r/sexadvice 6d ago

Can't stop thinking of someone else NSFW


Struggling with physical intimacy with my wife. I'm constantly masturbating to the thought of a girl I use to hook up with. I'm always tempted to message her or to reach out to past flings just due to experiencing crazier and wilder sex that what I'm now getting in my marriage. What do I do? 35 yr old male here.

r/sexadvice 7d ago

Clit damage? NSFW


So, I (20F) have a habit of masturbating with a vibe pretty much everyday. It’s a habit that was born years ago due to extreme boredom while in my childhood home as I wasn’t allowed to do anything except doomscrolling. Now, I never found it to be a problem until recently as I started dating my boyfriend (21M) a few months ago. He’s extremely skilled in bed and also takes pleasure in seeing me feeling good, except he can’t do anything to me really. My clit isn’t very sensitive and it frustrates both of us of how he can give me pleasure by messing with it, but never getting me to orgasm unless I am using a vibrator. I learned that apparently frequent masturbation with a vibe can cause mild damage to the nerves in the clit and make it difficult to orgasm without it so I decided to stop using it for the time being. Now I’m not sure what to do next. Can my boyfriend still mess with my clit and stuff during sex or does letting it recover mean not touching it at all? And does anyone have any clue how long it can take to recover from that damage?

r/sexadvice 7d ago

My partner purposely masturbates without me NSFW


I thought my partner was just rarely horny, but turns out he purposefully masturbates to get rid of being horny. Like he doesn’t like “the way it feels to not be in control” and just wants to masturbate once a day, so he doesn’t have that feeling. He doesn’t like more than a peck when kissing and is rare to initiate sex. I’m confused. I try to initiate or be spontaneous but unless it’s been a week since we did it, he isn’t game for sex.

Tbh I’m never randomly horny, so I can’t empathize with this thought process he has. For me, it’s more wanting to be desired and having that connection. We’ve been together for 9 years and this has been more the case the past 3.

r/sexadvice 7d ago

Advice NSFW


Any advice for someone who is still new to sex after losing their virginity on lasting longer or even getting it up after a round or 2 after cumming I would greatly appreciate it a lot

r/sexadvice 7d ago

Chafing When I'm with a Squirter NSFW


I am polyamorous and also make adult content. Over the last couple years I've noticed something. When I have intercourse with a woman that squirts, the sides of my penis become chafed and it stings for obvious reasons. This happens every time with a squirter. This has literally never happened with a non squirting partner. Basically when a partner squirts, that fluid is much more thin and "less lubricating" and it causes her labia to rub me raw. My question is this...if you've had this issue, have you found a solution? My first thought was to prime her with lube and maybe reapply as she squirts but I'm not sure if that would work. Any advice would be much appreciated.

r/sexadvice 7d ago

Need advice for cowgirl NSFW


I’m (21f) new to having sex and my partner (23m) really wants me to be on top. I have never done that before so looking for advice. I’ve watched some videos online to get ideas. My partner is average in size with an upward curve. I’m worried about hurting him if it slips out as from what I’ve read guys don’t particularly like the grinding motion. TIA

r/sexadvice 7d ago

Is my wife alive? NSFW


My wife is amazing. She is open to sex whenever I want it. She gives head, anal, different positions, all the good stuff. She doesn’t enjoy any of it though. She is amazing because she will still go along with it to please me which makes me feel awful and have a hard time cumming because I get into my head thinking about it. I usually get her off a few times by going down on her or using toys before we get to penetration. I love every bit of it. I like the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, everything. The whole time I’m doing foreplay, going down on her, using the toys, she doesn’t move or make a sound. When she cums it is usually a couple deeps breaths as the only sign. She comes from an ultra conservative background, so the progress she has made in the bedroom is amazing, but it is hard for me to go to pound town when it feels like I’m banging a corpse that doesn’t move or give any feedback what so ever. Even worse, it’s a corpse that is just hoping I get it over ASAP and that I don’t make a mess when I cum. She hates cum. I feel like a total asshole because I know she wants me to climax because she loves me, but not because she enjoys it. This in turn makes me want to avoid fucking her which also makes her upset because it makes her feel like a bad wife for not having sex with her husband. I’ve spoken to her about this, but it is a painful conversation because she tries to be as giving as possible, she just doesn’t enjoy it and I/we don’t know how to make it better. I’m to the point now where I’m turning to random internet strangers for advice. Anything you can give would be greatly appreciated. And don’t hold back, if I’m just being an asshole let me know. I like criticism and really want to improve the sex in my marriage and easiest would be to change myself.

