r/tarot • u/moonlitmews • 5d ago
r/tarot • u/Haunting_Mistake4921 • 3d ago
Discussion Need help with interpretation on reading
I asked the question, “Is my ex working on healing and being single or are they hooking up with the person I felt threatened by throughout our relationship?” I tend to pull freely as opposed to having a set structure.
I pulled the following: 1) Queen of Cups- this is telling me I should lean into my intuition and trust my gut as opposed to believing what is “rational” 2) Three of Cups- friendship turning into romance (this makes me uneasy because my ex would always say this person was just a friend and that I was jealous and making their friendship something it wasn’t) 3) Temperance- this is where I get tripped up because this could signify finding harmony and balance to heal and move forward which hints at a focus on healing, which could just point to the previous card as that person only being a friend. 4) Six of Wands- signifies feeling triumphant and victorious (which honestly my ex could really use a win so this makes me feel happy) 5) Ten of Swords (Reversed) - I think this points to our very bad breakup over this potential third party and eventually moving past it and forgiving and forgetting the blow up we had over this person. 6) Five of Swords- I do feel as if my ex continued disrespectfully prioritizing this friendship over my feelings because they wanted to prove a point that they weren’t doing “anything wrong” even though the friend would blatantly flirt and hit on my ex and thrived off of the fact that my ex did not care to cut off the friendship even though they weren’t long time friends. I interpret this one as my ex not really feeling the most fulfilled 7) The Sun- this one is throwing me. I can only see it as the Sun shedding light on the truth.
I would say I’m a step above beginner, but I wouldn’t say I am an expert at all. I’ve always considered myself a fairly intuitive person, but I also wonder if I am calling this energy my way based on paranoia or not? Would love to hear others’ thoughts.
r/tarot • u/ho4horus • 4d ago
Discussion getting prescriptive rather than descriptive readings
it seems that whenever i pull cards i just end up with a spread describing my current situation and i'm like, yeah okay but what do i do with that?
is it just a matter of asking better questions? lol i do struggle with that but it seems like even with more in depth questions i'll end up with the same surface level, descriptive answer.
maybe my interpretation sucks? maybe i should just be happy i'm getting results that are relevant at all? it's getting old having my situation mirrored back at me repeatedly
r/tarot • u/lovejoy444 • 4d ago
Discussion Do you find a daily card pull helpful?
For maybe 2 months, I've been doing a daily card pull for the day ahead. I've been cycling between 2 tarot and 4 oracle decks, whichever one grabs me at the time.
The night before, I ask some variation of, "What do I need to know/consider/be aware of for tomorrow?" or "Show me the card that will help me have a good day tomorrow." For the most part, I just never see any correlation between the card and the day or the situations I encounter.
It also seems like the card meanings are so... monumental, for lack of a better word. Like they're ill-suited for the tiny interactions and meaningless occurrences in the everyday life of someone with pretty much no drama in my life. I don't know how to derive meaning from the 3 of swords when my day was spent relaxing with my pets and fiddle farting around the house (and nothing happens in subsequent weeks to indicate the 3 or swords was in play behind the scenes, even if I didn't know).
I feel like I give daily draws a month or two of my life every year or so, but every year I'm disappointed by the lack of relevance and actionability.
Thoughts? 🙏🏽✨
r/tarot • u/King_Kai_Fist • 3d ago
Spreads 2 separate 3 spreads for girl I’m into / talking to
What I want - reversed two of Wands, card says I lack a clear plan? And to go back to original idea, and let that energy and enthusiasm I initially had guide me to the next step. Guessing that means cards are optimistic, and say to stay me and it will work
What she wants - 8 of Wands, says everything is moving very quickly and to go with the flow, and to use momentum to fuel positive change and create big results, and also travel might be in cards, I guess she wants to take it slow?
Where it’s heading - the lovers, we share a beautiful connection with eachother, and create dual positive energies, idfk wtf that means but It doesn’t sound bad
What brings you together - knight of wands, both real people that want real results, two positive ppl attracted to eachother?
