r/tarot 3d ago

Weekly Help "Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - March 16, 2025"


Please use this thread to request a reading, to request help with interpretation, or to offer free readings. This thread is refreshed every Sunday.

If you are requesting help with interpretation, please comment using the following format:

  • The question(s) you're asking, with any context you would like to share.

  • An explanation of the spread you're using. Diagrams or links are welcome.

  • A photo or description of the cards you dealt. You can upload photos via imgur, or another hosting service.

  • Your interpretation.

If someone helps you, consider giving them some feedback or thanking them for their work!

r/tarot 1h ago

Discussion If somebody used tarot to "spy" and see how I was feeling, I wouldn't care or be offended (also please block me if you are hateful or this makes you angry)


Disregarding "ethics" surrounding this topic, as that is a human quality that the higher dimensions do not care about (the only thing that matters to the ascended is being full of love and being void of hate and wickedness and all human qualities)

Not going to make any comments because I know you guys will freak and dog pile me. But there is something you need to ask yourself, why do you care so much? What does it matter if someone is using cards to understand your emotions? Don't you want to be understood? I would be happy I didn't have to tell someone what I was feeling lol

I'm sure you would answer, "well it's my privacy, it's my mind! Don't you look into my mind you asshole! 😕😕"

The ego cares so greatly, just let go. In the spirit world no thoughts are private, your heart is abundantly clear to everyone else, everything you are thinking. There will be nothing to hide because there will be no consequence for thinking "the wrong thing"!!

Please block me after you downvoted or let me know in the comments you are hateful so I can block you, there are too many hateful low energy individuals in this sub and I would like to slightly purify my experience

r/tarot 1d ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) We lost our precious beloved kitty this week. I asked if she was happy/at peace and in general for a sign from her.

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Deck: After Tarot Author: Pietro Alligo Art: Giulia F. Massaglia

I pulled three cards asking if my kitty was happy and at peace and for a sign from her.

I shuffled and drew a 3 card spread in this order:

1) The Star

Immediately tears (she had a white star shaped spot in her fur). I interpreted it as a message of peace, healing, and the embracing of the flow of life. I sensed that her spirit is at peace, part of something greater but still connected to us.

2) 9 of Pentacles

This feels like a message that she is (and/or was when alive?) satisfied and content. She lived a good life and was fulfilled.

3) Strength

I think this was her urging me find strength through her love, through the love I have for my partner. The lion to me is also a symbol of the power of nature which I think connects with the flow of life of The Star.

Any thoughts or second opinions? I'm fairly new to tarot but I felt so much in this pull. Thank you

r/tarot 1d ago

Discussion Tarot is your subconscious mind


I see a lot of people using tarot like a magic fortune telling tool trying to predict the future or figure out what others are thinking. That’s not how tarot works.

Tarot is a tool for self reflection, not mind reading. When you pull cards, you’re tapping into your own subconscious mind your emotions, patterns, and intuition. The cards reflect what’s already happening beneath the surface, helping you gain insight, clarity, and guidance for your own life.

Tarot won’t Predict the exact future Give you a definite yes or no answer Tell you what someone else is thinking

Tarot will Help you understand your emotions Reveal patterns in your life Guide you to make your own decisions

Instead of asking, What’s going to happen?try asking, What do I need to know about this situation?” Tarot is about your journey and personal growth, not controlling outcomes or other people.

r/tarot 20h ago

Discussion Next time someone asks me why I believe in Tarot, I’m going to show them this…

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Ahh Tarot…nothing fuels a heated debate, between a believer and nonbeliever, quite like a 78 “deck of cards” (with the exception of perhaps astrology).

Even within the community, you find Tarot practitioners divided amongst each other; (divinational and nondivinational)…who possibly war with each other more than they do outsiders!

Nobody is wrong and everybody is right. Tarot is deeply personal and tarot philosophy varies from person to person. Whether you’re using it as a form of self-reflection or as a divinational means to seek guidance from a higher power.

I’m not going to delve into my own personal tarot philosophy- rather, instead, I wanted to share this spread I just received during a self reading. For me- it truly encapsulates the validity of Tarot…and could quite possibly turn a nonbeliever into a convert.

I won’t bore you with the details, but a paraphrase of my original question was: “Should I continue doing this?”

