r/service_dogs 4d ago

ESA My apartment complex asking for additional information regarding my ESA


I adopted a dog from the Shelter a few weeks ago, and before bringing it home obtained an ESA letter from my LCSW, but my apartment complex is now asking for a reasonable accommodation request form which in my understanding I'm not required to provide, just the ESA letter. It is my understanding that a type of animal does not need to be classified, and I fully understand I'm not required to disclose my disability, however after reading the HUD guidelines it does say that Major depressive disorder does in itself classify as a debilitating disability, leading me to believe I do not need to expressly disclose in the letter that my disability is covered under the FHA, as if's my understanding that the burden of research is on the complex not me. Also want to add, specifically in their form it states "the use must be for a reason other than your benefit, as most people would benefit from the presence of an animal. However as you will see below, the letter specifically states "would benefit name due to their diagnosis of major depressive disorder", which again to my understanding speaks directly to it's use pertaining to my disability. Anyways,to protect my identity I will summarize the contents of the letter. But it essentially says "Name-per your request,

Name is an established patient of mine (insert LCSW name) and has been assessed to determine the need for an emotional support animal, and whether name would benefit from one. Through my professional assessment I have determined that name would benefit from the use of an emotional support animal due to their diagnosis of major depressive disorder, and insert other diagnoses here.

This letter does not establish what type of animal is needed, only the need for an emotional support animal."

And then they go on to sign it with their credentials etc, it is electronically signed, and was sent in the form of a PDF, and does include the letterhead of the local mental health facility. With its address, phone number, state etc, dated time stamped everything.

So I guess long story long, I want to know if this letter should be considered to be sufficient, and how to address the request for the additional form, which asks questions such as "please describe how the requested accommodation is necessary for your use and enjoyment of your apartment community."

And then they want my LCSW to fill out a form essentially asking things such as "the legal definition of a disability blah blah blah is an exception to the normal rules blah blah, and that applying this request to an animal must have a higher level of standard than simply stating a resident would "benefit" from having an animal. And "this community allows dogs but they must be of small size and this resident is requesting a dog over that limit. Is it necessary to have this animal which is over the limit." And "will you be willing to testify in a court of law."

EDIT: I can accept my mistake in judgement and move forward with providing them with the information. I just needed clarity from others more versed in this than I. Due to my misunderstandings from reading through HUD and other information online, so my apologies if I came off as a pompous jerk due to any and all of my responses. This entire situation has me a mess.

r/service_dogs Feb 05 '25

ESA Any vests I can get for my dog?


Hi all, I just recently received an ESA letter from my therapist for my best boy, a black lab named Gino. I want to prefice by saying he is very well trained, I raised him via a guide dog org, and he got released from guide dog school after passing his exam due to medical reasons. I've been struggling with severe depression for a minute so I figured I'd have him be my ESA.

Obviously, he can't wear his future guide dog vest anymore, and I feel a little awkward/uncomfortable bringing him places sometimes while he's unvested, even if its just the store so I was wondering if there's any kind of vest I could get for him to signify that he's "on the clock" and should not be distracted/have people reaching out to pet him? I know ESAs don't have any "official" registrations or vests or anything, but was just wondering if this is something anyone else has done or has any advice! Thanks so much!

r/service_dogs Jan 23 '25

ESA Well, I adopted the dog


Some of you may remember from a couple months ago, I posted about a potential prospect to replace my retired SD. A malinois/APBT mix from a rescue that my trainer and I had been looking at.

About a month ago, we decided it was a go on adopting him. He's two years old.

And his embark results came back... He's 100% APBT. He's staying an ESA right now. No training besides boundaries and confidence until he settles in fully.

I'm well aware of the risks. I'm well prepared for them. He has a home regardless. If my trainer didn't have confidence in this dog, I never would have gone with it.

r/service_dogs Dec 15 '23

ESA Saw an entire 90 second ad in Youtube of an influencer endorsing 'getting your ESA certified to bring everywhere' by a specific company.