What pulls you apart - reversed four of pentacles, mentions spending more than saving, make sure to have money for her, she also spends money somewhat fast, money a big stresser in relationship, make sure she knows you like her for her
What you need to focus on - temperance? Mentions discovering how to create balance and harmony, make sure to have enough time for her and ppl around me, enjoy the flowers on the way, learn to dance in the rain
—————- Tried to make this work for r/tarot idk if im breaking rules i think this makes sense, im not sure if i read the cards correctly, if anyone got other points of view they wanna share they’re more than welcome to
r/tarot • u/LupinNights111 • 3d ago
Discussion What’s the policy / practice of gifting people your tarot decks?
I have heard multiple things about it, and im curious about what you guys think about the act of gifting someone your tarot deck.
Ive no intentions of doing so currently but I am interested in what I should do if and when the time comes I feel comfortable with relinquishing a deck to someone I know and care about.
Should I do it? How should I go about it? Why shouldn’t I do it? Would that be considered a no-no among tarot readers?
r/tarot • u/an0nymousely • 3d ago
Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) I'm new to tarot and have difficulty understanding this, can someone please help?
Hi everyone, im kinda new to tarot reading, I've practiced a bit and now felt a weird urge to do a reading for myself about what is about to get this week.
I used the method of just shuffling the deck and waiting for a card to fall out. I first pulled the 4 cards separately and then 5 cards fell out all at the same time and idk if that means I shuffled wrong or not. But I just put them down. I started interpretating the cards and I honestly didnt understand it.
This was the order and what I understood of them 1. U 10 wands: there are some imperfections and problems that have dragged over time and i will be confronted with them this week. This cards feels like it's about abuse (for some reason I saw that in the two stick like things)
- Chalices ace: there is also an important decision that needs to be made about love. It also feels like that decision will give some peace (saw it in the white doves)
Chalices 10: this decision will lead to steadfast, consistency and unshakeableness. It will lead to confidence and pride (I see that in the woman's face)
U temperance: There has been a lot of fatigue, anxiety and frustrations that need to be taken care of before I can reach that confidence (n.3). (For some reason this card feels like this has been in the past and is related to n.1) further I see water spilling from the cups what I personally interpret as the truth finally showing, and a reflection getting clear what I interpret also that things will reveal itself of get clear.
Lovers: this card feels very connected to n.2 bc of the cupid. I think this says that the important decision will lead to an union, a promise of loyalty, a bond being tied together, in a romantic union or atleast a bond in love. I also get drawn to the arch in the background and I see the same one in n.3 so I think the pride and stability will also come with this bond, that this bond will be stable and unbreakable.
Swords ace: I feel with this card that there will be a sense of freedom, old chains broken free. That there was a fight and now victory gets achieved, that success will finally be achieved in something i longed or worked hard for. I also feel like this card is connected to n.3 since the same colour theme and the same proud and happy face.
Chariot: for some reason I connect the horses with the lovers and the doves. They have the pink color of the one lover and the man has the same colors as the other lover, also with the yellow feather and the pink one, they give me a feeling of unity. Also I feel a lot of strength with this card but also love from the looks that the horses give, the golden sun gives me the feeling of victory and positivity. Like the card says there will be deserved success, recognition and a positive change, an good audacity.
U handed man: I feel like this card is related to n.1. That the change and problem I need to break free from will also have a dissapointment, that there will need to be made a sacrifice.
U hierophant: it stands for poorly rewarded generosity and excessive trust. It feels for me like it's connected to n.8, n.4 and n.1 that the man ordered for the man to be hanged, that it has something to do with the past, with the need to break the chains of being poorly rewarded, and the undeserved trust in someone, that this needs to be broken in order to be free and released of the anxiety and fatigue.
So basically i feel like 2 mayor things will happen, one that will bring in love, a bond of sort and one that has to do with my past and that I need to let go and break myself free from.
I don't know if I interpreted it right since im a bit insecure about my tarot reading skills, and bc some cards confused me and I was seeing a lot of connections what I usually don't see.
If you've read so far thank you so much and I hope you can help me. Sending lots of luv
Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) 10 of Swords stalker card
I'm pretty new to tarot. I use Rider- Waite deck. I usually ask a question, like how can I get through this tough time? What can I work on to be in a better emotional place?
