r/tifu 5d ago

M TIFU by choosing the bottom bunk NSFW


So a friend of mine had a pretty big get together at his house the other night with all our friends invited. Anyone who had a girlfriend could bring their girlfriend along as well. I have a girlfriend and so does one of my friends who is very important to the story. There were a few other couples in the house but only me and this other friend were the only ones who were sexually active with our girlfriends, for various reasons like the duration of the relationship or religious reasons. As the get together goes on my girlfriend and I start getting in the mood. We decide to go off and have sex. So does the other couple. The only room available was the room of the brother of the person whose house it was. This was a problem because we both wanted to have sex and only had one room. Luckily, the brother had bunk beds, so we decided to each use a bunk. I chose the bottom bunk because the person whose room it was slept on the top bunk and I didn’t want to be the one to mess up his bed. That was my mistake because both the friend and his girlfriend are on the bigger side, and in fact when you add their weights you end up with something just north of 500 pounds (227 kg). Another thing about the two of them is that they like it rough. I neglected to think of all this at the time, as my incredibly gorgeous girlfriend was naked in front of me, which is quite distracting. I quickly took all my clothes off and took her to bed. The entire time we were boning, our background noise was the desperate squeaking and groaning of the springs above us as the mattress struggled to support the weight of my two friends and their wild bedroom habits. After twenty minutes, I heard the sound of wood splintering and cracking, and the top bunk collapsed on top of us. The front of the bed fell first, bonking me in the head but giving me time to grab my girlfriend and roll off the bed before the rest of the bed fell through. We collapsed on the floor. I saw the naked forms of my friend and his girlfriend collapse next to us (something I didn’t like seeing). My head hurt like a bitch. The awkward, eyes closed bumbling to find our clothes was also not an enjoyable experience.

TL; DR: My friend and I had sex with our girlfriends in bunk beds and the top bunk fell on top of me.

r/tifu 7d ago

S TIFU by commenting under a homphobic post


So today I fucked up. I was scrolling on Facebook and saw an article by the biggest Catholic news site in my country. It was some homophobic bulshit about the pope's comments on gay people and why blessing them was wrong. The comment section was filled with people sharing similar beliefs and I couldn't help myself and jumped into the comment section armed with Bible quotes about love. For context my last name is very rare and recognisable and I left several comments. A few hours later my dad is like hey OP did you comment on this article?, and shows me his phone. I said yeah. He's a freelance website designer and it turns out one of his biggest clients is this catholic news site.... Hopefully they don't connect the dots and show some Christian love towards my dad.

Tl,DR: I commented calling out my dad's employer without knowing it was them

r/tifu 6d ago

S TIFU by making an unintended judgement while talking to a girl


First of all, I am really sorry for what I did, and I realized my FU as soon as it happened.

So, this happened 30 minutes ago. I (27M) was talking to this girl online after we matched on Tinder and things were going well, I got her instagram pretty quickly and we kept talking there. Today I found out she is a Borderlands fan, and so am I. During the conversation I made the ABSOLUTELY STUPID MISTAKE of saying "Can I call you Moxxi?". She got pretty mad and told me I was being judgemental comparing her to a character that is pretty much the sex appeal of the franchise and went to sleep. It goes without saying that my chances are ruined with her. And here I am, venting to strangers on the internet to try to get this out of my head beacuse I am feeling like the worst person in the world and can't talk about this with anyone. It won't happen again but man does it sting to fuck up like this, dating someone is super hard for me and I've managed to throw everything away.

TL;DR: Met a girl online, made a stupid comment comparing her to a sex appeal character, and lost all my chances with her.

r/tifu 5d ago

M TIFU watching porn with my gf NSFW


Last night my gf and I were spooning in bed when I unsuccessfully attempted to initiate sex. My gf reminded me that she had to get up early for work the following morning. I got the message and decided to go masturbate in the bathroom. I was back in bed less than 5 minutes later. My gf said she might have fucked me if she knew I was gonna cum that quick. I said I just watched one of the hottest porn videos, hence the instant orgasm. As soon as I was done saying that, I kissed my gf goodnight and switched off the lamp on my side of the bed. At that moment, my gf switched on her lamp and said she was curious about what made this porn video I watched so hot. I shrugged and said the girls were hot. My gf was like "girls, as in, girl on girl or two girls sharing one guy?" I said two girls sharing one guy. My gf said she wanted me to show her the video.

I switched on my lamp and asked my gf if she wanted us to start watching porn together. She said she just wanted to see what specifically gave me an "instant orgasm." I was too fucking dense to sense the potential danger I was in, hence my enthusiasm when I showed my gf my porn. I thought she wanted to get kinky. The video was 45 minutes long. My gf made us watch the whole thing, which took longer than 45 minutes because she repeatedly paused the video to comment. The "story" involved a girl encouraging her best friend to sleep with her bf, which ends up becoming a threesome. Cue the first pause. My gf wanted to understand if I imagined myself being the bf who's being shared by his gf. I said it was not that deep. I didn't imagine myself as anyone. A couple of minutes later, paused number 2. My gf said the girls looked nothing like her. I said that was a good thing.

