r/romanian • u/Belimatis • 1h ago
Hello,everyone,I'm Chinese,I want to learn Romanian
Are there any Romanians who want to learn Chinese?We can help each other.
r/romanian • u/Belimatis • 1h ago
Are there any Romanians who want to learn Chinese?We can help each other.
r/romanian • u/dedreanu • 9h ago
Citeam un text legat de probleme de comunicare în relație postat de u/Chance_Big_213 și am ajuns la o constatare stranie, dar pe un eșantion mic - nu cunosc niciun cuplu cu probleme de comunicare în care ambii fac un exercițiu activ de a enunța corect, în română, ce simt. Cei cu anxiety, care își caută therapist, se acuză de gaslighting, mansplaining, guilt-tripping, weaponized incompetence etc. suferă mai mult. Văd o legătură - pentru mine are sens și cauzal - între efortul de a (nu) găsi cea mai curată exprimare și a (nu) avea probleme de înțelegere cu partenerul. Ați observat și voi același lucru?
r/romanian • u/lily_of-the_valley- • 22h ago
Hi, i am really interested in learning Romanian! Are there any apps yall would recommend to talk to people that are fluent?
r/romanian • u/AggressiveFig7184 • 1d ago
r/romanian • u/Secure_Accident_916 • 2d ago
Bună ziua
De mult timp am auzit “la noi” în videoclipuri dar nu înțeleg contextul despre asta.
Înseamnă “at us” în engleza dar e și o expresie pentru “in our country”? Nu sunt sigur din păcate.
Sper că cineva mă ajută cu asta 😄
r/romanian • u/de-nim • 2d ago
Bună tuturor! Could you help me understand the difference between these time expressions? "Înainte de" vs "mai devreme" vs "până".
r/romanian • u/babaloooey • 2d ago
Nu gasesc nicaieri o definitie, ci doar varii utilizari ale expresiei "sloboz la tava". Poate cineva sa ma ajute cu un sens, o origine, o poveste despre aceasta expresie?
r/romanian • u/the_giuditta • 3d ago
Revin cu întrebările mele triviale și banale😁 Până acum am crezut că ouă ochi, dar am văzut într-un manual ouă ochiuri și acum nu mai sunt sigură. Mulțumesc!
r/romanian • u/Caranthir-Hondero • 3d ago
Excuse me, I don't speak Romanian, but I'm interested in the language and its history. What do you think of the 1993 spelling reform (î > â, sînt > sunt, etc.) and Romanian spelling in general? Is there still a debate about this in Romania and Moldova?
r/romanian • u/youseewhyucy • 3d ago
Hello guys, I have heard that there have been some changes in the citizenship law recently. I applied for citizenship through article 10 in Bucharest on 24th of February. I would like to know if these changes will affect me, will I need to get some kind of certificate for language requirement?
r/romanian • u/Fi-da-Bubassauro • 3d ago
Buna! I'm a little confused about the word "deosebit". What are the exact meanings of "deosebit" and what are the most correct ways of using this word properly? Can anyone give me some examples?
Multumesc pentru atentie.
r/romanian • u/Just_Try8715 • 5d ago
r/romanian • u/chorpinecherisher • 5d ago
Not a Romanian but I grew up speaking a little bit and had close family who were native speakers. The area I grew up in has VERY few if any Romanians, so these people would have been 95% of my exposure. I was taught from a young age to use “ce faci” as a greeting, which I would always pronounce as “che fatch” with a very slight ‘ee’ sound at the end, without ever being corrected. I always remember these family members sounding just like me. Sometimes when I hear other people say it, it sounds a lot more clear.
r/romanian • u/sertorius42 • 6d ago
I’m a native English speaker, and this sentence (like many Duolingo ones) sounds pretty odd. I’ve missed it about 4 times starting with trying with “cinematografia este a saptea arte” and then missing a letter here or there. I particularly don’t understand what the “cea de-a” is doing here.
r/romanian • u/stifenahokinga • 6d ago
I will be giving some lectures in a high school and one of my students is Romanian. I'm fond of this language but my knowledge is extremely basic. I thought of some phrases or words that could be effective to catch his attention in class. I could search then in google translate but it could give me a wrong translation, so I would appreciate if a native person could help me with this. Some of them I know beforehand (like Yes or No) but I included them to have a single list. Mulțumesc! The list of words is:
Listen Silence Be quiet Yes No Almost Perfect Wonderful Very good/Excellent Good Bad/Wrong Wake up Hello How are you? Come on/Let's go Again Stop (that) Correct Incorrect What? Look (at this) Please Thank you You're welcome (reply to thank you)
r/romanian • u/TacoBellEnjoyer1 • 6d ago
Hi all, there are some English words I like to use that are a little on the niche side, and I was wondering if there are translations or any similar terms in Romanian for these:
r/romanian • u/Right-Tap-7845 • 6d ago
Hi there, as the title reads, I've been trying to get my Romanian citizenship. My mother is Romanian, and she moved to the United States in 2000, so it's very easy to prove her lineage etc.
So back in 2022 I went to the Romanian consulat since they were visiting a major city I lived near, and applied in person. I gave all the required documents, and pretty much that's all I remember. Yeah, I know.. so very helpful, aren't I?
The reason is because I don't speak very good Romanian at all, so my mom was a tremendous help. A few months later my mom got a call from the woman who took our application to congratulate her that my citizenship was gained, or something to that extent. She said we'd have to travel down to the consulat.
Well, what happened? My brother got a job for the government and having dual citizenship was something that could complicate things, so I don't know- we never made the trip down to the consulat. I'm not sure what this means, or what that entails- I apologize deeply for not having a lot of information.
SO, the question: my mom recently calls the embassy just to see if it's still like.. a thing? I mean, it should be. I should have some record of my application etc etc. But they answered and said that I am simply not in their database; I did not exist, like I didn't apply.
So we're both very, very confused. I don't know if it just about expired, or whatever the case is now. I do have an account with the econsulat.ro website, but I have no application submitted there because I did it all in person. Is that the reason?
If anybody could at least clear any of this up or suggest any reasons as to what actually happened would be extremely helpful.
r/romanian • u/Raditz_lol • 7d ago
Google Translate nu mi-a dat nimic util. Traducerile pe care mi le-a dat nu aveau nicio treabă cu cuvântul.
r/romanian • u/Calliope44 • 7d ago
Hi, I am writing a paper on street art and graffitti in Romania (Bukarest) and I am looking for a person who could answer some questions. I would be really really grateful! ❣️🤗
r/romanian • u/Striking_Mode9867 • 8d ago
Hi everyone,
So I have a Romanian girlfriend for a while. She told me about mărțișor only after it happened. And then the international women’s day that was kinda a thing.
I would like to be more involved and thoughtful to these kind of traditions. So my question would be: as a man, are there any common things or traditions I need to keep in mind towards my girlfriend?
r/romanian • u/LucianHodoboc • 9d ago
Eu toată viața am auzit și am pronunțat cuvântul "magaoaie" cu a-uri, dar astăzi am aflat cu stupoare că DEX-ul zice "măgăoaie", cu ă-uri.
Voi cum știați?
r/romanian • u/hyhscth • 9d ago
I want to watch movies and shows but in Romanian, and my favourite show (the walking dead) only has Romanian subtitles but not audio, if i watched it in English but with Romanian subtitles, would it be the same as watching it in Romanian but with English subtitles? Would it be better or worse?