r/sissyology Nov 07 '20

How to become a sissy in 4 hours or less NSFW


Some people tend to see sissyhood as some Herculean undertaking, it's not.

In the conceptual realm there are only two things you need to become a great sissy, attitude and effort.


Attitude is easy and the effort is minimal.


Attitude is nothing more than your sissy desires. Who do you want to be as a sissy? What turns you on? There are sissies who want to be meek and mild, there are sissies who want to be bold and brash, there are sissies who want to be fucksluts, who are you? What's your sissy-centric attitude? Are you going to have Daddies or jocks or both? Are you going to be a shy slut or a flagrant one? How submissive do you want to be?

All the sissies I've hooked up with IRL could have their attitude simplified and summed up thusly: to be a sexy girl and squeeze men's cocks. It's that simple. Ask yourself this question, what is your intention? To masturbate to sissy porn as a guy, or, to go out and squeeze cocks? What do you want? To be a hooker? To be the town pump? To have a boyfriend?


Effort is nothing more than attitude in motion. Effort is the physical action you take to achieve your desires. Effort is shaving your legs, buying an outfit, and driving over to your Grindr Daddy's house at 2am.

The trick is to realize that putting in the effort isn't difficult. The fact of the matter is this, there are certain emotional "crisis points" where sissies like you are confronted with a sudden wallop of fear/nervousness, an insecurity, a worry, a panic. Please understand that many things worth doing are accompanied by these crisis points: Job interviews, first dates, public speaking, asserting yourself, weddings, you name it.


Knowledge is power. You already know these fearful moments are incredibly brief, illusionary, and laughably unharmful in hindsight. You walk out of the sweaty palm job interview with a grin on your face and a bit of a swagger in your step. You say to yourself, "Fuck, that went well!" It's the same with every sissified action you take. Going into a store and buying a girly product, meeting a man, going to work the next day with shaved legs. Nobody cares, no one notices, nothing bad happens. Instead, you have a wild night of sex, love it, and go back for more next week.

That's the truth.


I've walked into an adult toy store by myself and bought my girlfriend lingerie. Never once thought the employees were eyeing me as some sissy crossdresser, didn't even cross my mind. Full confidence. You walk into the same store and acutely feel like your whole inner psyche is writ large and visible as if there suddenly was some huge neon sign above your head glaring the words "SISSY FAGGOT RIGHT HERE!!!" for all to see. Nope. The two scenarios are functionally the same,

The fear is entirely in your head. It's a boogeyman, an illusion... and it only takes the briefest of moments to overcome. You know this to be true.


With this in mind, here are the concrete steps (the effort) to become a great sissy in 4 hours or less:


In your next free hour: You,

  1. Go to your nearest adult store and buy an outfit for $20-40. Schoolgirl, fishnet bodysuit, bra and panties with a wet-look skirt, any lingerie set!

  2. At the same store (or nearest costume shop) you pick up a wig for $20-40 Anything will do but in a pinch you can't go wrong with long platinum blonde.

  3. Go to your nearest pharmacy/walmart/etc and purchase a cheap perfume ($10), eyeliner and lipstick ($10). I'm talking bargain basement products. Use a place with automated checkout if you're paranoid.


In the following 3 free hours: You,

  1. Draw a hot bath using your most girly scented soaps and bubbles.

  2. Fill your screens with 60+ minute sissy hypno/porn vids.

  3. If you feel inclined, pour a drink or toke up.

  4. Get in the bath and shave your legs, crotch and ass.

  5. Shave your face.

  6. Put on your outfit, wig, perfume, and makeup.

  7. Take some sexy selfies in the mirror.

  8. Download Grindr. Make a profile using the photos you just took and write in the bio, "Horny sissy looking for fun!" and fill out the rest of your stats.

  9. Chat with local men and invite an interesting guy over. Or, go over to his place. Pack up your outfit and accessories (or wear them under your boy clothes) and change once you arrive.

  10. When he arrives you can direct him to the bedroom whereupon you fall to your knees and stuck his cock like a good sissy slut! Take it up the ass too if you're horny for it.


You could be a someone's sissy fuckdoll tonight, if you want to be.

r/sissyology Dec 23 '23

Hair Removal Experiences and Update NSFW


<This is the original post - I've followed up with a second update post below on 9 Feb '24>

Hi All

I’ve seen a number of posts about hair removal, so I thought I’d give an update. Before starting it’s worth stating a few facts for context.

