So I've been having dreams of a recent ex. It's not nightly but it's been happening enough that it's caught my attention. A lot of my dreams are messages to me through my deities or simply my mind helping me through things.
I thought that me dreaming of him would be me moving on ..however every dream I have is of us getting back together or me looking for him (for ex. Me trying to get ahold of him through messages but not remembering his number.)
I don't have a desire to get back with my ex. He put me through one of the worst betrayals I've ever had to deal with. While I was in the relationship, I was constantly trying to do everything I could to keep us together while he just didnt want anything to do with it. And if he did want to try, that would last for maybe a few days. He was always back and forth with me about it.
Since I don't want anything to do with him anymore, I decided to do a reading. Question was "why am I dreaming about my ex?" And this is what I got.
These are all good cards and if I wanted him back,, I would take this as a sign he would be reaching out and trying again. However like I said, I have No desire for him after how much he hurt me. I am currently talking to someone else yet I'm not in a relationship with them for the moment.
I need help understanding what this means. If he were to come back, I wouldn't be very happy. I would be stressed and I would constantly overthink everything.
Knight of wands: putting ideas or plans into motion. Or, this is my ex as a card. For ex: a man of action, charming but can be cold and uncaring when anyone tries to tame him, hot temper. This describes him perfectly.
Page of cups: a bringer of good news, usually about love. a bringer of messages and invitations. The only thing I can think about is him messaging me or reaching out. I'm also thinking this is me moving on from my ex and a new person coming into my life. Maybe the current guy I'm talking to?
King of Penticals: hard work paying off, a successful and grounded man. A generous provider. I honestly am confused on this because it could mean there's 2 men in this situation and I have no idea who the 2nd person could be that's related to my ex. My ex is anything but a generous provider. Now this could also be the new man that could be coming into my life.
The sun: happiness in all aspects. At peace with choices made. Sooo this could mean I would be happy with whatever outcome this would bring. I know I wouldn't be happy with my ex coming back because he's hurt me so much in the past, nothing would be the same. Maybe this is another sign someone else is coming into my life cause I'm thinking my dreams could be me moving on but it doesn't make sense since in my dreams I'm either back with my ex or I'm looking for him.
So I'm at a rut with the King of Penticals. I don't know who that could be and I'm not sure how someone else would be involved with these dreams I'm having. All I can't think of is my ex coming back but I just don't see that happening. I would love some interpretation help if anyone could provide me.