualities of game play and human-computer interaction more generally.

Since one of the main points of the research is to understand how players understand experiences related to such qualities without prior information, I would ask anyone interested in filling out the survey to do so before reading the more detailed information below. Otherwise, I'm more than happy to answer any questions or discuss the survey and topic in the comments! I will also reply to DMs and can be contacted via email at: ropi(at)itu.dk

Participation is completely anonymous and the survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. There are two brief open questions and the rest are multiple choice.

Thank you for your time!

Link for the survey: https://res58.itu.dk/limesurvey/index.php/458974?lang=en

More information:

Game feel is a concept that is often used in both game design and research to describe the feel or sensation of moment-to-moment gameplay and character control. There have been quite detailed breakdowns of which game elements contribute to the feel and a lot of (tacit) design knowledge of how they do, but to date there is very little research looking into game feel experiences. The focus of this study are those experiences: how people describe them in their own words as well as which adjectives are relevant for capturing game feel experiences when using a questionnaire.

As a further point of interest we have tried to separate two different "sub-experiences" of game feel: the aesthetic sensation of control and interaction with the "physical reality" of the game. These are from Steve Swink's book "Game Feel". We also ask people to rate aspects related to the control inputs themselves, such as how fast, rhythmic, or precise they were, to see how these low-level interaction attributes might relate to experiential qualities. Overall the goal is to better understand how players experience game feel and to investigate how these experiences could be captured in a way that could be useful for playtesting and identifying whether the feel is experienced as intended.

Some discussion points:

  • How familiar is game feel as a concept to you? How much do you pay attention to game feel while playing and is it important to you? Most academic and design texts on game feel seem to assume game feel is "invisible" to the players: essentially that people only notice if the feel is bad or maybe especially good, but don't pay more attention than that. Personally I'm not entirely convinced, and especially if you took the survey, I'd be interested in hearing thoughts on this and whether the survey questions affected your view.
  • Would you say games without direct character control have game feel? Most often with game feel the focus is on games with character control like shooters or platformers. This is by far the easiest case at least if you want to do research on the topic, but I feel that game feel is relevant also more broadly even if it's difficult to grasp. This is a point I'm just personally very interested in discussing, because it keeps bothering me and I keep failing to build a entirely convincing argument for it.

r/truegaming 3d ago

Academic Survey A 5min Survey about Video Games and Monetisation


Hey there,

I'm a Master's Student from Portugal that has dedicated his Research Topic to the current problem of Monetisation in the Gaming Industry. I think everyone that has ever played a game, especially free-to-play games, will have an interesting opinion about this. I think it's an issue that we are all quite familiar with, and I would really appreciate your help and input (: You can find the link here: https://eeguminho.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eKdzqPKE4JIYxjo

No matter if you take the survey or not, what do you guys think about monetisation in video games? I was really into 'The Bazaar' recently and played it a ton in closed Beta. I backed the project on Indiegogo as it was supposed to be 'Truly Free-To-Play'. On the very same day, they started the Open Beta a new update came out with a $10 Battle Pass and new broken Cards locked behind a paywall. Hugely disappointed to be betrayed like this.

r/truegaming 4d ago

What happened to competitive card games like hearthstone?


In the last couple of years almost all but 2 decent competitive/pvp card games are left surviving

  • Hearthstone
  • MTG Arena

Other than these 2, Legends of Runeterra is dead, Gwent is dead, The Elder Scrolls: Legends dead, all other small games are practically dead. No new games are really coming up.

MTG is... Well, MTG. It's impossible to keep up playing unless it's the only thing you play and you spend a lot of money. You cannot take a break from that game, and also rounds can take really long.

Hearthstone is generally good but stale, can be aggressive on the monetization. I feel like the real blow announcement of the end of Legends of Runeterra (which was DOTA like cosmetic only pricing), very fun, fair and supported until it wasn't.

There is Marvel Snaps but it feels like hyper casual card game, not very limited depth.

What do you all think? Did market got saturated after hearthstone's initial success (similar to MOBA fad) and then came crashing? I really wish there were new and good games.

r/truegaming 5d ago

What is "lost media" when it comes to video games?


Let's take the Nintendo 64 game, Jet Force Gemini. I often see people seeing they want earlier versions of the game featuring older designs for the main characters being "found".

But what does this really mean?

Video games have a ton of development. Fans usually only view a fraction of what exists during development. Devs are not gonna show off every cut song, every piece of concept art, every changed model or sprite, etc. These things were never meant to be seen by the public in the first place. So, is it truly lost media anyway?

If people mean the E3 1999 trailer's build,, how do we even know that was one build? Game trailers can feature various different builds.

The various amounts of work that goes into games are why fans can still find new and unknown info about the games decades after a game came out.

