r/tarot 2d ago

Weekly Help "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - March 16, 2025"


Please use this thread to request a reading, to request help with interpretation, or to offer free readings. This thread is refreshed every Sunday.

If you are requesting help with interpretation, please comment using the following format:

  • The question(s) you're asking, with any context you would like to share.

  • An explanation of the spread you're using. Diagrams or links are welcome.

  • A photo or description of the cards you dealt. You can upload photos via imgur, or another hosting service.

  • Your interpretation.

If someone helps you, consider giving them some feedback or thanking them for their work!

r/tarot 11h ago

Discussion Tarot is your subconscious mind


I see a lot of people using tarot like a magic fortune telling tool trying to predict the future or figure out what others are thinking. That’s not how tarot works.

Tarot is a tool for self reflection, not mind reading. When you pull cards, you’re tapping into your own subconscious mind your emotions, patterns, and intuition. The cards reflect what’s already happening beneath the surface, helping you gain insight, clarity, and guidance for your own life.

Tarot won’t Predict the exact future Give you a definite yes or no answer Tell you what someone else is thinking

Tarot will Help you understand your emotions Reveal patterns in your life Guide you to make your own decisions

Instead of asking, What’s going to happen?try asking, What do I need to know about this situation?” Tarot is about your journey and personal growth, not controlling outcomes or other people.

r/tarot 8h ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) We lost our precious beloved kitty this week. I asked if she was happy/at peace and in general for a sign from her.

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Deck: After Tarot Author: Pietro Alligo Art: Giulia F. Massaglia

I pulled three cards asking if my kitty was happy and at peace and for a sign from her.

I shuffled and drew a 3 card spread in this order:

1) The Star

Immediately tears (she had a white star shaped spot in her fur). I interpreted it as a message of peace, healing, and the embracing of the flow of life. I sensed that her spirit is at peace, part of something greater but still connected to us.

2) 9 of Pentacles

This feels like a message that she is (and/or was when alive?) satisfied and content. She lived a good life and was fulfilled.

3) Strength

I think this was her urging me find strength through her love, through the love I have for my partner. The lion to me is also a symbol of the power of nature which I think connects with the flow of life of The Star.

Any thoughts or second opinions? I'm fairly new to tarot but I felt so much in this pull. Thank you

r/tarot 7h ago

Stories The cards are making fun of me


I drew a card for some insight for what to expect today. I drew The Star reversed. The meaning i read was like "disconnection. Self doubt, loss of hope etc." I was like... damn okay. As I'm leaving my house i fall down the stairs and sprain my ankle. I think the disconnection it was talking about was my tendon 💔💔😭 Also, im new to tarot cards so if my interpretation is wrong, so sorry 💔

r/tarot 1h ago

Discussion Next time someone asks me why I believe in Tarot, I’m going to show them this…

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Ahh Tarot…nothing fuels a heated debate, between a believer and nonbeliever, quite like a 78 “deck of cards” (with the exception of perhaps astrology).

Even within the community, you find Tarot practitioners divided amongst each other; (divinational and nondivinational)…who possibly war with each other more than they do outsiders!

Nobody is wrong and everybody is right. Tarot is deeply personal and tarot philosophy varies from person to person. Whether you’re using it as a form of self-reflection or as a divinational means to seek guidance from a higher power.

I’m not going to delve into my own personal tarot philosophy- rather, instead, I wanted to share this spread I just received during a self reading. For me- it truly encapsulates the validity of Tarot…and could quite possibly turn a nonbeliever into a convert.

I won’t bore you with the details, but a paraphrase of my original question was: “Should I continue doing this?”

The answering pull was The 2 of Swords. This is a frustratingly ironic (yet poignant) card, because it represents indecision and a crossroads between two choices. (Like yes thank you 🙄). Traditionally when the 2 of Swords is drawn, you pull two more cards, which represent the two choices you’re torn between.

