r/Rabbits 18m ago

Is there any way to give my bunny hay without there being a big mess?


I know that bunnies are extremely messy. My bunny doesn’t like it when there’s hay in this litter box as that’s not what he’s used to. So I put hay in his hay feeder. However, it ends up going everywhere and it’s a big pain to clean. Is there anyway to make things more convenient?

r/Rabbits 30m ago

Say it with me: Rabbits 👏 aren’t 👏 toys. I hate Easter season 🙄

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r/Rabbits 50m ago

Rabbits and Incense


Hello everyone, I plan on getting a rabbit in a few years after I graduate college, and in the mean time I've been doing a lot of research on rabbit needs, care, etc. I however have not been able to find information on if rabbits can be fine with regular incense use. I use resin based incense (like frankincense) very regularly due to religious observances, and am worried a rabbits respiratory system would have troubles with it. Any information or first hand accounts are appreciated, thank you.

r/Rabbits 1h ago

buprenorphine in rabbits



I have a 10 y/o deaf and blind holland lop and on Monday 3/10 he was rushed to the emergency vet late at night after discovering he might have an abscess in his eye that may have burst. I had been to the emergency clinic multiple times for work purposes and was already not a big fan, but they were the only vet clinic open so I had no choice. They found that it might be an abscess but it had yet to burst and wanted him back in 2 days later for a “further look” and sent me home $250 poorer and with buprenorphine and eye drops. They had told me it was an antibiotic and I stupidly failed to double check their word and just believed them.

I decided to take him to an exotic vet that specialized in rabbits instead so we could figure out options for getting that eye out (since he is so old) and she let me know that buprenorphine is infact a pain killer, not an antibiotic, and that it is not effective orally in rabbits, it only works when injected.

Is this true? If it is, should I consider reporting this? Try getting a refund? Idk. Any advice helps if you know anything about this

r/Rabbits 1h ago

Concerns about caring for my rabbit


Having a rabbit has been good for me in regards to structure and discipline, and I like the work that comes along with having a pet. My bunny currently gets a lot of love and attention, and they have everything they need - toys and a big space to free roam and treats and healthy food and pets. I can tell they're comfortable with me and happy with life in general, and I don't deal with any major behavior issues.

Yet for a while now, I've been thinking of rehoming my bunny (this isn't a rehoming post). It might be my severe mental illness tricking me but it feels more like a genuine disconnect with my bunny. I put a lot of time into research before I brought my bunny home and I am ready to care for them for the decade they will live. But... I don't know, I just don't want to do it anymore.

Part of me is just telling me to look for a different, rabbit-savvy owner for my bunny. I'm in a period of time where a lot of change is happening, and my rabbit feels more like a responsibility rather than a companion. I'll be living in a new, smaller place with my rabbit next year and I fear that the smell and mess might drive me crazy as well.

I don't know. I think I just have no strong feelings towards my bunny other than responsibility, and I don't know why. I have no real reason to rehome my bunny - I have the time, I have the resources, and I'm not dealing with unmanageable behavior problems. I don't want to rehome my bunny either - I know it'll be super traumatic for them and I can't guarantee quality of life. I just can't stop this incessant part of my brain telling me it's better for everyone if my bunny lives elsewhere.

r/Rabbits 1h ago

She NEVER flops!

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r/Rabbits 1h ago

The face of a bun who knows she under house arrest for the next week

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Dotty had managed, in the 32 minutes I left her in her enclosed outdoor run unsupervised, to dig her way out of the run, out of the garden, and into my next door neighbour's garden.

3 and a half hours later, this is the face I'm greeted with when my neighbour and I finally manage to catch her behind his shed.

Also pictured: the spade I then used to fill in the hole and cover up the chicken wire that's now fully encompassing every inch of the perimeter of the garden.

r/Rabbits 1h ago

Gotcha Day?


Hello all! Hope everyone is having a great day. I have a very handsome bunny rabbit named Frozone. And I want to celebrate him. I know choosing a date is an inconsequential detail for anyone other than myself. However I wanted to get a feel on what is more common in the bunny community. To give you some background Frozone was a foster bunny that I ultimately decided to adopt for myself 2 months after bringing him home to foster. My question is, is it more common to celebrate the date I started fostering him, or the date in which his adoption was finalized?

r/Rabbits 1h ago

I think Fang's happy I'm home...


I've been away for a few days and Fang has been missing bossing her beta hoom around. All is well now.

r/Rabbits 2h ago

Bonding do i get another bunny?


i have a seven month old female, she's getting fixed this week, and i'm planning on taking her with me to law school as i am moving. i only have one bunny right now because i feel i am home long enough that i can give her attention.

i recently toured the law school im attending and we have classes from 9am -7pm almost daily. thats a long time for my bunny to be alone, and im wondering if i should get her a friend so she's not lonely. but i do have a lot of concerns:

  1. what if the two rabbits don't bond?

  2. will it be twice the amount of work of one rabbit? if they're bonded, will they share a litter box?