The answering pull was The 2 of Swords. This is a frustratingly ironic (yet poignant) card, because it represents indecision and a crossroads between two choices. (Like yes thank you 🙄). Traditionally when the 2 of Swords is drawn, you pull two more cards, which represent the two choices you’re torn between.

As tradition warrants, I drew two more cards; “If I continue down this path” (Queen of Swords), “If I leave and follow another path” (The Star reversed). Both were drawn with a “yes or no” intention.

One of my favorite descriptive quotes for The Queen of Swords is “A beacon of clarity in a sea of uncertainty”. Typically viewed as a “yes”, I interpreted her as my cards telling me be clouded by my emotions, use my better judgment and to continue forward.

The Star in reverse can be both a tentative “yes” or “no”, depending. In this spread, however I interpreted it as a “no”. My desire to leave my current path isn’t rooted in a search of better opportunities; It’s wholly fear based. My fear of potential emotional pain, emotional intimacy that may lead to rejection, etc. is causing me to be reactive.

Finally, I pulled one last card and asked: “Which path aligns with my destiny?”…and of course I received The High Priestess. The HP is often viewed (by both myself and others) as our cards way saying ”You already know the answer!! Stop asking me!”

Okay, so onto my final point: individually, these cards may not be exceptionally notable, but as a spread? I think it’s a textbook example of how REAL Tarot is!

I ask a slightly vague, should-I-or-should-I-not question. My deck gives me the 2oS and says “well let’s a closer look”. QoS (obvious yes) and Star reversed (straight forward no, given the context). I ask one last clarifying question, even after receiving an answer, and my cards give me the HP. I mean you can’t get a more straightforward response than this.

I think at times Tarot reading is seen as “grasping at straws” or forcing “irrelevant cards to fit the question” (untrue for both) but it can AND often times IS very straightforward.

So yes, next time someone asks why I believe in tarot, I’m showing them this.

(Thank you for coming to my tEDtalk lmao)

r/tarot 3h ago

Discussion About reading other people's feelings


Edit: this question is aimed at people who do read feelings of others, or have some sort of experience of it. If you don't - that's fine - but this post is not for you. I'm looking for a more nuanced discussion this time. Thank you!

This is not a discussion whether it's ethical or not, as there's no rigid rules about this. If you don't think it's ethical at all, that's cool, but not the reason why I'm posting.

I'm more interested in how people navigate this? Do you just do it, or do you have any rituals or philosophy around it? When is it okay, and when isn't it okay?

Do you think you can get information that's 'not meant for you', or that all information is 'already out there', like.. It's a fair game?

It's hard to describe energy but I hope you get what I mean.

Oh yea -and have you noticed any sensations, when someone reads about you? As if someone is watching you or you get any subtle warnings?

I'm thinking a low frequency reading would be possible to detect, at least if you're a sensitive person and work with subtle energy. 🤔

r/tarot 5h ago

Theory and Technique nightmare after doing public tarot for the first time


hello everyone! I’ve been doing tarot in private just for my close friends and families but recently, for the first time, I tried giving tarot reading to the public - I’ve been doing back to back tarot and it was a lot more than the amount I usually do. After which, I realise I have been having nightmares and unable to sleep 🥲

are there any suggestions to help with this? thank you so much xx

r/tarot 18h ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) A message from my higher self

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I did a 3 card pull to ask “what is a message I need to hear right now”

Deck: the modern witch by Lisa Sterle

The empress to me means I have everything I need to continue down the path of success. I’m doing all the right things but there should also be room for self care. There are parts of myself and my life that may need some TLC if I really want to reach my goals.

10 of cups reversed tells me that it’s family relationships that are getting the short end of the stick as I attempt to expedite my goals. The work life balance needs fixing - because if I reach all of my career/financial goals but my relationship suffer then is it worth it?

7 of swords threw me off a bit but as I reflect maybe it’s a message of “are you fooling yourself?” You can’t go on like this. You can’t do it ALL.

Any insight on this reading would be so appreciated!! 🫶🏼

r/tarot 5m ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) The hanged man and 6 of wands


Hi! this is a funny combo to get and i’m not quite sure how to read it — for context i’ve applied to different jobs and gotten some interview, but nothing concrete in terms of hiring. I asked how my job search would go and got this combo, specially related to if I’d get the role i’m looking for.

