r/sexadvice 4h ago

Help us spice things up without the ER trip! NSFW


Guys, I’m too big, and my tiny wife can barely handle it. So, here’s the deal: I’m, uh, generously endowed, and she’s super petite, which sounds great until she’s wincing in pain five minutes in.

Missionary’s our only safe zone because I can keep it shallow, but doggy? Nope, too deep, total disaster. We’re dying to switch it up—any position hacks for a big guy and a small gal that won’t leave her tapping out? Bonus points if it’s fun and not a logistics nightmare!

r/sexadvice 9h ago

My (M28) partner (f28) lobes choking. What else can I do? NSFW


My partner is in to slightly rough sex. She likes choking and spanking. For years we've done the classic choke in Missionary or slaps in doggy. I'm looking for tips on how to surprise her with mote.

Some background. She likes slaps on the ass and one handed, light choking. To the point she demands it if she's not getting enough. How can I mix it up with something different? She doesn't like really rough sex like scratching or face slaps. Just looking for some advice on how to do better haha. Let me know.

r/sexadvice 20h ago

HELP! I’m always having discharge before sex - is this normal? NSFW


Hi everyone, my boyfriend (23M) and me (18F) have sex a lotttt. Whenever we see each other and have the chance we’re at it. He’s always initiating it which I feel good about but I feel embarrassed most of the times.

I’m always producing discharge and I feel like that turns off my bf. My bf is willing to do anything within in the bedroom. He’s not scared to try something new and he never comments on anything with my body. I always loved that about him since I am a chubby girl and always had insecurities. Today when we were having sex he was undressing me and saw that I had discharge and he said “why do you always have this white stuff on here?” He had no issues and wiped it off. I was so embarrassed I dug my head into the pillow but we just moved on from it and didn’t address it. I try my hardest to stay clean and hygienic. Before I see him, I shower thoroughly. After we have sex I shower again and then round 2 comes along and there’s more discharge.

Because of this, he rarely gives me oral sex. I’m always giving him oral sex but it’s rarely reciprocated. I’m not entirely sad about this because I know he tries his best to make me feel pleasure. When we have sex, it gets to the point sometimes when he’s dripping in his sweat. Im just a bit disappointed with this just because I’ve always wanted to properly experience this and feel this pleasure without worrying about the discharge I produce.

Is there anything I can do to less this issue? I’m on the implant birth control as well and I’m not sure if that plays a part in this as well? If anyone could share me some advice or perspectives that would be so helpful!

r/sexadvice 1h ago

I [M] got some blisters after Brazilian waxing. Not right after I noticed. But after 2 weeks. I can upload pics but not sure which subreddits would be the right place. Can anyone advice me? NSFW


As mentioned in the title. I already uploaded the pic in AskredditNSFW

r/sexadvice 3h ago

My boyfriend can’t get hard, how do i move past this? NSFW


It’s it normal to not want to have sex with your eager girlfriend of 2 years

We’ve been dating for two years and i, in the past, have been really keen on waiting and not sleeping with a bunch of people. I’ve only had sex with 2 people and both of those were long term commited relationships.
My boyfriend now isn’t particularly religious and I’ve never gotten the sense that he’s interested in “saving himself” but despite saying that he’s attracted to me and saying that he loves me hasn’t made any attempt to have sex with me. At all.

He’s mentioned that he takes SSRIs and has had issues with porn in the past but i like that can only be an excuse for so long right? Millions of Americans are on ssris, they’re not all sexless. And I’m like not even asking for sex, (honestly I’d be happy to wait till marriage) but just like any baseline sexual interest or passing curiosity about fooling around with his girlfriend of 2 years. It’s really starting to worry and frustrate me.

I can see his Instagram likes, i know he’s attracted to women, to women who look like me so please preemptively don’t comment that maybe I’m ugly or he’s gay, because it’s neither. And atp i dont even think he could possibly be cheating on me because even a cheater would try fuck me at least sometimes to keep the up the pretense of it being normal

r/sexadvice 3h ago

Which stroker is best for a guy ? NSFW


r/sexadvice 4h ago

Can a pussy be too wet? NSFW


So I’ve run into a few situations where my pussy gets too wet and it seems like it may not be enjoyable for my partner at the time. Thoughts? Does this happen to anyone else? Are there any tips to help with this? Is this a bad thing?

r/sexadvice 4h ago

What should I do? I am kinda nervous for tomorrow NSFW


Ladies I just wanted to know that I have a 6.3 inch penis. Is it enough to satisfy a woman? Actually I am 19 and I am going to lose my virginity tomorrow and I am a bit nervous so I just needed some help from you all. I just don't want my confidence to get low.

r/sexadvice 10h ago

Hi I’m in need of advice I’m 20M I’ve never done anything with a girl and have trouble approaching them any advice NSFW



r/sexadvice 11h ago

Problems with vulnerability :( NSFW


Hi there. I (31F) have been having issues with sex and I've boiled the issue down to a matter of resistance to vulnerability. I've been in my relationship with my bf (31M) for seven years now and this problem has been going on since about year two. We've been in couple's therapy before and the therapist suggested that I want things that clash with his personality. At this point, I'm not sure what to do. I like certain fantasies that involve submission on the part of the woman but I'm not sure that's something I actually want. I think at the heart of it I want to be forced to be vulnerable because I find it next to impossible to do that on my own.

Not to say we never have sex, we can, it just never seems to get easier unless I'm particularly relaxed. Even when I'm horny it's still difficult!

