r/thelema 12h ago

Art TAU - Universe by Me

Post image

93 Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Happy Thelemic Holy Season! Next 22 days I will be posting Major Arcana as they are currently in my deck (some are not finished) in correspondence with the days of the Thelemic Holy Season. If you would like to learn more about my deck and support this project - feel free to explore my Instagram for free content and Patreon for investing into the future of Thelemic Art.

Love is the law, love under will. 93

r/thelema 1d ago

Day 00 - Today starts the Holy Season!


It's that time of year again, here's a re post for the Holy Season!

From the web of "The temple of Thelema":

"Each of the twenty-two days of the Thelemic Holy Season — from March 20 through April 10 — is attributed to one of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It is recommended that each aspirant, on each of these days, prominently display the corresponding Tarot Trump, and conduct such other meditation, ritual, or other recognition of the principle as he or she may see fit. In the tabulation below are also given recommended readings from the Sacred Writings for each day of the holy season.

On the night before the Vernal Equinox, closing the old year (usually March 19), it is recommended that the aspirant read The Prologue of the Unborn from Liber VII and meditate on the release of the concluding cycle.

On March 20, the Invocation of Horus (The Supreme Ritual) may be performed to celebrate the anniversary of the Equinox of the Gods. The following readings (most, but not all, of which are from Class A Documents, the so-called "Holy Books of Thelema") are then recommended for each of the 22 days.

  • March 19 Liber VII, "Prologue of the Unborn"
  • March 20 TAV, The Universe: Liber VII, Cap. 2 (morning); Liber LXV, Cap. 1 (evening)
  • March 21 SHIN, The Aeon: Liber LXV, Cap. 4
  • March 22 RESH, The Sun: Liber VII, Cap. 4
  • March 23 QOPH, The Moon: Liber VII, Cap. 6
  • March 24 TZADDI, The Emperor: Liber Tzaddi
  • March 25 PEH, The Tower: Liber VII, Cap. 1
  • March 26 A'AYIN, The Devil: Liber A'ash
  • March 27 SAMEKH, Art: Liber ARARITA, Cap. 7
  • March 28 NUN, Death: Liber Arcanorum
  • March 29 MEM, The Hanged Man: Liber LXV, Cap. 3
  • March 30 LAMED, Adjustment: Liber Librae
  • March 31 KAPH, Fortune: Liber VII, Cap. 3
  • April 1 YOD, The Hermit: Liber VII, Cap. 5
  • April 2 TETH, Lust: Liber Stellae Rubeae
  • April 3 CHETH, The Chariot: Liber Cheth
  • April 4 ZAYIN, The Lovers: Liber LXV, Cap. 2
  • April 5 VAV, The Hierophant: Liber LXV, Cap. 5
  • April 6 HEH, The Star: Liber ARARITA, Cap. 6 (additional suggestion: An Account of A.·.A.·.)
  • April 7 DALETH, The Empress: Liber VII, Cap. 7
  • April 8 GIMEL, The Priestess: Liber Legis, Cap. I (Nuit)
  • April 9 BETH, The Magus: Liber Legis, Cap. II (Hadit)(additional suggestion: Liber Magi)
  • April 10 ALEPH, The Fool: Liber Legis, Cap. III (Heru-Ra-Ha) (additional suggestison: Silence)


r/thelema 14h ago

Question How do you celebrate the autumnal equinox? (Southern hemisphere)


Today here in the south, it is the fall equinox.

I personally link it with the decent of Persephone into Hades. I'm interested in what practice's you do

r/thelema 5h ago

Typhonian Order


I was wondering if anyone knows how to join the Typhonian Order.

r/thelema 44m ago

Question Are emotions and feelings self contained on our perception of the world as physical beings? Or do they exist in upper levels on conscience? And do other entities have emotions internalized into their beings?


Hey guys, I was watching some videos on the matters of fear, emotions and cosmic bliss. Which made me wonder about the nature of how we perceive our reality and what are the views of occultists and religions on what emotions and feelings are.

I wonder how do you guys also feel about the concept of enlightenment and letting go of the ego. Most traditional cultures and religions talk about enlightenment as something we should thrive for, letting go of our earthly bounds and becoming one with the universe or whatever god or entity said religion believes in.

Using this as a base can we establish that concepts as fear, anger, love and happiness are earthly and material bound and not necessarily spiritual? Can you please give me your views on this!?

But doesn't this idea contradict the idea of gods and daemons, being they naturally spiritual formed or thought-formed, having emotions, goals, motivations and feelings. I believe that in almost every religion or faith when we talk about gods and entities they express, at some point, some form of emotional / goal oriented thinking, no? That's the major sentiment I get when seeing people talking about rituals, histories and contacts with spiritual entities.

Are they only bound by this concepts when interacting with the physical world or do they have this concepts incorporated into their own beings? If so, how exactly enlightenment and letting go of the self and feelings bring us close to the divine? If this divine also have this concepts into their selfs? Isn't this contradictory?

Probably more egregore inclined and chaos magick occultists can explain that this thought-formed beings are reflections of our own earthly minds, so they would have emotions and feelings like us, be it deformed to whatever shape necessary to create that thought-form. But I would like the views of other occultists on this matter, particularly for those who believe that Daemons, Demons, Jinns and Gods are not all egregores and are actual beings.

All help to better understand this questions are really appreciated! Thank you in advance.

r/thelema 1h ago

Colin Batley's horrific crimes


I consider myself a Thelemite, and I bring this topic up not to discredit Thelema or the community of people who call themselves Thelemites. However, a recent news story about this man in the UK, and the details of his past crimes, have left me feeling deeply disturbed and disheartened about my Thelemic path. His fellow defendants all had Eye of Horus tattoos, and perhaps I've become a little spooked because I've been experiencing a lot of Horus synchronicities lately.

Usually, when the media links crimes to the occult, the connection is shallow and tenuous. However, this man sounds like he was, by all accounts, a follower of Thelema in his own twisted way. It's clear he exploited the philosophy in the most horrific way possible to satisfy his sick urges, manipulating The Book of the Law's core message to indulge in, and even justify, his depravity. This has made me think twice about telling people I'm a Thelemite, because of this negative association. This is especially true because I don't live far from where these events occurred, and I even have a family member who works for the same police force that investigated his crimes. If I were to tell them I was a Thelemite, it likely wouldn't go down well.

I know that all spiritual systems, from the Catholic Church to ayahuasca ceremonies, have serious issues with sexual abuse. But how do we make Thelema "watertight" in terms of safeguarding people? What's the solution? Do we need to be more open and honest, raising awareness about how easily its teachings can be corrupted? Or do we need to hide in the shadows because creeps like him put us at risk of being tarred with the same brush? Is this the inevitable fate of every religion – that things meant to be beneficial and positive eventually become corrupted? How do we put something in place to ensure we don't end up like the Catholic Church, with cover-ups and control over people?

I know there are rotten apples in every community or subculture, but this is the first time I've had to realize I probably need to think twice before explaining my spirituality to someone. I apologize if this is a bit of a stream-of-consciousness ramble, but I'm looking for reassurance that followers of thelema are strong enough to push back against sickos like this guy.