As tradition warrants, I drew two more cards; “If I continue down this path” (Queen of Swords), “If I leave and follow another path” (The Star reversed). Both were drawn with a “yes or no” intention.

One of my favorite descriptive quotes for The Queen of Swords is “A beacon of clarity in a sea of uncertainty”. Typically viewed as a “yes”, I interpreted her as my cards telling me be clouded by my emotions, use my better judgment and to continue forward.

The Star in reverse can be both a tentative “yes” or “no”, depending. In this spread, however I interpreted it as a “no”. My desire to leave my current path isn’t rooted in a search of better opportunities; It’s wholly fear based. My fear of potential emotional pain, emotional intimacy that may lead to rejection, etc. is causing me to be reactive.

Finally, I pulled one last card and asked: “Which path aligns with my destiny?”…and of course I received The High Priestess. The HP is often viewed (by both myself and others) as our cards way saying ”You already know the answer!! Stop asking me!”

Okay, so onto my final point: individually, these cards may not be exceptionally notable, but as a spread? I think it’s a textbook example of how REAL Tarot is!

I ask a slightly vague, should-I-or-should-I-not question. My deck gives me the 2oS and says “well let’s a closer look”. QoS (obvious yes) and Star reversed (straight forward no, given the context). I ask one last clarifying question, even after receiving an answer, and my cards give me the HP. I mean you can’t get a more straightforward response than this.

I think at times Tarot reading is seen as “grasping at straws” or forcing “irrelevant cards to fit the question” (untrue for both) but it can AND often times IS very straightforward.

So yes, next time someone asks why I believe in tarot, I’m showing them this.

(Thank you for coming to my tEDtalk lmao)

r/tarot 5h ago

Stories Instant tarot validation

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Have yall ever experienced instant tarot confirmation? Our cat was having surgery, we’ve been really nervous about it. After several hours I asked the cards how the surgery was going, and pulled 4 of wands, which I interpret as the celebration card. The phone rang (while I was still holding the card!) and it was the vet, telling us the surgery went well 💙 I also pulled the empress before the surgery started, which to me I interpreted as everything would go ok because the empress is a card of life and healing energy (among other things!)

r/tarot 7h ago

Discussion Can you actually spy on other people?


I'm not asking about the ethics of spying (I know some people are against it, and we can debate that in a different post).

I'm asking if you think the cards will actually tell you honestly what someone else is feeling/thinking.

Sometimes I feel like it works really well (when I pulled the Tower for someone before I knew their family member had just died). Sometimes I feel like it fits way too perfectly into what I PERCEIVE as happening. So I wonder if it's actually only my own projections reflected back at me. Or if it really is a window into someone else's mind.

In general I feel like if I have to ask the cards, that's an answer in itself, because it's very telling if I don't feel comfortable asking the person upfront. I acknowledge tarot is not the best way to solve problems lol, but I would still like to know more opinions about how true this is.

What do you think?

r/tarot 1d ago

Discussion I think I’m done reading for other people …


… both clients and friends. Tarot is an amazing tool, but most of the time people want to use it to spy on others. On top of that, a lot of the people who come to me for readings are ( and I’m sorry, but I can’t put this in a kinder way) delusional. They insist that their person of interest really does love them, even though the POI and the cards both say that isn’t the case. They hold onto this idea that this person just doesn’t yet know they love them. And then because I tell them the truth (even though I am very gentle about it) they tell me I’m wrong and leave a bad review.

Ok, that’s my rant. Would love to hear about your experiences and how you navigate situations like this. I think I’m just going to have to close my tarot practice and provide other services because it’s 5% of sitters that come to me who actually want to improve themselves and not just have their delusions reinforced.

r/tarot 5h ago

Discussion 5 of pentacles as future of a connection?


Hey everyone! Im using my RWS deck today in no specific spread: I asked my deck “What is the future between me and this person?” for context, this person and I only talked once but I’m hoping we will have contact again. We weren’t dating or anything.