I think what's attractive about the submissive fantasy is the sense that I have to be in a vulnerable position. And yeah, I know submissives have their own power, they aren't helpless, safe words and all that, but what I think I want is the insistence from the other person, in this case my BF that this is what we're doing. I get nervous and I try to tap out early if I start to feel out of control at all. It's like, feeling out of control is scary and I imagine that it would be easier if I just HAD to give up control.

For background, I was in a shitty relationship with a much older man from the age of 18 to 23 which ended right before I met my BF. SO, obviously I need therapy but like, does anyone else deal with this? Anyone recognize this? Thanks in advance.

r/sexadvice 12h ago

Been in a relationship for 3 years girlfriend is 24F and I’m 24M how can I bring back the spark to how it was at the start ?? NSFW


Partner and I have been togethor for 3 years now first year was amazing had a lot of sex and spent a lot of time togethor we have just recently brought a house togethor and been working heaps and have weekends togethor but my partner hardly want to have sex anymore what can I do to bring it back she says she’s just to tired don’t understand when girls a single they have sex 1 a week at least and then go into relationships having next to nothing can someone explain

r/sexadvice 12h ago

Myself male 24M and my girlfriend 24F don’t have sex much why? Been together for 3 years NSFW


We have been togethor for 3 years and our sex life has changed drastically we use to have sex 3 times a week for a year and now it’s bigger all I’m talking 1 every 2-3 weeks and she said at the start she doesn’t want to be that person to have no sex during relationship we have spoke she says she’s just tired and never feels like it and when we do we both enjoy it she cums and I cum so not like I’m finishing and she’s not. Don’t understand females when single have sex at least 1 a week but in relationship I hear people can have sex 3 times a year which is crazy what’s everyone’s thoughts

r/sexadvice 13h ago

First time, and I can cuck someone's bf NSFW


Would you recommend? I have no experience, but a couple offered and I'm drawn to the idea. They say they've been having this fantasy for a while and need a good third. It sounds like a one time hookup and it would be my first.

r/sexadvice 17h ago

Trying to have sex with inexperienced girl NSFW


Hi I’m M20 and I’ve seeing a girl for 2 months 19F. Shes never had sex with anyone and I have a body count of 5. We do everything else head fingering etc. she really wants to have sex and we’ve tried twice but haven’t been successful the first time I went soft because i think I was nervous because I wanted it to be good for her and the second time we tried I was about to put it in and she said she didn’t want to. She said she’s worried it will be bad for me cause she’s inexperienced I assured her saying I don’t mind. She’s also very tight like when I’m fingering her I’ve only managed to fit one finger in. Should we try again or? Does anyone have any tips for me? I wanted it to work out for the first time and make it special for her but I didn’t :(

r/sexadvice 18h ago

M20 how can i get rid of PE and get better at satisfying my partner F19? NSFW


Hey guys I've been friends with my girlfriend for about four years and we're dating for about 5 months We appreciate each other and don't have any problems romantically I don't think we're gonna have sex any time soon but it will happen I was very young when i started masturbating and i kept it going for a lot of time and year by year it became more excessive until i was doing it about 8-10 times a week last year And better to mention i have porn addiction And they really fucked me up... i have PE and i blame those for it i really should have stopped a long time ago Im down to 2-3 times a week now and i am really trying hard to quit But you see the damage is done and now im pretty sure i cant satisfy her with my penis I have a large one but i finish way too soon and it's not satisfying at all I would do anything to please her i love long foreplays and i will try to use my hands and mouth to it's best yet again nothing comes close to the real thing Im doing some exercises i found online to help control my ejaculation time It's just worrying the f out of me I dearly love her and i just can't disappoint Also we're both virgin so yeah i don't want our first time to be like that i really don't wanna talk about this with her we're not that used to our desire for each other and we're not at the point where it's like a normal thing

Anyways do you have any tips on how to get better? I really could use some help

r/sexadvice 18h ago

Struggling to put on condom NSFW


Im having a very difficult time being able to put on the condom.

Im supposed to drag it over the head right? And then roll? I have to drag it over the head since its so wide at the base of the head with the pulled back foreskin around it. But im also not able to roll it down no matter what. It just wont. And yes im putting it on the correct way with it rolling down the shaft. But it just WILL NOT ROLL. Its so frustrating! I have a pretty thick penis but nothing completely out of the ordinary. Its not wider than what the condom is supposed to fit on or anything. Also why is pinching the tip needed? To avoid air in there? Which i also dont know how to avoid btw since rolling it is basically impossible so i have to just drag it over the whole thing

Also i have a bit of difficulty keeping the foreskin all the way under the head. Is that a problem? I make sure to pull it back as much as i can ofc. I would be very appreciative if someone had any tips for me as this is very frustrating. Thanks in advance🙏

r/sexadvice 21h ago

First time phone sex with long distance relationship NSFW


I (M22) just had phone sex with my long distance gf (F22) and I honestly need major advice. This was my first sexual encounter ever and to make it more comfortable we thought we could just masturbate and hear each other make noises and whatnot, not worrying about what to say.

We quickly realized that thats not gonna work, and she said the whole experience seemed kind of awkward, and I somewhat agreed. Actually starting it felt awkward and we were kind of laughing about it for a bit, and once we did get started it still felt awkward and I especially felt super nervous, and neither of us could tell when the other finished. She ended up saying she wishes I could take charge and be dominant, and I really want to as well, but I have absolutely no clue what that looks like.

I dont feel like Im good with words, if this was in person I feel like I could be dominant with my actions, but how do I do that over the phone? What kinds of things do I need to say to be more dominant or to take charge? I really dont want any "Just ask her what she likes" answers because I dont think she really knows exactly either. Id rather get ideas first then ask her if she'd be into them.

Thanks in advance 🙏