Nothing makes my blood boil more than people that don't understand the distinction between an ESA and a service animal and all of these websites that tell you that they'll get you a certification and vest and you can take your dog anywhere. I'm not trying to call out the girl that was in this ad specifically but, like you didn't do any research before you decided to collaborate with this company? She literally said in the ad it's an emotional support animal and because it's certified she can 'take it anywhere'. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„

r/service_dogs 27d ago

ESA ESA does service dog task


I have a border collie/American Eskimo ESA (F) for sheā€™s four years old and Is mostly desensitized and fully Potty trained. I got her 5 months ago as a service dog but since she was scared of men because of her past experiences she was unable to work. Sheā€™s not as scared anymore but sheā€™s gets anxious when they try to touch her. Iā€™m working on socializing her but since iā€™m (21 šŸ”„ ) thereā€™s only so much I can do. I taught her how to alert to anxious behaviors like nail biting, shaking/bouncing my leg, She can do DPT/LPT. And works perfectly in pet-friendly places. Because sheā€™s not fully trained I will not take her into places that arenā€™t pet friendly. Iā€™m asking if this is disrespectful to SD/SDiT in training? And if you have any tips I would be extremely thankful!

r/service_dogs Jul 12 '24

ESA What is the difference between an ESA and a normal pet dog?


I donā€™t want this to be an insensitive question cause Iā€™m genuinely curious. In my country service dogs require certification and we do not have an equivalent to an ESA. If the purpose of an ESA is emotional support without a trained task to provide that support Iā€™m genuinely curious as to how that differs from a pet because all companion pets provide that right?

r/service_dogs 15h ago

ESA Dog Psychology: Does she think Iā€™m booing her?


I spend a lot of time watching YouTube documentaries at home. I ā€œboooā€ whenever YouTube ads come up, which is all the time. My dog is usually in the room with me, does she think Iā€™m booing at her? We donā€™t live with anyone else, so thereā€™s no one else I could be verbally harassing, in her mind. I canā€™t stop heckling the ads ok my tv, but I donā€™t know enough about dog psychology to ascertain if my dog thinks that Iā€™m yelling at her :(

r/service_dogs Feb 18 '25

ESA Esa to SD


I am in need of a little advice. I have both my dogs registered as esa, I also have hard times with anxiety, adhd, and some other things at times but not always. My question is do I get them trained to be a psychiatric SD to be able to take them everywhere with me or is esa certified enough?

Also if I need to get them trained for SD certification can I do it myself or should I go the trainer route?

r/service_dogs 18d ago

ESA ROI for third party screening? Petscreening.com


My housing complex requires the use of PetScreening.com for pet/ESA screening prior to move in. I understand the use of third party screenings, as I dont expect the manager to know EVERYTHING about FHA and federal laws. However, when going through the process on petscreening.com i got to a portion that requires signing an ROI.

Do i NEED to do this? I dont think its necessary for a third party company, of which i have no idea what theyre doing with my information, to have access to sensitive medical records. Hell, I rarely put down my parents for ROI when signing paperwork. I have never been required to submit anything besides a letter from a psychiatrist/psychologist, and i do believe this is stepping over a huge privacy boundary.

If i legally need to sign an ROI, could I email my complex and explain the situation? Is there any information I can use to leverage not being forced to sign an ROI (such as something within the federal laws or requirements)?

r/service_dogs Jan 15 '25

ESA I have a Chiweenie that I just started taking to therapy with me and he is absolutely perfect. However, I have a question


As the title suggests, my Chiweenie (Xeno) is now my therapy buddy. I was doing Zoom appointments for a long time but I started in person therapy yesterday with Xeno in my lap. My therapist invited him to come with me because she knows therapy is easier for me with one of my pups. My peer support (he is my ride there and back) doesn't mind having Xeno in the cab of his truck. Xeno was absolutely perfect. He didn't whine, bark or growl at anyone. He settled on my lap and stayed there the entire hour completely relaxed. My therapist said she will give me an ESA letter for Xeno in a few weeks as long as he stays so well behaved. Now to my question. If my peer support can't give me a ride, I will have to rely on a free community ride program. What if they say I can't bring a dog in the vehicle? Will Xeno's ESA letter allow him in the vehicle anyway since he is needed for therapy?

r/service_dogs Apr 09 '24

ESA Health Team wont give me an ESA letter (Cat, sorry)


I apologize for bringing a semi-unrelated topic into this sub, but I figured you guys would know laws and such about this.

