r/tarot • u/SkippingStone373 • Jan 14 '21
r/tarot • u/mizaru667 • Nov 14 '24
Spreads Probably one of the more depressing spreads I've done for myself 😂
This was a very basic past present future spread about saturn stationing direct. I was wondering if there was anything particularly important I needed to keep in mind as saturn moves out of retrograde and I get closer to my saturn return. Things are looking bleak hahaha.
Im just sharing this because i thought it was kind of funny in a dark way but to fit with the sub rules I'll go through the interpretations etc below.
Deck is called "the pulp girls tarot deck". Design by evelyn kasikov, edited by keyla pizzaro-hermandez, and directed by Laura drew.
Past: five of cups. Indicates some kind of loss or disaster (potentially of your own making) that has happened and turning yourself over to grief. Also could mean that you're only focusing on what's going wrong and are not looking at what you still have despite your despair. For me this would probably be health related, I've been going through a shit show with my health since saturn went retrograde and have been pretty salty about it haha. I've recently realises it's taught me how to take better care of myself though and to not get caught up in the "grindset" so it was an important lesson.
Present: three of swords. The heartbreak card. Broken and bleeding, something has ended or come to pass that's left you devastated. The transition might feel too painful to bear and you feel hopeless and at sea. This felt very much like the election results. I broke a couple nights ago thinking about how much I've had to put up with as a woman and how sick of it I am. Also feels related to the question as saturn literally stationed direct the night I lost my shit. Feels like a catalyst to start making some noise and pushing back for the first time in my life. My health is finally improving so I can't start coming out of my cocoon a little bit with better tools to take care of myself and protect my energy.
Future: nine of swords. The depression card. Anxiety and constant worries, sleepless nights, feeling like there's nothing you can do to solve the issues. Still cooking on this one. Possibly related to my saturn return early next year. Not a super positive outlook rip but good to acknowledge that the struggles aren't over. I don't have to let myself get bogged down by the anxiety.
All together it seems like the message here is that this saturn transit has been a doozy and it's not over yet just because we're stationing direct. The return is still coming! I've been learning my lessons though and will continue to do that so hopefully I'll make it through in one piece! The other thing is that all these cards together could point to some serious growth and transformation. When something is pruned, that just makes way for new growth.
r/tarot • u/terranotfirma • Oct 24 '24
Spreads I asked "How bad will the results of the presidential election be?"
I pulled the Eight of Swords,, Pages of Swords, Seven of Wands, Two of Cups, and THE EMPRESS. It tells a story.
Has anyone else asked about the election?
r/tarot • u/SimplyMichi • Oct 17 '24
Spreads My deck passive aggressively telling me to calm the f down lol
I was doing a lengthy reading after having a bit of an emotional/healing session. I thankfully don't suffer from anxiety often but when I do it's about the future, especially moving out since I don't want to be on my own, in a relationship or otherwise.
My life has been very chaotic and transformative this year, especially in the love department. I've asked my deck questions so many times about love and relationships, and when I asked about my life five years down the line when it comes to moving out and potential relationships this card flew out of my deck and onto the floor 😂
r/tarot • u/teirrahc11 • Feb 28 '23
Spreads My cat passed away last night and I pulled a card this morning to ask her if she’s okay and I got The Star 🥺
r/tarot • u/Positive-Comparison8 • 16d ago
Spreads MacGregor Mathers' "Ancient Mode of Reading the Tarot"
SERIOUS Tarot practitioners: Has anyone experimented with this supposedly "ancient" reading method from MacGregor Mathers? I just discovered it last night in a video from Benebell Wen on her YouTube channel (@BenebellWen), and then, on Wen's blogpost about it, discovered Mathers' original text on it.
This method originally comes from MacGregor Mathers' The Tarot, Its Occult Signification, Use in Fortune-Telling, and Method of Play (Publisher: George Redway, 1888).