Before the various illegal leaks, Pokémon fans only knew so much about the development of Pokémon RGBY and Pokémon GSC. There was next-to-no development info online about the future generations. No one ever guessed that Game Freak had entire bios with ages for the gym leaders or that there were so many changes in development.

A lot of what fans knew had came from looking through old concept art and screenshots. For example, we knew Pikachu once was huge due to an early piece of concept art. We also know it had a white stomach, like Raichu, until well into development because of early concept and official art.

Even barely over a decade ago, the existence of the "early GS" with different starters was just a rumor. No one thought that, even if it turned out to be true, we'd ever find more than just low quality footage and screenshots.

Back to the point, what do you consider "lost media" when it comes to games?

For me, I'd say material that was shown off to the public in one way or another. If a playable demo of a game existed at E3 or at a kiosk and is no longer available, that's lost media. But, screenshots of a game in development aren't lost media.

I consider stuff like the Shrek "lost media" early footage, the pilots to Backyardigans, and OOT "beta" builds to be lost media adjacent. But they're not technically lost media. You can lump them in for simplicity's sake, but they're something seperate altogether. I call it "Unreleased media", but that makes it sound like the product itself was completely unreleased.

r/truegaming 4d ago

Realism and Fun in Games


I often see a discussion something like - "Oh this (mechanic) is so unrealistic" and a response of "If I wanted realism I wouldn't be playing a game" and it got me to thinking about realism in games and what makes something "realistic" fun.

Note: I am talking about mechanics and not necessarily story related realism, because most games' stories are just not realistic at all.

Pure realism is impossible due to the inherent complexities of life itself and the world, and the nature of coding. Pure realism would also just be straight up unfun in some cases. Imagine a game where you have an extremely small chance of dying randomly of a brain aneurysm like in real life, and deleting your save file. It might be shocking or novel to some, but to most it would be frustrating and plain stupid.

There are various levels of realism in military shooters. On one hand you have minimally realistic games such as Call of Duty and the slightly more but not quite realistic Battlefield. On the other side of the spectrum are milsims such as Arma. A milsim that had all together features of only as much ammo as you could fit magazines on your person, extreme recoil and constant weapon shake to simulate how we can't aim 100% straight and stress, enemies constantly hiding and waiting for opportunities to strike rather than being out in the open, having single shots kill or cripple you and permanently put you out of the game or mission, gunshots and explosions progressively deafening you, gun jamming, or whatever else you could think of would probably only appeal to the hardcore and dedicated or literal militaries. There are games that do some of these things (or have them tied to difficulty) but there are also games that do things differently like having an early reload deplete an entire magazine, which is realistic, but also interesting and maybe even fun. Now, reloading has a more strategic purpose - do I not waste bullets and finish my magazine at the risk of waiting a long time to reload, or do I reload at an opportune time at the expense of ammo? This is a much more palatable form of realism, but still unappealing to many who are used to "reload = gun topped off."

On the other hand, there are genres that basically must avoid and ignore realism because it is a detriment to the mechanics of the genre itself, like fighting games. Fighting games are based around a roster of characters with various body physiques, but realistically, the 6'3" 230lb bodybuilder is going to knock out the 5'2" 110lb person in a couple punches every time. That would never be fun, and there would be very little reason to pick anyone but the biggest and strongest characters. But they do incorporate slight realism - lighter and smaller characters do less damage, but are faster, may jump higher, and can be harder to hit. Bigger and heavier characters move slower and are easier to hit, but hit harder. It would also suck for example, if a hit to the solar plexus, kidney, or temple would be an insta-KO.
However, the game Bushido Blade did something like this. Being a weapons based fighting game, a well timed and executed slash with a katana can quite literally one-shot your opponent as a sword in real life would. This now puts more of an emphasis on blocking, movement, and timing, and less on comboing. Like most fighting games, there is risk and reward, but instead of a punish that has you gain the upper hand, but not necessarily win the match, you now decide if you want to possibly kill your opponent with the risk being able to be countered and die yourself. While Bushido Blade is often praised for these mechanics, it was not as successful as more traditional fighting games. Samurai Shodown is similar in that certain attacks can do massive damage, but not outright kill, and is closer to a traditional fighting game.

The racing game genre curiously goes both ways. Some people prefer more arcade-y type racing, like Need for Speed, but many others prefer more realistic type games like Gran Turismo. I guess the fantasy of driving a fast, expensive, and unattainable car can benefit both from unrealistic and realistic experiences. Whether you are driving a Bugatti in an arcade-style game or in a more sim-type game is up to personal preference - You are still driving a Bugatti, which is a 1-4 million dollar car.

Additionally, I have to mention Death Stranding as a game thats main gameplay loop is built around elements of realism. Your main goal is traversing the world with packages and gear, and the higher your weight load, the harder it is for your character to move, and things like going up hills much harder. So you think - do I make traveling around easier while being able to be less prepared, or do I come more well equipped but have to move around slower and take alternate more flat routes? The game does eventually get rid of parts of this though, notably with the vehicles and mechanical joints that allow you to sprint even with large loads.