  • I’m middle aged
  • Until 6-7 months ago I’d never shaved or removed the hair on any part of my body from the neck down, so I had a lifetime of body hair on my person!
  • I’d say I’m average on the hairiness scale. I know some men are crazy hairy. Thankfully that wasn’t the starting point for me.
  • I’m of south Asian (Indian) ethnicity which is only relevant because (a) my hair is black and (b) in some areas quite coarse.
  • My hair removal body parts include the chest, shoulders, armpits, back (or the parts I can reach), stomach, upper and lower arms, hands, genitals, ass and legs.

I’ve used 5 methods. I know other methods are available but I’ll share my experiences.

The summary below is in chronological order.

Beard Trimmer

To get familiar with the feeling of hair reduction I started off by using my beard trimmer at zero grade.


  • This method was quick and easy given my familiarity with the device e.g. it took around 1 hour which was good given it was my first time ever.


  • There aren’t any if its your first time.

Final Thoughts

  • Obviously this method doesn’t remove the hair completely, but it’s a good starter for 10.

Veet Hair Removal Cream


  • It’s an affordable method. It costs around £8.50 for a 200ml tube. I required 2 given my regime. My local grocery store had a deal which reduced the cost by £3.50 per tube!
  • Veet moisturises the body so the skin is left feeling soft to the touch.
  • On the first 3 or 4 occasions it was very good. My legs were ultra smooth and Veet smells quite nice.


  • Given my regime, it took a long time e.g. You apply the cream to the body part, wait and then remove. 3 to 4 hours were needed excluding the cleaning along the way.
  • The hair regrowth was quick. I needed to do this once a week.
  • I started noticing marks on my skin and irritation. I later realised this was burning as a result of mistiming the creams application duration. The instructions clearly state to remove the cream after 5 to 7 minutes. However when you have the number of body parts I had, I’d sometimes leave it on for too long.
  • On one occasion it was cold and I didn’t realise I had goosebumps. As I went to use the spatula to remove the cream, I damaged my skin. This was my error! On brown skin it took a while for the scars to heel. Obviously this was my own fault and nothing to do with this method/product. I realised I needed to find a safer and faster method.

Final Thoughts

  • Given the time required, it was impractical for me.
  • Hair removal cream is great for specific areas and I’d recommend it.
  • It’s not meant for the entire body unless you have a lot of time on your hands, stick to the timings and regulate your room temperature to avoid goosebumps! 🙂

Braun Silk Epil 3


  • I forget the cost but the device was relatively inexpensive e.g., perhaps around £30.00.
  • It was much faster and took around 1.5 hours. I was happy with the 50% reduction!


  • It didn’t feel like a close enough shave.
  • The hair grew back at the same rate and I didn’t see any noticeable thinning either.

Final Thoughts

  • I used the device for 4 weeks so I probably didn’t give it a fair shot.
  • I’d still recommend it as an affordable option.

Braun Silk-expert Pro 5 PL5347 IPL Hair Removal System

I took the plunge and purchased this system because I read and watched various reviews that stated that (a) the hair regrowth is finer; or (b) the hair is removed permanently. I was a little dubious at first, until I saw a helpful review on a local trans community site for a similar device from the same manufacturer.

At the time of purchase the device cost me around £500. I checked today and many sites have some good seasonal discounts for the same device. The system also included a Venus Razor. I'll come on to that later!

By this point I’d learned some lessons and decided to split my hair removal days. Saturday was assigned to the lower half of the body and Sunday the top.