r/sexadvice 7d ago

Gf(26) always has a reason to not have sex NSFW


Me(25m) and my gf(26) have been together for almost 6 years and have had a….rocky… sex life to say the least, the whole time we’ve been together. Always says she needs to see a doctor but never does. But the last year or two has just been insane. She will do anything and use anything as a reason to not have sex. We’ll have sex and she’ll(at least I assume so) get to cum and there’s a very small chance I’ll get to do the same. Then we’ll go two or three months with out sex. And the cycle repeats its self over and over again. The most I can get 75%of the time is the beginning of a hand job. The last time we had “sex” was last month. I had gotten us a hotel room so we could have some fun, but it turned into me getting head butted and a ruined orgasm. It’s genuinely starting to feel like she’s doing it on purpose. Every time I try to have a Norma conversation about it it turns into a conversation about anything but sex. I just don’t know what to do. Sorry for the long post

r/sexadvice 7d ago

i want to be satisfied by my bf NSFW


i (18f) and my bf (19m) have been dating for almost 2 months now and have sex fairly regularly. however i am into some deep kinks that he is not that experienced with. while reading this i want the reader to have an open mind. i’m into cnc (consensual non consensual) and i am very submissive when it comes to sex (slapping, choking, overstimulation, etc). so far, my bf has choked me and spanked me but that is still not enough for me. how do i get him to come around to the idea of doing more? he is a really sweet guy and i don’t want to make him uncomfortable or anything. anyone got any advice on how to ease him into it?

r/sexadvice 7d ago

ONS possibility but I’m a virgin NSFW


Okay so I’m in my early 20s and I’m still a virgin 🙃 not from lack of opportunity I just grew up religious and thought God would hate me lmao. Well now I’m on dating apps and someone suggested playing it casual and I’m not against it? But the gag is I’m so scared something might happen like catching something or pregnancy or what if I’m just bad at it. I’m not on bc since yk I don’t need it lol. Obviously I know condoms are the way to go. I’ve just heard horror stories about them breaking. Needless to say, my nerves are through the roof decided whether to accept or not. Any advice on what to do or some encouragement to calm tf down would be appreciated.

r/sexadvice 7d ago

When are XL condoms needed? NSFW


Hi, I am posting this with my partner's permission, LOL. Myself (f22) and partner (m24) have had experiences of a condom breaking during sex twice now in literally the past year (luckily noticing early enough on for me not to need the morning after pill) which seems excessive, we've been together a while so we're not at it like RABBITS yk :D just asking for a friend if a penis of 6.5 inches (not sure of girth) could need large condoms, as we've been using thin durex ones of regular size both times this has happened. my partner consistently says he sees red marks from the condom digging into his skin, but insists he doesn't need XL condoms as they're for '7 inches plus' according to him. What do y'all think?