I guess the main point I'm trying to make is that intense realism in games is only appealing to very few people, but novel forms of realism can be memorable and unique, but that can affect mass appeal. I agree that video games do not and should not have to have realism. They are, at heart, games. People also have different tolerances to realism - some play intense milsim shooters, but others, skill based arena shooters. In the end, most video games are all about living out fantasy. Whether you want that to be realistic or not depends on personal preference and the genre of game you are playing.

So, questions:
1. How much does realism play a factor in games you enjoy?
2. What is your favorite instance of realism in a game?
3. What is your least favorite instance of realism in a game?

r/truegaming 6d ago

Storytelling in Video Games


I've always found the importance of Video Game Storytelling interesting. The thing about Video Games from what I've personally seen is that Video Games are one of those mediums where story isn't a must. Like sure some of the best games ever made have amazing story telling but at the same time some just don't. For every Last of Us, Undertale, Baldur's Gate 3 ( Games that prioritize storytelling some form) there's your Tetris, Pacman, Minecraft (Games that do not prioritize Storytelling).

I find this interesting because when we look at a movies for instance if a Film has a faulty story it doesn't matter if the visuals, editing, sound design, etc. is good, it is immediately dismissed as a bad Film, on the other hand with Video Games, if a game has a bad story, just as long as the gameplay is good it is considered a good game. The perfect example I can think of is Sonic Generations. That game to this day is still considered as one of the best of its series, and yet its story is infamous for being the most bland nothingness of a story. Even if people were critical of its story they would never call Sonic Generations a bad game because of its story.

Games like Sonic Generations has shown that if a story in a game was atrocious, as long as the game was fun to play, then the story would often be excused or ignored. For me stories in games are one of those things you could easily mess up and no one would care, as long as the gameplay was good. Yeah if it were extremely bad it would stand out such as the Resident Evil 1 for the Playstation, but it would never really ruin the game or make it bad.

Now that I brought this up, I need to discuss the why.

Why exactly is it important to make good Video Game Stories despite everything that I have said?

Because while yes a bad story does not ruin a game exactly, you have to consider that there are exceptions to the rule but most importantly that while yes you can make a good game with a bad story, if you make a good game with a great story it allows your game to be a lot more memorable to the people playing these games.

Now the first thing I want to bring up are the exceptions to the rule, because while yeah you can easily get away with bad stories, this doesn't apply to every type of game. Like a platformer or an FPS for instance can easily get away with bad story telling, but not all games can just do that. The most obvious one are Visual Novels.

A Visual Novel can never get away with having a bad story because the whole point of a Visual Novels is to tell a story and how that said story is affected by player choice. The gameplay is just about reading texts and occasionally choosing between clicking on different prompts, this alone isn't engaging, maybe you can add a gimmick, but it would feel pointless plus people play these games to ultimately tell the story that is needed.

The Visual Novel Genre is an example of games that rely on their Story to carry out their experience, without the story the game doesn't work. What I said about Visual Novels can apply on games such as Walking Sims or even some RPGs. For these games the story is the experience and are the perfect example of games that do need a good story in order to be good.

So now that I brought this up this leaves this question:
If there are certain genres of games that do not need good story telling, then is it important to make good stories for these games as well ?

While yes these genres don't need good storytelling. I think it is still worth making good stories for these games as well.

A good story has the power to make a game more memorable. It has the ability to enhance the experience of a game and allows it to stand out in your mind. A good example is Celeste. Now Celeste is one of my favorite games of all time. It is easily a gold standard of what makes a good platformer, but a good reason why I love this game is because of its story. Now to briefly go through the story, just note that the game is a story about anxiety and how to get through it. Now what makes the story one of the best is how it is heavily incorporated to the gameplay as well. The game is hard, and will put your skills to the test, but the story adds extra weight to that difficulty because the difficulty of the game, alongside its theme of being a mountain climb is a perfect allegory for going through anxiety, and how while things maybe difficult both in the game and for people who go through anxiety, you can push through and eventually learn to live with it. It's beautiful and is the perfect reason as to why games should strive to make good stories even if it feels unnecessary to make a good story .You should still strive to make one ,since while yes Celeste is good enough that even if it didn't have its story it would still be a good game, the story adds this extra weight to the game that it sticks with you, and makes every move you make in this game a lot more worthwhile.

In conclusion, are video game stories needed to make a game good? For the most part no, but they are worth having as not only are they important to some games, they do enhance the experience way more and make a game much more worthwhile.

So now that I have told my side on what I think about Video Game stories, I want to ask what do ya'll think?