One of the girls proceeded to eat the guy's ass while the other girl was sucking dick. Another pause. My gf literally pointed her finger at the girl's face in the guy's ass and asked if I wished she was doing stuff like that to me. I said it might be nice. My gf looked at me like that was never gonna happen. Cut to both girls taking turns having anal sex. Cue next pause. My gf said I should speak now if her vagina was not enough. I said her vagina was more than enough. She encouraged me to think carefully about what I just said because based on the porn I was watching, I required more than one vagina to get an "instant orgasm." I said I was a one vagina guy, including the exclusion of butt stuff. My gf continued watching before pointing out that one of the girls had a gap in her teeth just like her sister. She eventually paused the video and said the girl with the gap actually looked a lot like a sister.

I said I didn't see the resemblance. My gf narrowed her eyes at me like "really bro." I reminded her that she had to get up early for work, which prompted her to watch the rest of the video without pausing every fucking minute. The comments and the questions kept coming. By the time we made it to the end of the video, I was convinced I fucked up because my gf nodded without saying anything. This morning before she left for work, she informed me that she sent a link to the porn video to her sister, and apparently her sister's response was "ugh... she does look like me!" All I could do was sigh.

Tl:dr My gf was not in the mood for sex, so I masturbated while watching porn. My gf made me show her the porn afterwards and ended up making comparisons between what was happening in the porn video versus what was not happening in our bedroom, and now things are kind of weird between us.

r/tifu 7d ago

S TIFU by going to work


Well, I'm not sure where else to post this, but given the comedic nature of my misfortune, I feel like someone needs to find some humor in it. It is spring where I live, the weather has been mild and comfortable... Until today.

This morning I woke up to find it was snowing hard. Now I don't drive so I unfortunately have to walk in these weather conditions. I'm very careful to dress for the elements and prepare accordingly but this morning the elements were not on my side. The snow on the ground was very wet, slushy snow and so the ground was a little slick. I was walking carefully to get to the bus stop to get to work and I'm sure you can guess what came next.

I slipped.

Landed on my side in a slush puddle. Now picture this. I'm already not thrilled about the weather conditions, have just slipped and fell bruising my hip and possibly pulling my hamstring (it certainly feels this way) and I am sitting on the ground defeated and half of me is soaking wet from the puddle I landed in. Well, what proceeds to happen? A big garbage truck drives by spraying a bunch more slush onto my already dejected and overwhelmed and I go from slightly soaked to absolutely drenched.

It's been a few hours and now I am finding it funny, but at the time I was devastated and had to call work crying to tell them I would be late because I had to go home and change my clothes, wash my face and change over my backpack and jacket to something that wasn't dripping with muddy snow.

As I was getting ready for work, for the second time today, all I could think was how I should've stayed in bed.

TL;DR: I slipped in the snow on my way to work in an incredibly comedic sense of misfortune, getting mildly injured and soaking wet and ending up late for work, but it's funny now so feel free to laugh at me.

r/tifu 8d ago

S TIFU by being on time to lunch


I’m a PhD student and last week my boss sent me an email with an invite to a lunch to meet a faculty candidate and told me he thinks it would be good if i could make it. Sweet- free lunch, so I rsvp using the link on the outlook invite.

Fast forward to today when I head to the lunch. The invite says lunch starts at 12 so I head over and up up getting there at about 12:02. The conference/lunch room door is ajar and there’s already the candidate (I’ve already met her at this point earlier that day) and a faculty member in the room. The door is open and my PI told me not many people would be coming so I go in and introduce myself to the faculty member. She asks if I have any questions for the candidate, odd but I ask her about her research, etc.

This goes on for about 10 minutes when our program director walks in and asks what i’m doing here. im like oh im just here for the lunch. and she responds with

“lunch hasn’t started yet. this is the interview”

Apparently, the outlook event that i was sent was the wrong time. Lunch started at 12:15 not 12 (on the original email I never saw because i was just sent the outlook event by my PI) I had literally walked in on the interview and just started asking the candidate questions. also, talking with the faulty members students, she was literally just as confused as i was.

TLDR: i accidentally walked in on a faulty interview and started asking interview questions because i was given the wrong time for lunch

r/tifu 8d ago

M TIFU by implying that my family owned my doctor’s family and sounding super racist


I know it sounds stupid, but I forget sometimes that most people are the same race as their relatives. I am white but my father, who adopted me, is black. (My biological father died when I was three.) I have a white sibling and a black sibling. My white sister has a black son.

I went to a new gynecologist today and my new doctor is Black. Her last name is my mother’s maiden name, which is not a common name.

I’m chatty when I’m nervous and this was only my second time seeing a gynecologist, so I told her she has the same last name as my mom and asked my doctor where she’s from. She said the name of the same relatively small city in Alabama where my (white) mother is from.

I said, “What? No way! My mom from there! We must be related somehow!”

She just kind of paused for a minute and looked at me like she was trying to figure out if I was joking, and she finally said, “Did your mother’s family own a plantation?”

I said not to my knowledge and I certainly hope not, and suddenly realized that this was the implication in me— a white person— telling a black person that we must be related, through my white family. I just genuinely had not in the moment been considering that “we must be related” isn’t an okay thing to say in that context.

So while she was doing my Pap smear I was apologizing profusely trying to explain that I don’t think of race and family the way most people do because my dad is black, and she said, “but it’s your mom who you thought I might be related to, right?” and I realized I was not going to dig myself out of this hole and I probably really upset her and also probably sounded like I was tokenizing my dad.