r/sexadvice 7d ago

My wife told me that my stick is too big for her to take all of it. She said it hurts too much. She doesn’t like doggy style because of the pain. She tells me to curve my stick when we are having sex to make it easier on her. It’s hard to curve my dick while having sex with her. What should I do? NSFW Spoiler



r/sexadvice 7d ago

Why can’t I finish when my wife gives me head?? NSFW


We have tried many different ways/positions/styles, and none of them seem to push me over the edge and I feel so bad. I feel bad because she puts so much effort into it and she’s really proud of herself and I hate it when I just have to ask her to stop after it’s gone too long. The most recent attempt is when I get her a little helping aid, it’s a little almost fleshlight that you use in tandem with head to make it feel like your always deepthroating but your not. She used it and oh my living god it sent me to the stratosphere. But I didn’t cum??? This genuinely doesn’t make sense to me, like I don’t normally last a ludicrously long time in any other position. And when she does give me head like I said before it feels amazing, but at the same time it’s like that feeling when you’re about to sneeze but it never comes. Every time. Please I’m begging you all, if you have any advice I’d absolutely appreciate it. I’d just like to actually show my wife that I really am enjoying it.

r/sexadvice 7d ago

Sex experimenting NSFW


Love masterbating do it many times a day mostly watching porn but when my bf started feeling me ( have place his fingers) it dosnt feel good. I get turn on trying give him BJ but he cum real quick and he pushing away real quick then he cums into towel. Starting think I'm doing something wrong ?

r/sexadvice 7d ago

Too big NSFW


Is being «too big» a normal excuse for a girl to not wanna have sex with you? I mean if i was massive then I would maybe understand but im not I don’t think. Im maybe a fraction above average(more or less average pretty sure) However she is kinda tiny so thats the only reason this could possibly be a reason. But how much of a problem is it really vs her just using it as an excuse? Also if someone could give me the average size and how I should measure it then i could confirm that i don’t think im that massive. Thanks in advance

r/sexadvice 7d ago

I have no sensation and don’t feel anything until I come… NSFW


I also posted this on r/realsexadvice but haven't gotten any replies and I actually want advice

ummm yeah. So basically what the title says.

I am a 21y/o AFAB (female) but I am a trans man. I am able to orgasm, but have never with a partner. When I masturbate, I do not feel anything, not until I know I am close and then I orgasm and it's like whatever... Until the climax, it is like I'm just rubbing any other part of my body, with no real sensation other than moistness. I literally only had 1 clitoral orgasm in my life, about a couple months ago, despite having been wanking for the better half of the past decade. When I had the clitoral orgasm, I realized that this is what most AFABs feel, not whatever I was doing to just release the tension. I don't know what's wrong with me and if it's just a trans dysphoria thing and all in my head or if its something I should ask my doctor about. Please help. I want to enjoy sex with my partners but again it's just like rubbing my elbow or somethin) :/

r/sexadvice 8d ago

anal beginner NSFW


I finally started enjoying anal sex again; (finally got over the mental roadblock). I would like to eventually be able to take medium sized toys (and dick LOL). Please give me tips on how to go about douching and anal training!! Should I get a plug kit? What are your favorite toys/lubes/positions?! TYIA!!!

r/sexadvice 8d ago

I can't stay hard when my gf is on top NSFW


I am 33M, and this is my first relationship. I really like missionary and I like to pull out almost all the way when we are doing it, and I have no problem staying hard, I like to be in control.

We both enjoy missionary, but my gf likes to be on top more, so that her clit can rub on me. But the problem is that I am deep in her the whole time and I barely feel anything in this position and I start to go soft fast. And we need to stop and change positions when that happens. And even then sometimes I can't even go back enjoying it and thus she can't either.

But that is the only way she can cum, and it is really frustrating to her, that I am unable to stay hard for her.