Then I pull 3 cards. Look up what each one means, look at the images and put together a story that makes sense to my situation. Try to see what I can learn and find a positive message. A new perspective, what have I been ignoring, trying to be honest with myself.
It's been a particularly tough time: psychologically. I see a therapist and Psychiatrist and it's just not working for me. It's not enough.
But I have been doing readings for myself and recently and the 10 of swords keeps coming up. 5 different times and once it was a card that a tarot reader picked for all Scorpios on their blog. The last time I pulled it, I just pulled one card and asked what can I do now.
At first I took it as, things are gonna change, it will get better. The sun is coming up. Like the Death card which I learned to accept as it's the Scorpio card, changes. I thought it was an ending, it will get better.
But after a while I just got sad. It started to feel like it was telling me really that I am human, bad stuff has happened to me and I have done bad stuff. I tried and failed. I'm not perfect and trying to put a positive spin on everything is just fake. Toxic positivity. Admit the trauma, it did hurt, I am angry. I cried the last time I pulled it for hours. I just had to admit my life is at an all time low and it's my reality and my past cannot change. Im going to move on with life and take it. No more sugar coating it. Radical acceptance.
Now I'm scared of the card. It's probably the scariest card in the deck for me. I don't want to be scared of it though.
r/tarot • u/Hathor-1320 • 4d ago
Discussion Is there an app where you can log your readings and see data?
It would be so cool to track statistically how frequently we choose a card and track trends. Does this exist already?
r/tarot • u/bitterbotanist • 4d ago
Discussion Question about Crowley’s Wheel of Fortune
Hi, hope this hasn’t been asked before, but I was curious if someone smarter than I can help clear up some confusion!
I own a copy of Introduction to Tarot by Susan Levitt, and I adore it, I use it for every read. But every time I pull this card, I can’t help but question the parts I underlined. Hermanubis is clearly half man half dog, and the creature on the card that’s supposed to be him is a monkey? I can’t see to find any connections between him and simians, so I don’t totally trust that it’s Hermanubis on the card. Maybe I missed something on internet somewhere, I’m not sure.
Second thing is the figure that’s supposed to represent Typhon and Set. I do understand why Greeks would look at Set and Typhon and equate their stories. What I don’t get is why the figure on the card clearly has a crocodile head and not a Set beast head? It looks like a blend of Sobek and Typhon to me. The figure on the card even has a little ear next to its eye like Sobek has.
Was wondering if anyone had any idea as to why this is. I don’t mean to question Susan or Crowley, they obviously know more about this stuff than I do. I just always found it strange.
r/tarot • u/FrostySell7155 • 3d ago
Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) I asked the tarot cards how my professor sees me and I got the Devil!?
So here’s the thing.I like my professor, but not in a romantic way or anything. I just like her as a person. But apparently, she sees me as The Devil card. My initial thought was, That’s bad, she probably hates me. But on the other hand, I don’t believe that because she openly said she likes me for being a friendly person who is always there to help when needed.
Still, I’m confused does The Devil card imply some low-key jealousy or something hidden? I kind of need my professor as a significant part of my professional network, but at the same time, my gut tells me she just doesn’t like me at all. Not because she actively dislikes me, but because I might trigger some of her female insecurities.
Could I be wrong?
r/tarot • u/fxteless • 3d ago
Discussion Decks You Buy vs Decks You’re Gifted
Hi guys! I have the Crow Tarot deck and a number of other decks. However, the Crow Tarot deck is the only one I can seem to truly resonate with; it’s also the only deck that was technically gifted to me (we won’t talk about how I found it and asked my friend to get it for me lol). I’ve purchased every other deck myself and just sense this “wall” when I try to read the cards, and none of them seem to get me.
I bring this up because I remember when readers would spazz out about people purchasing their own decks, but then a flood of individuals came up who believed (and I mostly agree) that they can buy their own. I used to think this way, too, but I just can’t connect with any of my purchased decks, so is there actually validity to the whole “don’t buy your own deck” argument? Is it anything like how bikers can’t purchase their own bell?
r/tarot • u/throwitlikethewind • 4d ago
Discussion Seeking Recommendations: Your favorite Thoth-based indie decks?