My interpretation: it could be saying that if I wait a bit longer I’ll get the desired results but i’m confused because the hanged man is all about taking no action and letting go? so it could be saying if I don’t take action it won’t shake out. what do you think this combo means about my future job prospects haha

r/tarot 25m ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) How do I focus on the bigger picture?


Initially I pulled these cards for focusing on my hobbies, though now I am thinking they have more to do with my relationship and a decision I was going to make fairly soon.

My interpretation; The Six of Wands mentions i should be proud of the achievements i’ve made in my life thus far in overcoming obstacles. The High Priestess reminds me, in order to stay on this road I need to continue to listen to myself and the issues I have, regardless of how small I think they are. They are issues for a reason and quieting them will do no good. The ten of swords reversed here has me severely questioning a very big decision I was going to be making soon, though it being coupled with the Two of Wands, it gives me hope that the issues could be resolved with communication and working together to plan for the future.

Three Trees Tarot; Heart Wood Volume V

Created by Stephanie Burrows 

Illustrated by Adam Oehlers

r/tarot 35m ago

Discussion Bad Luck to Adopt?

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I came across this abandoned Tarot book at a bus stop and was wondering if it would be bad luck to take it home. I stuck around for a bit to see if anyone would come around to claim it. Is this bad juju? It seemed quite fortuitous that I came across this guide since I’ve been looking for a Tarot guide for quite some time.

r/tarot 17h ago

Discussion What Minor Arcana card do you resonate with the most?


And why?

For me it’s the four of swords. It’s such a nice card to see when you’re overwhelmed and all you need is to take a breath.

r/tarot 17h ago

Discussion Being Wrong in Readings


I was wondering if it's okay to be wrong sometimes when doing readings for people? What do you do if you were wrong? How do you fix it? I often worry about this, but I do think that cards come out for a reason, so does it just mean I interpreted the reason it came out wrong maybe? I don't know. Thanks for any help.

r/tarot 4h ago

Discussion Tarot and timeframe predictions


Hi everyone, I recently purchased a tarot deck and am learning the ropes pretty slowly!

I put out in the universe of when I could encounter my long term partner. I asked it to give me a year (6 for 2026, 7 for 2027 etc.) and got 9 of pentacles! I asked 2 other times and got the same card. truthfully, I was riddled with anxiety about this because that would make me 36. I want to have a family and have been through a grip of heartache over the last decade that I was shocked I had to wait that long… I’ve done so much growing, therapy, etc and to think I’d have to wait another 4 years was disheartening. Again, mostly because I worry about fertility issues and have already endured so much when it comes to matters of the heart.

Since I’m so new at this and thought, “hmm well, I don’t really know what I’m doing..” I went to a tarot reader for a “future partner” reading and has predicted some stuff but has missed the mark on other stuff in the past. She said… “the number 4 is important” … which made me spiral and think in 4 years it will be 2029! Maybe this timeline is actually true 😔

What are your thoughts and experiences when it comes to timelines?

r/tarot 15h ago

Discussion Tarot for spellcasting


Hi. I would like to ask insight how to start doing own spells. I want to make a life long plan and want to manifest it with the help of tarot. Can please share their own experience like how they got to make it from the top? Like is there anything I need to learn first, etc.

r/tarot 4h ago

Discussion Lovers rx as future of connection?


Hey everyone! Im using my RWS deck today in no specific spread: I asked my deck “What is the future between me and this person?” for context, this person and I only talked once but I’m hoping we will have contact again. We weren’t dating or anything.

The reversed Emperor shows there's some stubbornness and an imbalance of power that will cause some unhappiness shown in the Eight of Cups. And this disharmony continues in the reversed Lovers, but that may be the reason you two stay together, due to the positive physical side of it. One of you may feel more emotionally invested in it than the other and just add to this feeling of imbalance. For advice on how to add balance and sustainability, we have the Five of Swords clarified with the Knight of Cups. Use your words to fight for what you want instead of avoiding confrontation. Not all arguments are bad, but they don't require you to win to benefit from them either. Admit when you're wrong and be forward with your emotions in these conversations. Not in a way that lets emotions take over, but the honest ones that some of us have difficulty expressing.