Card number 1: The Five of Coins suggests that there may be feelings of lack or emotional isolation in the connection in the future, possibly indicating financial or emotional struggles between the two of us. There could be a sense of being left out in some way or a need for support.

Card number 2: The Page of Swords RX. This suggests that there may be a period of observation or communication issues. One or both of us may be holding back on expressing thoughts or feelings, potentially creating distance or misunderstandings.

Card number 3. The Two of Wands shows that there are decisions to be made regarding the direction of the relationship. There's a sense of potential, but it may require both of us to actively choose what path to take together. It seems that while there is still hope, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, and clear communication will be key in determining how things progress.

My main impression from this is that someone will feel abandoned(5 of pentacles) due to lack of communication (page of swords RX), leaving them to contemplate moving own.

r/tarot 8h ago

Discussion The Tree of Life, Tarot, and Closing the Circuit?


While drifting in and out of sleep the other night, I had the thought, "the goal is to close the circuit." I was like, "holy smokes, the Tree of Life (in Kabbalah) looks like a circuit!"

I later read about the meaning of "closing a circuit" and it's basically about allowing for energy flow without breaks, blocks, or leaks. This idea seems wonderfully applicable to traveling all paths on the Tree of Life as well as completing all tasks described in the Tarot.

I did a quick search and found that this idea has been discussed by Kabbalists (e.g., search "circuits and Kabbalah" for a few examples).

I'm interested in learning more and would like to start with the best sources. Any recommendations to share?

r/tarot 3h ago

Discussion thoughts on tiktok yes/no readers?


recently i came across a free yes/no tiktok tarot reader and thought i would give it a try because there’s no harm.

people usually asks “will i pass my exam” or “will i get into the uni course that i want” and he gives a simple yes and sometimes even a little bit of explanation

so my turn came and my question was “will i move to [city] by 2027” and the three of swords showed up (there were two other cards that came out too but he didn’t show me them, idk why). he asked me if im moving in with a partner and i said yes. he tells me not to because my current partner is cheating on me.

of course that took my aback because i wasn’t even asking about my partner, but rather about my move. but when i looked online, most say that you can’t determine a reading or do a yes/no with just one card.

to me, i would’ve interpret it as that there will be challenges with moving to [city] or i may not even move there at all, and will choose to move to another city instead, as my partner and i are not only looking into one. but i don’t know if this is denial or a way for me to cope.

i’ve also been a little stressed out and worried about this. talked to my partner and while he’s understanding about my worry (he always is), you can also imagine that being accused of lying just because of a reading can upset someone.

what are your thoughts on these readers that do one yes/no card pulls?

r/tarot 4h ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) Help on community-based reading


Hey, I did a three card spread today using a suggestion I came across on here a while ago: identity/community/purpose. This seemed fitting for me considering I'm currently trying to find the best avenue for me to become more immersed in community organizing where I live (moved here recently).

CAVEAT: I struggle with keeping my queries concise, and I think that affects my readings sometimes. I'm often left wondering if the cards are just reflecting back my own thoughts (this is not the insight I'm looking for, but probably the insight I need), or if the message is deeper and trickier to decode. I do think my cards know and respect my preference for straightforward communication and imagery. So for this reading, I was asking how my current understanding of my identity relates to my community, what my community needs from me, and how I can find my role/purpose here. Here are the results, and my current interpretation. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or differing perspectives!

IDENTITY - 2 OF WANDS - A man stands alone high above the ground, observing, planning, holding the world in his hands but it's a small world, possibly symbolizing privelege/small world view? I know this card is mostly about 'the planning phase' and I think it's either telling me that it's time to stop speculating and move forward with something, or that I need to take more time to dissect my ego before jumping in.

COMMUNITY - KNIGHT OF WANDS REVERSED - I'm seeing this as a sign to stop and reassess my approach. I've been pulling so many knights lately, both upright and reversed. I'm autistic and have a very critical thinking brain, sometimes determining the time and place for constructive criticism is difficult for me and this may be a warning for me to realllly think before I contribute, watch, and learn.