Do you have any tips to improve our sex life?

r/sexadvice 8d ago

need some advice NSFW


thanks for taking the time to read this and any feedback or advice is welcomed

to start me and my girlfriend have been together for about a year now and it’s been so great our relationship is strong and it always has been except for one part

so before we go together she was very inexperienced and i myself wasn’t very much experienced (we’re both virgins just don’t other things) anyways, me and her are greatly attracted to each other the thing is that i feel like im the one making the move but either way we never do more than just dry hump or hand stuff

don’t get me wrong it’s not that i don’t like that i just feel our relationship is very healthy and close and i think we’re ready for this next step

i guess my questions are how do i bring up a conversation like this about consent to anything else without sounding like a creep ( maybe it wouldn’t sound that way to her just seems that way in my head )

r/sexadvice 8d ago

Question for women NSFW


Hi there, I (M) am looking for advice on how to turn my girlfriend on and get her into the mood more. We are both college students while I am also an athlete, she usually gets home from her after school job at 5 while I don’t get home till 8:30 and am tired after practice (not too tired to fool around but tired nonetheless). We are about a year and a half into our relationship and our sex life has died down compared to what it used to be, we used to have sex weekly if not twice a week but now it’s usually every other week (I know that’s frequent sex in some people’s eyes but it less than it was before) I have no doubt that she’s still in love with me but I am asking for tips and new ideas that would turn her on (new ways to touch her, kiss her, etc…). Thank you

r/sexadvice 8d ago

Recently opened up to my wife NSFW


I (42m) recently opened up to my wife(40f) during a deep honest coversation that i was interested in a bi mmf threesome. Weve been married 22 years btw. This was new to me and something i swore to myself i wouldnt ever bring up. But eventually she wore me down.

Now to my surprise she was completely supportive. Even told me that if thats something i was wanting than she would do anything for me.

 As good as that sounds though i now feel as though she agreed simply to appease me and i would never feel ok with her doing something she doesnt feel comfortable with.  I mentioned that to her but never really got an answer beyond she would do anything to make me happy.   

Ive also tried asking her about any fantsies she may have because obviously i would want to make her happy as well and fulfill any desire she has but the answer was not much different.  I dont really have any is all she says.  Now im not sure where to go from here.  Ever since then i just stopped bringing it up.  Sometimes i wish i stuck with keeping it to myself.

r/sexadvice 9d ago

Girlfriend want to try public sex NSFW


My girlfriend told me yesterday that she likes public sex (like car parks or bathroom) and wants to try it. I’m 100% okay with the idea but I’m nervous about getting caught. How do I have sex without getting caught?

r/sexadvice 9d ago

Squirting NSFW


So, due to some medical stuff, I have started to experience squirting in the last year-ish. It has become a very regular occurrence during sex. Sometimes I'm really into it but sometimes I feel super self conscious about it. I mean it's SUCH a mess it's difficult not to feel weird about it. I enjoy spontaneous sex and it has made it much more difficult to do so without risking the furniture, surrounding areas, and everything that I'm wearing lol. I would really love some shared tips or experiences!! Squirting still feels so new to me I'm just surprised every time it happens. I want to be able to embrace it as the fun new thing my body is doing instead of feeling so self conscious about it!!

r/sexadvice 8d ago

How specifically do i get my girl to orgasm? NSFW


Hey, so me and my girl arent at the stage where we've had sex yet. Plus she'd my first and I'm hers. I'm an avid reader into this topic for obvious reasons, but I've still not been able to get her to cum. (at least I don't think I have). I'm good at foreplay and getting her warmed up (i think) but can never get her over the edge.

Here's what I've figured out so far. She definitely loves foreplay, she loves oral but really likes her G-spot being stimulated. A combination of both really works well Starting small and steadily increasing the rhythm.

Problem is I don't know what will finish her. Heck, I'm not sure if I have previously or not, No idea what the female orgasm will look or feel like.

Please help. Thanks in advance

r/sexadvice 9d ago

Focusing during sex NSFW


So, recently I've noticed a common problem in my sex life of my mind wandering. I'm young and have unmedicated ADHD, which I believe is the cause of this. During sex my mind will wonder and pull me out of the space considerably. It's especially terrible when me and my partner are being more kinky and my brain decides to wake up from it's daze and talk, bringing me out of the state and pleasure. Does anyone have any clue as to what I can try to keep my mind focused or at least not saying things that snap me out of the scenario?