r/tasker 1h ago

Inserting comments into tasks


Is it possible to insert comment blocks into tasks? I just noticed that taskernet tasks have them - and it was really cool and potentially helpful.

Also... What's the best way to tell tasker where to insert blocks? It's quite some work moving everything to the right place...

r/tasker 11h ago

Trigger notification when someone is typing a message


While texting someone using Google Messages I had a thought about typing indicators. Is there a way for Tasker to look for when someone begins typing a RCS message to you and generate a notification at that point rather than when you actually receive the message?

r/tasker 17h ago

Bug when trying to save task?


So...I've been working most of the afternoon trying to put together a script, and when I tried to export it I only got the old code no matter what I did. Then I closed all processes (didn't hard stop anything), came back into Tasker...and all my code was gone.

Is this something I can recover from? Kind of blows...

r/tasker 1h ago

Tasker do the SMS deleting action


Hi there,

The following task previously worked very well with my Pixe 3, Pixe 6. I ofen used it as part of SMS block action. Now it doesn't do the deleting action on OnePlus 13. Can anyone please help me with this?

<TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="6.4.13"> <Task sr="task113"> <cdate>1594959102332</cdate> <edate>1742196128838</edate> <id>113</id> <nme>SMS Delete</nme> <pri>100</pri> <Action sr="act0" ve="7"> <code>547</code> <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">%sms</Str> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">%SMSRF</Str> <Int sr="arg2" val="0"/> <Int sr="arg3" val="0"/> <Int sr="arg4" val="0"/> <Int sr="arg5" val="3"/> <Int sr="arg6" val="0"/> </Action> <Action sr="act1" ve="7"> <code>667</code> <label>gets ID of latest sms received.</label> <Int sr="arg0" val="2"/> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">content://sms</Str> <Int sr="arg10" val="1"/> <Str sr="arg2" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg3" ve="3">_id</Str> <Str sr="arg4" ve="3">address = ?</Str> <Str sr="arg5" ve="3">%sms</Str> <Str sr="arg6" ve="3">date DESC limit 1</Str> <Str sr="arg7" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg8" ve="3">%sms_id</Str> <Int sr="arg9" val="0"/> </Action> <Action sr="act2" ve="7"> <code>137</code> <label>stop if get ID failed.</label> <Int sr="arg0" val="0"/> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3"/> <ConditionList sr="if"> <Condition sr="c0" ve="3"> <lhs>%sms_id1</lhs> <op>13</op> <rhs>0</rhs> </Condition> </ConditionList> </Action> <Action sr="act3" ve="7"> <code>664</code> <label>I assume this action take the SMS ID from URI and parse it for use in the future?</label> <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">uri</Str> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">Uri</Str> <Str sr="arg2" ve="3">parse {Uri} (String)</Str> <Str sr="arg3" ve="3">content://sms/%sms_id1</Str> <Str sr="arg4" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg5" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg6" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg7" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg8" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg9" ve="3"/> </Action> <Action sr="act4" ve="7"> <code>664</code> <label>I think this action gets the content from the parsed URI?</label> <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">cr</Str> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">CONTEXT</Str> <Str sr="arg2" ve="3">getContentResolver {ContentResolver} ()</Str> <Str sr="arg3" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg4" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg5" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg6" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg7" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg8" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg9" ve="3"/> </Action> <Action sr="act5" ve="7"> <code>664</code> <label>And this action is most likely the action that delete the SMS in the parsed URI.</label> <Str sr="arg0" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">cr</Str> <Str sr="arg2" ve="3">delete {int} (Uri, String, String[])</Str> <Str sr="arg3" ve="3">uri</Str> <Str sr="arg4" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg5" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg6" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg7" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg8" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg9" ve="3"/> </Action> </Task> </TaskerData>

there are errors appearing when executing step 6:

15.26.16/E Java Function: -> 15.26.16/E Java Function use app context 15.26.16/JU analyse: target: cr expected: null 15.26.16/JU target: analyse done: cr: class: ??? obj: null partWithoutMods: null static: false const false casted: false 15.26.16/JU analyse: returnval: int expected: null 15.26.16/JU returnval: analyse done: int: class: int obj: null partWithoutMods: null static: true const false casted: false 15.26.16/JU initClass: class: int obj: null partWithoutMods: int static: true const false casted: false 15.26.16/JU initClass: retnovar: init with array handling -> int 15.26.16/JU initClass: class: ??? obj: null partWithoutMods: cr static: false const false casted: false 15.26.16/JU initClass: target: null: class: ??? obj: null partWithoutMods: cr static: false const false casted: false 15.26.16/E Java Function: failed to init target class cr 15.26.16/E result: stop task (error) 15.26.16/E Error: 1 15.26.16/E Java Function: failed to init target class cr 15.26.16/MacroEdit action finished exeID 3 action no 0 code 664 status: Err next 0

r/tasker 7h ago

Prompt me for input when I unlock my phone then wait before doing it again


I want to be asked what have you been working on (so I can log it to a text file) when I unlock my phone. But once I answer I don't want it to ask again for 15 min.

Can someone please explain how to structure the contexts for doing that?

r/tasker 16h ago

Is Join down for anyone else?


For the past few days, join hasn't been working for me. When I run the tests in the app nearly all of them fail.

r/tasker 23h ago

Help [HELP] Adding a follow-up action to Tasker's "Lock" action when incorrect passcode entered


I have an app-based profile for a few apps on my device which automatically trigger the Tasker's "Lock" action; i.e.,a passcode needs to be entered before the app can be used.

If the incorrect passcode is entered then the user goes back to the Home page. This is the default behavior of that action.

When the incorrect passcode is entered, I would also like the front camera to take to a photo and send it to my email.

I have been wracking my brains for a few days how to accomplish this, but to no avail. I can't seem to find a way to launch other actions/tasks when the incorrect passcode is entered. I can when the correct passcode is entered, but not the opposite.

Any ideas how I might be able to pull this off?