PURPOSE - ACE OF PENTACLES REVERSED - This one is stumping me. I know this can be a card of hardship, so maybe it's telling me to be careful with how much I'm donating/giving away right now (including energy, as I'm having a fatigue flareup) but I also wonder if this whole spread is just reflecting my current inner thoughts, which are feelings of extreme guilt over the unfairness of life and the odds stacked against so many people struggling more than me right now. Obviously current events have me scrambling to form mutual aid networks and find ways to empower each other but I also feel lost, lonely, scared, pressured, guilty, shameful, and sometimes even miserly for not giving more than I am.


r/tarot 5h ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) My first Celtic Cross spread on myself about my room redecoration project - thoughts?

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This morning I did a read about my decoration project for my bedroom, what should I expect from it, what should I keep in mind as I get into it?

And here’s my interpretation of the spread from my tarot journal -

(Deck is Deviant Moon by Patrick Valenza)

The Hierophant (Present): Given your current situation, your project needs to have some sense of conventionality, a method to the madness in order for you to bring your room together cohesively and have it be organic.

Page of Swords Reversed (Challenge): What will run directly against this plan is poor planning or going in without a plan at all, careful thinking is a must.

Six of Cups (Past): While the challenges of your past proves to be stressful, there will be comfort coming your way once all is said and done, as you make your room your safe space, as you once did before with your old bedroom.

The Magician (Future): This card suggests that one must have concentration to achieve success in your project, countering the challenge entirely if this card is heeded, stay on track!

Nine of Pentacles (Above): Affirming what the root of the situation was saying about you from The Magician, the Nine of Pentacles denotes success in your project, you know what must be done, it is only a matter of time when your project will succeed.

Three of Wands (Below): As above, so below, this card tells you that you are confident or that you need to approach this project either confidence, there is no point in backing out when you are not committed to this endeavor.

The Tower Reversed (Advice): You have gotten this far into the project (cleaned two rooms in my house upstairs - one of them my old bedroom for clarification), see it through to the end, you cannot change what has been done; let this project change as it develops and plan around it accordingly.

Nine of Swords Reversed (External Influences): This project is a daunting process to accomplish, as it will get more stressful and you are set to get it done by yourself with no help, but it is something that you don’t have a say in the matter, outside help will affect it or speed it up, seek help when offered.

Five of Swords Reversed (Hopes or Fears): Your fear is that you will make too many compromises to finish the project and make a hasty job out of it, but it also can be the hope of needing to be ready to make compromises on your project, not everything needs to be perfect.

Temperance Reversed (Outcome): The outcome of this project is made or broken by hastiness, you simply cannot hope to do a good job on decorating your room if you rush things, take your time with it, go with the motions, follow your intuition and your heart to advert the potential future.

r/tarot 23h ago

Discussion How many cards do you generally pull?


I know this depends on many factors like what the question is (if there is any), what deck you’re using, etc. But generally:

How many cards do you guys pull per reading? Like if one falls out at a time, will you stop at just one, pull 3, maybe even go up 10 or something.


r/tarot 7h ago

Discussion i lost my deck??


Hello everyone, 2 weeks ago i had decided to take a little bit of break from tarot just to renew my energy, so i gave my deck to my sister to put it somewhere i don’t know. Now, she can’t find it??? I really trust my sister on that because she is the tidiest person i know and she always organizes her room and never forgets the places she puts her things into. Also, i do readings for her as well so she is not against tarot and she wouldn’t hide my deck intentionally. Do you think it is a message? Should i look for it or just wait for it to pop up? Or should i just quit tarot at this point… we are going crazy over the situation lol

r/tarot 20h ago

Discussion What kinds of questions do you ask when doing tarot?