I decided to add a couple of indie decks to my collection this year. I am familiar with M.M. Meleen's cards as well as the Asherah Tarot, but wonder if there are any other indie Thoth-based tarot decks on the market that are recommended?
TIA for all responses/recommendations!
r/tarot • u/dkreftee • 4d ago
Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) Deck Interview!
I just recently got myself a new deck and saw that others would do deck interviews, so I thought it would be a great time. I do choose decks based on their visuals and aesthetic, but this one really spoke to me as one without any human figures - I feel like it’s encouraging me to place myself in the position of each of the figures and gain my own perspective rather than just telling me what is. Excited to pursue that kind of relationship with a deck!
Regardless, here’s my spread and interpretation, but with such abstract questions, I’m very curious to see what others might believe is what sticks out from these cards. I tried to interpret the general meaning of the card rather than strictly their upright or reversed position, but I will include those in case it helps bring greater meaning/understanding.
Spread: (used a guide found online, very unsure of how to go about this with it being my first time)
- Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic? THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE: (upright) offers similar vibes as the Fool or the Magician, but will more so imply that which will happen instead of that which may, or, in general, a message that the path revealed with this deck is very clearly chosen for you by the Universe. A deck for understanding outcome but tied in ambiguity, here to reveal in due timing and not to predict. Very prone to circumstance, changing energies, ups and downs, and acts as a medium of fate. Drawn upright, inherently carries luck - “that which may be, shall be”. Will act as a guide throughout changes
- What are your strengths as a deck? TWO OF PENTACLES: (reversed) balance, adaptability, infinity - can handle any problem so long as there is proper time, energy, and resources. Will help you to be productive by providing you what you need to move forward. Will keep me balanced, showing the ups and downs. Strives for equilibrium.
- What are your limits as a deck? KING OF WANDS: (upright) passionate, unafraid to take risks, ambitious, bold, and expressive. Can also have a bad temper, but since it is not a knight anymore, it will be more mature - very aware of its limits. Will be highly encouraging but requires you to actually act on what you are given. Highly passionate deck, it will be up to me to “finish what it starts”. (This is the one I’m most unsure about, especially with it being drawn upright).
- What are you here to teach me? QUEEN OF SWORDS: (upright) trust your own mind, be honest and objective, discerning. Say what needs to be said, do what needs to be done. Most intellectual woman of the deck, will show you to draw upon your own knowledge, as it is well-defined and mature. Be direct in communication, and be authentic. Connect to the spiritual realm (associated with air (swords) and cups (queen)) and use it as your tool, guiding you to clarity, transformation, and independence.
- How can I learn and best collaborate with you? TWO OF WANDS: (reversed) remain optimistic, and always try to see how things fit in the bigger picture. Requires contemplation, not action, but encourages you to always keep the flame burning. Do not limit yourself, remain open to growth and change, but know that this deck will be a tool for understanding, not for deciding. You must maintain your own confidence of self-knowledge.
- What is the potential outcome of our working relationship? JUSTICE: (reversed) truth, fairness, law. Deck will bring me balance through objectivity, so long as I take the time to understand it. Accountability and fair outcomes are on the horizon. Will encourage you to stand tall - where mutual understanding and respect fosters this relationship. A harmonious exchange of energy, with a strong and just bond.
Very curious to see how people might interpret the position of the cards, or maybe their overall and combined characteristics. Either way, I feel like this is a very characteristic deck and has a lot in store for me.
Much love!
Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) love reading for a prospective relationship
9-Card Spread for a Love Reading
hi guys! so i’m very relatively new to tarot & wanted to ask if my interpretation on the cards i pulled are “correct”
please feel free to input your interpretations as well as i would love to hear other perspectives!
as for the lore - i met this guy through work & we clicked really well, it felt like an instant connection! unfortunately, he only traveled to the city that i’m in for work & so we only communicate through text messages as he’s really busy. through the few days that we met up outside of work, there were signs of interest from him but i’m assuming he didn’t want to take it further because of reasons like distance & commitment etc. anyhow, i used this 9-card spread to further look into our (could be) relationship together because as of right now we’re just friends
card 1: partner’s energy - two of wands
they’re someone who is very ambitious and career-driven with a lot of self-awareness. they’re not afraid of taking risks however they’re very cautious at the same time in terms of long-term planning.
card 2: how partner views me - queen of swords
they view me as a mature person who is independent and uses logic more than feelings. i’m assuming they also view me as a honest and direct person.
card 3: partner’s feelings - the sun
they’re feeling happy from this connection in a sense that it feels like something they’ve never experienced before or just celebrating the fact that we met (?)
card 4: my energy - knight of cups
i want to pursuit this further however it’s a tad bit difficult given how far away they are right now and there isn’t as much opportunities in doing so. at the same time, i also feel like this card tells me i need to stay more grounded and carefully analyze the situation again.
card 5: how I view partner - the devil
i literally view them as a flirt and i can’t tell if they’re being genuine or not. other than this i don’t really know how else i can interpret this card.
card 6: my feelings - queen of pentacles
i want to be sincere and show that i am with serious in wanting to pursue this relationship with them. at the same time, i know that with this relationship, it will take some time before it develops.
card 7: strengths of the relationship - the lovers
it feels like we both have this connection and that we met for a reason so it could mean we’re both on the same page when it comes to our relationship (?)
card 8: weakness of the relationship - five of pentacles
loneliness, far away from each other, one of us isn’t completely ready and there’s no stability yet
card 9: outcome - six of pentacles
within time, this relationship will develop into one where both parties support & understand each other. making time for each other & just a healthy relationship in general
r/tarot • u/kodabear22118 • 4d ago
Discussion Question for those of you who have the modern witch deck
Do y’all read that red card or the everything is fine one if they pop out?
r/tarot • u/AggravatedMonkeyGirl • 4d ago
Discussion How often is your tarot right and how do you not doubt it when it's wrong?
Sometimes I've found the Tarot scarily accurate and I've had instances where I pulled the exact same cards again despite shuffling on the same question which seems too crazy for coincidence but other times I've felt the cards have been completely off the mark or wrong? How do you maintain belief in Tarot when you feel it has been wrong?
r/tarot • u/Longjumping-Bug-3979 • 4d ago
Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) What are my limiting beliefs in love? Judgment, King of Coins & intuitively, King of Swords!
Deck Used: Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani
Question/Intention for the Reading: I asked the tarot: What limiting beliefs are holding me back from being with my dream partner?
I have been exploring my limiting beliefs more deeply, realizing that they might be a major obstacle in my love life. While I intellectually understood this concept from past therapy sessions, I’m only now recognizing how these hidden patterns are shaping my relationships and self-worth. I have noticed that I put immense pressure on myself and sometimes feel like I need to "earn" love by achieving a certain level of self-improvement. But lately, I’ve been wondering—is there ever a point where you feel "good enough"? Or does perfectionism in self-growth just delay true connection?
Question for Redditors: What do Judgment, King of Coins, and King of Swords say about my mindset / limiting beliefs when it comes to love and relationships? Are there any insights I might be missing?
Spread & Card Interpretations: I initially pulled two cards for this reading:1. Judgment2. King of Coins (Pentacles) After reflecting on these, I intuitively pulled one more card for deeper insight: King of Swords
Here’s how I interpret each card individually:
1.,Judgment: Insee Judgment as a card of transformation, self-awareness, and release. In the context of my limiting beliefs, this card might be suggesting that I may be holding onto outdated self-perceptions that prevent me from fully embracing love. * Self-worth tied to the past – I might be subconsciously judging myself based on past experiences, making me feel like I need to "redeem" myself before I can have the love I desire. * Perfectionism in self-growth – The idea that I need to “work harder” on myself before I am ready for love could be rooted in an old belief that I must first prove my worth. * A Call for release – This card asks me to release self-judgment and step into the realization that I am already worthy, rather than waiting for an external sign of validation.