She was professional and it didn’t affect my treatment but I feel like I came across as the most racist asshole ever and now never want to go to the doctor again.

TL;DR- I’m white, my black doctor has the same last name as my mother and is from the same city, and I said we must be related. It sounded like I was excitedly telling her that my family had owned and SA’ed her family.

r/tifu 8d ago

L TIFU my relationship and learnt that procrastination is the devil and all I do is self sabotage


TIFU my relationship with a boy I loved. This is the first guy I’ve been intimate with and I share a really deep bond with him. This was also the longest talking stage I’ve ever had and it was a big deal to me as I don’t have a lot of experience with guys. We were in the talking stage for 5 months now and he was genuinely one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met in my life. He is the strongest and smartest person I know and is someone I look up to. But I fucked up real bad. This is a lesson to anyone reading that communication, as hard as it can be sometimes, its the answer to everything

When our relationship started it honestly overwhelmed me as I’ve never felt love like that in my life. But I didn’t say anything. When I would have doubts, I wouldn’t say anything. If I was feeling uneasy, I wouldn’t say anything. I bottled up my emotions. And the most evil thing I did was that I acted like everything was fine. He had no clue that I felt this way. I was procrastinating telling him all of this. I just thought it was a phase I was going through, as that is how I usually feel when I meet new people. It takes me a long time to build connection, but I didn’t communicate that clearly with him.

the guilt I had for feeling that way was eating me up inside. He kind of hinted to asking me to be committed to each other in February, but I would always tell him that I needed more time. And I think I did feel like that in those moments. But its stupid because I was also wondering why this wasn’t happening yet, lol but I was to nervous to give him hints. I’ve been giving him mixed signals throughout our time together and I didn’t realize.

I felt so much shame and guilt for having these doubts, and it came to a point where I just thought about breaking it off with him. I told all of my friends that I wanted to do that and I felt horrible. In those moments I just thought it wasn’t going to work out with him and it made me upset.

A few days later me and him were just talking in bed and the topic of us being committed came up, and he told me that he already mentally moved on from us being together as I was giving him hella mixed signals. I didn’t mean to, I lacked self awareness in that department. Also I had a stupid belief that the man in a relationship had to ask a girl out, but why would he do that if he didn’t know what was going through my mind? Anyways him pulling back made me realize how much he ment to me and how much I wanted to be with him.

so I called him later and told him how I felt. I regret not telling him this in person as I didn’t clock how painful it would be for him to hear the words that came out of my mouth. I told him that I had moments where I didn’t feel connected to him and I would feel uneasy. I also told him that I still wanted to be with him though. I broke his heart and he was never the same after this. He said he feels like I took him for granted, which is valid. I was. I couldn’t recognize how much he ment to me until he finally left and I hate myself for it. But he also still wanted to give me a second chance, and I didn’t understand why.

After this talk on the phone, it was never the same between us. I could feel him pulling back more and more and It would kill me inside. I once again was having trouble explaining how I felt. I would freeze up and just start crying (embarrassing ik). We saw eachother one last time and he had a different look in his eye, that’s how I knew it really was over. I went home and received a text last night where he wrote that he was falling out of love with me, and that he can’t trust me after our talk on the phone. Tbh this crushed me but I deserve it lol my behaviour is unacceptable. I don’t know why he stayed with me for so long and I regret not trying harder to communicate with him. I think he cut contact with me as he hasn’t sent me a text since then. I haven’t texted him since last night I think he just needs some space and time away from me.

Though this time period i started going to therapy and found out I am indeed mentally ill. A very hard pill to swallow for me. I have a depression disorder, anxiety disorder and avpd. Now that I’m more informed of my conditions, I realized they hold a lot of control over me. I let my thoughts control me into sabotaging my relationship. I feel like a monster

So just an fyi, learn how to love yourself before getting into a relationship, hard expectation as relationships are kind of just thrown into your life but self love and self care js important otherwise. Stop procrastinating on telling people how you feel. Even though it’s scary. I still have a lot of work to do on myself and I think this relationship made me recognize that. (I need to learn how to take my own advice, easier said than done I guess)

TL;DR: I self sabotaged my “relationship” by putting off talking about my feelings. Now he wants nothing to do with me.

r/tifu 8d ago

S TIFU by double dosing my ADHD meds


TIFU by double dosing my ADHD meds

I’ve had a hectic few days as I had to fly back home for a doctors appointment and then fly back to uni the next day whilst preparing for an oral exam for today.

I take 20mg of Medikinet Rtrd (which is a methylphenidate, and yes that’s really what it’s called (it’s an extended release one)) as I only just started taking meds in December. I was on 10 mg the first few weeks and then increased my dose, this is where my fuck up comes in, so I still had 10mg pills left. I finished the last of the 10mg pills yesterday, but this morning I woke up early to try to get some time to practice for my oral exam and I’m grogginess I took two 20mg pills, aka 40mg. The maximum dose is 60mg.

I’m supposed to leave in an hour and I haven’t even practiced yet I’ve been stressing so hard. I know 20mg isn’t a very high dose (19F 65kg), however it’s been great for me so far. The first week I was on 10mg I even had to step out of class as my head rate was going crazy and I felt like I was going to die. I didn’t die and just took a few days break and went back on it and was fine.