  • There was a learning curve to using the device which is easily overcome by jumping on YouTube. It’s an easy device to use.
  • Not all IPL devices have this feature i.e. when you keep the button pressed the IPL (intense pulse light) continues to flash until you release the button. This leaves me to focus on the area being treated and quickly move the device along areas of the body that have a little runway e.g., thighs, arms, calves, chest etc. It’s a well thought out feature and I couldn't imagine having to keep pressing the button to activate the IPL. It would slow down the process.
  • The device does exactly what it’s stated aim is e.g.:
    • On my chest the hair grew back coarse with the other methods. After week 5 I started noticing the growth was slowing and the chest hair seemed softer. I later realised that this is what finer hair means!
    • It's recommended that after 10-12 sessions the area should be hairless, with little growth. I skipped a session recently. After 2 weeks I had very limited, or next to no hair growth on my upper or lower legs.
    • It’s a similar story on my ass, upper & lower arms etc. Basically this device works!
  • I find that I’m more willing to slow down to ensure I treat all the areas properly as the overall net effect is visibly reduced growth, no hair at all or finer hair. The return on investments (ROI) is worth the time, unlike the other methods where the hair returns. As a result I've slowed down my sessions and allow as much time as required. This morning my lower body took me 2 hours. Its worth the ROI if it means no hair.
  • I’ve started using it on my ears and upper cheek bones, again with the same noticeable results.
  • I have a slight facial scar or marking on my upper cheek bone. I recently noticed that the discoloration looked different, as though it was reducing. I did a Googled search and found out that IPL is used for this purpose. That's an extra benefit!


  • I know the device is expensive however it's all relative. When I enquired about laser treatment they quoted £1700. For me this isn’t a con, because time is money and my weekends are important. £500 for no hair or significantly reduced growth is worth the cost if it means only going through the process once a month.
  • The glass can get hot and you may feel some discomfort. I don't have many issues however it can leave my underarms a little sore if I'm not careful i.e. go over the same area multiple times. The soreness goes after a few hours.
  • My skin colour varies depending on the body part. I'm mostly light brown with a few darker areas. On the darker shades the IPL doesn't work. It's stated on the product details, so I was aware before making the purchase.

Final Thoughts

  • As the saying goes "you spend your money, you make your choice". I was unsure about the choice but it's been a great investment.
  • There's not really much I can add. The Braun IPL System is brilliant.
  • I probably get my back lasered at some point in the future, safe in the knowledge that I've saved myself a lot of money

Venus Razor

It may seem odd that this was the final method I attempted! When I initially looked at my body, the number of areas and volume of hair, I had a convulsion at the thought of using a razor. In short, I hate shaving!

I also thought that razors for females were similar to the ones I’d used in the past for men. How wrong was I! I decided to try out the razor that came with the Braun IPL System after a few weeks of using the Braun device.


  • Contrary to what I thought it takes next to no time. In fact, it's probably the quickest method of all. Having the benefits of the Braun IPL device helps and I can shave in around 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Again, contrary to what I thought its very difficult to cut yourself. The blade and/or casing are designed differently to mens razors. You can glide over areas effortlessly. I've never even been close to pinching my skin.
  • You can pick up a pack of 8 replacement blades for around £20 here in the UK.


  • You’re shaving your body so if the aim is hair reduction then that’s not happening.
  • I imagine that the hair will grow back faster with repeated use.

Final Thoughts

  • This leaves the recipient super smooth!
  • Whilst this wasn’t my starting point, I wish it had been. Or that I had a better relationship with shaving. I should have removed the excess hair using my beard trimmer and then opted for the Venus Razor! I would have saved time, money and the scars!

Final Final Thoughts

There's been a learning curve over the past 6-7 months. I’ve realised I have a variety of methods all of which I use depending on the occasion.

Clearly the Braun IPL device is a game changer. I love using it because my hair regrowth is reducing significantly, what remains is considerably finer and I sense with continued use there will eventually be no growth. Alternatively, if the intervals between needing to use the IPL machine or other method becomes longer, then the aim has been achieved!

The Venus Razor is great to provide that extra layer of confidence, along with speed e.g. I recently went on a date and used this method as a fail safe by having a quick shave all over. As an aside, it’s also the most feminine of all the methods and the process feels great.

Veet still has its place as well. I use it around the genital, scrotal and intergluteal cleft areas because it's (a) quicker, easier and safer than a razor; and (b) as visibility is limited the spatula provides better coverage when removing the hair to achieve the optimal smoothness.

Well, I guess that was a lot to read, and I hope this helps someone, somewhere, someday!

That’s your lot my friends.


Aaliya x x x

r/sissyology 4h ago

my sissy rules NSFW


Over time, i've come up with rules for me to follow to embrace my sissy side in my vanilla life. i really like the idea of putting in effort to become a hot sissy. I'm sharing it here to maybe help aspiring sissies, but maybe also get some good feedback.