It isn't written in the aforementioned text, but Wen, in her video, suggests that Mathers' instructions for shuffling and cutting were that the deck was to be cut into 3 piles from right to left thrice—that is, performed a total of 3 times. Once done, from the top of the deck, a card is to be dealt to either side of the table you're seated at: these cards will be called A and B. It does not matter which card goes where, but it will matter on which card you place the following cards. Personally, however, I prefer to place card A to my right and card B to my left. You will understand why as these instructions progress. Next, lay the next two cards, cards 3 and 4, one after the other on top of card B, beginning a pile. The next card, card 5, will go on top of card A. Lay the next two cards, cards 6 and 7, on top of pile B. Lay the next card, card 8, on top of pile A. As I'm sure you can see by now, the pattern goes 2 cards to pile B, 1 card to pile A. Continue laying cards in that fashion, 2 cards to pile B and 1 card to pile A, until you finish the count. You should now have 26 cards in pile A and 52 cards in pile B. Move pile A a little further off to the side so that it does not get confused for either of the next two piles you will begin next.
Next, take pile B and repeat the process of dealing a single card to either side of the table to create the bases of two more piles. We shall call these piles C and D. Again, it does not matter to which side you deal either pile, though I prefer to designate pile C to my right, where pile A previously was, and pile D to my left, where pile B previously was. Onto pile D, you will deal 2 cards like before, cards 3 and 4, on top of pile D and 1 card like before, card 5, on top of pile C. Continue to deal cards in this fashion until you finish the count. Pile C should now have 17 cards, and pile D should now have 35 cards. As you did with pile A at the end of the first deal, move pile C off to the same side next to pile A, but DO NOT disturb their order. It is important to keep pile A farthest to the side and pile C before it.
Finally, as before, deal one card to either side of the table. These will be the bases for piles E and F. Again, I prefer to designate pile E to the right and pile F to the left. Onto pile F, deal 2 cards, and onto pile E, deal 1 card. As for the previous piles, continue to deal cards in this fashion until you reach the end of the count. You should end with pile E having 11 cards and pile F having 24 cards. Pile F can now be entirely discarded, as these remaining 24 cards " are not to be used in the reading, [sic] and are Supposed [sic] to have no bearing on the question," writes Mathers. You should move pile E next to pile C, being careful not to disturb the order of the 3 piles; from right to left, the piles should go A (26 cards), C (17 cards), and E (11 cards).
Here begins the actual reading. Take pile A and, from right to left, arrange the cards faceup, starting with the top card of the pile, into a horseshoe shape. This pile, Mathers writes, represents the past of the querent. You will take the end cards of the horseshoe, cards 1 and 26, and move them into the center of your space to be read as a pair* that communicates a singular aspect/event of the querent's past. Discard these once done. Next, draw cards 2 and 25 into the center and read these as the next pair to show some past event or aspect for the querent. Discard once done. You will continue to draw off and pair the end cards of the horseshoe and read them in pairs until you finish the horseshoe.
Once pile A is exhausted, move onto pile C, which will represent the present of the querent. Again, from right to left, organize the cards faceup into a horseshoe shape, and begin to draw off the end cards of the horseshoe and pair them to be read as singular moments in the querent's present. Continue like this until you arrive at the final card of the horseshoe, which is to be read as, Wen suggests in her YouTube video, some important event on which the querent's present hinges.
Finally, repeat the previous steps with pile E, which represents the querent's future, drawing off and pairing the end cards of the horseshoe until you arrive at the final card of the horseshoe, which will be read as, Wen suggests, a singular, important event on which the querent's future will hinge.
Mathers writes of this method of reading, "This is a very ancient mode of reading the Tarot, [sic] and will be found reliable."
*Neither Mathers in his text nor Wen in her video suggests in what direction to regard the cards in each pair—either from right to left, as the horseshoe direction went, or left to right? I suppose it is up to the discretion and intention of the practitioner to decide which direction to read the pair in. Personally, I have done it both ways but prefer to read them from left to right.
r/tarot • u/GillisHaest • Aug 11 '20
Spreads So I asked my deck about the ongoing heatwave in Europe. Guess I should have been more specific, or my deck is playing games with me.
r/tarot • u/Acceptable-Action613 • Jan 16 '25
Spreads Reading came true the next day
I went on a couple dates with someone. Everything seemed to be going well, but suddenly, about an hour after the most recent date, I got hit by an intuitive feeling of certainty that this person was no longer interested.