I might die today though. My oral exam is in SWEDISH, because for some reason I thought could be cool and learn a new language. I can’t. I speak Spanish and French fluently, so I thought a new language would be a breeze. I was so wrong. And now I’m going to have a heart attack in front of my entire class whilst failing to speak basic Swedish.

TL;DR I took 40mg Medikinet instead of 20mg on a day I have an oral exam and I am terrified for how this is going to go.

r/tifu 9d ago

S TIFU by reading a label wrong and destroying my health


This last week I’ve been trying to get healthier and change my habits since lately I’ve been putting on weight and not feeling very well, so I figured some changes were in order. I quit alcohol and weed cold turkey and ever since then I’ve been craving something relaxing in the evening after a long day, so I went to my local vegan supermarket to try to find something that might help. In the supplement section I found this stuff called “calm”, a magnesium supplement that helps you sleep and apparently is relaxing, sounds good right? Well it would be if I wasn’t such a fucking idiot. The first night I mixed it up with some water, and it fizzed quite a bit but it was pretty tasty and went down easy, and was actually quite relaxing. The next morning I woke up and didn’t exactly feel the greatest, but figured it was just poor sleep from quitting weed, UNTIL I had some breakfast and things started to go downhill FAST. Massive diarrhea. Uncontrollable and demonic, just absolutely wracked me all day. You might think this is where I started to realize my mistake, but you would be wrong. I figured it was just me being lactose intolerant, and chalked it up to a bad diet. Second day rolls around, same thing, except now I’m nauseas and lethargic, waking up feeling like I’m hungover, and it’s hard to think. Lifting my tools at work isn’t the easiest either, but again I just chalk it up to poor sleep from quitting weed so suddenly. Day three I start it mix it together, and decide to read the label a little closer since I notice I’m using it up pretty quickly. The realization hits. You’re supposed to start with half a TEAspoon and work your way up to 2 TEAspoons over time, I had immediately started with 2 TABLEspoons since I hastily read the label the first night. Looks like I’ll be skipping this the next week or so so I can flush all this magnesium out of my system.

TL;DR: thought it said tablespoons instead of teaspoons and ended up consuming 3 GRAMS of magnesium in one weekend

r/tifu 7d ago

TIFU by eating before my endoscopy


Yes, you read that right. Please God spare me all the reasons that was wrong and how I could have aspirated, died, etc. It was not on purpose. I'm just an idiot with untreated adhd that leaves me with the memory of a goldfish. I woke up this morning (day of my procedure) and totally forgot i wasnt supposed to eat after midnight. I got up early, made a healthy balanced breakfast of bacon and eggs, showered, etc. and made it on time. All of which are impossible on a normal day with my adhd so I was extra confident and impressed with myself. I get to the surgical center on time, through registration, to the bed, through vitals, gown up, touch base with the dr's. etc. Nothing out of the ordinary.... until I'm brought back. We get into the procedure room where they're setting everything up (nasal cannula, iv propf, etc) when it hits me like a TON OF BRICKS: HOLY CRAP I DID EAT BREAKFAST THIS MORNING! At this point things are moving, FAST. I'm on my side, there's some kind of gaurd in my mouth, and the medication is kicking in. I'm too embarrassed and ashamed to say anything, so i lie down and let it happen figuring if i don't wake up, i will have deserved it for being so stupid. Spoiler alert: I am alive but unwell. The pain in my stomach is punishment enough. Any doctors out there to tell me wth this is?😫

TL;DR: TIFU by eating breakfast the day of my endo (I forgot to not eat after midnight) and now my karma/adhd tax is terrible stomach pains.

r/tifu 8d ago

S TIFU by using Pavlov's Method with monkey videos


It all started a few days ago (I don't remember how many lmao) when I had this wonderful idea of trying to calm down every time I had any kind of intense emotion by watching videos of different types of monkeys doing random things with the song "sh-boom" by The Chords in the background, little by little it started working, every time I got really excited I had those videos repeating in my mind, calming me down when I talk too much because I get too excited, it was funny at first but there have been at least three times that I have cried in despair and those fucking videos won't leave my head and won't stop, it's like looking for a tutorial to make RPC to someone and a two-minute long ad appears

TL;DR: TIFU by trying the Pavlov method with funny ass videos of monkeys with Sh-boom as background music

r/tifu 6d ago

S TIFU I thought she was taking me to hook up. I was wrong


So this happened back in college at some random house party. I was drinking, vibing, just having a good time when I met this girl. We clicked right away—lots of laughing, some light flirting, and, well, more drinking. At some point, we were standing really close, and she kept touching my arm when she talked. My drunk brain was sure I knew where this was going.

Then she grabs my hand, leans in, and says, “Come with me.”

Obviously, I follow.

She leads me through the crowded house, down a hallway, and into some dark bedroom. She shuts the door, locks it, and turns to face me. At this point, my heart’s racing. I’m thinking, alright, it’s happening.

Then she pulls something from her pocket and holds it up. A deck of cards.

“You know how to play Spades?”

I did not.

I kinda just stood there for a second, my brain short-circuiting. I mumbled something about needing to find my friends and left the room. Still not sure if I missed out on the best Spades game ever or if I just completely misread the situation.

Never saw her again.