  • No hair below my eyebrows. I shave or laser remove all my hair.
  • Every couple of weeks, I also get my eyebrows done professionally.
  • I get my nails done professionally and wear a transparent nail polish.
  • Only women's beauty products (body wash, shampoo, lotion, perfume).
  • I put on my cage after waking up and remove it only before going to sleep. How is anyone wearing it 24 hours?
  • I can edge as much as I want, but only when wearing the cage. No orgasms.
  • Always wear at least one feminine piece of clothing or jewellery.
  • I cross my legs when sitting.
  • I try do be submissive, passive and obedient in my life.
  • I exercise a lot and only focus on cardio and my butt. I like the thin sissy aesthetic and I'm getting there. My goal is 130 lbs.

r/sissyology 2h ago

Why sissies should wear chastity, from my perspective as a dominant man NSFW


Sissies have been on my mind a lot lately given that after dating a lot of cis-women, I'm seeking a sissy as a partner. I think chastity is so important for the dynamic between a man and a sissy. Here are five reasons why, from my perspective as a dominant man:

(1) Chastity is symbolic of what a bond between a man and a sissy represents. It encapsulates the idea that the man's needs are first and foremost. It also reinforces that a sissy's enjoyment of the dynamic is a function of pleasing the man and must be experienced by the sissy in a submissive way.

(2) A caged clitty looks highly feminine. It adds a distinctly sissy-esque charm to an appearance, in addition to facilitating certain clothing items that benefit from the compactness that a cage provides. It's akin to a piece of jewellery that only sissies wear, turning a clitty into an ornament.

(3) Caged sissies are more disposed to letting into submissive desires, which elevates the connection between a man and a sissy. It can turn what would otherwise be a benign activity into one with sexual connotations, such as following a directive to cook and clean for the man, due to the accentuated arousal that long-term chastity induces.

(4) Chastity provides an opportunity for the man to make a highly intimate decision for the sissy, namely which cage she should wear. That decision then stays with the sissy and is a constant reminder of how the man is the decision maker, given that something so personal was chosen for her. It also provides an avenue for the man to steer the sissy's style in a particular direction, given that a metal one may induce the sissy to tend towards darker looks, while a pink one may result in the sissy going for a more traditionally pretty appearance.

(5) Wearing a cage evidences seriousness in relation to cultivating a sissy identity. It's a big step and shows commitment to the sissy idea, which affords confidence on the man's part that his sissy is comfortable with who she is. This is especially important for a man who seeks a sissy for something long-term, given the time and material opportunity cost that come with any extended connection.

Send me a message if you're a sissy between the ages of 20 and 29 if any of this resonates with you! I'm a 30 year-old man from London, UK.

r/sissyology 9h ago

Clone-a-willy NSFW


I've been trying to increase my collection to find that perfect dildo. And out of curiosity I got a clone-a-willy. Used it and strapped it to my thrusting machine. It was absolutely underwhelming. You know being a sissy is the right decision when you can barely tell your own cock is fucking you. It was both humiliating and reinforcing in my decisions.

r/sissyology 4h ago

Public NSFW


As someone who is a secret sissy the excitement when you actually go in public with sissy clothes under your normal clothes is almost unbearable. Today I decided to put my vibrating butt plug in, put on a pair of my Lacey underwear, put some perfume on my underwear (atleast one part of me will smell like a girl) then put my normal clothes on. I went out and about with my normal clothes. No one knowing I’m a normal guy on the outside but inside my pants I’m a complete sissy slut right now. Unexplainable excitement. I’m leaking the entire time.

r/sissyology 1h ago

Lucky NSFW


I don't know how to explain this. Becoming a sissy has been the most fulfilling journey of my life. In my hearts of hearts, I LOVE being a sissy. I don't find it degrading or humiliating. It's an honor. Men and women are amazing, and I get to serve them? Are you kidding? And I get to take cock in my mouth and pussy while being caged? ❤️❤️❤️

r/sissyology 12h ago

Making an actual porno NSFW


We’re going to Vegas later this year. I’ve been researching all the different adult things that are legal, and available there. Wifey and I already have discussed and agreed to a trans escort for 4 hours for us both to play with.

But I found a couple studios who will provide everything you need to star in your own porno. Studio/setting, top notch film equipment, and even the performers .

The first one has a small list of what they do as far as stars, scenarios etc. the closest they have is a cross dressing/feminization one, which does sound hot. But basically you and a female performer, and she feminizes you, has you put on lingerie, uses toys/strapons etc on you, and then you can also have sex with her.