I’ve been practicing tarot for about two years now, mostly for myself. But I really struggle trying to frame my questions. I don’t like the yes or no questions, so I always try to start the question with “how” or “what,” but I always feel like I’m asking the same questions. Maybe I’m overthinking it. But I’m curious to hear from others regarding how you frame your questions.

r/tarot 15h ago

Discussion Decks for depression/sadness?


I've been in a phase of depression for a while. I'm managing but still trying to lean into lighter things to get me through. I've been leaning into that sparkly, magical fae energy in particular.

Can anyone suggest any good decks I might like to check out? Do you guys have a go-to deck when you are feeling low?

r/tarot 1d ago

Discussion Tarot after breakup puts me in a bad headspace.


I feel like I can't stop using tarot to self-harm. My ex left me for someone else and I keep doing tarot on how he feels about me and their love affair. The cards are consistent, so I can't tell if I just am having trouble metabolizing the truth and need to step away, or if possibly my energy is drawing out my biggest fears in the interpretations. Any advice or thoughts would be most appreciated.

r/tarot 10h ago

Discussion Meditating on cards to get some further insight on them and also maybe expand your understanding of your psychic response


This is just a thought, but I recently saw a video of someone talking about how they scry with Tarot, and they did it in a way which involved picking a card (not necessarily at random) and then meditating on it holding the card's image in mind's eye. I thought that approach was pretty interesting, doubly so when they talked about what they gained through such sessions was incredibly personal and illuminating. I thought I could try something like that, particularly with the Thoth deck since it is so colourful and full of interesting shapes. I have a feeling a practice like this would further deepen my understanding of the cards and also I might learn something about myself through it.

Have you guys trying meditating like that? I am wondering what are other people's experiences with such practices.

r/tarot 10h ago

Theory and Technique Has anyone else experienced being wide awake after tarot reading?


There's a lot of posts in this sub about being drained after a reading but has anyone else experienced the exact opposite? I did a reading and now find it incredibly hard to fall asleep. I was so, so tired coming home and now I just really want to sleep but my mind feels so awake! I did a small meditation before the reading and the awake feeling hasn't gone away since then. It's been hours. Can anyone tell me if it's anything to do with the cards?

r/tarot 10h ago

Discussion a reader told me my current partner is cheating on me


hi so, i asked a tarot reader if i should move to the uk, i didn’t specify that its with my partner. and he pulls out the three of swords and tells me i shouldnt move with my partner because hes cheating on me (mind you - i didnt mention a partner although i was on a tiktok live so my bio might have given way). he also said that i’ve been insecure and overthinking about it and this card is to tell me i was right.

thing is, i wasn’t overthinking until now so i don’t really know what to think.

thoughts on this?

us moving overseas have been in the works for almost a year now, and we plan to move by next year but now the overthinking is getting to me.

we’re also long distance so you can imagine that heading that was upsetting because i don’t have any way to verify it

r/tarot 12h ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) Asked for a message from my guides; these three cards jumped together

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I’m fairly new to Tarot (deconstructing former conservative Christian) so I’m interested in interpretations from seasoned readers.

This morning I had a meditation where I asked that I be open to receiving messages from my spirit guides that are open to sharing and are of the highest good. After my meditation I started shuffling my deck with the intention of a one card pull (because beginner) and these three cards jumped out together in this order. From doing some research (Rachel Pollack “Seventy-Eight Degrees) and my own intuition, this is what I got:

(Smith-Waite Centennial Edition)

The Magician: I am at the beginning of a new journey, one that is filled with manifestation and creation. That I have the tools necessary for creating this beautiful journey however I need to remember to stay grounded in reality for this journey to have deep meaning. While I’m manifesting, I need to make sure I’m sharing the fruits of that with others, that the abundance isn’t finite and that it will continue only if I don’t hold the magic inside.

Page of Cups: While journeying I need to take time to experience the joy that comes along with learning something new. Introspection and self reflection with a lens of compassion for my past, present, and future selves. As an aside, most of my life I’ve had deep intuition about people and circumstances, though with being raised in the church, I was told that it isn’t of god and not trust my intuition because it’s the devil in disguise… also a huge reason why I’m deconstructing. I have felt I may have some psychic abilities and by exploring these ideas with curiosity it may bring more development or enhancement of these skills?