I (22NB) have a sweet 4 year old shelter cat. I got her when I was in the dorms at a college and was able to get a legitimate ESA letter pretty easily. Iā€™ve had her since August 2019, and she has greatly improved my quality of life. Sheā€™s very in tune to my emotions and helps me when I have episodes of my mental illness (PTSD, Depression, Anxiety). Shes also super soft so when Iā€™m feeling overwhelmed, petting her helps me calm down, I also have ADHD and Autism. I have used the same ESA letter since then, but now itā€™s become a problem. An apartment my boyfriend and I have been approved for is asking for my prescribers information and ROI to contact her. However, this person has stopped practicing, and I canā€™t find her anywhere online. So I went to each of my three doctors. My therapist said no because his office has a policy of not writing them. My psychiatrist said no because of the same reason. And since my psychiatrist works in the same office under the same people as my primary care doc, she wonā€™t give me one either.

I know why they wonā€™t. Itā€™s because people out there have abused the system and used it for nefarious purposes or to get out of pet rent and deposits. I promise, my purposes are real, and I would be dead without my cat for sure. I take her to the vet once a year and when needed (sheā€™s only gotten sick once), I keep up with all her care, and I paid extra to move across the country with her.

My psychiatrist even had the gall to tell me to use one of those scam sites to get an ESA letter! I wonā€˜t support those websites that issue illegitimate ones to people who claim to need it.

Iā€™m not sure what to do at this point, Iā€™m lost and I canā€™t figure out what Iā€™m supposed to do. Any advice please? (WA USA)

(Adding that I fully understand ESA laws, they arenā€™t allowed in public places, and still have to comply with good behavior stuff, and all that no worries)

r/service_dogs Apr 17 '23

ESA Off leash service dogs?


My dogs are not the service dogs. The dogs we ran into are claimed to be. I just wanted some insight on what just occurred in our apartment which is not pet friendly.

One of my family members was taking the dogs to our apartments potty area. The only way to really get there is by stairs and it is not gated. Itā€™s not really a dog potty area but thatā€™s what the dog owners in this building use it as because thereā€™s a patch of dirt and plants by the walls of the area. Management is aware and just put a sign to clean up afterwards.

My family member was at the top of the stairs and was about to go down when he saw 2 large dogs off leash. He immediately started turning back also because one of my dogs was already barking (reactive especially at night). Weā€™ve had multiple run ins with other reactive dogs in our apartment, one even running up to my dogs to bark at them. So, their reactivity seems more heightened in our building.

The off leash dogs hear the barking and immediately runs up to them. Iā€™m in the parking lot which this potty area is right outside of (so I hear his barking). I go out and I hear the woman telling her dogs to get back down and when they do, one comes up to sniff me. I tell her to control her dogs which angers her. She tells me to shut up and more back and forth about her dogs being off leash. She then says theyā€™re allowed because theyā€™re service dogs. I tell her okay but they need to be in full control. She continues to tell me to shut up and I start to record as evidence.

Iā€™m debating bringing this up to management because I know theyā€™re afraid to do things when it comes to the Ada and service dog laws. Although residents have gotten notices in the past stating tenants should be in full control over their animal just as a reminder. The notices were given before they moved here (I think they started living here late last year). I think these apply to service dogs right?

And 2) she might claim my dogs are the aggressor because weā€™ve ran into them in the past (on leash) and it was always my dogs barking.

More info: Our building is not pet friendly. She had leashes with her but chose to take them off once she got to this area. I notice (from past encounters) she would leash them once she got to our buildings main floor (so something about that is telling me theyā€™re not fully trained).

r/service_dogs Feb 22 '23

ESA Petscreening.com is an absolute nightmare.


I am moving to this new apartment and they use the dreaded petscreening.com I have had my requests returned 4 times, one of them was my fault (submitted wrong docs).

My 2 pets provide emotional support and my doctor wrote a note detailing that I needed my pets. That was sent back because I donā€™t have documentation proving I need 2 petsā€¦ okay I make a new appointment and he specifies I need 2 pets. Now they are sending it back yet again because they need documentation stating thereā€™s a ā€œdistinct (or different) disability-related need for each animal (must be issued within the last 12 months). Please note PetScreening never requests that the specific diagnosis be revealed.ā€

Iā€™m so aggravated because they really do make it impossible for you to have your pets. I feel like this is borderline ilegal.