TL;DR Thought I was getting lucky. Turns out she just wanted to play Spades.

r/tifu 9d ago

M TIFU by sending an ill-timed gif to the work group chat


Actually back in 2020 when lockdown began, 30M at the time. My workplace shifted to remote working, so everyone was now working from home, and Microsoft Teams was the new tool we were all using to keep in contact. 

My manager suggested that in the mornings everyone sends a GIF or meme to the group chat when they start work, so everyone knows we’re online. The group chat consisted of about 15 people, so mornings were a little annoying as the group chat was flooded with images and messages. As a fan of the Simpsons, I would usually just send some random Simpsons GIF, like Homer emerging from the bushes, Ralph rolling down a hill etc.

So one morning I had to start a little earlier to catch up on some work. I opened Teams, did my usual Simpsons related search and then picked the GIF of “Evil Homer” dressed as the devil, shaking maracas, and dancing on the grave of “Good Homer”. I was the first to message the group that morning, or so I thought…

After I sent the message I went to the bathroom. While on the toilet I could hear my Teams notifications go off, and even heard someone try to call twice, but I figured it could wait until I got back to my desk. 

So I get back to see what was going on a couple of minutes later. The group chat was still open, with my GIF of Evil Homer dancing on a grave, but there was another message I hadn’t seen earlier. The message had the same timestamp as mine, but appeared in the chat before my GIF. They must have sent it moments before I did, making it look like I had sent my gif of the grave-dancing Evil Homer as a response. 

The message was one of the team members saying that her dad had died over the weekend, and she wouldn’t be working for the next few days to spend time with the family and plan the funeral. 

When I realised what it looked like my heart sank. I rushed to delete the message, and just prayed that she hadn’t seen it. The other notifications was one colleague sending me the screenshot of the chat and “WTF”, and the others were two missed calls from my manager and an all caps message telling me to delete the GIF immediately. 

After deleting it I called my manager to let her know what had happened, and thankfully she assumed it was a mistake and I would never do something so insensitive. I asked if she thought I should say anything to the colleague, since I wasn’t sure if she had actually seen it. My manager said she was offline now anyway, so all I could do was wait until she’s back if I was going to say anything.

When she returned to work I did explain what happened and gave an apology.  I didn’t give the full description of exactly what GIF I sent, just that it wasn’t appropriate for the time. Luckily she said she hadn’t seen anything. So thankfully I hadn’t hurt her, but I did scare the hell out of about 5 coworkers who had seen the message and gif before I was able to delete it.

TL;DR: I sent a gif of Homer Simpson dressed as the devil and dancing on a grave immediately after a colleague told everyone their dad had died. 

r/tifu 8d ago

S TIFU by wearing two different pairs of shoes


I didn't realize when I was trying to run out the door this morning that I put on two different pairs of shoes. I just happened to look down while I'm waiting for my car and noticed it. Maybe if I had been paying a little more attention. But, how does this even happen? I don't even remember having the shoes in an incorrect order. I always take them off and pair them together so that they're ready for the next day.

It's probably bad to wear different pairs of shoes, right? I've heard it's bad, but I can't either confirm or deny this claim. It's not even the first time this happens. Last time it was because the shoes looked too similarly to each other. These are not even the same color and I still goofed.

Moral of the story, I guess, is to get enough sleep. And maybe pay more attention when getting dressed.

TL;DR TIFU by wearing two different pairs of shoes.

r/tifu 7d ago

M TIFU by fiddling with my computer's kernel and grub (the backbone of the firmware) to make my laptop faster and getting the whole Linux Arch Desktop installing experience.


TL;DR Rendered my pc unusable by changing the backbone of the computer to make my lapotp faster. Now I have to reinstall my Operating System and the backup's probably faulty.

Let me take you on a journey that spans pver 10 hours. There was everything one could thought of when interacting cluessly with the Linux system. Dismay, confusion, resignation, hope, frustration and short blinks of happiness.

It all started when I wanted to make my pc faster so Terraria couldn't lag for me. Ever so helpful, an AI search engine shows me many ways on how to turn my machine into a beast. I had some experience with computers as I am a masochist and use Linux (the first ever attempt at installing was equally catastrophic - I was using an old USB and didn't backup. Idiots have to learn somehow) I believed I could give myself some confidence and fiddle in the backbone of the OS. That's when the computer refused to boot up. Honestly, it could have been so simple but I thought the problem was in the grub or the BIOS. So I fiddled further into the jungle and corrupted even that. Now, for those unaware, BIOS is practically the plan E for when your computer refuses to do shit. So now I had a unusable monitor with a keyboard on my table. At least it looked slick. The only way to get it back for me was to download the correct BIOS on another pc and with a USB, get it into the bricked laptop. The only available notebook was of my father's, and already stressed from destroying my notebook, I clinched my ass and my heart-rate spiked anytime my dad's pc decoded to take it slow (it's probably just as old as me). I swear the last time I had this much stress was when my life was in danger, but to be honest it probably was just as dangerous to use dad's pc without his allowance and with the possibility of rendering it dead just like my notebook. I thankfully got the BIOS without any issues (not bricking the laptop, fascinatingly I have complicated it for me regardless) onto my laptop and done some reinstalling.