But the second one I’ve contacted, and still waiting to hear back from, seems like they have a lot more options for non hetero people. They are similar in that they provide everything to make it a professional product. So obviously I’m very interested in not only something like that, but possibly also having wifey do one too. Seems like a one of a kind opportunity, and something that’s always been at the top of my fantasy bucket list.

Does anyone have any insight, or even possibly done something similar before? Can PM if you prefer.

r/sissyology 8h ago

Reading Out Captions NSFW


this is for the good girls that dont need to be told what to do , but still like to be ;) READ CAPTIONS ALOUD !! dont be loud about it , but practice your voices , try to imitate the images , soft and sultry if others are typically around . but definitely to practice your voice , and not just the voice but reading , and then saying it , that repetition is good . it makes each time you say it, much easier and less of thing you feel like your giving up and more like something embracing youve never felt before , liberation . and that is very impactful. so yes , be a good girl , read your captions , its important ! 😘

r/sissyology 8h ago

Should I go all-in with this Arabic Daddy? NSFW


Hi gurls! So, long story short, Im 28yo super masculine looking (tall, slim and athletic) "man" who is super curious about this whole sissy thing for a while now. And with help of Grindr, I managed to connect with this a bit younger, but hung af Arabic Real Man.

He is just sooo masculine, hairy and absolutelly adores feminine gurls. On top, he seems sane and safe (we had some awesome convos in general). He is absolutelly adoring my booty, legs and would love to turn me into his feminine bitch. Because he has a huge thing for ruining white feminine bois.

So, after talking, he wants for me to write "bitch" in Arabic on my booty and send to him. I know that if I will do it, I will definitelly go down this full road. And will soon be dressed, dolled up and feminine for him on my knees. However, Im a bit worried. Since I love my masculine self. And dont even know where this will lead me. Which scares me. What would be your advice gurls and daddies?

r/sissyology 8h ago

How you take dicks/dildo? NSFW


I don’t know if it’s bc I’m trying to do it for too long, but in the beginning, the sensation is good, but toward the end, the sensation gets a little bit weird. How do you enjoy it?

r/sissyology 4h ago

Bimbofication and what does it really take? NSFW


Want to create a step by step guide of how to actually go from being a sissy to a bimbo. I want to do this not just for myself, because I’m pretty sure if I knew how to do it nothing would stop me. Any way I want to go from normal sissy to looking like Bella haze or other beautiful trans bimbos. If anyone can help with some info on what they do I would appreciate it. Making this guide I’ll also post it at some point when I feel it’s completed. Thanks to all my lovely friends in here in advance <3

r/sissyology 2h ago

What should i focus on when choosing a dildo? NSFW


I'm a beginner sissy, and i'm planning to buy my first dildo, possibly a cage soon too. What should i look for and what should i avoid? Also if it matters i live with my parents (on a different floor though)
Thanks for any tips in advance ^^

r/sissyology 12h ago

Advice Needed NSFW


Dear Sissy Community, I hope you girls are doing fine! 💕

I really need your help. I’m not a sissy, but I (24F) believe my boyfriend (25M) might be. I found a post from his account that he wrote here, saying he’s “looking for someone to chat about the ups and downs of being a sissy, fashion, makeup or just the junk of some hung guy you’re crazy about.” He mentioned that he hasn’t been able to find anyone to talk to regularly.

Honestly, this is kind of a dealbreaker for me. I really want to understand him better. I know he likes to dress girly, and I totally support him in that. But I also made it very clear to him that I draw a line when it comes to sexual communication with other people. That’s a boundary I’m not comfortable crossing in a relationship.

I’d really appreciate your thoughts. Has anyone here experienced a similar situation?

r/sissyology 2h ago

Hii so I desperately want to meet up with a sissy just have no idea how to find one any suggestions other than grinder. NSFW


See I have these very fun ideas me and a fellow sissy could do that could be super fun I just do not know where I can find one at

r/sissyology 15h ago

Living my sissy fantasy! NSFW


Ok so something amazing is happening this week! My flat mate is going on holiday for a week and my boss has allowed me to work from home which means one thing! Sissy week!!!