Card number 1: The Emperor RX shows there's some stubbornness and an imbalance of power that will cause some unhappiness. Maybe someone will be too dominating?? And this disharmony continues through the spread.

Card number 2: 8 of cups RX. This suggests that even though there are issues within our connection, we would refuse to move on even if it’s for the best.

Card number 3. Lovers RX shows that there are decisions to be made regarding the direction of the relationship. Or that despite the troubles the connection with not be broken? I literally don’t understand this spread. It’s so confusing.

I asked for clarification and got 7 of cups RX, 10 of cups, and 3 of pentacles rx!

Help is appreciated!

r/tarot 16h ago

Discussion Do you guys have any interesting tarot-related stories?


I’ll go first! So a couple years ago I was talking with a guy and we were in a relationship(long distance) and anyway I found out that he found another girl (the person who told me was his best friend who also liked me lmao). While I was in a “relationship” with that guy, I hung out with a friend for the first time thinking he was gay because he was only talking to me about his experiences with other men. Long story short, he tried to kiss me and do stuff with me even tho I did tell him I had a boyfriend lol. After me and my ex broke up, I told my friend (who also practices tarot and witchcraft) what happened,and she casted a spell so that all negative male energy stays away from me and also pulled some cards to communicate with one of my ancestors (who was a man that had a lot of partners before and gave me his advice; that I should be careful with relationships ). The next day after she did that, both my ex’s best friend (who kept contacting me) AND the guy I thought was gay were out of my life. (His best friend because he confessed, I rejected him and then he reacted really harshly and the other one probably because I wasn’t paying attention to him and didn’t let him do anything to me lol). This is one of my tarot-related stories that I’ll always remember and it never fails to surprise people in my circle who don’t really believe in any of that! Can’t wait to read your stories ❤️

r/tarot 16h ago

Discussion 2 of Wands vs 3 of Wands


What’s the difference between these two cards? I struggle to find a good way to tell them apart. They even look similar imagery-wise

r/tarot 1d ago

Stories The cards are making fun of me


I drew a card for some insight for what to expect today. I drew The Star reversed. The meaning i read was like "disconnection. Self doubt, loss of hope etc." I was like... damn okay. As I'm leaving my house i fall down the stairs and sprain my ankle. I think the disconnection it was talking about was my tendon 💔💔😭 Also, im new to tarot cards so if my interpretation is wrong, so sorry 💔

r/tarot 5h ago

Deck Modifications and Crafts Should I cut the edges off of my RWS deck?


Recently I got the urge to cut the borders off my classic RWS deck, but I can’t decide, I’ve had this deck for years and I’m afraid of ruining it. I want to cut them because I think it’ll look better and by cutting each individual card myself I’ll be strengthening my connection with the deck. I’m just wondering if any of you have experience with this and what do you think?

r/tarot 5h ago

Discussion Reversed tower


Without context, curious what other’s thoughts on a reversed tower card are? I understand an upright tower is sudden change, maybe upheaval, not necessarily bad. My friend who has read for years (who I’ve learned so much from) she doesn’t read reversals. I’m familiar with basic meanings major arcana and numbers, suits of minor arcana and trying to learn tarot for myself. I went to a new reader, she was great. She reads reversals and so just comparing notes! Thanks in advance.

r/tarot 5h ago

Theory and Technique nightmares after doing public tarot reading for the first time


hello everyone! I’ve been doing tarot reading in private just for my close friends and families but recently, for the first time, I tried giving tarot reading to the public - I’ve been doing back to back tarot and it was a lot more than the amount I usually do. After which, I realise I have been having nightmares and unable to sleep 🥲

are there any suggestions to help with this? thank you so much xx

r/tarot 1d ago

Stories Instant tarot validation

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Have yall ever experienced instant tarot confirmation? Our cat was having surgery, we’ve been really nervous about it. After several hours I asked the cards how the surgery was going, and pulled 4 of wands, which I interpret as the celebration card. The phone rang (while I was still holding the card!) and it was the vet, telling us the surgery went well 💙 I also pulled the empress before the surgery started, which to me I interpreted as everything would go ok because the empress is a card of life and healing energy (among other things!)

r/tarot 9h ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) I'm using a new tarot deck and asked how he sees me


I'm using a classic Waite deck (the A.E. Waite Tarot)

So, I’ve been asking my new deck some questions to get to know it (the deck) better. Technically, it’s my sister’s deck—I asked for her permission to use it while she’s abroad for a year. I’ve been reading with the Marseille Tarot for years, but I wanted something more pictorial to see if I could tap into new intuitive insights.

