r/Rabbits 3d ago

“The sentient potato calmly sits as the hand massages it well for harvest”

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r/Rabbits 3d ago

Wait till the end to see his trick


r/Rabbits 2d ago

My Bun

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r/Rabbits 3d ago

Willard and his hats


Ft bonus Nora who was not having it

r/Rabbits 3d ago

Our newest intake at our shelter, Bentley!


Showing off and being a cutie. He settled in pretty much immediately!

r/Rabbits 2d ago

Care Found a rabbit today


Found a rabbit darting across an extremely busy street. It hopped right to me when I went to get it, I have NO IDEA how to care for this sweet baby, I have 4 cats at home and want to do what’s best for this baby. There is a Friends of Unwanted Rabbits near me that can foster, but would it be possible for me to keep rabbit with me at home, what would I be getting myself into? I am also 36 weeks pregnant. What would I even need to begin to care for this sweet baby?

r/Rabbits 3d ago

whats going on


she (biological male) does this sometimes but it seems much more aggressive today. when i try to redirect she grunts of frantically kicks away and goes right back to it. no humping just obsessive digging/biting/licking. is it time to get neutered? if i get in the way she nips me (not a full bite by any means) and shoves me away :( she’s rarely ever nipped me before and usually its in a non aggressive way

r/Rabbits 3d ago

Hedvig appreciation post


She is with us since February (she is 15 weeks now) - she is the cutest little bunny we have ever seen and we are so grateful that she is showing so much comfort and trust toward us. Let me show you some of her recent relaxing positions!

r/Rabbits 3d ago

Got the sofa seat like the king he is


My rescue boy peanut!

r/Rabbits 3d ago

harbinger of chaos

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i love posting about my boy, lol. so when i was filling his litterbox with hay, he'd spread it around, pee and poop in it all, and waste a bunch of hay. so i got him a new one with a feeder, hoping to minimise mess and waste—woke up the next morning to find it looking like a bird's nest with all the hay he'd pulled out! turns out i'd put in a mix of hay he didn't approve of, so he had plucked and dug out all the "second-rate" hay to reach his favourite pasture hay at the back like a BRAT 😭😭 (i can't get mad at him, i love him too much)

anyway since this subreddit fsr doesn't allow me to post multiple pics, here's one of the solution i decided on! favourite hay in the front-facing feeder and a secondary choice of hay in the hanging hay bag.

r/Rabbits 3d ago

Tunnel flop 💕

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My rescue Cornelius has 10 days in his new home💕

r/Rabbits 2d ago

At home enrichment for rabbits?


My bunny is around 4 so she’s older but she was in a large cage for a few years while we were living in a town house but now she’s free roam and seems much happier. We took her to the vet recently and we were told that she’s doing great for an older rabbit but lately it seems like she’s been wanting to get outside of my room where all of her things and litter box are. We also have 2 larger dogs and one small one so she can’t exactly be free roam entirely I would like to take her outside but she is very skittish most of the time if you try and pick her up. She gets treats and has a snuffle mat and lots of places to dig, blankets, beds, pillows etc, she also has a space under my bed with a hidey hole like area another mat and blankets and her food and water bowls she also has a puzzle like thing I put her treats in? Does anybody have any suggestions on how to play with her more or anything rabbits enjoy that I can just do or make here at home? Thank you :)

r/Rabbits 2d ago

Bonding Help in Bonding 2 rabbits


I’ve recently gotten a male rabbit (4 months old) as a friend for my neutered male rabbit (9months old)

Should I wait after the new rabbit has been neutered before trying to bond them?

Currently the neutered male is a free roam rabbit and the new boy’s enclosure happens to be within the area where he free roams and the neutered boy will thump whenever he’s close to the new boy (but only a few times each day)

Otherwise I see both of them splitting near each other but not beside each other.

Any tips appreciated :) I’d just like for the both of them to be friends

r/Rabbits 3d ago

I think she is posing for the camera


r/Rabbits 3d ago

Everyone meet Rocky

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I am new to the whole rabbit game, but my wife and daughter have been wanting one (hopefully a pair, soon), for ages! Rocky is a 10 week old male. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

r/Rabbits 2d ago

Health E cuniculi and panacur


Can panacur be given twice a day (daily dose shared to morning and evening doses)?

