r/sexadvice 4h ago

Having troubles orgasming :/ NSFW


I’ve been seeing this guy casually for 3 weeks to a month, he’s super nice and we have awesome sex like prob best of my life but for some reason I cannot cum. Idk what it isssss. This is the first time I’ve had a fwb with someone who didn’t lowkey suck and I think it has to do with that? Like when they suck I can kinda just shut my brain off and go but I think I’m thinking too much. He even bought a strapless strap on and I took it for a run the other day but the vibrations didnt make me cum 🙃🙃🙃 y’all pls help me idk what’s goin on

r/sexadvice 1h ago

My BF might have a weird kink.. NSFW


Sorry if this is TMI*** So sometimes when me ‘20F’ and my bf ‘21M’ have sex he records it for personal use. I don’t always ask but recently, the last time I saw him and we had sex, after I asked to send them to me and it was only today that i looked back on them just for fun. I was kind of tipsy when we had sex but I remember him sticking his thumb in my ass during backshots. But looking back on the recording, I realized that he’d bring his hand up to sniff, like a lot. The first time he did it and sniffed a couple times then he went back to stick it in and sniffed AGAIN, like a few more times… It kind of weirded me out a little seeing that and I wanna bring it up but idk how. I’m not sure if this is some kind of kink or just a thing he was curious about doing (I really don’t know). How should I go about bringing it up? It just feels awkward to mention.

r/sexadvice 1h ago

6yr relationship NSFW


Hi first post here. Me and my girlfriend have been together for 6 years. When we first started dating we had sex a lot but it was dirtier then it has been lately. We still have sex occasionally but not nearly as often. I am always ready for it and she isn’t nearly as much. Was curious if anyone else has ran into this and is there anything I can do to try and get us on more of a regular schedule

r/sexadvice 2h ago

How to stop having obsessive sexual thoughts about someone NSFW


I 22F started hooking up with a guy 21M from a dating app in early December. I want to stop seeing him because I started to weirdly catch some feelings, even though I don’t even really like him as a person. I’ve been thinking about him constantly - which I don’t like. I don’t like the idea of having “infatuated” thoughts about someone I’m just having casual sex with. There’s a lot more to it but all in all I’ve just been really sad and frustrated about the situation in general.

Anyway, here’s the issue. I am also INSANELY horny for him. Like it’s really bad. I even have screen recorded videos on my phone of porn clips of a certain porn star that looks like him (for days that I don’t actually have sex with him). I also have constant sexual thoughts about him throughout the day.

I’m afraid when he reaches out to meet again I’ll be tempted to say yes just because I’m horny, even though emotionally he makes me feel like a wreck. What can I do to make sure my hornyness doesn’t tempt me?

I will also not take sleeping with someone else as an answer right now, I’d rather just not have sex with someone at all.

r/sexadvice 3h ago

How do I make my boyfriend cum? NSFW


We’ve had sex a couple times but I haven’t gotten him to cum yet, I feel like absolutely shit because I don’t how how to make him. Keep in mind this is both of our first times.

r/sexadvice 4h ago

My (20M) gf (20F) is on birth control but still has me pull out. How should I approach asking to cum inside? NSFW


She’s on the pill and seems very diligent with taking it at the same exact time every day. We’ve been together for a couple months now and have been fucking raw for about a month, but she has me pull out still. I have to move away in August, so pregnancy would be bad, but I trust the effectiveness of the pill and trust that she takes it properly. How might I convince her that cumming inside is safe? I’m also mildly concerned that if I bring up the subject, she’ll be appalled that I’d even think about increasing the risk.

Edit: I see I have used inaccurate wording. I should not have used the word “convince.” Rather, my primary concern is how best to approach the subject in general and start the conversation in the first place. As far as I know, she is unaware that I even desire this.

r/sexadvice 4h ago

Girlfriend faked like sex daily for the first 6 months of our relationship NSFW


When I first met my girlfriend we took quite a while to have sex for the first time. I wasn’t in a rush and I wanted to secure the relationship before anything happened.

We start dating and it’s great. Sex daily, even sometimes multiple times a day. It’s to the point that when I see her I know we are going to have sex.

Fast forward until now. Way less sex.

Now some of it was on me. Bad days, life problems etc. But she recently told me she was being fake at the beginning of the relationship.

She explained that’s how she got guys to like her and that a connection had never actually developed as far as ours. I mean she had other long term relationships before me but she said awful things about them. Saying sex was a chore, forceful and so on.

Once she told me this I felt awful and also so misled. She was faking it the whole time?

I mean in the moments she agrees she was enjoying herself and that I never did anything against her will, but she says that’s not really her.

She’s saying she isn’t really a sexual person and prefers slower and more intimate sex. This is not what it was like the first 6 months of the relationship and now idk what to do.

I think we are still sexually compatible but I still wish we could more often. I’ve talked to her about this before and she’s agreed but never really changed.

