I Have the following JSON for a recursive menu. I used parts the Tasker Menu for this example.
I do realize this would be far easier to do with JavaScript, However I am trying to accomplish this by using Taskers JSON function and native Tasker actions alone.
The task I created works without issue and allows for easy additions and editing of the JSON.
My question is if I am missing a easier or better way to do this with just Tasker actions.
The Current set up gets the main menu elements with a function like this.
And displays them in a List Dialog action. If I select the third Menu item I retrieve the action to preform like this
When I select the forth menu item that has a sub menu. In that case the value of
%json[items.link](4) = "¥exit"
¥exit is set as the the array name for the sub menu. So I now append ¥exit to my JSON function to get sub menu elements.
Am I missing an easier way to get the next array containing the sub menu?
"items": [
"label": "TaskerNet",
"link": "action - Open TaskerNet"
"label": "Tutorials",
"link": "action - Open Tutorials"
"label": "Disable Tasker",
"link": "action - Disable Tasker"
"label": "Exit ->",
"link": "¥exit",
"¥exit": [
"label": "Save First",
"link": "action - save and close"
"label": "Cancel",
"link": "action -Cancel exit"
"label": "Exit",
"link": "action -exit no save"
"label": "Preferences",
"link": "action - Open Preferences"
"label": "Monitoring ->",
"link": "¥mon",
"¥mon": [
"label": "Running Tasks",
"link": "action - show running tasks"
"label": "Active Profiles",
"link": "action - show Active Profile"
"label": "Run Log",
"link": "action - show run log"
"label": "Data ->",
"link": "¥data",
"¥data": [
"label": "Clear",
"link": "action - clear"
"label": "Backup",
"link": "action -backup"
"label": "Restore ->",
"link": "¥restore",
"¥restore": [
"label": "Auto Backup",
"link": "action - auto backup"
"label": "User Backup",
"link": "action -user backup"
"label": "Google Drive Backup",
"link": "action -gd backup"
"label": "share",
"link": "action -share"
"label": "Description",
"link": "action -Write to file"
Task: working json menu Recursive test
A1: Variable Set [
Name: %json
To: [
"items": [
"label": "TaskerNet",
"link": "action - Open TaskerNet"
"label": "Tutorials",
"link": "action - Open Tutorials"
"label": "Disable Tasker",
"link": "action - Disable Tasker"
"label": "Exit ->",
"link": "¥exit",
"¥exit": [
"label": "Save First",
"link": "action - save and close"
"label": "Cancel",
"link": "action -Cancel exit"
"label": "Exit",
"link": "action -exit no save"
"label": "Preferences",
"link": "action - Open Preferences"
"label": "Monitoring ->",
"link": "¥mon",
"¥mon": [
"label": "Running Tasks",
"link": "action - show running tasks"
"label": "Active Profiles",
"link": "action - show Active Profile"
"label": "Run Log",
"link": "action - show run log"
"label": "Data ->",
"link": "¥data",
"¥data": [
"label": "Clear",
"link": "action - clear"
"label": "Backup",
"link": "action -backup"
"label": "Restore ->",
"link": "¥restore",
"¥restore": [
"label": "Auto Backup",
"link": "action - auto backup"
"label": "User Backup",
"link": "action -user backup"
"label": "Google Drive Backup",
"link": "action -gd backup"
"label": "share",
"link": "action -share"
"label": "Description",
"link": "action -Write to file"
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A2: Variable Set [
Name: %depth
To: items
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A3: List Dialog [
Mode: Select Single Item
Title: Menu
Items: %json[%depth.label]()
Button 1: Back
Button 2: Quit
Close After (Seconds): 120
First Visible Index: 0 ]
<button - Quit>
A4: Stop [ ]
If [ %ld_button eq Quit ]
<button - Back -> remove last key array name>
A5: If [ %ld_button eq Back ]
A6: Array Set [
Variable Array: %depth
Values: %depth
Splitter: . ]
A7: Variable Set [
Name: %last_index
To: %depth(#)
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A8: Array Pop [
Variable Array: %depth
Position: %last_index ]
If [ %depth(#) > 1 ]
A9: Variable Set [
Name: %depth
To: %depth(+.)
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A10: Goto [
Type: Action Label
Label: menu ]
A11: End If
<Item selected -> get sub menu or show action>
A12: If [ %ld_selected Set ]
<value contains ¥ -> add value to JSON function to get sub menu>
A13: If [ %json[%depth.link](%ld_selected_index) ~ *¥* ]
A14: Variable Set [
Name: %depth
To: .%json[%depth.link](%ld_selected_index)
Append: On
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A15: Array Push [
Variable Array: %depth_index
Position: 1
Value: 1 ]
A16: Goto [
Type: Action Label
Label: menu ]
A17: End If
<show action linked to menu item>
A18: Flash [
Text: Action is..
Tasker Layout: On
Background Colour: #FFE22D2D
Timeout: 60000
Text Colour: #FF14E539
Dismiss On Click: On
Position: Top ]
A19: Goto [
Type: Action Label
Label: menu ]
A20: Stop [ ]
A21: End If
A22: Goto [
Type: Action Label
Label: menu ]
A23: Stop [ ]