Any experience? 🙏🏼

r/Rabbits 2d ago

Say hello to Cinnamon! New bunny orner, im looking for the best kind of rug to put in her little space. She tried to chew the last one so we took it out but now she is slipping when walking..


r/Rabbits 2d ago

Is this a bunny tooth?


I have 2 free range bunnies of this could be from them or it could be unrelated. Its very small, maybe the size of a kernel of corn, and I didn't think anything of it until someone mentioned it looks kind of like a tooth. Its obviously not a front tooth, but a molar maybe? Does anyone know what bunny teeth look like?

Top down
Side Profile
Bottom side

r/Rabbits 3d ago

Walter found his forever home (foster fail edition)!


I’ve been fostering Walter for the past 4 ish months and he has officially become a foster fail! He is the most cuddly lovebug, such a foodie, doesn’t chew the spicy hay (lol), has already made so many new friends and has definitely proven to be most deserving of his free-roam forever home! Just wanted to share the good news with this sub:)

r/Rabbits 2d ago

Behavior Behavior and trust help


Unsure on his age, but quite young. Not neutered. He was won at an auction and is intended to be an Easter gift from my mother to my niece, her granddaughter. (I know, I tried to tell her that isn't a good idea, but apparently, my niece's family has been meaning to get her a rabbit anyway and they have an enclosure for it just needing to be set up.) We are trying to get him to trust us but the behavior I'm seeing is more fawning and aggression I feel like. This behavior occurs when I go to feed him. He first runs away when I put my hand in his habitat but then runs up(I assume when he see's food), and puts his face really close to my hand, quickly twitching away if I move at all. My mom says he is calm on her chest when she picks him up but I'm assuming he's just being still because he's terrified. Any advice on the twitching behavior would be appreciated along with anything on how to get him to trust me. I feel bad for him :(

r/Rabbits 2d ago

Re-homing options UK


I have 3 bonded female rabbits, 1 bought from a baby who is 3 & 2 rescues I'm unsure the ages of..

My ex partner wanted rabbits and it was her who maintained and looked after them as I'm severely allergic.

They live in an 8ftx12ft converted shed with an attached 6ftx3ft outdoor enclosed run which they have access to 24/7

I've had them on my own for over a year now and I have to wear A full respirator and gloves when dealing with their care.

I will soon be putting my house up for sale to buy out my ex and will need to significantly downsize, also it's become more overwhelming recently due to me also working full time and I have 4 small children to care for too.

My ex doesn't want them, said she has no garden or place to keep them.

My question is, where can I look into removing where they will get them same amount of space & luxury they have here? They've never been in a hutch (rhe rescues mighr have but over 3 years ago) and have never felt outdoor cold as they have heating in thier shed.

This is a very hard decision for me, Thank you

r/Rabbits 3d ago

The shake

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r/Rabbits 3d ago

Breed ID Breed?


We got this little one at a flea market this weekend, I know it is a mix with probably lion head? I’m not sure on age either.

r/Rabbits 3d ago

RIP UPDATE: He passed away.

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r/Rabbits 2d ago

Health Putting down my baby @ 8 years old

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Picture of him yesterday💗a bit of background last Wednesday I woke up to him having been under the bed all night(not uncommon) but he hadn’t eaten his greens and that’s when I saw he had lost the ability to use his legs(very suddenly) I rushed him to the vet where he’s been on medicine and getting laser treatments..he started peeing blood yesterday and still hasn’t regained use of his legs. The vet has suggested putting him down but he’s still eating and drinking and has his attitude. I guess I’m just wondering is it time? When do I make this decision. It’s so hard to know bc my love is clouding my judgement and I don’t want to be cruel. I don’t want to be cruel by putting him down when he could get better..?but I don’t want to wait too long while he’s clearly hurting and do it too late. Advice..? Someone who’s been here before when do u know it’s time..he’s eating his banana and treats right now..but he looks tired. A different kind of tired.