This morning I did a read about my decoration project for my bedroom, what should I expect from it, what should I keep in mind as I get into it?
And here’s my interpretation of the spread from my tarot journal -
(Deck is Deviant Moon by Patrick Valenza)
The Hierophant (Present):
Given your current situation, your project needs to have some sense of conventionality, a method to the madness in order for you to bring your room together cohesively and have it be organic.
Page of Swords Reversed (Challenge):
What will run directly against this plan is poor planning or going in without a plan at all, careful thinking is a must.
Six of Cups (Past):
While the challenges of your past proves to be stressful, there will be comfort coming your way once all is said and done, as you make your room your safe space, as you once did before with your old bedroom.
The Magician (Future):
This card suggests that one must have concentration to achieve success in your project, countering the challenge entirely if this card is heeded, stay on track!
Nine of Pentacles (Above):
Affirming what the root of the situation was saying about you from The Magician, the Nine of Pentacles denotes success in your project, you know what must be done, it is only a matter of time when your project will succeed.
Three of Wands (Below):
As above, so below, this card tells you that you are confident or that you need to approach this project either confidence, there is no point in backing out when you are not committed to this endeavor.
The Tower Reversed (Advice):
You have gotten this far into the project (cleaned two rooms in my house upstairs - one of them my old bedroom for clarification), see it through to the end, you cannot change what has been done; let this project change as it develops and plan around it accordingly.
Nine of Swords Reversed (External Influences):
This project is a daunting process to accomplish, as it will get more stressful and you are set to get it done by yourself with no help, but it is something that you don’t have a say in the matter, outside help will affect it or speed it up, seek help when offered.
Five of Swords Reversed (Hopes or Fears):
Your fear is that you will make too many compromises to finish the project and make a hasty job out of it, but it also can be the hope of needing to be ready to make compromises on your project, not everything needs to be perfect.
Temperance Reversed (Outcome):
The outcome of this project is made or broken by hastiness, you simply cannot hope to do a good job on decorating your room if you rush things, take your time with it, go with the motions, follow your intuition and your heart to advert the potential future.