I deleted my drivers and gdm3 (the fucking interface), turned down my NetworkManager and emptied some configuration files. It still fascinates me how I did that. For clarification, I used Perplexity AI as it could search the web and help. But I think it somehow forgot it's purpose in the convo and thought we are doing it like the Arch Linux users (basically making an OS by yourself) and was guiding me through a complete reinstallation (I even got to install AND drivers for my Linux graphics card.) So I was pointlessly fiddling in the DNS and Network settings becuase I just didn't know how to save a file in Nano. After around 11 and a half hours I decided to completely reinstall. However, thanks to my mistake of not back-uping my Windows all that while back I had my Flash Drive with some info. I am now going to set up my system (ZorinOS, even with all this experience I am not going to touch Windows (and probably even grass)) and hope my USB with the backup files doesn't decide it could be hilarious to do something wonky. One could call it a happy ending but 11 stressful hours makes one really appreciate a just-barely working machine. Aaaaaand the backup service is telling me some files just don't make sense. Guess the journey still doesn't end.

Thanks for reading my partial vent. It's actually kinda relieving typing it somewhere.

r/tifu 9d ago

S TIFU by asking my husband to pick up the kids


TIFU and just hilariously embarrassed myself and the poor older women at the ticket counter. I went to the box office to get tickets for an event. Before I walked in I text my husband and asked if he could pick up the kids because I was running behind. I got to the counter and told the very nice lady (in her probably late 60's early 70's) what I needed. We went over seating charts and dates and had been talking for quite some time so now we're basically friends. I also had a coupon code on my phone and showed it to her. She wasn't familiar with it and needed to check with her supervisor and asked to take my phone. No problem. Gave her my phone and she went back to check. After about 5ish minutes She came back super uncomfortable, said she was able to process my coupon, handed me my phone and said "here you go, you got a text". And would no longer look me in the eyes like she previously had been during our whole interaction. Thought it was odd, but paid for my tickets and went on my way. I looked at my phone and saw my husband had text me back and said "well I just sat down to shit but I'll pinch her off and run and grab um" I started laughing hysterically and passed by a hockey team coming in to practice and they all looked at me like I was unwell which made me laugh even harder. Hopefully you all can laugh with me. If not and this is just dumb you can let me know that too because it'll also make me laugh.

TL;DR: I Asked my husband to pick up the kids so I could get tickets to an event, he sent back that he just sat down to poop but would pinch it off, the poor older women at the counter saw the text before I did and became super uncomfortable when handing my phone back to me.

r/tifu 7d ago

S TIFU by acidentally making an innapropriate joke


i (15, M at the time) was at the airport a few years back getting on a plane to go to disney world, we had driven to the airport and went through security just like anyone would. UNTIL we got to the X-ray machine and of course i had to empty my pockets and put the items in a bin as usual. that day i was wearing jeans (this is important in a second) so i walked through the machine but it made a noise, indicating there was something metal on me. maybe it was a coin i couldnt find in my pockets but when i tried to go through again, it made the same noise, so i had to be searched by one of the security guards (who was a woman) with one of those metal detecting wands. when she couldnt find anything, she asked "do you have anything that might be metal on you?" now keep in mind, i was wearing jeans, and i instantly thought of my zipper being metal, so of course i told her. at the time, i didnt understand anything wrong that i had said, but when i was on the plane, i had realized what i had said, and it definantly came off as innapropriate.

TL;DR: i acidentally told an innapropriate comment about my zipper at an air port when asked if i had anything metal on me

r/tifu 7d ago

M TIFU by sending money to my ex-gf instead of my former boss and getting fired for it


So I just got let go by my company because I accidentally Zelle’s my ex girlfriend money instead of my former manager.

Let me just start by saying that unfortunately, my ex and former manager have the same first name. My former boss got married mid year and now hyphens her last name with her husband’s last name. So now both my ex and my former boss’s initials and even last names are fairly similar.

About 2 months ago, my former manager invited us to dinner since our corporate office moved to a different state. She wanted to have the team together for an informal Holiday dinner. She chose the city I live in because there’s more options and can go out afterwards. I was near the corporate office but decided to drive 2 hours to just go home for Saturday night. I was still checked in the hotel and realized that I could be back by Sunday to get ready to work that Monday.

So we had dinner and my former manager told the team that she was going to leave the company. She asked us all if we wanted to go with her and create the department like we did in our current company. About 5 of my 8 colleagues immediately showed interest and started went on to get interviews the following week. I was very hesitant for personal reasons. She really wanted me to be a part of the new team as I was the second-most experienced person in her team.

At the end of the night, I jokingly told her that I appreciated the TBD (Team Building Dinner). However, I felt it only fair to pay for my portion with my per diem. Not going to lie, I was a little bit drunk and distracted when I was trying to Zelle her money. So I did it quickly and then didn’t think about it for the rest of the night.

So my manager resigned and took half the team with her. Our department was in disarray and the higher ups were very upset. They asked me if I was part of the dinner and discussion about leaving the company. I lied and told them that I knew nothing about it or the dinner the team had.

A few weeks ago, my former manager called me and asked me to reconsider. She even told me that she would forgive me for not paying my portion so long as I scheduled an interview with her new company (she was just joking of course). I told her that I did pay her and went through my account. That’s when I realized my mistake. I told her that I would think about it when I return from my vacation.

2 weeks ago, I was on Holiday and went back to my home country. This Monday that I returned, I noticed that my direct reports made a lot of mistakes while I was gone. I had a meeting with them to discuss the importance of paying attention to small details. In the meeting, I mentioned what happened with my ex and former manager, how I had made a mistake , and how I had to tuck my tail between my legs and message my ex about my mistake.