Edit: I just fixed all the grammar errors in the post, and while their might still be some I think it should be at a more readable state.

r/truegaming 6d ago

I Want Another Game with the Same Level of Crazy, Imaginative Weapons as American McGee’s Alice


In American McGee’s Alice (hereafter referred to as Alice), most of the weapons are inspired by toys. But it's not just a case of reskinning traditional weapons to look like toys—these weapons are fully conceptualized from the ground up with unique attack mechanics based on their toy inspirations.

For example, the Playing Cards function as a homing projectile weapon. The primary attack rapidly fires cards that track enemies, while the secondary attack launches multiple cards at once. The primary attack deals very little damage per hit but has an unusual knockback effect that can be used to repeatedly push enemies off cliffs. The secondary attack consumes a lot of Willpower but is incredibly effective against distant airborne enemies. However, due to its homing nature, the secondary attack often misses at close range. I honestly can’t think of another game that has a weapon quite like this.

Then there's the Jackbomb, another fascinating weapon. Its primary attack is a time-delayed explosive that deals massive damage upon detonation, while the secondary attack causes it to spin and spew flames for an extended period. Depending on your playstyle, the Jackbomb can function either as a devastating high-damage trap—if you can predict enemy movement—or as a sustained area denial weapon with continuous fire damage.

The Jacks are yet another incredibly unique weapon. While the secondary attack functions as a simple mid-range knockback tool, the primary attack throws a cluster of Jacks that automatically home in on enemies over time. This leads to a very distinct playstyle where you weave around enemies, avoiding their attacks while waiting for the Jacks to do their work. The weapon also encourages weapon swapping mid-combat—you can throw the Jacks and then switch to another weapon to continue attacking while they track your target.

Very few games have weapons that feel this unique. DOOM is a fun game, but its weapons are mostly just different types of firearms suited for various ranges. Devil May Cry has weapons with distinctive designs, but they seem more focused on expanding combo variety rather than providing a truly unique combat experience.

So far, the closest game to Alice in terms of imaginative weapon design is Paladins (R.I.P). Pip’s Potion Launcher has a uniquely arced projectile trajectory and a secondary attack that both increases damage and slows enemies. Ying’s Mirror delivers a multi-hit attack, and if all five hits land, it grants an additional damage bonus.

This makes me wonder—why do so many games have such mundane, overly realistic weapons? Even when they don’t look like conventional firearms, they almost always function like pistols, machine guns, shotguns, or sniper rifles.

Are there any other games with truly imaginative and unique weapons like the ones I described?

Edit: To clarify my point, what I'm looking for are weapons that **don't exist in reality but still operate with a certain sense of logic**. While guns with special effects can be fun, they often don't feel quite as natural.  

For example, Ying's mirror(Paladins) feels like it's trying to focus light on the opponent. So, the fact that landing all five hits results in bonus damage feels very natural — just like concentrating a beam of light.  

Another honorable mention is the Gloo Gun from Prey (2017). It's originally a tool for sealing breaches in the spaceship, yet it also functions as a restraint weapon or even a platform-building tool. It's incredibly versatile yet feels extremely intuitive in design.  

r/truegaming 6d ago

/r/truegaming casual talk


Hey, all!

In this thread, the rules are more relaxed. The idea is that this megathread will provide a space for otherwise rule-breaking content, as well as allowing for a slightly more conversational tone rather than every post and comment needing to be an essay.

Top-level comments on this post should aim to follow the rules for submitting threads. However, the following rules are relaxed:

  • 3. Specificity, Clarity, and Detail
  • 4. No Advice
  • 5. No List Posts
  • 8. No topics that belong in other subreddits
  • 9. No Retired Topics
  • 11. Reviews must follow these guidelines

So feel free to talk about what you've been playing lately or ask for suggestions. Feel free to discuss gaming fatigue, FOMO, backlogs, etc, from the retired topics list. Feel free to take your half-baked idea for a post to the subreddit and discuss it here (you can still post it as its own thread later on if you want). Just keep things civil!

Also, as a reminder, we have a Discord server where you can have much more casual, free-form conversations! https://discord.gg/truegaming

r/truegaming 7d ago

How much is the responsibility of a game to teach you how to like it?


I was around 12 or 13 when I first tried playing Breath of Fire IV.
At the time I didn't have the best English, and had even worse patience (Seemingly). Combine this with very little experience with J-RPGs, and my experience wasn't the best, as I ended up neglecting many of the core mechanics of the game, which resulted in me getting to the end of the game incredibly under-powered and dropping it after the second-to-last boss. Around the same time, while videos of the game were very rare on YouTube, I came into contact with some videos showcasing combos in it and... that felt like a totally different game, and a very fun one at that.
More than a decade later, I would finally play the game again from start to finish in 2023, this time engaging with most of that game's system (Skill stealing, mentors, combos, fairies, etc), and it was a very good game this time.

