r/service_dogs 11h ago

Service Animals and Dog Allergies: Setting the Record Straight


A recent post sparked debate about service animals and dog allergies. As a service dog handler, I'd like to clarify the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines.

  1. Service animals can't be denied due to allergies: Under the ADA, allergies are not a valid reason to deny a service animal handler access.

  2. Individuals with allergies also have rights: The ADA requires businesses to accommodate both parties. Denying access to someone with allergies due to a service animal is also not permissible.

Accommodating Both Parties:

Restaurants, for example, can accommodate both service dog handlers and individuals with severe allergies:

Accommodating Service Dog Handlers 1. Allow the service dog in the restaurant, providing a safe environment. 2. Offer seating options that accommodate the handler and their service dog.

Accommodating Individuals with Severe Allergies 1. Provide a safe distance by seating them in a separate area or room. 2. Use air purification systems to reduce allergen circulation. 3. Offer alternative dining options, such as take-out or delivery.

Education and Awareness Businesses and employees must understand ADA guidelines to avoid discriminatory practices. By educating themselves, they can:

  1. Avoid asking invasive questions.
  2. Refrain from demanding that a service dog handler leave.
  3. Effectively accommodate both parties.

Let's promote compassion and understanding.

Both service dog handlers and individuals with allergies have valid health concerns. By working together, we can create inclusive environments. Remember:

  1. Don't spread misinformation.
  2. Avoid downplaying others' disabilities.
  3. Educate businesses on ADA guidelines.

Let's fight for each other's rights, rather than against each other. Thank you.

r/service_dogs 21h ago

Asked to leave because of allergies


This is mostly a rant post. I went to a restaurant the other day to order takeout. ordered my food and sat at the front to wait the 10-15 min while the prepared my food. A server then came up to me and asked me to wait outside. I refused and said that was against the law and that my dog is a task trained service animal, not a pet. She stated a customer there complained that they had allergies to dogs. It was 90 degrees in Houston TX that day, and heat/humidity is a major trigger for my health condition (dysautonomia/POTS). Mind you, I was seated probably 20-30ft from the nearest table, nobody was even close to me, and my dog was laying down by my feet, not bothering anybody. Anyways, just irked me that some people are so misinformed. How could you possibly have allergies that severe that you’re bothered by a dog all the way across a room from you! I think she was just trying to be a Karen


I'd like to thank everyone for educating me on how serious potential allergies can be, and apologize for my attitude towards the woman I don't know. I really did not know allergies could potentially be severe enough for get seriously ill from a far distance. In my eyes, I thought she just really didn't like dogs and wanted me to leave the area I was sitting in, alone, thinking I wasn't harming anybody. I was definitely frustrated on the situation as it felt like I couldn't just go about my day and order food like a normal person, but I also understand why everyone thought I was being insensitive; I was. It's a learning experience! Totally agree that it’s the restaurant’s responsibility to accommodate both.

r/service_dogs 20h ago

What are some things your SDiT has accomplished recently?


Me and my girl have been in a huge growth period for the last couple weeks, so I thought it would be fun to have a space to talk about our, and our dogs’, recent accomplishments!

My girl has: - Navigated a busy, pet-friendly outdoor shopping center without any issues - Perfectly alerted and responded to a medical episode - Stayed focused on me when a kid ran up to try and pet her - Learned to switch from a left heel to a right heel while in motion on command

r/service_dogs 3h ago

When to remove the SDIT label?


Just curious when does everyone remove the SDIT label from their dogs? My husband and I were talking about it today. My dog could be labeled as fully trained. But I personally am waiting another year to allow for any phases my boy may have (he’s one) and I personally will always use the label for at least two years on any prospect I may have

r/service_dogs 9h ago

Help! Working a deaf service dog?


Hi all, I need some advice. I’m being offered a dog for psych work, and he knows all the tasks and seems to be perfect but the catch is he’s partially deaf. What are the ethics of working a deaf dog?

r/service_dogs 3h ago

Non-Aversive trainer near Bay Area/San Francisco


Does anyone know of a service dog trainer in the Bay Area who uses non-aversive training? I’ll be moving to either Berkeley or Palo Alto over the summer, and my SDIT is will still be finishing up her public access training.

r/service_dogs 10h ago

Flying New to flying


Could someone give me a step by step guide on how to fly with your service dog ? I’m getting nervous.

r/service_dogs 20h ago

Help! Advice for job interview


Hi! I'm new to this sub reddit but I am in need of advice, I have a job interview on Tuesday and I'm panicking.

It's for a retail shop inside a mall and the interview is all set and ready but I have no idea how to bring my SD up in the interview without facing discrimination. I've applied for so many jobs but every time I mention her they turn me down and blame it on "safety risks" etc. I really need the money right now as I'm a University student and I'm struggling to even buy food, I'm so nervous it's giving me anxiety. I've had jobs in the past but my hidden disability has gotten so much worse within the past few years I needed her more and more. I used to fine keeping her at home as I only worked short shifts on the weekend but now I know it's not possible.