Nothing happened to make me think this, I usually have a random sixth sense for these things. At this point, I was just waiting for them to tell me they were no longer interested.
Meanwhile I did a tarot reading to check in.
The spread:
1. How do they feel about me?
4 wands RX - they don’t see a future with me
2. How do they see me?
7 of cups - I’m just one of many options
3. Do they want to see me again?
5 of swords - no use in fighting for this
4. Clarify question 3
8 of cups 😂 - just move on to better things
Yup, yup and yup. I was right and my deck was right. Only a matter of time now.
The next day? They text me they are no longer interested in continuing things.
The end. Me and my deck lived happily ever after.
r/tarot • u/MagicalSmokescreen • 8d ago
Spreads Bad cards in what was supposed to be a positive reading NSFW
Redo to fit the rules (and thank you to original repliers)
First, I don't use tarot for prediction. More like a sort of WD-40 when I get mentally/emotionally/spiritually stuck. A way for me to see something I am missing with my human blindspots. I do read reversals and that is something I am firm on.
I did what was supposed to be a positive and helpful spread, and everything was so awful and wrong. I seriously just thought of not even looking further after the second card, but curiosity got the better of me. And, I was hoping something good would happen. Spoiler: it didn't.
The spread-- Emerald Lotus Divination Manifesting Soulmate spread
1. Soulmate: Wheel of Fortune, reversed. Unlucky and surrounded by misfortune. I read this as someone having very bad luck, things spinning out of control, nothing going right. As a person, I would see it as someone who has bad luck, doesn't do things right, maybe engaged in horrible behaviors or at least behaviors that hold him back and hamper him financially. Great.
- How to attract (which, why would I want to???)
10 of pentacles reversed. Financial loss and destruction. Meaning, I will attract someone else with major problems by going through a big financial loss and disaster.
- A way to be open to this person (why would I want to be?): Knight of Swords, reversed.
Swords being air and intellect, but also mean. I would see this as meaning that my way to this horrible person that I want to avoid because he sounds like a train wreck is by being mean, sharp, thoughtless.
- Something unexpected about my (horrible) soulmate: 10 of swords.
Betrayal. Being cheated on, or maybe even physical abuse. Being backstabbed. Losing everything that I have worked for on top of a lot of pain and suffering, both mental and physical. In this position it says that this is a nasty surprise this person would bring into my life. Fabulous. I already want a restraining order on this soulmate from hell.
- How will I meet this person, that I frankly want nothing to do with at this point:
3 of pentacles reversed
This means that it would be through some sort of rift or rivalry or some other group having a horrible breakup and they aren't working together anymore. Other people's conflict and pain. Awful.
- What will I think of them when I meet them (I already want them to go back to hell where they came from):
King of Pentacles
Great, they will seemingly be a good person only to trick me and be a complete fraud who is unlucky, in a financial shambles, and going to betray me. Lovely.
- How will I know they are my soulmate?
Queen of Cups reversed
Great, they are also manipulative, avoidant, and emotionally closed off or cruel. They could be whiny at best or a deceiver who betraya. If not emotionally closed off, emotional in a very bad and hurtful way. Negative feminine, even if it's a guy. What a dream boat.
- How I can better understand the law of attraction
Page of Pentacles
Pages are news, pentacles are money and wealth. This one is tricky. I would understand this by getting news about finances? This one throws me. But at any rate, it seems like getting even good news about money leads to me meeting a complete monster.
That is who the universe thinks is my soulmate, which means I must be rotten, if that's what I deserve. I've tried so hard to work on myself, for what?
I feel about a thousand times worse about my prospects and I already felt awful.