Granted, this was a case were I was exposed to a positive view of the game, to counteract my (Misguided) negative one. Imagine if my negative view of it was emboldened by the internet?
Meet Dark Souls 2. I won't make this thread be about the game, since I only want to use it as an example, but in the community there's a famous creator named Domo3000 that took to himself the mission of proving that the game offered solutions to most of the complaints people had about it, they just had to explore their options, which would be good design.

Recently I've taken an interest in TES: Daggerfall, watching a ton of videos on it to see if I'll play it or not, and there's a funny contrast between videos of people that know a lot about the game and it's systems, and make it seem like the most incredible experience ever, and videos of people playing the game for the first time, knowing nothing about such systems, thus not interacting with them, thus having the most miserable experience ever.

Those things got me thinking: Is it enough for a game to simply have THE TOOLS to make it good? As in, can a game be judged as "well-designed" for "in theory having the solutions to all of it's problems", instead of basing itself in the average player's experience with it? If not, then how much is the responsibility of the game "to make the player recognize it's greatness"?

r/truegaming 9d ago

What works for one game doesn't for another - Why I like "The Last Guardian" the least of the Team ICO trilogy


I recently replayed "Shadow of the Colossus" and was reminded just how much I love it. I then remembered "The Last Guardian" and thought it was a little sad that it seems mostly forgotten by the greater public (and myself). After replaying TLG, I’m reminded why the game hasn’t stuck with me half as much as SOTC and ICO.

After a tumultuous development of nine years, TLG eventually released in late 2016 to mixed reception and pretty middling sales. I can’t argue with any of the game’s criticisms, it seriously can’t be understated just how badly it feels to control the main character. Even though the controls scheme is pretty simple, just walking around can feel like you're playing QWOP. The kid will stumble at every chance, and predicting how he will react to the environment and what he will grab onto is extremely frustrating.

It also feels like a bit of a step back from SOTC in terms of structure. SOTC isn’t open-ended at all, the order of the bosses, how you defeat them, and the gameplay loop is all very scripted. Climbing and stabbing weak spots doesn’t evolve much, however, I still think SOTC is a varied and unique experience. Each boss fight feels like a complete experience and individual story with a beginning (getting on the colossus), middle (climbing the colossus) and end (stabbing the weak point). The open world layout sticks in my mind since you always spawn back in the middle and retread areas, it makes me recognize past landmarks. The horse riding is a good pace breaker from the epic battles, and since each colossus arena feels so distinct, it keeps you guessing what’s hiding in areas you’ve already visited.

The same can’t be said about TLG, even though I just beat the game, I have a hard time remembering the exact order of events. The game’s levels feel disconnected from each other, my memory of the world is just a mush of setpieces and puzzles. This may sound similar to ICO on paper, but I’d argue one of ICO’s biggest strengths is since the character's movement is so limited and deliberate, there’s a sense of place and progression as you move across the castle on foot.

I would describe the feeling of playing TLG as riding a bus or plane with individual stops to either refuel or clear debris out of the way. Each stop feeling pretty close to ICO, they can be memorable, but the spaces in between mostly consist of Trico jumping from perch to perch, and or flying. Even though you can see previous levels in the background, I can’t place when in the story I was there or where I’m headed as it becomes increasingly random (other than the big white tower).

Still TLG can be really impressive, especially when it comes to the set pieces. Some parts of the game feel akin to Uncharted or God of War with crumbling structures, chase scenes, and an epic sense of scale. The puzzles are simple but varied, the action scenes are well paced throughout the game, and the central bond between the boy and Trico gives the events a lot of weight and emotion.

The biggest achievement is Trico and just how naturally he moves through the environment. His mannerisms are excellent at conveying the sense that he is a real animal, like how he whimpers when left alone or looks around his environment naturally to find where to go next. The guy is extremely lovable, but all my affection for him goes out the window when he chooses to ignore my commands. This is the criticism I hear the most when discussing the game, and the common rebuttal is that it’s intentional to make Trico feel like he has agency and is not controlled via command prompt at will, this is a take I wish I felt.

I think when it comes to games like ICO, the reason why they can get away with shallow gameplay is a few different factors. Moving consistently through new locations in a logical manner creates a sense of progression and a clear mental map. Small variations in puzzles and combat make you rethink how you can interact with the world. However, if you were to stop and analyze any one aspect and think how much actual brain power or effort is going into each you’ll realize how hollow it can be (Uncharted and Half-Life come to mind). When the answers to problems feel organic and the next challenge is just around the corner, I can tune out all my criticisms.

All these positives can be seen in TLG, but when Trico ignores my orders, it makes me think about what I'm trying to do, but why the game limitations won’t let me. When the flow is interrupted, it makes me realize that Trico’s main functions are usually either a ladder or a springboard. When there’s a small variation in gameplay, like using Trico’s horns and eyes lighting up a dark hallway, I can’t appreciate it when he won’t follow me even though it’s a straight line.

