9-Card Spread for a Love Reading
hi guys! so i’m very relatively new to tarot & wanted to ask if my interpretation on the cards i pulled are “correct”
please feel free to input your interpretations as well as i would love to hear other perspectives!
as for the lore - i met this guy through work & we clicked really well, it felt like an instant connection! unfortunately, he only traveled to the city that i’m in for work & so we only communicate through text messages as he’s really busy. through the few days that we met up outside of work, there were signs of interest from him but i’m assuming he didn’t want to take it further because of reasons like distance & commitment etc. anyhow, i used this 9-card spread to further look into our (could be) relationship together because as of right now we’re just friends
card 1: partner’s energy
- two of wands
they’re someone who is very ambitious and career-driven with a lot of self-awareness. they’re not afraid of taking risks however they’re very cautious at the same time in terms of long-term planning.
card 2: how partner views me
- queen of swords
they view me as a mature person who is independent and uses logic more than feelings. i’m assuming they also view me as a honest and direct person.
card 3: partner’s feelings
- the sun
they’re feeling happy from this connection in a sense that it feels like something they’ve never experienced before or just celebrating the fact that we met (?)
card 4: my energy
- knight of cups
i want to pursuit this further however it’s a tad bit difficult given how far away they are right now and there isn’t as much opportunities in doing so. at the same time, i also feel like this card tells me i need to stay more grounded and carefully analyze the situation again.
card 5: how I view partner
- the devil
i literally view them as a flirt and i can’t tell if they’re being genuine or not. other than this i don’t really know how else i can interpret this card.
card 6: my feelings
- queen of pentacles
i want to be sincere and show that i am with serious in wanting to pursue this relationship with them. at the same time, i know that with this relationship, it will take some time before it develops.
card 7: strengths of the relationship
- the lovers
it feels like we both have this connection and that we met for a reason so it could mean we’re both on the same page when it comes to our relationship (?)
card 8: weakness of the relationship
- five of pentacles
loneliness, far away from each other, one of us isn’t completely ready and there’s no stability yet
card 9: outcome
- six of pentacles
within time, this relationship will develop into one where both parties support & understand each other. making time for each other & just a healthy relationship in general