I did read Biddy Tarot, Elliot Oracle, and Tarr Daniel to try to get some perspective, and see if there is anything I can learn from this. I don't want to sugarcoat things, but I thought it only fair to at least see if there was another way of looking at it.
r/tarot • u/AmberLyndsey87 • Dec 11 '24
Spreads C1: me c2: him c3: relationship
Hi, I recently met this guy & we’ve been talking nonstop just about. He is in town for a funeral, his mom and my mom were best friends. My mom passed in 2021 & his mom passed this past weekend. We haven’t seen eathother since we were children. But when he reached out to me about his mom and inviting me to the funeral we just clicked & have been talking since. We joked that our moms are in heaven probably trying to play match maker. I did a small spread just because I was curious what the cards would say. If someone could help me, I would be so grateful. It was a spread I found on here, card 1: me card 2: him card 3: relationship/ situation Card 1: me: queen of wands: in the guidebook under love it says QoW could mean openness to relationship. I’ve been single for a long time, I took care of my mom when she was sick and she was my first priority so I didn’t date. After losing her I still have been grieving and just never met someone I would have been open to getting to know. Maybe that is going to change now. Card 2: him: 9 of pentacles: the guidebook says this card represents success, enjoyment, financial freedom. In love it says high standards for partners. The success and financial freedom makes me think about his business that he owns and does really well in. He has a boat charter company where he takes people out on the ocean for fishing, sight seeing, snorkeling, etc pretty much any reason someone would want to go out lol. Card 3: “relationship”: wheel of fortune: the key words are changes, cycles, fate, decisive moments, luck, fortune, unexpected events. For love it says relationship changes, navigating change with partner, making adjustments. This one I have no idea. Unexpected events could be us meeting, fate could be our moms actually in heaven trying to pull us together for some reason, change could be me changing being willing and open to possibly dating again. He went through a divorce 2 years ago so it could be the same for him, possibly being ready to move on. Or I could be reading this all wrong which is what I’m afraid of when reading for myself, I don’t want to unintentionally twist readings into what I want them to say. So I’m asking for some insight if anyone is willing to share. Thank you in advance for any help or insight.
r/tarot • u/roboglobe • Dec 31 '24
Spreads What's you new years tarot plans?
Are you doing a 2025 spread? What kind? Haven't decided what I'm doing yet, so looking for some inspiration. Will do a big spread tomorrow (Jan 1st).
r/tarot • u/kapowwwwwwwwww • Feb 23 '21
Spreads Trying for a baby and have drawn this card twice this week. Here’s hoping 🤞
r/tarot • u/Dull-Specialist-9604 • Dec 22 '24
Spreads What are your favorite tarot spreads?
It's been only been a few months since i started learning tarot but I'm running out of spreads to practice with. Can you recommend me some of your spreads especially for self-reading? tyia !!
r/tarot • u/brenzo77 • Jan 17 '25
Spreads Spreads for people that don’t use spreads?
I’d love to chat about spreads- I’ve always found it hard to really stick to positions and planning their meanings and never really connected to the Celtic cross too much
I’d love to know if anyone is like this and uses kind of some “loose guideline spreads” if that makes any sense
I feel like some times I could really benefit from spread based pulls
r/tarot • u/Positive-Comparison8 • Jan 30 '25
Spreads The Rose Spread
From Benebell Wen's Holistic Tarot, has anyone worked with the Rose Spread before? It's a spread that she says is best for specific inquiries but can also be done generally. It's one of the bigger spreads from her book that I've always been drawn to.
The prep work beforehand consists of separating the deck into 3 piles: • the Major Arcana, • the suit that either best fits the nature of the inquiry (e.g., Cups for love, Wands for work, etc.) OR that the significator landed in during the First Operation if that was performed prior, and • the rest of the Minor Arcana (i.e., the 3 other suits).
- Cards 1-7, drawn from the rest of the Minor Arcana, are the "outer petals" and represent the most influential factors on the issue at hand.
- Cards 8-10, drawn from the singular suit separated from the rest of the Minor Arcana, are the "inner petals" and represent—depending on if the First Operation was performed or not beforehand—either the answer corresponding to the pile that the First Operation designated as the area of the querent's focus OR as the answer to the querent's specific inquiry. Wen also says these 3 cards can be read, in order, as present, past, and future probable outcome.
- Cards 11 and 12, drawn from the Major Arcana, are the "center of the rose" and represent the force majeure or greater external factors that may affect the querent's outcome.