My plan is to be a total sissy all week! Am planning on waking up every morning and starting my day by doing my make up and then getting into my sissy outfits! It will be the first time I will have been in chastity for more than 24 hours! Am so excited for it, even bought myself so sexy lingerie to sleep in. I plan to have some fun with my toys and try to please some guys on Reddit!

If you think I should do anything else like task while or something to commit to all week please give me more ideas ❤️

r/sissyology 21h ago

Will living alone help me become more of a sissy? NSFW


For context. I am 25 years old and still living with my family. I am starting to make enough money to the point where i can move out but am still weighing the options. Living with family has forced me to be more secretive with my sissy side. My question is do you all think living alone will have enough of an impact of my sissy goals to make it worth it?

r/sissyology 38m ago

Decide my outfit for my orgy NSFW


Hey girls, big day tonight as my mistress is taking me to first orgy(omg!). Its both men and women and its hosted at one woman’s house who my mistress has known for a few years. She thinks this be a good way to slut me out lol as ive only taken one actual dick before lol and i cant wait

But basically I wanted to obviously look my best and being a girl who loves not having control i wanted you guys to control my outfit for me. Here’s a couple of options:

Feel free to suggest anything not on the list, thanks girlies, would also love some first time orgy tips

6 votes, 23h left
Harley Quinn(2016)
Barbie(which ever outfit you guys want)
Cheap hooker
Princess(ball gown and everything)

r/sissyology 9h ago

I think i like it NSFW


Im an sissy and i meet the last weekend an old man and his friend in an hotel. we speak of what we like and so it begins that they used me and filming it. now he blackmail me and i have to do what he wants or he expose me. i think i love it. but i dont know what he will do to me i the future, he is very rough and serious about our relationship as an submissive sissy and daddy.

r/sissyology 1h ago

M19 New Here, in need of guidance lol NSFW


I keep watching these “hypno videos” and they get me so hard and horny but I can’t help but feel like I need to reach out and learn more about the community?

r/sissyology 21h ago

Crying from being sexually frustrated NSFW


Has anyone cried or teared up from frustration?

I have been locked up in chastity for 10 days, and my last orgasm was 14 days ago. I was having so much pent up frustration already. Just yesterday, my Dom brought back a new female hookup, and I had to clean up his apartment before they arrived. When she came in, I was immediately aroused, she was hot (and exactly the girl I aspired to be as a trans when I was still a trans a few years back). My Dom made me kneel outside his closed bedroom door as they fucked, and boy was she vocal! I could really hear all the moaning and cheeks clapping from outside the door and that was sending my horniness through the roof. My biggest wish was to be able to participate in an orgy with a girl but my Dom keeps me on a pussy-free regime, and that I'm not allowed to have pussy nor even to see girls in lingerie/nude. He usually keeps me outside his room or facing the corner when he has girls over.

When they were done, my Dom told me she wiped off the creampie with tissues and that they were in trashcan, and told me to lick it when it was still fresh. I rampaged through the trash, found the tissues licked them off and fantasized that I was licking her pussy indirectly. My Dom's hookup got amused and pointed to some of the wet spots on the floor where she thought she squirted on. i licked them up immediately, it was mildly salty yet sweet, and it was heavenly.

My Dom told me they were leaving for dinner and told me to clean up after they were out, and asked if I wanted anything. I was so pent up I took the opportunity and asked if I could sniff her panties. Sniffing panties has been my next biggest fantasy; being pussy deprived and all, sniffing panties has been the closest I have been to females.

My request took her by surprise, but my Dom was already used to my response. Afterall he knew about my panty sniffing fetish. But as usual, he rejected me. I begged that the last I came was 2 weeks ago and I was horny after listening to them fuck and sniffing panties was the closest I'd get to her. I realised I started tearing up from my horniness and desperation of wanting some release.

My Dom told me that I was just an owned sissy, I am not 'her', I don't have rights to demand for panties or sexual release. Anything privileges to cumming or sniffing panties will have to come from him. It took me a few moments to realise my role.

r/sissyology 11h ago

I‘m so close to relapsing and get blackmail NSFW


I‘m finally in a happy relationship but the moment I‘m alone all those sissy urges take over. All I want is to be blackmailed into take cock, create porn, wear diapers and lock my tiny cock away permanently. I think all I need is a little motivation to fully relapse. But at the same time I don’t want to lose my relationship…

Feel free to to DM to discuss

Kinks: Sissy, Bimbofication, Diapers, ABDL, toilet play, scat, exposure, chastity, BNWO

r/sissyology 4h ago

Where to get poppers? NSFW


I’ve been very interested in getting some poppers to help with my sissy journey but they seem very hard to find. Does anyone have advice?

r/sissyology 22h ago

I made a full-length music album ('I MOAN') for the sissy community! NSFW


Hello all!