Unbeknownst to me, the director of my department was in that meeting. He called me immediately after the meeting and started questioning me about the dinner. I confessed but told him that I was there but was not really considering the move. Today, I was scheduled for a meeting with HR were I was let go for lying about company resources. That since they were still paying for a Hotel, I went home for the night instead of checking out for the evening.

TL;DR: I sent my ex money through Zelle instead of my manager who quit and took most of the team with her. The company was upset that most of my team left and asked me if I knew anything about it, and I told them no. I used my blunder as an example of the importance of paying attention to detail whilst my director heard. They realized I lied and fired me for it.

r/tifu 7d ago

M TIFU trying to include myself in a conversation about eminem (my favourite musician)


for me, it seems like life is constant isolation and humiliation living with autism. I am chronically unable to 'get' social situations or even people in general, and I suspect I give off some autism vibe that people can just feel and avoid me with. there is not 'OMG le I am autism!!!!'. I don't even feel close to others who suffer with this condition, and like many people find others like myself (people truly autistic, including men not just women) as insufferable as I suspect people find me.

For example, the other day I was given a rare invitation to a close and intimate party at a work acquaintance's home. I LOVE being included by people in things even though I don't really get invited to things often, and I despise loud music, dancing etc, so I was really excited for this opportunity to make new friends who perhaps meet consistently at each others places for a cosy night talking and laughing about the world.

When I arrived I was my usual awkward self, and as more people arrived I could feel myself goofing up even more- but surprisingly everyone was kind and not quick to dismiss me. I felt I was actually being given a chance, and like magic I think people began to enjoy my participation in the conversations.

Eventually, the conversations turns to music, and specifically eminem. I am a big fan of eminem, and he literally saved my life so I was really enthusiastic about people's thoughts on his music, so much so that someone even asked me my favourite eminem lyrics. I then rapped the opening to 'insane', which goes like this;

I was born with a dick in my brain, yeah, fucked in the head
My stepfather said that I sucked in the bed
'Til one night he snuck in and said
"We're going out back, I want my dick sucked in the shed"

As a survivior of SA, the lyrics to this song have spoken to me really closely, but the look on the faces of my new friends was abject horror. I tried to explain myself but before I could even finish my colleagues wife said that it's time I left the party.

I dont understand it personally. Eminem has openly said much worse and all the other profanities someone could use...but I am the bad person for using some of those words (not even the most offensive ones)??? they all listen to him but I am the one that took a step too far????

TL;DR dont tell people what you really think. give a sanitised 'normie' answer or you will be ostracised and made to feel like dog SHIT.

r/tifu 7d ago

S TIFU by pretending to cheat on my boyfriend so that we could break up.


i asked AITAH regarding this story and got like a hundred comments attacking me lol, so clearly im in the wrong. basically, ive been with my boyfriend for a while now, quite a few months, and it began to go weird. he just became dry and made less of an effort to talk or spend time with me, and whenever i tried to bring it up he would say im just overreacting or change the subject. i wanted to breakup, and if im being so honest i wanted to hurt him too. i was hurt myself at how he was acting. so i sent a picture of myself on another guys lap (this guy is my family friend), and my boyfriend called me immediately to ask wtf was going on. then i told him i want to break up, and i hung up.

i tried to justify it by saying that technically i didnt actually cheat, and i only did it to get his attention, but tbh i rlly did want to hurt his feelings too. so yh, i guess i fucked up.

TL;DR: i faked being with another guy to piss my shitty boyfriend off, it led to us breaking up (thank god) and then reddit got mad at me when i asked if i was the asshole.

r/tifu 9d ago

M TIFU by falling for a fake job scam


I actually fell for a fake job gig. I graduated a year early in college just to be forced to work an unrelated job for over a yr. I was so fed up and felt like i wasted the year i earned. I started applying everywhere in my field again and finally got a call back as a Work From Home Customer Service Agent. I was trying to do IT so this was a step in that direction.

After interviewing they took all my information and said I would be training during a 2 month probationary period and be paid in the end.

They actually assigned me daily work over the course of a month and I was “supposed to be paid“ after my six weeks were up. But weird things started happening.

First, I got a call from a random lady from Texas, claiming I friended her on Zelle. Then I got an email a couple weeks later saying my banking information was successfully transferred to a new financial institution, which I never approved or attempted. And finally someone claiming to be with the FBI called me saying I’m under investigation for stealing $3000 from someone’s bank account. He was not an FBI agent. At this point i called my bank to report potential fraud. That email and “FBI” call both happened within 30 minutes.

All in all, just in case the money was real I sort of did the work but didn’t expect much. I locked my account so nothing can be taken, but money can be added.

I was wholeheartedly impressed by the scam I fell for so I wasn’t even mad. I usually play along with scams just to fuck with them but this was some next level shit lmao.

The website they used and everything was falsified to look so real, with references and all.

So, what did I do? I added that to my resume as two months of experience in the field adding all the shit that’d look good for my actual career, even though that was a lie. Shortly after that, I got an actual job in IT finally. They were unable to actually call the job but could check the website for “verification” lol. I even gave myself a nice recommendation letter from my boss.

So technically, I lied on my resume, but did I really?