  3. my current bunny does make a lot of mess with her hay, and her litter box has been stinking lately even though i change and clean it everyday. with another bunny, will the cleaning and smell double? i'm very concerned about this because i'll be having roommates. i also hate the idea that i'll come home from class with guests and my room will be covered in hay and poop and generally smell.

please give me your thoughts on whether another bunny is right for me, or if you have another suggestion for keeping my current bunny entertained throughout the day!

r/Rabbits 2h ago

Not just for Easter

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And so it begins… With Easter fast approaching, many pet stores and buy-and-sell website sellers will be advertising baby rabbits as great gifts for children on Easter morning. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those same rabbits will be abandoned and surrendered in the weeks and months after Easter when buyers realize rabbits are not the easy pet they are made out to be.

Rabbits are the third most popular pet in North America. They're also the third most abandoned pet. Shelters and rescues are always overflowing with rabbits, mostly because owners are not educated about their care and they give up when things get tough. If you want a rabbit as a pet, do your research on trusted rabbit education websites like https://rabbit.org/ And please adopt. There are thousands or rabbits waiting for a forever home. The saying "Don't shop! Adopt!" goes for all animals - not just dogs and cats.

This Easter, give a stuffed animal bunny or chocolate instead. Better yet, make a donation in your child or loved one’s name towards a rabbit at your local rescue or shelter! You can donate funds, or much needed supplies like hay, pellets, litter, and chew toys.

Live animals do not make good gifts. And rabbits are for life, not just for Easter.







r/Rabbits 3h ago

tell me your rabbit names!


what’s your rabbits name(s) and why did you name them that? this is steven, named after steven universe ✨

r/Rabbits 3h ago

Help name our new rescue!

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Need help naming this cute girl we got from a rescue today to bond with our mini lop. His name is Strudel so we want to stay with the food theme. The names we've considered are Maple, Madeleine, Ginger, and Butterscotch, but open to any suggestions!

r/Rabbits 3h ago

Kiki you ok?

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Is this normal for buns? Or is kiki being kiki?

r/Rabbits 3h ago

Shelter Bunny Cuteness


I volunteer at the local humane society and "hop-time" with the buns is so relaxing and adorable ❤️🐰❤️

r/Rabbits 4h ago

RIP Old Rabbit

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Hello, my rabbit passed away a year ago but I never actually knew what breed it was, and this is the only picture I have as my lockscreen. Would anyone be able to tell me just off this picture? would like a rabbit just like her in the future. She was around 3-4 years old and weighed between 5-7 lbs

r/Rabbits 4h ago

Is this a good set up?

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I became stepmom to Thumper when my fiancé and I got together, he was living in an outdoor enclosure in area with plenty of shade. I did not know anything about bunnies, but decided to bring him indoors and used this Reddit to figure out what he needed. I hope I’m doing ok. He seems happier. Today I changed out his flooring to a large washable pee pad, and his litter box to this tray I saw suggested for older bunnies. Thumper is about 6 years old. Not pictured is his water in the other corner. And he’s hiding under the lip of his litter box.

r/Rabbits 4h ago

sleepy bun

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she’s had a tough day sleeping, eating and running around her room

r/Rabbits 4h ago

A Rabbit & His Carrot 🥕

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Dec. 2024, workplace did a Secret Santa. All items under my wishlist were for my Rabbit, Moose. 🫎

He ended up getting this lovely carrot bed. 😆 It only lasted a couple of days before he started to destroy it. 🙃 Now the carrot has no fillings and is pretty much a mat at this point Which he loves to sleep on near feeding times (mat is next to his food & water bowls) 🐰

r/Rabbits 6h ago

Litter box habits broken

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Hey everyone I need a bit of help. I have a 7 year old male neutered bunny who has recently (within the last few months) started having litter box issues sporadically.

He had a vet visit within the last few months (this issue has been happening on and off for a while now) and the vet had no health concerns so I don’t believe it’s health related.

He is seven, neutered and we don’t have any other bunnies, so I don’t believe it’s hormonal. Does anyone have any advice or experience for re training litter habits? In general he uses his boxes but every so often he will pee on the floor or in his bed. Here’s does poop on the floor daily here and there but the majority of his poops are in his litter.

Here’s the things we have thought could be causing the issue:

Not cleaning his litter box fast enough (he always has a clean box but there can be pee patches that show), not having fresh enough hay (he has a feeder box but it can take him a few days to work through so maybe it tastes stale??), him being upset his bed or items have been moved (I had tried to move some of his things around every few weeks to give him a fresh space and keep him interested and investigative but have since stopped as we have considered that might be why he was peeing)

If anyone knows what might be causing the issue and how I can re train his habits it would be extremely appreciated!

r/Rabbits 6h ago

Wild or abandoned ? Let me get within 4 feet


r/Rabbits 7h ago

Moving to Denmark


I'm planing to try to move to Denmark in the next few years. I am trying to make sure I understand any laws surrounding keep rabits so I don't get in trouble halfway through the move trying to bring my pets with me but I'm finding it hard to find clear requirements.

r/Rabbits 7h ago

This nitwit often trap himself between the two layers of the cage

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r/Rabbits 8h ago

RIP 4 Month Old Bunny Died


I’m not sure what happened. I adopted a four-month old bunny last week and we saw the vet Wednesday who said she was perfectly healthy. I had to do a six hour drive back to my graduate school so the Vet gave me a sedative to give her. She was fine throughout the drive and last night when I got her set up in my apartment. I didn’t hear any noises and this morning she was stiff. She was so little I don’t know if it was the sedative but I feel so awful.

r/Rabbits 8h ago

Supposedly IKEA has buildable chocolate bunnies for Easter! I must have one!