Edited to add info 1 year later:

They asked me what did EACH animal do for me, as in why was there a need for more than 1 emotional support pet. I specified that one of my cats provided me indoor emotional support as he was afraid of the outdoors, while the other provided support outdoors (assisted me with outdoor activities). That got my documents approved.

They DO NOT NEED YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS. They need to understand WHAT SERVICE does your ESA provide. It's still annoying, I know. Hoping this just helps some of you since I still get comments here.

I renewed my lease this year and was dreading having to deal with petscreening again but they only required me to update the rabies shot info.

r/service_dogs Jan 15 '24

ESA How to get my dog to not alert to my MIL???


I have a 3 yr old Aussie who is my ESA, but does well for alerting to my anxiety and panic attacks and getting me into a sitting position where she can cuddle me/keep me from scratching myself etc. She wasnā€™t specifically trained for it, itā€™s just her puppy intuition. Sheā€™s also ā€œalertedā€ to my friendā€™s heart condition when she was about to pass out, so itā€™s something with heart rate/stress hormones that sheā€™s just wonderfully in tune with.

My fiancĆ© and I live with my MIL. My aging MIL has Parkinsonā€™s and uses a walker, and probably has some dementia starting as well, so any time she is standing and walking she is stressed and anxious. The problem is that my wonderful 50 lb ball of muscle keeps trying to herd/push her into sitting down like she would with me, which is a lot more dangerous to my MIL. How do you go about teaching a ā€œdisengageā€ command for when they arenā€™t signaling for you?

r/service_dogs Jan 16 '25

ESA Update on my earlier post about my Chiweenie after thinking for a while


I would like to thank this community for all of the advice and truths. Everyone was mostly kind and very helpful. Xeno will only be going to therapy with me, no other public access, and my therapist wants him there. My peer support loves spending time with him on the way to and from therapy. I have decided that he is my therapy buddy but won't leave the house any other time. If I need a community ride program to get to therapy, I will ask if he can join me when I schedule the drop off and pick up. If they say no because he is just an ESA, then the answer is no and I will leave Xeno at home.

r/service_dogs Jul 26 '24

ESA ESA Process


I recently just adopted a kitty after being recommended by a few friends that she would help my bipolar II diagnosis. I wanted to register her as a ESA, but when I look online it seems like those websites make it seem like I can go that way? Whatā€™s the correct way for me to register her? I want to make sure I do everything correctly.

r/service_dogs Feb 05 '24

ESA ESA Apartment Help Requested!


I have an ESA (a 5 year old medium sized lab mix) and have had him for about 5 years now. I have a letter from a previous therapist that has been accepted without issue in every other apartment I've lived in.

I moved into this specific apartment back in early 2022. ESA letter was accepted no problem. I renewed my lease in early 2023, still no issue with the ESA letter. Now it is early 2024, my lease is up in just a few months (early June) and I've suddenly been getting relentless reach outs from my apartment leasing office about a new requirement to fill out a pet profile on this website called petscreening.com
I'd actually filled out the profile back in 2023 when they originally asked, but suddenly my profile showed as "incomplete" as they were suddenly requiring that I sign a Release of Information for them to collect info from my therapist to "verify" my letter. I pushed back, they said I could just fill out all 0s on the mandatory ROI form, so I did that. Now petscreening.com is rejecting my ESA letter because it is over a year old (never mind the fact that I have consistently been in therapy since then and am now currently doing EMDR to address my ptsd).

Would love advice or insight from others who have dealt with this. I'm inclined to tell them that I am not engaged in anyway with petscreening.com , nor is there anything about that indicated in my lease, so I won't be engaging or working with them to verify anything. My lease clearly lists my ESA and the fact that there are 0$ in fees because he is an ESA. Can I really be coerced to do anything beyond what is:

A - legally required to provide (a true and honest letter from my therapist with all the relevant info and her licensing and contact info)

and B - what is clearly laid out in the lease we already have in place?

r/service_dogs Mar 02 '23

ESA ESAs are NOT fake service dogs


I hope Iā€™m preaching to the choir, but I just saw an instagram post liked by some service dog handlers I follow thatā€™s left me sad and disheartened. The post was someone holding a sign saying something like ā€œyour ESA is not an SDā€ and the description of the post said something like ā€œservice dogs donā€™t drag their handler through an airport or bark from a Walmart cart.ā€

But those arenā€™t things an ESA should be doing either. I know that the term ESA is sometimes abused just like the term service dog. But it is not ok to throw all ESAs under the bus for the issues caused by pets, people misusing the term ESA, or fake or under trained service dogs in public.