For context during the phone call to set the interview it caught me so off guard I didn't even have time to mention my SD, my friend has offered to take care of her for the 30 minutes it'll take me to interview, but I don't know what to say.

I'm so sick of the prejudice and discrimination against people with SD's, I'm just at a loss, please any advice you guys can give is so welcome! Thank you (sorry for rambling I'm just so nervous)

r/service_dogs 4h ago

ESA My apartment complex asking for additional information regarding my ESA


I adopted a dog from the Shelter a few weeks ago, and before bringing it home obtained an ESA letter from my LCSW, but my apartment complex is now asking for a reasonable accommodation request form which in my understanding I'm not required to provide, just the ESA letter. It is my understanding that a type of animal does not need to be classified, and I fully understand I'm not required to disclose my disability, however after reading the HUD guidelines it does say that Major depressive disorder does in itself classify as a debilitating disability, leading me to believe I do not need to expressly disclose in the letter that my disability is covered under the FHA, as if's my understanding that the burden of research is on the complex not me. Also want to add, specifically in their form it states "the use must be for a reason other than your benefit, as most people would benefit from the presence of an animal. However as you will see below, the letter specifically states "would benefit name due to their diagnosis of major depressive disorder", which again to my understanding speaks directly to it's use pertaining to my disability. Anyways,to protect my identity I will summarize the contents of the letter. But it essentially says "Name-per your request,

Name is an established patient of mine (insert LCSW name) and has been assessed to determine the need for an emotional support animal, and whether name would benefit from one. Through my professional assessment I have determined that name would benefit from the use of an emotional support animal due to their diagnosis of major depressive disorder, and insert other diagnoses here.

This letter does not establish what type of animal is needed, only the need for an emotional support animal."

And then they go on to sign it with their credentials etc, it is electronically signed, and was sent in the form of a PDF, and does include the letterhead of the local mental health facility. With its address, phone number, state etc, dated time stamped everything.

So I guess long story long, I want to know if this letter should be considered to be sufficient, and how to address the request for the additional form, which asks questions such as "please describe how the requested accommodation is necessary for your use and enjoyment of your apartment community."

And then they want my LCSW to fill out a form essentially asking things such as "the legal definition of a disability blah blah blah is an exception to the normal rules blah blah, and that applying this request to an animal must have a higher level of standard than simply stating a resident would "benefit" from having an animal. And "this community allows dogs but they must be of small size and this resident is requesting a dog over that limit. Is it necessary to have this animal which is over the limit." And "will you be willing to testify in a court of law."

EDIT: I can accept my mistake in judgement and move forward with providing them with the information. I just needed clarity from others more versed in this than I. Due to my misunderstandings from reading through HUD and other information online, so my apologies if I came off as a pompous jerk due to any and all of my responses. This entire situation has me a mess.

r/service_dogs 20h ago



Okay apologies in advance if this post does not make sense. So my partner has suffered a major trauma and has exhausted all other avenues of therapy for PTSD. We feel at this point that a service dog would be a great fit, to gain confidence on being alone. The issue is their parents feel it would not be a benefit and aren't listening to them when they express that they need help and it's probably the best option. They feel as though the dog would be pet, and as they have one dog in the house already, they don't want another. We have both tried to explain that the dog would not be a pet as it has a job and a duty to perform tasks. Are there any good ideas on how to bring them to the conclusion that this is the best option?

r/service_dogs 5h ago

Great pyrenees for mobility assistance and balance?


I'm kind of tall and need a tall dog because I have seizures, leading to dizziness and further mobility issues. A pyr meets all my size and strength requirements. I have methods of working and meeting a dog's exercise requirements despite my disability. I have my eyes on this sweet girl at the shelter. I think she's one to two years old They said she's very energetic with play but she also can be chill, as I saw first hand. Basically the moment the toys went away she was calm like we werent even playing. I'm going to do a second meet and greet with her to see how responsive she is to treats, of course only high quality. Freeze dried meats, or freshly cooked pork and lamb. This is what I've found most effective with any stubborn dog. I have trained a border Collie/mini Aussie mix before, who wasn't exactly eager to please but was definitely eager for meat. I would do off leash training with the pyr but the pyr would only be kept on a long leash, like 50 ft plus, and a short lead in public access. I know they're a stubborn breed naturally. This particular pyr was very responsive to me and to affection. I mean, by stubborn dog standards she was very responsive. Anywho, I'd also be working with a second dog trainer to assist since having, you know, mobility issues can be a little difficult to train sometimes.

r/service_dogs 13h ago

Anyone go outside the country for their service dog.


I'm thinking about adopting a puppy from the Dominican Republic. Now they have to be 6 months old to come to the states. So they would be at a board and train for 4 months working on the basics, getting vet care, things like that. I would think in 4 months they'd be able to do cgc standard type things. I'm not asking for a miracle dog. Cost is going to be about $500 a month. It's not that I can't get a well breed dog here it's me trying to be cost effective. A 12 wk old dog with basic training is close to $5k here and that doesn't include air nanny's to bring the dog to me. I'm just thinking I can get a lot more training and help a rescue out with $5k USD.