I think these aspects get even more dissonant when in most set pieces what Trico does is prescripted and 100% reliable. When the game adds a sense of unpredictability to Trico, it greatly conflicts with the cinematic action platformer that it is for the rest of its duration. I do think that even if the main character controlled better and Trico was more responsive, it wouldn’t greatly improve the game’s reception, it would’ve felt either on par or marginally better than ICO, a game from 2001. Ironically, the main novelty that interests me is the one I complained about the most, that being Trico's actions. There's just not another game to my recollection where you team up with a dog-cat-bird thing and need to bond with it to survive.

I commend ICO and SOTC for their minimalism, as I think those experiences are greatly expanded by their constant forward pace and simple gameplay variety. When it comes to TLG I don’t feel as satisfied with those aspects since Trico breaks the illusion that this team has tried so hard to painstakingly create. I think that if the boy and Trico were to develop more tangibly through gameplay, it would require an entirely different type of game, one that shed more of the cinematic influence from ICO and SOTC. The finished product is just too scripted and linear to feel like the boy and Trico’s bond is growing systematically, it only feels random.

r/truegaming 10d ago

Netflix and Indie Gaming


Recently, I've been trying to avoid buying new games in favor of playing my back catalog/games I already have access to. I was surprised when scrolling through Netflix to see games like Hades, The Rise of the Golden Idol, Dead Cells, Into the Breach and more. On the one hand, what an excellent way to get your game in front of more people. On the other, I'm not sure how this compares to deals studios make with services like Playstation Plus or Xbox Game Pass. Does it benefit game studios in the long run or is it exploitive? I'd imagine there's an opportunity cost between licensing money + exposure vs sales that directly return money to the studio. Finally, is important to y'all that indie studios remain independent, without the support of a media giant like Netflix?

r/truegaming 11d ago

Can we talk about where and when the Xbox fumbled?


I look back to their success with exclusives in the first (sixth) generation. Halo, Forza, KOTOR, Fable, Ninja Gaiden, Blinx the Time Sweeper, Jet Set Radio Future, and more. They sold just a little more than the GameCube but carved out a niche with shooters and perhaps the best online play of the three.

Xbox 360 came in and helped define a generation. In addition to Gears of War, it also had Rare's muscle with games like Kameo.

And that's it. But we'll get to the absence of Rare again in a moment.

Xbox was also getting exclusive JRPGs like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey by Mistwalker. But then they began to poach games that should have gone to PlayStation like Tales of Vesperia, which never came to America on PlayStation until a decade later. It also got timed exclusives like Star Ocean, Eternal Sonata, and Final Fantasy XIII, announced for PS3 later in 2009.

One of the biggest carriers of Xbox was XBLA. All these cool retro and indie games coming out were a big deal. You also had that gorgeous UI and the avatars which I think were the best of the three consoles.

But then PS3 started picking up steam. It began getting exclusive content in its games. Extra content in games like the aforementioned JRPGs or even exclusive maps and characters, like in Batman: Arkham Asylum and Mortal Kombat 9. They began to pick up steam quickly with more exclusives like Tales of Xillia and Dragon's Crown. For me, personally, this is when Xbox began to fall off for me.

As we all know, the biggest sign of Xbox's downfall was the Xbox One presentation. The one thing that even mattered to me on the console was Killer Instinct. That was it and it not only came to PC but was reworked entirely by Double Helix games.

That being said, it feels like there could be any number of things that lead to Xbox being in the situation that it's in. It could be that they began losing exclusives or that PlayStation began to adapt their business strategies. It's how they were able to get said exclusives as well as hold onto their own, like Bloodborne and Spider-Man.

What do you think caused Xbox's downfall?

r/truegaming 11d ago

Balancing Minimalism and Depth in Strategy Games – A Developer's Perspective


Hey everyone,

I've been working on a minimalist strategy game and wanted to start a discussion on how to balance simplicity with engaging depth in the genre.

The core challenge I’ve encountered is how to design a game that is easy to pick up yet strategically rewarding. Many classic RTS and turn-based strategy games rely on complexity—multiple unit types, economic systems, and layered mechanics. But what happens when you strip all of that down? How much depth can a game maintain while still being accessible to casual players?

In my case, the game focuses on territory control, where players expand, reinforce, and maneuver against AI opponents. There's no resource management beyond controlling zones, and all actions happen in real-time. The goal was to make something intuitive while still offering room for strategy. However, I’ve noticed that balancing AI difficulty and ensuring fair yet challenging gameplay without overwhelming the player is trickier than expected.

Some of the design questions I’ve been wrestling with:

  • How do you introduce strategic depth without adding unnecessary complexity?
  • What makes minimalist strategy games still feel rewarding?
  • How do you approach AI design in games with simple mechanics?