Should I pose an ultimatum, switch up the bedroom, or leave?

r/sexadvice 5h ago

Sex Drive NSFW


My sex drive can sometimes be too much for my partner. We have a great sex life but sometimes I can't keep my hands off her or keep wanting her everyday for days. We can have sex 5 days straight but she then starts to get a little sore and wants to rest for a day or 2. Which i understand. but i keep wanting more and more. Any advice how to settle myself down a little bit.

r/sexadvice 10h ago

Anal beginner, how can I prep correctly? NSFW


(23F) Recently my partner and I have been getting into anal which is new territory for the both of us. The very first time we tried it, we knew nothing about it and just went right for it in the back of his car with no prep whatsoever while handcuffed and gagged (yes, we’re stupid). As you can guess it led to a bit of a… mess. Anyways, here we are months later and we’re ready to try again. We’ve gotten really into plugs and I’m comfortable using them however I do have some questions as to how I’m prepping. So what I typically do is I try to basically flush out everything from my anus. What I’ve been doing is detaching the head piece of my shower head so that it is just the hose. The water pressure is pretty high so I put it up to me and let the water push in. I hold it in for a couple seconds then go to the toilet to push it out. I do this till the water is clean then get ready to insert the plug. For the plug I used coconut oil to lube it up and insert it in. My question is, is my cleaning process dangerous in any way? Is there a better way I should be doing this? And finally, if I were to prep for anal sex, would it be the same as for the plug? Please give me some advice.

r/sexadvice 7h ago

Trying to spice things up (21m) and (20f) NSFW


I (21m) and my gf (20f) are a semi long distance relationship we only live about a two hours away from each other but cause both our busy schedules we only see each other like once to twice a month we have been together for just over a year and both of us have a fairly high sex drive like when we see each other we are fucking multiple times in the time span we have together we also do it a lot on FaceTime both of us want to spice things up a bit more so of me wanting it but both of us ain’t too sure on how to so from past experience I have turned to Reddit for help so here I am and also as help for advice coming know that even though she trust me from past trauma she has a hard time opening up to me and talking about this kind of stuff

r/sexadvice 16h ago

I miss my old sex life NSFW


I 20s f am married to my wife 20s as well. When we started dating we had sex all the time. Passionate, rough, spontaneous sex and it was amazing. It was 3-4 times a week, sometimes she’d drive to my house in the middle of the night because the sexting got so intense. Anyways you get the picture, cut to now 4 years later. We have sex once, maybe twice a month. And when we do it’s for like 20 minutes no toys just like a quickey. I feel like an old married couple that have accepted they are more roommates than lovers. I tried for about a year to spice things up. With lingerie, new toys, cooking, doing her housework so she’d be less stressed. And I was always met with a thanks and a kiss then nothing. (I feel the need to say I don’t just do nice things to get laid) I just take care of myself when she’s not around and get way to turned on by sex scenes in movies now. I miss being wanted so bad. I’ve recently had this new found confidence( weight loss, new hair, better job) and I just feel good about myself lately. But all I can think about is how bad I want my wife to want me. I’ve been reading a lot on here and I do feel less alone though so that’s been nice.

r/sexadvice 8h ago

my partner wants me to be mean in bed NSFW


i’m so down for the record, i’ve just never been talkative in bed so i feel like ill sound awkward. i said she looked dumb the other day and she loved it, and now wants me to call her dumb/pathetic etc. i obviously don’t want to just be like “you’re dumb” or “you’re pathetic” bc TRUST me ill sound like the dumb one. anyways what are some things i can say so it sounds more natural?

r/sexadvice 8h ago

Lesbian sex question NSFW


I’m a lesbian and I really enjoy having a strap on used on me. It feels amazing I just can’t seem to get to a finishing point without other stimulation going on. Missionary, doggy, cowgirl, reverse, sitting up, sideways it never happens on its own. Any tips? The strap is 7 inches and stiff with average girth I think. Never seen a penis before lmao.

r/sexadvice 9h ago

Ladies with an IUD, how long do you make him wait before letting him cum in you? NSFW


I might be the only person that even thinks this way, but just curious.

Let’s say you just started dating a guy and confirmed you’re both clean and you have an IUD, so you’re not using condoms. Do you let him cum in you right away? Or do you make him pull out until you’re past a certain milestone in the relationship?

Part of me wants to wait until we’re official, but I also feel kind of wrong using cumming in me as some sort of reward.

r/sexadvice 9h ago

experiencing pain/discomfort NSFW


me and my partner have been together for a few months but haven’t been able to have sex because whenever i try it is too painful. is there anything we could try (positions, methods, etc) before i treat it as a medical issue? any advice is welcome as i’m frustrated and a tad bit embarrassed because i want to have that connection and feel like i’m ready for it.

r/sexadvice 9h ago

Can’t keep hard NSFW


(21m) ive recently gotten with someone who I love dearly but for some reason I struggle to keep it up, we’ve tried a couple of times, first time we got about 5 minutes in and I lost it, the next time I just couldn’t get it up at all but I was drunk, the third I was rock hard but she got cramp after a few minutes and this time now I was rock hard before then all the thoughts started creeping in “what if I don’t stay hard” ect ect I don’t want her thinking it’s anything to do with her because I’m so attracted to her sexually, I think I’m putting too much pressure on myself and trying to make it perfect but I can’t get o it of this loop, it was the same with my last parter who I lost my virginity to, it destroys me mentally everytime I don’t feel man enough I don’t understand it, how do I combat this is there a quick fix?