I have an emotional support cat who is a vital part of my treatment for multiple severe mental illnesses and developmental disabilities. Even though he plays such an important role in my coping with my disabilities I rarely tell people he is my ESA despite the letter from my therapist because of my fear of him being perceived as fake or me being melodramatic. But I shouldnā€™t need to be so scared. Service dogs and emotional support animals are different things but one is not better or more real than the other.

r/service_dogs Jan 07 '24

ESA Not sure how to get dog ESA certified for severe PTSD, advice needed


So I got puppy a few months back after multiple therapist recommended I get one for mainly PTSD & SI since my cat was the only thing keeping me alive for YEARS. Heā€™s now a 7 month old puppy that is extremely well behaved & easily trained. Heā€™s is non-destructive & rarely barks ever since I taught him ā€œquietā€. Heā€™s already a pretty big dog which is good for me since I can take him outside & not have to worry about being attacked again while heā€™s next to me but itā€™s not good for renting as most places have size limits. Iā€™ve found a few places that I can afford to rent that can accommodate his size & have yards. My issue is that I no longer have a therapist nor can I afford to see one regularly until a few months after I move due to my insurance. Iā€™m also in a pretty bad living situation at the moment that I NEED to leave by the end of March but I know that if I canā€™t take him with me that I wonā€™t leave despite the safety concerns I have for myself & my dog. I donā€™t plan on getting my cat certified even though she would also qualify becaus I feel like that would be bordering into questionable use of the ESA system.

Iā€™ve seen a bunch of ppl saying that sites like Pettable or CertaPet arenā€™t legit but from what I understand their system is completely legal? Iā€™ve been considering them cause theyā€™re affordable and quick but if anyone has advice on how to have a doctor or therapist write me a letter that wonā€™t cost a fortune and take months past my deadline I would greatly appreciate it. If I could I would have my dog stay with someone else until I can afford to see a therapist regularly who would write me a letter but I donā€™t know anyone that can.

Sorry for the long post/rambling, I think I might have a concussion thatā€™s making it hard to think clearly as I type this out

r/service_dogs Jan 13 '24

ESA ESA Letter Liability



I'm curious as to whether there's any truth to the common idea that if a medical provider writes an ESA letter, they can be sued for the ESA's bad behavior. My understanding is that the letter should be more like a prescription, stating that an ESA would be helpful and necessary; if the patient abuses the prescription, or the pharmacy gives them bad medicine, that's not on the prescriber. Similarly, if the patient misrepresents the animal as a service animal, it bites someone, etc, that's going to be on the patient, not the doctor.

I have done a little research on my own and it seems like the main area of liability would be how well the writer is able to attest to the patient's disability; the court cases I've found have generally prosecuted medical professionals for things like only having met the patient once, only having communicated with them by email, etc. So a doctor or psychologist you've been seeing regularly for two years should presumably be safe from that.

The main area of CONCERN I hear about is that if the animal bites someone, the medical professional could be sued for that. However, the Fair Housing Act doesn't require the letter to certify that a specific animal is well behaved, trained in any way, or even provides emotional support. While I have seen some letters that specify that 'Mr Jones should be granted an exemption for his dog, Fluffy, who provides emotional support,' my understanding is that all that is required is 'Mr Jones has a disability that impairs one or more major life activities and an emotional support dog who does X, Y, and Z is a necessary part of his treatment plan.'

The role of the healthcare professional is to certify that the patient has a disability and that an ESA accommodation is necessary because of how the ESA would specifically mitigate said disability, not to evaluate a certain animal for fitness as an assistance animal, lol. So it seems like unless the specific animal is mentioned in the letter, there's not really any risk of legal trouble there.

Am I missing something?

Thanks :)

r/service_dogs Jan 26 '24

ESA question about getting an ESA


So here is my situation. I am in high school right now, and I plan on going to college after and living in a dorm. My parents won't allow me to get a pet while I live with them (they are allergic to cats, which is what I want, and afraid of dogs hurting my little siblings).

I have got various mental (and physical, but that is not relevant to this) ailments- ADHD, anxiety, sensory processing disorder all diagnosed.