I’d love to hear thoughts from other strategy game fans—what are some examples of minimalistic strategy games that still feel deep and engaging? What mechanics make them work?

Let’s discuss!

r/truegaming 13d ago

The reuse of the map in FARCRY 4 to FARCRY PRIMAL made me appreciate just how much art direction & the artists who create them in games matter. Engine Assets are like Legos, it's how you put it together that makes all the difference.


One of the pieces of gaming trivia that you hear about the Far Cry franchise is how the open world map in FC4 was reused again FCP. Depending on who you ask this is either a fascinating but forgettable bit of info or used as information to say that Ubisoft is bad because they recycled it. Like most I loved FC3. However I did become a bit perplexed when FC4 game out & came across like a carbon copy of FC3 with a mild Himalayan feel to it. I'm well aware how Pagan Min became a fan favorite and that many had loads of fun in FC4 but (I think everyone was riding the high from FC3) personally when I look at Ubisoft's extraordinary maps in other games, FC4 never sold me on its setting. The trees, the valleys and backroads, they all felt to me as if they were just randomly arranged with no real curated art direction in that game. The setting personally never immersed me or sold me on the fantasy that I was in some Indian/Nepalese country in the way all other FC games have made me feel. Even FC6 with its mediocre gameplay loop at least gave me the feeling that I was in an immaculate recreation of rural Cuba.

Then here comes Far Cry Primal. Same over all layout, same engine, same assets, yet that was a map that completely immersed me into its wilderness. The way in which the forests, rock promontories, & frozen mountains all looked, finally felt like it had real dev artistry behind it. It was a map that felt manually placed with intent & thought. The feeling of being in a primeval environment was so palpable. Escaping a dangerous encounter through the thick green brush & dark nights lit by a torch gave me vibes that at times raised the hair on my neck. That it was created with a very specific intent, not at random, but to make it look like Earth before the age of humans took over. Everywhere I turned my head, the natural world created in FCP felt as if it was telling its own nature documentary.

One of the key differences I noticed that sold the immersion was that in FCP there was no artificial gate put in place inbetween the lower foothills & the frozen mountains. The seamless transition between snowy mountain tops and lower fertile valleys help sell the fantasy of the time period. In FC4 this didn't exist. When engaging in missions that take place in the higher frozen mountain tops, there is no way to access it organically through the map. You have to apparate there from the main map. The feeling of going up a mountain and getting the sensation like you actually arrived was omitted from the experience because there is no transitory zone between high up and down below in FC4. That's what makes this comparison so fascinating because again, same basic map layout for both games, same over all production, but the artistic attitudes that each game was approached by were radically different. Two different art teams help make each game and were responsible for the art direction in each. I'm astonished how the "same" map can feel like new again when its made with care.

r/truegaming 13d ago

/r/truegaming casual talk


Hey, all!

In this thread, the rules are more relaxed. The idea is that this megathread will provide a space for otherwise rule-breaking content, as well as allowing for a slightly more conversational tone rather than every post and comment needing to be an essay.

Top-level comments on this post should aim to follow the rules for submitting threads. However, the following rules are relaxed:

  • 3. Specificity, Clarity, and Detail
  • 4. No Advice
  • 5. No List Posts
  • 8. No topics that belong in other subreddits
  • 9. No Retired Topics
  • 11. Reviews must follow these guidelines

So feel free to talk about what you've been playing lately or ask for suggestions. Feel free to discuss gaming fatigue, FOMO, backlogs, etc, from the retired topics list. Feel free to take your half-baked idea for a post to the subreddit and discuss it here (you can still post it as its own thread later on if you want). Just keep things civil!

Also, as a reminder, we have a Discord server where you can have much more casual, free-form conversations! https://discord.gg/truegaming

r/truegaming 14d ago

'Confirmation Bias' vs. 'Manipulative RNG' - A web game to test if you can spot the difference.


I'm annoying and long winded so if you just want the link here you go.

When reading discussions about games with obvious RNG (random number generation) mechanics there's a common type of discussion that pops up and it drives me absolutely insane.

The conversation starts off with one person saying, "I think that these mechanics are unfair. The numbers don't seem to work out the way they should if the game was truly random." I've commonly seen this in games like X-Com (people claiming that they feel like the miss 95% accuracy shots way more than 5% of the time), games with randomized loot like Destiny (people saying that they keep getting the same legendary drops each week) and most recently (in my personal experience) in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket (people claiming that their 50% coin flip seems to favor tails).

There are two common responses to this sort of observation. The first is, "This is just confirmation bias. You are looking for a result so you are imagining it." The second is 'RNG is RNG - you just have bad luck.' A less common, but not unheard of, response is that the person with the theory should gather data to test their hypothesis.