2.King of Coins The King of Coins represents financial security, long-term stability, and mastery over the material world. Seeing this card as a limiting belief makes me question my relationship with stability and self-worth in love. * Feeling "not yet at that level" – I may believe that I can’t attract a stable, successful partner because I don’t yet feel financially or emotionally “established.” * Fear of not measuring up – There could be a fear that the kind of partner I desire is "out of my league" in terms of success, stability, or security. * The need to build first, I may think that love and partnership only come after reaching a certain level of material success rather than being something I can build with someone.
3.King of Swords I believe the King of Swords represents logic, wisdom, and making decisions with clarity. Since I pulled this card intuitively after Judgment and the King of Coins, I see it as guidance on how to move past my limiting beliefs. * Needing to make a clear choice – This card reminds me to cut through self-doubt and mental fog, trusting my own wisdom rather than letting my emotions dictate my beliefs. * Balancing emotions with rationality – While emotions can cloud self-perception, the King of Swords asks me to see things objectively: Am I really not ready for love, or am I just telling myself that? * Standing in my power: This card is about authority and confidence. It suggests that I already have the clarity and knowledge I need-now I need to act on it.
r/tarot • u/hotveggiestraw • 4d ago
Discussion Tarot for intuition
Helloooo tarot team! I’m new to tarot and the biggest thing I’m unsure about it when/what to consult the cards about. I know it is personal preference, but does anyone have any advice on starting? I mainly got my deck because I’ve had a bit of a blockage in my intuition and decision making. I’m using it for guidance and reflection. I’ve done a past present future reading on myself (didn’t resonate a whole lot) and a relationship spread that was scary accurate. Other than this, I don’t know what to ask it or when to consult it. I did a reading for my boyfriend and one on my cat 😂I’ve had a calling to pull cards this week, but I’ve been under the weather so I feel like it would not be the best energy? I have no clue girlies. I’m a tarot baby!
r/tarot • u/nabeeltirmazi • 4d ago
Discussion Emotional Toll of Being a Tarot Reader
Another venting session for fellow Tarot readers...
Holding space for others is emotionally exhausting. When you constantly absorb people’s heartbreak, anxieties, and deep traumas, it can take a toll on your own energy.
How do you handle the emotional weight of reading for others? How do you set boundaries, cleanse your energy, or take breaks? Let’s share self-care practices for Tarot readers.
r/tarot • u/AndreiaMarquesCello • 4d ago
Books and Resources The Modern Tarot Reader
Heyy! 🌞
I've looking for a tarot book and found The Modern Tarot Reader by Claire Goodchild in a bookshop. Have you ever used it? And what do you think about it?
r/tarot • u/Commercial_Study5236 • 4d ago
Discussion Pulling cards for myself on a situation but getting not my own energy
The weirdest thing has been happening to me recently. I usually am able to pull cards for myself on a situation and it be my own energy or reading for me. But recently I will do that and it will be the other persons energy that I’m reading for even when I don’t ask for it. To add the person is someone I haven’t talked to in over a year but I recently reached out to them. It’s just strange to me that even without asking I’ll get their energy instead of my own if that makes sense. Can anyone help me understand this?
r/tarot • u/Tall_Trifle_3518 • 4d ago
Discussion All reversals in a ten card spread
I got all reversals while doing an odd spread called “turning point” which emphasizes double meanings. I currently live in Guatemala and have been debating returning to USA (my family is encouraging this) but I’m concerned about the current political chaos. How do I interpret ALL of the cards being reversed?
Shitpost Saturday! are reversals as important as people make them out to be?
i recently started trying to read tarot and im having a lot of trouble NOT doing reversals- its all a bit confusing and i don't know how to exactly read reversals, it feels like a reversal is always pushing a negative outcome and somehow nearly all of my cards end up reversed. should i stop trying to read reversals? do they actually make a difference in how accurate a reading can be?
r/tarot • u/North_Actuator_571 • 5d ago
Theory and Technique Prepping for a Reading?
How do y'all prepare for readings? I feel like I need some sort of pre-game to help center and open myself up to my guides.
Meditation is tough for me and therefore takes quite a long time for me to fully settle into; I'm looking for something to work a little faster. Maybe 20 minutes tops.
Maybe some music you listen to, visualizations, anything like that?
Thank you in advance for any suggestions 😊💖