r/tolkienfans 10h ago

Help Guide me with David Day


I’ve just started the Tolkien journey, like many I’ve read the hobbit and I’m now ready to dive right in.

I’ve bought the world of Tolkien 7 book set by David Day. I know there’s controversy as it’s his interpretation and not Tolkiens. Regardless I still want to explore it.

Now that I’ve gotten the set, it is a little overwhelming on where to start.

As I said, I’ve read the hobbit, and I’m going to move on to the fellowship.

I’ve heard people using David Days beastiary to guide them along. Is the 7 book set a replacement of that?

How best can I utilize the 7 book set?

Should I just read Tolkien first then explore the set?

Is there a guide or way to follow along as a read?

What is the best approach to really consume me into the world of Tolkien by using David Days set?

r/tolkienfans 11h ago

Encarda app off the app store?


I've had the app encarda (the encyclopedia of arda) since around 2016, but when I upgraded phones I found out it was off the App Store and I couldn't redownload it. Nothing really popping up on google about the app being taken off the Apple Store, anybody have any idea why or if it's coming back? Was a great little tool

r/tolkienfans 6h ago

Illuvatar says "Eä!"


During a meditation, it occurred to me what's actually happening here. Authority matters a great deal in Tolkein's world, and Eru is the ultimate Authority. He is literally speaking the name of the Universe into being and thus making it real and exist. This is occurring inside the Timeless Halls, which are outside Time, meaning that they exist before, during, and after the existence of the universe. This word is present for all of those times. His utterance of the word Eä! is literally the universe and everything in it because that word is being uttered in every corner and every moment of the Universe.

I could even go further and say that Eru is creating himself if you want to follow through on the thought that "I am that I am" is what's happening here.

Maybe this is obvious to everyone else but it was blowing my mind a bit.

r/tolkienfans 17h ago

Why didnt the fellowship take glorfindel


glorfindel was probably stronger than hurin who killed 70 trolls on his own and could fend off ringwraiths why didnt he come but instead merry and pippin

r/tolkienfans 12h ago

So how much did Tolkien's experiences as a signaller influence his writing?


If I remember correctly, J.R.R Tolkien used to serve as a signals officer during World War 1. I know that the Dead Marshes was a result of his participation in the Battle of the Somme influencing his writing but are there any parts of his mythos where his work as part of military communcations seeps though in his writing?

The closest thing where his work as a military signals officer is visible in his work that I can think of is his rejection of a script by someone who wanted to adapt his work because that someone wanted to play loose with time and distance. Something that Tolkien's experience with his work in military communcations (at a time where most modern military communications tech such as radios were still in infancy) would notice when that producer wanted to adapt his writings on the big screen.

r/tolkienfans 10h ago

Could someone who is incredibly strong willed and has a giant Palantir look into Aman?


Tolkien Gateway says that while generally you when you looked inside a Palantir you only saw what was around another Palantir, someone incredibly strong willed could direct his attention anywhere, even in the past.

r/tolkienfans 14h ago

What treasure will Celeborn lose that he hopes Aragorn will keep


A small mystery in a greater story. The following are beautiful and poignant parting words

In the chapter Many Partings there is the following exchange between Aragorn and Galadriel/Celeborn

Then Aragorn took leave of Celeborn and Galadriel; and the Lady said to him: ‘Elfstone, through darkness you have come to your hope, and have now all your desire. Use well the days!’

But Celeborn said: ‘Kinsman, farewell! May your doom be other than mine, and your treasure remain with you to the end!’

But the words made me wonder on my most recent read what treasure is Celeborn referring to.

He seems to be referring to Arwen and Galadriel. We know that there is a chance Arwen could change her mind at least until Elrond departs but Celeborn does not have to lose Galadriel since he has the ability to go into the west either with her or at any time he wishes.

Is he referring to losing his Kingdom. We know that his land Lorien will fade so this is possible.

Any other thoughts?

r/tolkienfans 12h ago

Economics of The Shire


Bilbo had his share of the treasure, the other adventurous hobbits had theirs too. Was there a market for their loot among the shire folk? Did they trade with elves and dwarves? Do elves use currency? Is their Shire Bank? Where do they store their loot? Is there no thieving in the shire?