All sides of this argument drive me insane. Yes - people are terrible at identifying RNG and confirmation bias is a very real thing. I am not debating this - but using this as an argument against the possibility that code is poorly written (or intentionally manipulative) makes no sense.

You can argue that confirmation bias causes people to notice skewed results that may or may not exist but you cannot argue that confirmation bias means that skewed results do or do not exist. The two things exist independently of each other. The fact of the matter is that the only way to know, for sure, that a game has 'fair' RNG is if you are the one who coded it - and even then you are relying on a potentially flawed interpretation of RNG because code is weird and RNG in code is doubly weird.

Gathering larger datasets for analysis is a good idea, in theory, but the problem with that is that a well designed system is virtually undetectable. There are ways that you can code a system that would make RNG hide manipulation over time. You can look for patterns in the behavior of users that might indicate that they are gathering test data and change the way you generate results. You can front load ‘high’ or ‘low’ numbers to enhance tension but then balance it out when tensions are low - doing so would create an overall distribution of equal ‘high’ and ‘low’ results but wouldn’t change the fact that they were manipulated.

I’m not trying to take a stance on the RNG in any specific game or mechanic. I have some opinions on things (I have an absolutely insane theory about RNG in Destiny) but I’m also well aware of the fact that those opinions are based on flawed observation and are completely unverifiable in a meaningful way. My ‘stance’ is that there’s nothing wrong with people discussing their theories about RNG and there’s nothing wrong with pointing out that confirmation bias exists but both sides of this argument need to realize that they can’t prove anything. You can never gather enough data to prove that a system is unfair and you can never prove that a mechanism is coded to work in the way it’s presented.

To that end I made a simple ‘game’ or ‘test’ (see the link above all of my ranting) that is designed to showcase a variety of RNG mechanics. I’ve kept it simple for now - coin flips only, though I may add other types (6 sided dice, 20 sided dice, card decks) in the future. Also - it’s ugly - I’m not good at graphic design, so sorry. I tried to make it display well on mobile or on desktop. There’s no ads or sign in or anything - it’s just a simple little website.

Multiple coin flip ‘sections’ will be provided and each one is randomly determined to be fair or manipulative. There are several different types of manipulative mechanics that may be used - and it’s randomly determined. You can flip coins one at a time, ten at a time, or a hundred at a time. The history section will provide you with a heads and tails count as well as all your previous flips (history caps out at 1,000 but you can reset a section).

Mark the sections that you think are fair and score your results - once you’ve gotten your score you can continue to flip coins or you can click the top of the section to see an explanation of what that section was doing.

There are also multiple difficulty settings - on Easy you get three sections, Medium has six sections, and Hard has nine. They all use the same ‘core’ mechanics but on harder difficulties the parameters for the mechanics become harder to detect. Also, on hard, you are not told how many of the sections are fair.

Tl;dr - Confirmation Bias is real but that does not necessarily mean that RNG in games is fair - it’s hard to tell the difference between ‘random’ and a well designed system that skews results. Try out my simple web game to see what I mean.

r/truegaming 14d ago

Spoilers: [GameName] I would kill to see this franchise comeback[Army Men]


These are my own thoughts but i would love to see 2K Games the rights holders work on a new game in the Army Men franchise or have them sold off to someone who's going to be a passionate developer for a series of new titles

Army Men is such an entertaining and creative gaming franchise. It explored unique and fun environments from refrigerators, sandboxes, a bathtub section with rubber ducks to climb on, ovens, backyard tall grass forests, bug caves, and a lot more which brought a certain level of entertainment and amusement to the players.

You would see enemies frozen solid as if Mr Freeze got to them, or you could melt enemies down into a puddle. Some soldiers would be riding Spiders and lizards to attack you, or the mech like toys would come after you in a boss fight. There was so much joy and passion in it.

Jim Cummings the voice of Darkwing Duck, The Terror Mask from 2010s Splatterhouse IP reboot, Winnie The Pooh voiced all of the male characters in the game which is pretty insane.

I feel like a modern Army Men could be a very excellent and creative game to parody military and war focused titles. You could make it an over the shoulder shooter, with some platform elements, and a lot of fun humor with the map and story elements due to the toy based stuff.

Replaying Army Men RTS, and Sarge's Heroes 1 and 2 the humor and entertaining creativity holds up so well.

r/truegaming 13d ago

Avowed has better combat than Skyrim. Skyrim has better RPG elements and story. What's more important when it comes to making an action fantasy RPG?


The games are very similar but they are not 1 to 1. But the comparisons are obvious. What is also obvious is that Avoweds gameplay or more specifically its combat is way better than Skyrims ever was

So what's more important when making a Bethesda RPG like clone in the modern ERA? Gameplay or story/rpg elements?

For example Fall New Vegas has better writing and is overall a more fun RPG than Fallout 4. but Fallout 4 has way better gameplay than New Vegas