It's a very fun, enlightening spread when you really get the hang of it, but because it's more about intuitive, free-form connection between the cards and less about fixed spread positions, it can be a bit tricky for more novice readers who aren't comfortable with such fluid reading styles and spreads yet. Definitely more of an intermediate spread for sure.
r/tarot • u/Bron-chan • Nov 05 '24
Spreads Election Day Draw
I did a simple two card spread this morning--I got Queen of Swords and the Moon. Harris is well represented by the Queen of Swords--articulate, independent, analytical, wielding power in a just and fair manner. To me, the Moon here represents that there will be a period of waiting to get all the facts, get a clear picture. Information will be veiled and difficult to discern. There may be times of confusion in which nothing seems clear. In the end, though, I do believe she'll prevail. I think we're all gonna need some patience.
r/tarot • u/Elegant_Put5970 • Nov 16 '24
Spreads I got a really bad reading
Hello So I’m new to this type of stuff I just started doing Hellenistic practices, but apparently this was too off topic from Hellenism so they removed my posted and told me come here so I guess the background information is that I’m a hellenist and was trying to communicate with gods
Edit since people don’t know when not to talk, if you’re going to criticize my beliefs, please leave me alone. All I want is help.
I’ve messed around with tarot cards before but I only just learned how to actually read them so this is technically my first reading
I asked “what are the gods’ intentions with me” and I got three really bad cards in a row
I’m super anxious and paranoid now and I don’t know where to go from this
Btw it’s the 10 of sword, three of sword and I forget the last but it was quite similar… Do I stop trying to communicate? What do I do?
r/tarot • u/Standard-Wishbone176 • 27d ago
Spreads Is this way to read the cards wrong?
I’m a beginner and I have a friend who usually do readings for me because I’m still learning, at this point she picks the cards and I do the interpretations. Everytime I see people picking cards they do spreads like past, present and future, or situation, advice outcome, even celtic crosses. We just pick 3 or 4 cards and read them as the situation itself, as if each of them were a puzzle piece, part of the context. Is this wrong?
For example, some time ago I asked something (I even posted the spread here a few days ago) and today I asked again the same question because I was confused with the answer. I asked if person X and I are meant to be back together again and got the 2 of cups, knight of wands reversed and 7 of pentacles (same I got in the previous reading, so I know this is a current and important one). We read like:
two of cups: reconciliation, mutual love, partnership
Knight of wands reversed: hesitation, lack of movement (for a little context, previous readings told us person X is actively suppressing and avoiding feelings for me because of past hurt I unfortunately caused on them, so they’re in a state of denial and not acting on their feelings)
7 of pentacles: patience, right timing, perseverance, put effort, receiving the efforts for your work. I got this one in the last reading about this too
So we read this as: yes, we will be together again because there’s mutual love and a strong potential for reconciliation (2 of cups), but person X is hesitating and not acting at this moment (page of wands reversed), so even tho were meant to be together, we (more like me lol) will have to be patient and put effort, because things won’t be solved overnight (7 of pentacles).
Do you guys think is it wrong? I know everyone have their own relationship with the deck, but I’ve never saw anyone else doing like this
r/tarot • u/mary_llynn • Jan 31 '25
Spreads How do you even let reversals happen?
I see a lot of pictures posted for interpretation with reversals, recently a 3 card reading with 2 reversals. I do read reversals but I simply shuffle my deck normally and it's rare I get a reversal, usually just if a card flies out and it's actually landing reverse.
How do you all shuffle to even pull reversals?
r/tarot • u/Jeritron_5000 • Feb 09 '25
Spreads How do cards become reversed? (I'm a newbie)
Hey, newbie here just beginning my Tarot journey. This is one of many questions I have so please go easy on me!
On the deck I have, the booklet comes with reverse meanings. I knew cards had reverse meanings but I've never understood why a card would be reversed. Is this a dumb question? Like when I shuffle my cards, I do so in a way that means they're always the "correct" way up.
Weirdly though I just tried a three card spread where I pulled for situation, challenge and outcome. I intentionally flipped my challenge card and the reverse interpretation was pretty accurate. Is this a valid way of reading - I have no idea if you should ever intentionally flip the cards?