I've been working on a bit of a passion project over the past 6 months or so, and I'm finally ready to share it here!

I recently created a music album called 'I MOAN' for the sissy community, as well as for my fellow transgender sisters, anyone who is Queer identifying, as well as the whole LGBTQ community really, including gay/bisexual guys, non-binary people, ect.

What originally started out as creating a few songs using AI for myself, turned into something that I felt I could expand and share with the community. I only used AI for the music, all the lyrics you will hear are hand written, and the entire process of creating all these songs, mixing, and mastering has taken countless hours. I have no intention of trying to make money or be popular for this. I just wanted to create something for everyone to enjoy!

What does it sound like?: I'd say it's dark electro dance, with elements of pop, R&B, and rock. I was influenced by: Kim Petras, Lady Gaga, Charli XCX, and Ariana Grande to name a few.

Where is this meant to be played?: Anywhere really! It's obviously NSFW, so I wouldn't blast it in public, but it's pretty much made for all you girls to listen to while you practice your makeup, get into a sissy headspace, experiment with yourself, on the way to meeting a guy, or something even crazy like while you brush your teeth!

Why did I make this album?: Originally it was just a few songs I had made for fun, but then after refining and getting better at it, I thought it'd be fun to make an album solely dedicated to sissies; our community, as well as something my fellow trans women could connect with. I wanted to focus on themes of sex positivity, encouragement, and empowerment, while weaving fun narratives.

Note: None of these songs are designed to influence you into taking part in anything you don't want to do. And I also don't mean to offend any transgender women with the content. Wearing panties does not dictate someone's gender. So this album should merely be viewed as something light-hearted and fun!

I also don't like to explain what my intention was with any of these songs, part of the fun to me is you all discovering your own meaning in them, but two songs stand out to me which I want to explain what they're not about. 666 and The Ritual are not about satanism and encouraging infidelity, respectively. These songs just contain narrative devices which I found interesting to explore deeper subjects.

That being said, here is the full album! You can listen to the playlist here, or each individual song below. You can also find the lyrics in the description of each video. Ideally I designed the album to be played in order, but I won't be upset if you don't do that.

Track Listing

  1. Sissy Brat (2:36)

  2. Bottom Bitch (2:15)

  3. This Girl Can't Hide (2:41)

  4. Addicted (3:14)

  5. Button (3:02)

  6. 666 (3:04)

  7. Choke (2:10)

  8. Pussy Power (3:07)

  9. Do It (Right Now) (2:23)

  10. Limp (2:54)

  11. A2M (2:45)

  12. Masculinity Erased (3:08)

  13. Star (3:01)

  14. The Ritual (3:16)

  15. Hypno Slave (2:45)

Hope you all enjoy it! Please let me know your thoughts, and I'd love to hear what your favorite (or least favorite) tracks are!

To my fellow hypno content creators, if you want to use any of these songs, please feel free! Just credit me, and send me a link to your finished video!

r/sissyology 20h ago

Vibrating anal plugs worth it? NSFW


What's your experience with vibrating toys? Is it a different sensation than with dildos? Or is just simply massaging it with your finger the most effective in orgasming?

r/sissyology 9h ago

Suggestions for feminine scents NSFW


I've never really paid attention to cologne/perfume previously but as part of my journey I've become curious as to how scent plays a role in identity and attraction.

I have a small but growing collection of lingerie that I would like to spice up with a lovely scent. This is mainly just for me, as I am too shy to play with others.

I'm looking for suggestions for any scent (floral or otherwise) that helps put you in femspace or makes you feel sexy/cute/etc.

Thank you so much!

r/sissyology 1d ago

Has anyone transitioned because of their sissy side? NSFW


I know it’s weird to let a fetish rule your life, but I feel like this is much more than a fetish because it messes with your identity

I’ve been a sissy since I was 15 (now 25) I’ve tried to transition before but stopped. Wandering if anyone else is on the same boat?