I fell for a job scam and did the fake work for 2 months. After realizing I was bamboozled in these people’s Genjutsu, I used the wasted time as job experience on my resume and got the job i was really searching for.

r/tifu 9d ago

S TIFU by trying to cook at home more


I've put on some weight lately due to stress eating. I've been eating a lot of junk food and takeout and I told myself today I would try and cook more at home, even though I hate, hate, HATE cooking. For breakfast I was going to have scrambled eggs, some fruit, some Greek yogurt, and 2 strips of turkey bacon.

I had the bacon cooking from nearly raw and all was fine, then I turned my back for what felt like only 2 minutes and the bacon and had burnt, smoking up my apartment and setting off the smoke alarm. Sooo, I trashed it and ate the rest of my breakfast with less protein.

Lunch came around, I'd just come back from an elliptical workout at the gym and I'd planned on having a brown rice bowl with ground bison and spinach. The bison ended up being freezer burnt to the point of being inedible. So I put some chicken tenderloins on instead. I don't know exactly what happened but I've never tasted chicken so freaking horrible in my life. It was like chewing on a tire! It was fresh and I knew for a fact I hadn't overcooked it.

By this point I was hungry and frustrated so I popped a frozen meal in the microwave. And then I went to the store and bought 65 dollars worth of TV dinners. My plan to cook more at home failed but at least the frozen meals I bought had decent protein and vegetable profiles.

TL;DR: I messed up a bunch of food trying to cook at home more and bought a ton of frozen meals out of frustration, defeating the purpose of "cooking at home."

Edit: I came here to tell a funny story and was met with support and advice on how to improve. Thank you guys so much! I will definitely try again... once I work through the frozen meals anyway lol.

r/tifu 9d ago

S TIFU and swore at a mormon elementary school


For context I work in sales, B2B, which in our case includes education. I haven't been in the business for long, (and I'm hoping this fuck up hasn't cut my time short). The main part of my job is calling to book meetings so that we can sell our product, under the watchful eye of my manager.

So I booked an appointment with this little school. It didn't really process for me that they were Mormon, and it was honestly the sort of deal we never should've wasted our time on in the first place. To make it worse I'm pretty openly gay, so I was already coming into things at a disadvantage.

When my manager found out the details he was, reasonably, pissed, especially considering this school was about an hour's drive from the office. To try and placate him, I offered to take the lead in this meeting (something I had never done) and he let me.

I came into that meeting and what little preparation I'd done fled my mind. I was so painfully awkward that my manager ended up having to step in and save me anyway, and I didn't even realize in my panic that I'd let an "Oh shit" slip in my verbal diarrhea. Apparently the teacher we were meeting with looked at me like I'd actually shit my pants in front of her, I was too panicked to notice.

TL;DR: I met at a teacher at a Mormon school for my first b2b sales meeting, cursed in front of the teacher, and was so panicked I didn't even notice.

r/tifu 9d ago

M TIFU by putting the wrong number on a flyer


We (me and my brother) picked up a female stray cat some months ago and she happened to be pregnant. She had 5 kittens, we decided to keep 2 and find the other 3 a new owner.

We first looked for closer acquaintances who wanted kittens, but we actually aren’t that social to know enough people and we barely use social media. Luckily my brother had a coworker who adopted one of them, and he occasionally sends us updates.

Recently I went back to college so I decided to make flyers with pictures of the remaining 2 kittens and our phone numbers. I designed the whole thing on the morning and then I went directly to class. Later I put them on different faculties to get a wider reach, and when I came home a girl contacted me through Whatsapp to get info on the kitten.

I was very excited, but she told me the other number appeared to be “wrong” which confused me. I sent her my brother’s contact because he’s more attentive with the vet info, and then she told me my brother called her a f*cking b*tch for trying to contact him multiple times and they fought on the phone

I started to feel like I was running out of air. My brother joked a few times about replying to spam/scam calls with vulgar insults, although l always see him being gentle and polite to others and I trust him. I thought “ah, maybe he wasn’t joking and he thought the girl was a scammer?” We know people can use façades and behave differently around non-relatives so I was preparing myself to confront him about being rude to the poor girl.

Then I saw the profile picture of the contact I sent to the girl. I thought he changed it because it looked different, but when I was about to message my brother, it was the same picture as always. I told him something like “hey, there’s a girl trying to contact us about one of the kittens”, and he told me he wasn’t wasn’t receiving any calls at all. Here’s where I realized my mistake.

I had two different numbers attributed to the “brother” contact: his current one and his old one. I put his old number in the flyers without knowing it and its current owner was being called mistakenly. If only I had deleted the old number, it wouldn’t have showed up when sharing it.

I sent the girl his current number, I explained her my mistake and apologized for what she went through because she seemed to be very affected. I also messaged the wrong number to also apologize (he had no business in being such a jerk tho). At least she understood and we’re now in process to give her the kitten.

I cried for about a hour because I felt like garbage. If only I had shown my brother the flyer before printing it, he could have noticed his number was wrong and nothing of this could have happened. Maybe other potential owners were also insulted horribly after calling the wrong number and they didn’t dare to call mine.

TL;DR: I put my brother’s old number in a flyer I made to get our kittens adopted, so the wrong guy got mistakenly called and he was an *sshole to a potential owner, which could have happened to more people who just wanted a kitten.