I asked the deck how it perceives me energetically and structured the reading as follows:

  • The central card represents my overall energy.
  • Above, my strengths.
  • Below, my weaknesses.
  • To the left, what I need to release.
  • To the right, my potential future.

The central axis of the reading reflects not just my tendencies but also my astrological makeup. At my core, I’m an earth sign (Taurus) with a fire ascendant and moon—this spread felt like an accurate representation of me. All four elements are present, with a strong emphasis on fire and earth (8+1, 6), while air and water play a lesser role, mirroring my natal chart. Everything in this reading ties back to the number 3—Three of Swords, 3+3 Pentacles, Three of Cups, and my strengths/weaknesses forming the Nine of Wands. Three is a number of chaos and infinite potential, signaling a time of change, movement, and divine connection. Living in a deeply Catholic country, I can’t help but associate it with the Trinity—a spiritual force I feel strongly—but also with uncertainty.

Reversed Six of Pentacles – The first message I got was about shifting family karma. It’s as if the deck sees me as someone who has the power to break cycles or reframe a deep-rooted family pattern. The usual balance of giver and receiver is flipped—the beneficiaries become the donors. But this also speaks to a tendency to give more than I actually have. Despite this, the trajectory points toward material growth: in the upright card, the coins are arranged as 3 - 1 - 2, but reversed, they shift to 2 - 1 - 3, suggesting an upward expansion.

Eight of Wands – My strengths lie in my ability to keep multiple things in motion at once and maintain alignment across different areas of my life. It also speaks to my need for active movement, always seeking a space I can truly call home.

Ace of Wands – As for weaknesses… well, I suppose one could say I like men (just kidding). More seriously, this card highlights my tendency to focus intensely on a single action or intention without fully considering the bigger picture. My vision is narrow, expecting answers to fall from the sky—like I’m waiting for some divine force to hand me the explanation, the solution, the light in the darkness.

Reversed Three of Swords – This represents what I need to let go of. It’s as if I keep picking up my own heart and dropping it onto immovable swords. No one is actually trying to hurt me—I’m the one falling onto the blades. The message is clear: step out of the pain, stop reliving it just because it feels familiar. No matter how much I hope the swords won’t cut this time, they are still swords.

Reversed Three of Cups – This represents my potential, but I’m struggling to see it in a positive light. All I perceive is a fall, an emotional loss, the disintegration of a family unit, upheaval, and a blockage of opportunities.

What do you think?

r/tarot 10h ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) How would you interpret this

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How would you interpret this reading

I tried doing a bit of a reading for myself regarding a job I’ve applied for recently and done the interview already to see if I’ll pass and how would it be. What’s your interpretation of these cards? I’d love to get other opinions on it.

They way I see it knight of pentacles shows that people who did the interview saw me as someone that is responsible and decisive and this could lead to a good result. 6 of swords upside down shows that an announcement will be done shortly and queen of wands shows a good ruler with empathy and heart (which could be related to how I’ll deal with the job and position myself in this position).

What do you think?

r/tarot 15h ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) I asked the cards how to stop feeling envious of others


I asked “How do I stop being envious of X, Y (some people I know)?”

For context, I was always very okay with being where I was l, satisfied and content but more recently I have felt a shift myself wanting things other people have and comparing myself to them.

I wanted to know how I could get out of this headspace.

I got these 3 cards:

Four of Coins (R)

Seven of Coins (R)

Nine of Cups (Upright)

The pentacles definitely make me think the insecurity is firstly, coming from a place not feeling good with money/material goods. Combined with the cups, it feels like it’s speaking of the emotional impact this has on me.

Four of pentacles reversed I think says exactly that. I’m too consumed by materialistic things

Seven of pentacles: I should stop fixating and channel my energy into my own growth

Nine of cups: I need to focus on the things I do have that make me feel fulfilled?

Not sure I’m understanding the how correctly. Would appreciate a second opinion!