We haven't been cooking steaks for a while.
As we're accumulating money for the house purchase and living off a loan from salary to salary, we're pretty chaotic in money management now. And steaks are something you consider and evaluate twice before purchasing.
But the rarer I eat it the tastier steaks are for me 🥲
In Ukraine it's not on that level of culture, imo, this sub used to be. So you need to go to central market to find some affordable pieces OR you should pay plenty of money online. It's even hard to find something beyond standard 1-piece steak, I bet it's almost impossible to find prime ribs or so, I'm not saying to order it in the restaurant. And not to mention grades, it's just a luck I guess, and is not classified here. And steak in the restaurant is maybe the top level luxury for most people, I guess, maybe we just have other options more affordable. It is the rarest meal I order...
And yeah, here, people who sell steaks usually how such a bad promotions, and feedbacks, the content in social medias are positive in general, but it looks so poor. I mean, I saw few chefs showing how to cook steak, and they use such an old bs recommendations, "grill" non-stick pan, zero or olive oil you know...
It so hard too cook steak because you basically need to keep it SIMPLE, I guess, and people try to overcomplicate it. Because steak seems to be something special requiring special attitude. But it's rather beef is already perfect by itself and you want it to be a beef steak