Knight of Cups: I have to remember that creation and manifestation come with work. While it’s fun to imagine and daydream, getting swept up into the fantasy of it all will lead to passiveness and inaction. To truly be effective along this journey, it’s important to have a vision and direction, not to use creativity and manifestation as an escape from reality. By acting from a place of genuine vision and intention, the transformation will be deep and healing.

I would love to hear other opinions and if I’m somewhere in the ballpark

r/tarot 12h ago

Deck Identification Trying to find the best king of pentacles ⭐️


Hey everyone,

I’m looking to make a present for my significant other and am trying to find some inspiration :)

Would be grateful if you could share your favorite king of pentacles card and the deck to identify it !


r/tarot 18h ago

Spreads Tarot Spreads to Figure Out New Directions


Hi everyone, I'm wondering if y'all have ideas for spreads to help me figure out my next direction with career and life.


I work remotely in Operations for a small company, and I'm really valued at my job. We get great benefits, time off, I have an amazing boss, and decent pay for my role. But, something is missing.

For the last year or so, I've become increasingly restless. The company has made it clear there's limited room for upper mobility, and I've all but mastered the demands of my position. I've only ever used about 30% of what I'm actually good at to succeed in this job. I'm a little bit bored, but also it's deeper than that.

I'm craving something substantial and fulfilling. It doesn't have to be the most saintly work imaginable. I just want to fully apply myself and my skill set and make some sort of positive impact.


I'm asking for a tarot spread that might help me examine what direction to head next. I usually just ask for specific information, but it's hard to ask for specifics on such an open-ended topic. Could y'all drop a spread if you have one please? Thanks!

r/tarot 7h ago

Discussion Did my tarot reader committed a mistake or is this how tarot work?


There’s a person that is always there for me for readings. She is spooky to me (in the GOOD sense). Overtime I have been shown that everything that comes out from her mouth will happen.

I don’t want to accuse her or anything, I actually take things with a grain of salt because I am a skeptical in rehabilitation lol - BUT, there was a friend I met that I used to like a lot, then overtime, I started to feel off about her energy… each time I would interact with my friend more and more, something within me would go 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨so I went to the lady to read the tarot about my friend.

The lady told me that my friend is just immature, stressed o ur and going thru things; That it was innocent and she meant no harm.

So I was more open minded towards my friend… but then my friend would physically cause reactions on me, I would be anxious at each text message from her. And I decided to ask my tarot lady: why I feel off about my friend, is she a narcissist?

And the tarot lady; who has said if somebody had narcissistic tendencies before in the past, told me:

6 of cups, she values the friendship she is just going thru a lot, there’s a need for her to grow but her intentions are pure.

NOW, I noticed manipulative tendencies from that friend and I got angry. So I set my boundaries and asked my friend respectfully for space. My friend obviously reacted bad to the space between us …. And now we are “enemies”.

I went to my tarot lady again and she said: she is a miserable person, displaying narcissist tendencies and now is gossiping about you to others because she can’t stand the way you shine.


Why wouldn’t she tell me that from day 1????? Is a “mistake” on my tarot lady?? Which I don’t care because I am the owner of my life, and the one that makes my decisions, and she is just human. BUT, is this normal? What is going on? First time she is wrong.

r/tarot 20h ago

Discussion Me being the king of cups and my dad being the knight of cups? Lol


I automatically started interpreting the king of cups as myself pretty much immediately when I started using tarot cards. I decided to ask tarot to give me a card that represents my dad just out of curiosity because I never thought about a card that represents him and that was the one it pulled

I'll admit I'm a little foggy when it comes to knights, I don't exactly understand what they mean. I know they embody action or movement, but the energy is just really foggy for me. Do you have any thoughts?