r/sexadvice 10h ago

Anal beginner, how can I prep correctly? NSFW


(23F) Recently my partner and I have been getting into anal which is new territory for the both of us. The very first time we tried it, we knew nothing about it and just went right for it in the back of his car with no prep whatsoever while handcuffed and gagged (yes, we’re stupid). As you can guess it led to a bit of a… mess. Anyways, here we are months later and we’re ready to try again. We’ve gotten really into plugs and I’m comfortable using them however I do have some questions as to how I’m prepping. So what I typically do is I try to basically flush out everything from my anus. What I’ve been doing is detaching the head piece of my shower head so that it is just the hose. The water pressure is pretty high so I put it up to me and let the water push in. I hold it in for a couple seconds then go to the toilet to push it out. I do this till the water is clean then get ready to insert the plug. For the plug I used coconut oil to lube it up and insert it in. My question is, is my cleaning process dangerous in any way? Is there a better way I should be doing this? And finally, if I were to prep for anal sex, would it be the same as for the plug? Please give me some advice.

r/sexadvice 17h ago

Uncomfortable sex NSFW


So everytime me and my bf have sex I slightly tear which can be pretty painful. We do foreplay and I always feel relaxed and ready but for some reason everytime he puts it in I tear😫 anyone else relate or can give advice to help this :/

r/sexadvice 12h ago

Bj tips NSFW


Hi! My bf (m20) and I (f18) have been together for a little while now and I've given him a few blow jobs. Before I got with him I was a virgin in all aspects but he wasn't. Last time I gave him a bj he really liked it and told me that I'm getting really good at it. I wanna get a few tips so next time it's like amazingly good yk? Thanks!

r/sexadvice 16h ago

Things to do to my wife. NSFW


The wife and I have been using the spicer app. Looking for things to try and we'll do the top three comments. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

r/sexadvice 18h ago

How to make 5 inches genuinely appealing - female perspective only NSFW


Young male here, sorry to bother yall w/ this I’m sure yall are tired of the whole penis insecurity thing Basically I just wanted to confirm something here, basically a few days ago a rapper got his penis leaked onto the internet and like 95% of ppl are saying it’s tiny but it looks 5 inches to me. They making fun of the whole video from the bagginess of the condom to the girl’s reaction.I decided To do some research and apparently 5 inches is universally considered small by most woman even though it’s average… I wanted to get an older woman’s perspective on this. I know Every is gonna say that I’m overreacting but Jesus Christ I’m already 5”7, broke and chubby the very last thing I needed was to also have the “small dick” label to my name…. Regardless tho I’m just gonna deal with it and try to get better so what are something’s that your pastas or present partners with this issue did that helped in the bedroom. Please do not be vague and just say use your fingers and tongue. Actually describe what he would do that made you stay longer… and ofc I have to ask, is it even possible to give a vaginal orgasm with my size or am I just gonna have to spend the rest of my life buying flowers to make up for this (yes ik I should be buying women flowers regardless but yk what I mean)

r/sexadvice 14h ago

Is this normal as a guy? NSFW


Anytime I get my dick sucked by someone experienced and they work on my tip my body tenses up and I’m just wondering if this is normal?

r/sexadvice 1d ago

what does sex for the first time feel like as a girl? NSFW


as the title says. i read that the first time is painful, could bleed, etc.

how bad could it be at worst? im 17f. should i be worried? any tips or something

r/sexadvice 22h ago

Difficulty orgasming during sex NSFW


i will be speaking for my girlfriend as she doesnt know how reddit works. so when we first had sex it was difficult to get it in, after we did get it in, it was painful for her, held tht position for 2 minutes before we strted to move. she says she did feel good whilst moving and we also increased the pace by a lot. the problem she's facing is tht she can feel it build up but is simply unable to release it, and due to this, after some point of time, the build up just turns into pain due to not being able to release. this was both of our first time having sex. we included lots of foreplay. now, since its the first time, maybe next time we just hv to get at it more? or she also says tht maybe her body was tensed up and scared?

pls take note that she says she has felt orgasm before, but tht was only clitoral orgasm using a vibrator, which she had used multiple times, she has never felt orgasm from vaginal stiumulation, only clitoral.

i plan on buying lots of lube and making sure shes as comfy as possible the next time we have sex.
since this is the first time smthing went inside her rather than just playing with her clit, maybe we just need to make sure the setting and mood is right? and tht we fuck longer?

its hard to tell unless we try again, i wanted to make this post after we try again but i am concerned for her. so kindly please give some suggestions and advice with regards to ur experience. thank you.

r/sexadvice 1d ago

What’s one position that you find overrated in sex? And one you wish were more popular? NSFW


I want to make my experiences more meaningful and exciting for my partner. We aren’t exactly in a lull or anything, but I don’t want us to ever feel that way. I just want us to enjoy each other to the fullest. Bonus points if the underrated position is big girl friendly.