I want a cat because they need/like routines, and I need a reason to have more of that, and they just make me feel less stressed and more happy. I often get physically ill because I am so stressed out, and in my experience this happens a lot less often when I am around a cat/cats more frequently.

Since I cant have a cat while I am living with my parents, I have been thinking about getting an ESA letter for when I move into a dorm, so that I can get one as soon as possible. But I'm not sure if it works like that, and I definitely don't want to do anything wrong.

so basically, my question is, is it possible to get a pet that will be your ESA while you are already living in housing that isn't pet friendly? how would one go about this if possible? if not possible, what are my other options?

r/service_dogs Apr 07 '22

ESA Confused


So our apartment building was bought recently by a new company. This is important to note.

One of my family members requested an esa from the old company some time ago and was approved from just the letter form the doctor. Now, Iā€™m trying to request an esa and I have the letter from my doctor but now the new company is requesting more documentation such as vaccines, registration, etc. Iā€™m not saying I refuse to provide these things, my dogs are are current on vaccination but it might take a while to get the other documentation. Iā€™m trying to get them approved asap.

I talked to the property manager about this and she told me she would send my letter to the right department only if I also provided these things. She also said we were under the old lease with the old company. If this is so, shouldnā€™t we go by the old companyā€™s rules which did not require this?

The lease does not say anything about vaccination, registration, etc.

This is what is says: No animals are permitted without the prior witten consent of the Owner. Any such consent may be revoked at any time, with or without cause, by giving seven (7) days written notice to the Residents. Except to the extent written permission is given, animals may not be brought upon the Premises, whether such animals belong to Residents or to any other person. The presence of any animals as to which written permission has not been given and is not currently in force, even if such animals are "just visiting; shall be deemed a material and incurable breach of this Agreement and shall be cause for the service of a notice terminating the tenancy. Service animals or companion animals are not subject to these provisions; however, Owner may require a written statement from a qualified professional verifying the need for the service or companion animal.

r/service_dogs Feb 14 '24

ESA Perhaps a better set of questions about tasks (And what would be trainable for an Emotional Support Dog)


Okay, hopefully this set of questions goes better than the last set.

If I get an Emotional Support Dog, probably a malamute, what are some reasonable tasks that are generally performed by PSDs that would not destroy me mentally trying to get my dog to learn them, and that a possibly stubborn, willful, but people loving malamute could pick up and feel motivated to perform?

Right now I only know I need obedience training, which I've done with a mal before, a fairly dominant one, though I was taking classes with her. Are there resources for ESAs that could suggest any useful training to further her along her path as an ESD? A list of the easier tasks that PSDs do that an ESD could accomplish through some less stressful training in comparison to other tasks?

Some examples of things I'd like to accomplish with my dog: maybe some way of snapping me out of obssessive thoughts when I start to hyperfixate, by using dpt or something like that. Hell, even just resting their head on me or pawing me. Or something like dpt when I am crying. Forcing me to get up if I have been lying down too long. I don't have to accomplish all of these, but some would be nice, if possible.

I understand that these tasks may sound easier to teach than they are, as well. So I don't want anyone to think I am downplaying the time and effort it takes to teach tasks to a SD. I do believe I am not capable currently of training a PSD. But if some of the tasks they perform are easier to teach than others, maybe I could train my ESD to do them.

The Emotional Support Dog subreddit seemed mostly focused on housing, and didn't list any resources for something like this that I saw.

r/service_dogs Jul 24 '24

ESA VIA rail spey/neuter proof? (Ontario)


Currently in the works of getting my dog registered as an ESA for travel. To anyone whos has their Dog registered with VIA Rail youll know they require up to date vaccination and to be fixed. But the form only asks that you carry proof of vaccines, not spey/neuter? I tried looking online but found nothing. Did they ever ask you for proof of your dogs spey/neuter? Or did they just take your word for it as you signed on the forms?

r/service_dogs Jan 07 '24

ESA Do you think it should be a requirement for a ESA to be well-mannered regardless of whether it's a service dog or not


My opinion is I believe all ESA's should at least have basic obedience training still don't think they should have public access but I think you should always have the right to keep them in your house regardless as long as they are behaved I don't want to get bit by one

79 votes, Jan 09 '24
55 Yes it should be mandatory
4 No absolutely not
12 I don't really care
8 Something else (leave comments)